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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Amber Estes @AmberMEstes
I’ve always liked @adamlambert but seeing him on #BornThisWay being so sweet makes me like him 1000x more!
One last one –
Hoopla Magnet @hooplamagnet
15 clips of Born This Way
A&E Network @AETV
“All of a sudden, I’m not scared.” – Rachel #BornThisWay
This got me –
…. GOOD BY SHANGHAI ( CHINA ) @adamlambert
Awwwwwww omg she was so scared and when Adam started singing her fears went away aww I am crying <333
I have just watched the whole episode of Born this way…what an amazing group of kids, and parents. And Rachel with Adam, sooo sweet. Her face was just glowing when she saw him.
Awwww. Such a cute show. So happy for her.
Don’t have time to watch but this is edit of Born This Way with Rachel and Adam parts
I didn’t think that I could love Adam more than I do now, but after seeing him with Rachel on Born This Way……actually, knowing Adam as I have for the past 6 (or is it 7?) years, I should have expected that exact behavior. He was so lovely with her at the M&G and especially when he was singing to her at the concert, it made her day, week, month, year, decade. It is something that she will never forget. Love him soooooo much!
ITA with your post rs! And I love that she said she wasn’t afraid anymore because of Adam. And the part where she’s walking up the aisle….I thought they had front row tickets.
Well, the Forbes list of AI earners is in (saw it on MJs). Guess who is #1 this year??? Yay!!!
eta: I actually think Adam earned more than this, but maybe it’s the period covered
Another article, this one about album sales.
Though Adam ranks 10th in US album sales, he still should have been mentioned in the article IMHO.
Go ADAM So Proud of him.
I think Adam has mentioned before that the Forbes lists are not correct, in earnings anyway. Let’s hope he actually made a whole lot more.
By the way how did Phillips earn 5 mil? Has he done anything since Home? Ahh maybe his lawsuit paid off LOL
The eonline article says Adam OPENED for Queen. I swear that site always tries to belittle him someway.
Love the Born This Way episode. It brought happy tears to my eyes.
So I just had to go to the Morongo thread and see if there were other videos that captured the moment when Adam sang to her…
mindchnger @mindchnger
Radio DJs are naming the American Idol alums they remember and Adam was one of the first names they could think of
CNA First Look Asia – Adam Lambert
Not sure if entire one was posted before –
Rebel Custom Mic Stands ·
Mr Lambert introducing his Rebel mic stand, solid start to 2016 !
Adam Lambert is the Top-Earning American Idol Contestant
So many articles about the Forbes story
Anna @accob
Al this AI press cycle is amazing for Adam! #AdamOnTop of all the lists
Isn’t it great, luval!
So great, ultimathule!
Harry Connick Jr is having a twitter party right now & the only thing I could think of to ask him was “Is your name actually Harold”. lol! Didn’t really want to ask him anything about Adam.
eta: half the questions to him are just people asking him to say hello to them. At least mine is a question…lame as it is
Debbie♈️ Aries Heart @SASpurs21Fan
.@lilybop2010 My B T W edit has been blocked!
SweetReunion22 @SweetReunion22
What kind of weird byline is this?? Lol
The Top-Earning American Idols of 2015: American Idol is entering its final season, but the stars it has minted in the past are burning bright as ever–and, lately, none more than Adam Lambert.
Adam’s picture has been on American Idol’s screen at least every 5 minutes in one form or another.
Happy to see Adam on the top of the Forbes list….on top is where he belongs
I wonder where they get their numbers from though….i think they’ve actually underestimated him a bit on this list, and I’m surprised Daughtry, Scotty and P2 have so much.
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 11m11 minutes ago
. @WeGotIttz Top 10 Concerts Of The Year: No1 @QueenWillRock @AdamLambert 18Jan2015 @TheO2 http://wegotit.at/die-top-10-konzerte-des-jahres-2/#more-14066 …
Watching Idol. Pretty good so far. I predict this beautiful girl from Mass. Will be top 3. She’s got a pure voice, is gorgeous, and has charisma.
Love all the visuals of our guy too.
I can’t believe i can’t watch the last season of idol……we no longer have now TV that shows it, only UK tv, and its not on there anymore…will have to search on line…
I am just now watching Born This Way. No Adam yet but a good show.
I haven’t watched Idol in so long, except when Adam is on, I will just watch when Adam is on this season too.
um well no shit i mean we dont see the other idols performing with legendary bands amiright”
Lisa @weelassie11
An @adamlambert image by @dianakat13. Enhanced by weelassie11
Another –
Love that they used a current tour pic!!
A useful gif –
I finished watching BTW and I echo what all you lovely people have said about it. What a beautiful human being we stan. Just an amazing man, and he sings too!!

Adam is on top of the world right now.
Hard working guy who deserves everything he is wishing for … fame and fortune.
Next … His true love.
Old but new to me.
Love Leila!
SureFireWinner ♏ @rainierstar
OMG I’ve NEVER seen this! lolol Idols Mom Makeover Top 4 on Rachael Ray Show –
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJjgWWJXBqw …
Idols Mom Makeover Top 4 on Rachael Ray Show
Classic Rock 100.1
Did you know @adamlambert made more in ’15 than @carrieunderwood? Long live @QueenWillRock!
A&E Network
Fears = conquered! #BornThisWay @adamlambert
Great pic – writer corrected mistake about his role with Queen – lotsa comments –
The top-earning @AmericanIdol alums of 2015 might actually surprise you:
FINALLY a pic of Adam. He’s alive.