Adam-TOH Tour Poster-MugwortDesign
Adam-ClassicRockAdam-TheOriginalHighAdam-BRITs-RedCarpet2015From Frontier MagazineWBR PR photo by David RoemeriHeart Red Carpet
FAULT Photography by GIULIANO BEKORAdam_Instagram-SwedenAdam-BB2Adam-MalibuAdam_attitude_AustinHargraveAdam-Schon_Magazine-DiegoIndraccolo

Adam celebrates the start to the new year in Singapore and then it’s time for “The Original High Tour”. It kicks off in China before heading to Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and wrapping up in Australia. January will be a busy month of concerts and travel (and late nights for fans not in those time zones tuning in to watch/hear the concerts live). We’re excited to see what Adam has in store for us and hope that an announcement will be made soon for a North American tour!

TOH Tour poster by MugwortDesigns. Click on the thumbnails to take you back to the 2015 chat threads.

Enjoy the chat!

And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,555 Responses to January 2016 Chat

  1. luval says:

    BTW Namba Hatch, the next show holds 1500 peeps

  2. HK fan says:

    i can do that?

    I think this is one of my favourite gifs ever of AdamSmile

    p.s I must admit I do think its strange that we’re what 4 or 5 shows into the tour and he hasn’t tweeted out anything, no thanks, no what a great audience, no retweeting of pics…..i don’t think its happened before, not on a tour anyway….but i haven’t been anywhere moaning about it!!

  3. glambotgram says:

    HKFan I also think it is strange but there seems to be some strategy behind it.

    Makes me so mad that Adam has to play all these games to get sales and radio play and SS is at the Golden Globes and all he did was open his mouth and sing. Frown And he doesn’t sing near as well as Adam. Mamma Bear here too!!!

  4. Tothebeat says:

    This looked like an interesting place for ticket sales to all the concerts. But I don’t know if they’re a ticket reseller, and the tickets left are only those they have left to sell…or if the numbers mean there are really only those many available. If the latter, the shows seem almost sold out!

  5. luval says:

    Yeah for “Mr. Talks a lot”, it does seem odd. He must just be DM-ing all his friends. I mean there is no way he could stay silent on social media. He loves twitter as he’s said in many interviews. Something’s up. Times and methods are changing.

  6. luval says:

    attiHume Retweeted
    Lambert_Numbers ‏@ALambertNumbers 45s46 seconds ago

    Official Sunday Radio update, Jan. 10th: ALN is # 26 on HAC, up one from last week. On Top 40, it holds #44, with a spin increase.

  7. luval says:

    the shows seem almost sold out!

    Very nice, tothebeat

  8. luval says:

    GaGa just won best supporting actress for AHS.

  9. luval says:

    SS just won a GG for co-writing a song. (James Bond)

  10. ultimathule says:

    That song was a stinker, luval

    ETA – imo – lol

  11. ultimathule says:

    Lucy…? #aliltaste #originalhightour #callmelucyportdebras #sogratefulforthisexperience #mybossbad! Love me some Adam!❤️

  12. ultimathule says:

    wow! @adamlambert will on FM802 tomorrow ヽ(o^―^o)ノ in Osaka  #TheOriginalHighTour

  13. ultimathule says:
  14. ultimathule says:
  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    billboard @billboard
    Read our review of David Bowie’s final album, released on his 69th birthday

  17. nkd says:

    I’m shocked! So sad.
    David Bowie is a legend who will live on in his art.

    Amazing that he released his final album just days ago.

    Absolutely totally shocked.

    Rest in peace.

  18. HK fan says:

    Just heard the news……wow, so shocked….was not expecting that. It was his birthday 2 days ago, when he released his sadFrown feeling quite tearful, and I wasn’t even a big fan of his music, but that doesn’t mean i didn’t think he was a legend in the music business……

  19. nkd says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert
    Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” w @nilerodgers a few years back

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert
    I love how Bowie challenged people’s perception of gender stereotypes and what an Outsider truly was. He was SO ahead of his time

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert
    Bowie was one of the bravest artists of the century. A true Icon

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert
    He is the first and foremost Glam Rockstar. Rebel Rebel, Life On Mars, Lady Grinning Soul….

  20. rs says:

    RIP David Bowie. So sad. It was the first thing I saw when I opened my iPad this morning. I wonder if Adam will sing a Bowie song tomorrow as a tribute.

  21. luval says:

    Agree with all of Adam’s tweets. I knew he had cancer but reports were it was in remission. That’s all I have to say now. I won’t spam this blog with David Bowie.

  22. glambotgram says:

    So sad about the news, He was an amazing artist. AWW luval go ahead and spam, I know you are really feeling this loss, you in particular loved him and talked about him often.

  23. TLKC says:

    Just read the news and had to come here. RIP David Bowie. There has been so much coverage of him over the last week or so because of his new CD.

    I know how much you loved him luval and am so glad we got to see that amazing exhibit of his music and his art. Incredible man. Incredible artist.

    He should have had more time. We should have had more of him.
    Did Adam ever get to meet him? Now he never will.

  24. TLKC says:
  25. milwlovesadam says:

    Getting ready to leave for work. Just heard the sad.
    Adam must be hurting. Brian and Roger too.
    Such an icon.
    Gotta go to work. …

  26. turquoisewaters says:

    I am shocked too, and so sad. What a loss.

  27. luval says:

    @cync1123 32m
    Appreciate QAL more. Life is fleeting and the older you get even more so. Some experiences can have limited a time, only cause of reality

  28. milwlovesadam says:

    Luval, spam all you want . Fine by me. Bowie is the main convoy at work today. Of course, brought up by me.

    I’m saddened and touched today more than I expected. …

  29. milwlovesadam says:

    As soon as I heard the news I thought if our blog, and came here first….

    Work beckons….

  30. Axxxel says:

    luval permission to Cry, I mean …spam…

  31. Axxxel says:

    My first thought after the sad news was… ” Oh dear, now Adam will never be able to meet him in person” … Adam’s character in Glee mentioned “Life on Mars” and the “Diamond Dogs” found their way on the TOH-album.

    Just realized that David Bowie’s music did also seep into my life… “Ashes to Ashes”, “Fashion”, even his duet with Bing Crosby… all part from my teenage years.

    Also the movie “Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence” in which he starred next to another musician, Ryuichi Sakamoto.. I would prefer David Bowie singing the movie theme song “Forbidden Colours”.. so he could kind of duet with Sakamoto… but David Sylvian did a great vocal job. And of course I can’t forget the duets “Dancing in the street” and of course “Under pressure”… sigh.. RIP David Bowie…

  32. milwlovesadam says:

    Auto correct ruined my posts above.. can’t edit from work….

  33. ultimathule says:

    I posted a great LMD on the Hiroshima thread, luval – in case you haven’t seen it – know you were looking for one –

  34. ultimathule says:
  35. nkd says:
  36. milwlovesadam says:

    I’m losing my f-ING mind here.

    Texting nkd, mlg and adamaddict 100.

    Made sure I’m on presales for riverside. I am. Lolol at myself.


    Adam in my city.

  37. milwlovesadam says:

    Ok. I’m in at riverside and vic.

    Now be still my beating heart.

    Gotta tell my workberts….

  38. ultimathule says:

    Some good venues here – half dozen reasonable for me –

  39. rs says:

    Glad for all you American peeps. I was hoping to come to the States for his tour if it was in the fall, but now I will have to find another excuse. Now I am doubly glad to be seeing the European shows.

  40. nkd says:

    Nothing reasonable for me, but that won’t stop me!

  41. riskylady says:

    I think this is a partial US tour, to be continued maybe after June, or after South America/South Africa. I hate how packed this is, so many in a row. Very little vocal rest.
    I mean, nowadays we can see almost every performance from anywhere in the world, nonstop. Before, you saw your concert and nothing til the next one. So, we’re not deprived. But the whiners on Twitter keep whining.

  42. ultimathule says:

    No SF date is such a mystery! It’s been one of the most supportive cities. And Sacramento!

    MusicTramp @MusicTramp
    @PattiHum Lots of time for more dates, SUMMER/FALL dates. That will be even better.

  43. ultimathule says:

    There are two three-in-a-row concerts, riskylady – yes, seems a lot – but have to believe he knows what he’s doing to protect his voice – any thoughts?

  44. riskylady says:

    I know, ulti, and for GNT there were a few 3fers, but wasn’t it a shorter one? Like 1 hr? This is 1 1/2 hrs almost nonstop singing, no dance interlude, just a few minor breaks. #worrywart

  45. ultimathule says:

    Sounds about right –

    Remember how last minute this is – he got screwed out of a summer tour by Demi and had to regroup with no time.

    MarketingBitch @LIBlondMom
    @_mamadeb these are very small venues.

    MamaDeb @_mamadeb
    @LIBlondMom I know. What would be available at this notice. The best of a bad situation.

    MarketingBitch @LIBlondMom
    @_mamadeb Opening on a Tuesday…..that speaks volumes. They had to fit in what they could.

  46. ultimathule says:

    Yes, riskylady – the whiners keep whining – dopes – should be happy there IS a tour after the DL mess –

    ♥ Adam Lambert is ♔ @FoxVegas
    Ohhhh, but it’s not what I want.
    Dates are wrong.
    Cities don’t work for me.

    BorneoBert @BorneoBert
    @FoxVegas Exactly.Thinking

    ♥ Adam Lambert is ♔
    @BorneoBert It’s so sick…it’s become a way of life for some.

  47. nkd says:

    Shoshanna says that they didn’t announce anything.
    But she also hasn’t denied it!

    Maybe they held off on the announcement out of respect for Bowie.

  48. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly

  49. nkd says:

    Alex ツ ‏@xOnceUponAnAlex 39m39 minutes ago
    @shoshannastone Hi! Just wondering if all of the US dates have been announced or if there will be a couple more? Thanks! Smile

    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 22m22 minutes ago
    @xOnceUponAnAlex we actually haven’t ‘announced’ any

    They All Experts ‏@Run4_AML 19m19 minutes ago
    @Shoshannastone So this isn’t true? Adam Lambert Announces 2016 Tour Dates

    shoshanna stone
    @Run4_AML I just said we didn’t announce it

  50. riskylady says:

    Hard Rock in Hollywood seats 5,500. He was there for GNT.

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