- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I love that photo that Adam posted on Instagram with Sauli, Pharaoh, and the kids. What a sweet moment of love, light, and joy. Wonderful to see Adam so happy and relaxed with loved ones, especially to see him together with Sauli and Pharaoh. My heart melted when I saw it.
VIDEO|@MannyMua733 on snapchat:”@AdamLambert is at two tables across from us and i literally am obsessed with him..” We need a pic!!?
Says January 23, but looks familiar –
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 32m32 minutes ago
2017-01-23 Adam Lambert on Instagram – Pharaoh and Me https://youtu.be/5-iZh62PQCM | DL http://bit.ly/2joyDOx
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 3h3 hours ago
My rip: 2017-01-22 Sauli Koskinen on Snapchat w/ Pharaoh – Flipped https://youtu.be/CZtblg-nz_A | DL http://bit.ly/2joaXKl #adamlambert
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
Still can’t believe I got paid to sit in a booth & shake hands w Adam Lambert
Another Lonely Light BTS
https://www.facebook.com/keith.hall.39545/posts/1828889474026513?match=YWRhbSBsYW1iZXJ0 …
Queen & Adam Lambert – I Want It All – Singapore 17.9.16
(A great closeup IWIA from Singapore – just recently uploaded.)
Screenshots Adam, Sauli, and Pharaoh –
Seeing Adam, Sauli, and Pharaoh together makes me yearn for a cute dog and a very attractive Finnish boyfriend. Well…..maybe just the dog.
Love that Adam and Sauli still connect with each other no matter what the relationship.
Steal his look. Blanket from Walmart $25
Floating around on twitter again. Can’t believe it’s been 2 1/2 yrs ago
Oasis, Radiohead, The Smiths, Led Zeppelin, Queen and other bands that hate their most famous song [TR]
Have heard this before about DSMN –
Feeling Good …
Capmo, slowmo, zoommo, KISSmo, FeelinGoodMo AwwwMo Adam Lambert and Pharoah 1.23.17
Reminds me of symbols on many of Adam’s clothes
Miachihu @Miachihu 1m1 minute ago
Sauli’s breakfast, or brunch, or whatever. ? Wonder who cooked it??
Noëlle ?♐ @adamgasm1982 5m5 minutes ago
X Factor AU getting the chop? Guy Sebastian CONFIRMS ‘speculation is probably fairly accurate’
Rick Roberts @Rick93Q 8m8 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Bananas contain about 450 milligrams of potassium . . . and about .01% of it is RADIOACTIVE.
Same IG but Warner Bros promo. Can “like”
Noëlle ?♐ @adamgasm1982 9m9 minutes ago
warnerbrospromo: #AdamLambert x #Pharaoh = cute overload! ???https://www.instagram.com/p/BPoDWzchsZD/
/16281824_378393212521889_2649732390540279808_n.mp4 …
Here’s the link to “like”
I also loved the picture of Adam, Pharaoh, Sauli and the children. It was such a sweet and happy scene. Pharoah seems like the perfect dog for Adam. The shelter described Pharaoh as loving children and being good with cats and other dogs. In other words, an all round good guy. I’m sure it was important to Adam to have a dog that loved children given all the children in and about to come into his life. Not that Adam has grown up yet himself…that last instagram with Pharaoh was so silly, but also very cute.
It’s too bad about X Factor AU. I was hoping that it would get a last minute reprieve and we would see Adam on it again next year.
#NP Thank You! This is Rocking Euphoric! #AdamLambert #Queen Journey 2009-2015 https://youtu.be/-n7e5hjH2Do via @YouTube
I’m hoping Adam gets some kind of a job mentoring/judging on a show that’s not going down the tubes…if he wants it.
A smashing three seconds –
Isaiah Firebrace @IsaiahFirebrace
Having dinner @HardRock Cafè ! ?? ??
#relaxing ????
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic
23 HQ pictures @adamlambert – Goes for a run to Earth Bar in West Hollywood – January 23, 2017
Hair looks fabulous –
Sauli’s snapchat from Melrose
Sauli’s Whole Foods snapchat
@adamlambert goes for a run to Earth Bar in West Hollywood 23.01.17
☮ Julia ☮ THX 5SOS! @Julia_Mostoller
Adam Lambert has the voice of a god
Just realised that sometime in the next few months we’ll get news of more @adamlambert music / gigs / appearances. #GlambertGift ?????
Hello everyone. I posted a note about this several months ago, but some folks may have missed it or forgotten. I wanted to let everyone know that I intend to either transfer ownership of this site or close it by late April.
I am hoping that someone here will be interested in taking over ownership of this site. If so, I would transfer the remaining balance of donations received to that person, and would work with the hosting and domain registration providers to get ownership switched over.
If I am unable to transfer ownership, I will be taking the site permanently offline in late April. In that case, I would like to donate the remaining balance of donations received to the Trevor Project (http://www.thetrevorproject.org/).
If the site ends up closing, I will post a banner notice with an exact shutdown date a couple of weeks ahead of time.
As I explained several months ago, I just don’t have time available to spend on this site anymore, and I think 6 years (since May 2011) has been a good run.
If anyone is interested in taking over ownership of this site, please contact me via the email site admins link.
He’s in a studio
frcsv: With @adamlambert, accident, and John west
great session at EEI records studio https://www.instagram.com/p/BPo-yfdjw46/ DL https://scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/16123852_1639125273055565_1725347779380772864_n.jpg …
Yup, that hair is getting close to cinnamon bun territory
Someone strung the imagebam pics together.
Alexandra Lambert @JB_AL_FOREVER 36m36 minutes ago
? @adamlambert #AdamLambert
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
You guys Axident and John West are the people that Adam wrote The Original High! The song! EEEE
http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/adam-lamberts-new-high-inside-the-powerhouse-belters-latest-reinvention-20150508 …
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
a nationally acclaimed scholarship
Notable past winners incld Adam Lambert
http://www.miracostahigh.org/apps/news/article/658934 …
I don’t remember this from 2009. Maybe I saw it? Can’t remember.
Maliha Sallahuddin
I’m gonna explode! ?????? This precious vid is new to me. He’s self assured but badly overwhelmed ???so shy!
Things don’t change
Leah Ane Dee @LeahtDee 16m16 minutes ago
LOL I love this?same products
Gelly @14gelly 18m18 minutes ago
From the excitement I forgot to mention that the same trio wrote After Hours too, a song that I love!
They are in Disneyland
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 29m29 minutes ago
terrancespencer’s IG story from Disneyland w/ @adamlambert, Sauli, Scarlett and Riff https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.9793-16/14158539_1301750826534761_4032917743404580864_n.mp4 …
Adam & Sauli in the background walking
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 7m7 minutes ago
Terrance and Sauli from Terrance’s IG story https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.9792-15/e35/14849910_328518760882091_5672208886573039616_n.jpg …
Am re-posting eywflyer’s post so it doesn’t get lost in the links.
eywflyer says:
01/24/2017 at 3:53 am
Hello everyone. I posted a note about this several months ago, but some folks may have missed it or forgotten. I wanted to let everyone know that I intend to either transfer ownership of this site or close it by late April.
I am hoping that someone here will be interested in taking over ownership of this site. If so, I would transfer the remaining balance of donations received to that person, and would work with the hosting and domain registration providers to get ownership switched over.
If I am unable to transfer ownership, I will be taking the site permanently offline in late April. In that case, I would like to donate the remaining balance of donations received to the Trevor Project (http://www.thetrevorproject.org/).
If the site ends up closing, I will post a banner notice with an exact shutdown date a couple of weeks ahead of time.
As I explained several months ago, I just don’t have time available to spend on this site anymore, and I think 6 years (since May 2011) has been a good run.
If anyone is interested in taking over ownership of this site, please contact me via the email site admins link.
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 13s14 seconds ago
The Rockies. They make me feel lucky. On planes I’m always looking for the perfect one of these… https://www.instagram.com/p/BPqeD1NDImc/
Is he flying this way???
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
Terrance ig story video, @adamlambert at the back car https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/16280664_212026255929587_455454317936115712_n.mp4 …
WATCH: 23 Giant Panda Cubs Celebrating Chinese New Year [Aww Cute LOL]
Gelly @14gelly 4m4 minutes ago
Terrance ig story video , you can see @adamlambert sitting in the car with Riff https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/16280841_1839568306289495_2685145357968474112_n.mp4 …
Maybe Brian’s coming for Adam’s birthday weekend, along with other business as well?

Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 43m43 minutes ago
terrancespencer’s IG story from Disneyland w/ Sauli, @adamlambert and Scarlett https://scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.9792-15/e35/14158166_397110223965125_2904517594365034496_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 39m39 minutes ago
Awww fun! Gorgeous @adamlambert and Sauli video from Terrance ig story http://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/14171761_1190333877740528_2574761679099265024_n.mp4 …
Caps from the video. HAIRRR
omg Adam and sauli, Adam looks like he’s enjoying himself ?