- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thank-you so much eywflyer for all you have done to set up and run this site for so long.
Thank-you AL and ulti for taking over the administration of this site for the last long while
Thank-you to luval, mils, riskylady, nkd, asifclueless and HKfan for keeping the home fires burning.
Ahem, just want to put in a Toronto bid for anyone who might be considering a QAL road trip. The Canadian dollar is low…
This might have something to do with Adam’s reference to #HEALINGTIME in his posted photo with Alison’s children:
omg! What wonderful news to wake up to! Thank you, gracias, merci, grazie, arigato, danke and all the rest I don’t know to AL for being willing to take over ALL and keep us all connected with Adam and each other! Life wouldn’t be the same without you all despite not being on the blog as much as in the past or lurking more.
The same gratitude to our founder eywflyer. Thank you for helping to take us on this 8 year journey with Adam and each other and for your friendship. Hope we will see you again.
And now just when I thought I couldn’t stand another day without hearing about an Adam album or tour with Queen…it’s here!. JUst had to change a whole bunch of appointments around so as to be available to TRY to get decent seats to some of these venues! What we don’t do…
Can’t wait to meet up with so many of you…again …it’s been too long. Especially looking to see some west coasters…looking at you jlurksacto and retjenneyand others! So damn excited!
The only bad news…NO FLORIDA or at least southeast like Atlanta. They forgot us too last time. Must be the summer heat.
Im happy, surprised, that QAL are touring here again, how exciting. No where near me, but being that we are on time zones close, that is great watching from comfort of home! YAY!!
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 13m13 minutes ago
VIDEO|Aww @AdamLambert on Snapchat ? #Pharaoh
QAL in the US and Canada this summer!!! I couldn’t be more thrilled! In my post yesterday I said that I was hoping for a concert on the West Coast so we East Coasters could reunite with the West Coast ALLers. Well, it looks like my wish came true. Thank you Adam, Brian and Roger!
Just tuning in – such GREAT news – AL is our hero and QAL returns – so happy!
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 22m22 minutes ago
PHOTO|@AdamLambert on Snapchat ?
lol – Pharaoh looks like lord of the manor in that pic, luval –
OMG! So excited for the QAL announcement! They don’t give us much time to figure things out though!

So many stations and venues reporting –
Sooooo excited about the tour information, YAY for us. But no time for planning.
AL. Can we please have a new members only 2017 concert planning thread? Or should we use the old one?
Our reaction –
Jeremiah & Jeff Show
@QueenWillRock & @adamlambert are coming to @TheQArena on 7/21!
mmyy9 @mmyy9
Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour (June 23 to August 5, 2017) Google Map
so where is everyone going?
I just updated the name of the old one to “Summer 2017”. Happy to hear about the summer tour!
I’m in for Chicago for sure!!!!!
Need to talk offline. I’m busy with a major family event and not avail for my usual ticket frenzy of presales and codes and multiple tabs and landlines and cell going cray all at once!!!
Gonna need a friend to help me out.
Hi all! So much excitement. We are at SeaTac Airport in Seattle waiting for our flight home. We can’t wait to hear what everyone’s plans are. The Hollywood bowl is such a beautiful iconic venue I hope everyone plans to come out here for that one for sure.
that was at the top of my list…hope a lot of us can meet up.
VIP packages
So much ‘goodess’ today!

A HUGE thank you to eywflyer, for creating this site, and for persevering for so long. I can’t believe it has been that long? My heart would be broken, if this site phased away.
AL, your commitment has given us so much, to the continued following of Adam. But also, the unity of like minded friends, and a safe place to just be ourselves. Love your puzzles every month. It’s a miracle we have such a devoted giver of their precious time.
To all that have helped and add daily to all the fun down the rabbit hole’ of our Adam adventure’s. THANK YOU!!!
OMG…. QAL Tour!!! They kept that really a secret?

I didn’t learn about it from here, but from The RollingStone.com e-mail. I jumped when I saw it. So happy for everyone that can partake.
This is a grand day, to speculate and plan.
Oh Happy Day!
mmyy9 @mmyy9 5h5 hours ago
Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour (June 23 to August 5, 2017) Google Map
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1JA7OpCaZnTZBrQmfZvti6mhpbBo&ll=36.41342596588515%2C-85.11353281250001&z=4 …
Hopefully, I will see them at the Bridgestone in Nashville.
Gelly @14gelly
@PattiHum facebook . Endless posts from all media, radio stations and enthusiastic fans
Queen and Adam Lambert’s chemistry has gone above and beyond expectation. ?
“The show must go on: Queen and Adam Lambert are hitting the road again”
(Check the first line – Mikael Wood with his usual snark)
Gelly @14gelly
Ah ok I was informed that the presale code is there already and I just saw my dashboard, it’s there , so renew if you haven’t already!
And so it begins…
Mike Cidoni Lennox @CidoniLennox
w/@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert. Something tells me Freddie would approve.
OH-MY-GOSH …. !@#$$#jhgfdfgert!@#lkj%$#

25-City Arena Tour kicks off June 23 in Phoenix; hits legendary Hollywood Bowl June 26
“Adam Lambert” trending on Yahoo just a minute ago!
Queen & Adam Lambert Discuss Joining Forces Again For Their New Tour
Published on Jan 26, 2017
Adam Lambert and Queen rock legends Roger Taylor and Brian May sit with Access Hollywood and discuss joining forces again for their upcoming “Queen + Adam Lambert” tour.
Tickets for the “Queen + Adam Lambert” tour go on sale Feb 3.
Interview On YouTube

I gotta say this is one time he didn’t even give out a minuscule hint. How has he been keeping it in.
Gelly @14gelly
From @adamlambert ‘s instagram story video
wow, where did that come from??? he certainly kept that hidden away under his cap…so i’m not at all jealous of you all getting another chance to see the show..nope, not at all…well, OK, maybe a teeny bit..but happy for you all too…As soon as I saw this on FB this morning I messaged my son, told him he should go..he only lives 73 miles from Omaha…He said he might. depends on funds….
GREAT NEWS! I actually first heard about the tour on the radio today and then saw it trending on Facebook. It’s been a long time since we saw QAL in Chicago. Cleveland is less than a four hour drive from Cincinnati. We drove to Cleveland & Detroit in the Winter to see Adam’s TOH tour. A summer road trip will be awesome!
The price ranges listed seem pretty low. I bet that is just for individual tickets and doesn’t include VIP packages.
glambotgram where do you see pricing?
Noëlle ?♐ @adamgasm1982 8m8 minutes ago
2017-01-26 Adam Lambert’s Instagram story – Flipped https://youtu.be/fwgh12vnfAc via adamlambert_pic
If you click on the venue from this link that luval posted
Then click on packages at the venue, on the top there is a link for price ranges. Hollywood Bowl is the highest I think.
Quotes and dates @QueenWillRock @OfficialRMT @DrBrianMay @adamlambert
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-et-ms-queen-adam-lambert-tour-20170126-story.html … pic @amlamla logo @LiveNation 1.26.17
I guess it takes a new concert tour to jolt me back into reality and get me to poke my head back in this great place. I’ve missed you all and sure hope we can catch up again this summer. Thanks, eywflyer, for starting this wonderful space. AL, thanks so much for volunteering to keep this going. It takes a lot of work, we know, and we’re forever grateful.
Got some thinking to do over the next couple of days, which concerts to go to, how best to maximize venues in the shortest period of time LOL.
thanks so much for the link to the pricing. Any idea how much packages will cost? The various VIPs?
Kathy Katz @katzolicious
Oh! deniselpoon
She’s from CBS so must be there’s interview video somewhere
The legends of Rock (@DrBrianMay and @OfficialRMT ) and the “new boy” (our dear @adamlambert )return to the road yeahhhhh ?✌✌✌✌❤❤❤