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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Catch Best American singer @adamlambert Performing Tonight at @PalaisTheatre #Melbourne
Pip Ellwood-Hughes @Pip_EntFocus 4h4 hours ago
We look at the stars American Idol has produced including @AdamLambert & @CarrieUnderwood http://goo.gl/OYTTxJ
Cute photoshop –
“Is the ‘Rocky Horror’ reboot even worth our time?”
“The short answer is…read the damn article.”
3 more new HAC radio station adds today for ALN. GT vid will hit 56MM tonight.
@SienkoAnia #AdamLambert comes BB!
Seen before – but still great –
Hands up who LOVED last night’s sold out show at @palaistheatre ?????? Get ready for show 2 tonight!
#AdamLambert #TheOriginalHighTour
Adam Lambert is underrated as fuck
Followed by Giorgio Moroder and Pandora .
Hi ALL!! Great to be back! Snowed in with 30 inches of snow this weekend. We got our average annual snow amount in one storm!! Marathon of the Idol Auditions – all caught up and ready for Hollywood week!
Sweet Melbourne Dreams, ALL!!
Question – can DL the SC to my DL Folder, but it won’t transfer to my iTunes so can sync to iPod – any suggestions? thx!
With #oneandonly @adamlambert ✨ #adamlambert #theoriginalhightour #tokyo #japan #thankyou
I met @adamlambert
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
Favourite song on ‘the original high’ ? Just one song. Go!
Gelly @ 14gelly
The great news is that IS GOING TO BE ANOTHER SINGLE YAY!
Being confusing again, Shoshanna? She can only say what she’s allowed. So probably a worldwide 3rd single, but she can’t say what it is.
Gale DerosiaGDerosia
Streaming wp.me/P24mml-Wi via wordpressdotcom
Pls recognize the impt of streaming- it is the best gift we can ever give A!
.@Warner_Music_Kr gave A a Tour Kit. it says “warner prepared a tour kit for ‘Areum daun bun’ his nickname in Korea
he instantly opens it and loves it. “good god what is all this”
Glam Is Backglamisback
in the tour kit, there were also a chicken flavored snack.. (which i absolutely hate lolol) and coffee.. sweet sweet coffee mix powder
Discussion on twitter as to why ALN has not hit it big – is it the music, lack of promotion, or simply his fan base is not that large?
This is one unbelievably, amazing pic!! ?
“adam lambert level flamboyant”
@upinthenorth @upinthenorth
#AnotherLonelyNight is #23 on HAC. Tight chart with big gap to #22. Two songs near above are dropping. Hope to see top 20 soon!
ALN never did it for me musically. Tried and tried to like it even after the video came out but nope.
Regards to IIHY reggae: wouldn’t mind if he started off reggae but after introducing the band went into full out rockin’ original IIHY. Wouldn’t that be a surprise!
Watching “Kids React” vid – this one to Adele’s “Hello” (“Oh, I hear that song everyday on the radio.”)
Looks like ALN is doing just fine on Billboard’s Dance Club Songs. Greatest gainer this week!
Awww, Kris. https://www.yahoo.com/music/first-person-my-american-idol-1351684600717366.html
I love ALN, his voice just shimmers on that song, much like IWBTLY (also very hard to sing, not just anyone can sing either song).
Lÿndsey Parker Verified account
This week’s @AmericanIdol essay is by @KrisAllen! Thanks Kris for a hilarious, frank piece about your #Idol journey. https://www.yahoo.com/music/first-person-my-american-idol-1351684600717366.html …
I think with ALN its just all down to radio play…it just isn’t getting the number of spins it needs, its way down on its AI, needs hundreds more spins, and millions more audience before it starts making an impact…
Re that Kris Allen link….I picked him as the winner at top 12….Yes Adam was by far my favourite, and SHOULD have won, but I remember telling my family Kris would win….he was exactly the type of singer that the American public..i.e the Idol voting demographic does for….I always held out a little bit of hope that I would be wrong though.
I think the reason ALN is not climbing the pop charts is because it did not get the promo/exposure that GT did. There was no TV exposure in the States at all. It is a good song, very radio friendly! It should have been a hit, but with no promo here, it is not going to happen. The only time a song is a hit here without promo is if you are TS,KP,Adelle or some of the other what radio considers A listers. With no promo and not enough radio play it just isn’t going to happen for our Adam. It’s a shame because he really is the best out there!
I think too it’s the program directors who have the say. If they don’t care so much for a song, it won’t be played. Never changes. Just my opinion of course. And even promo doesn’t help that much if people don’t connect to the song.
Interesting how we all have different opinions on songs. My fav would have been Underground for the second single. This song is current & radio friendly. If you listen to The Weeknd’s first hit, You’ve Earned it, the vibe is so similar to Underground.
Boy, Adam Ross wears really tight pants! They are painted on him.
Interview coming up now. Playing TOH
I thought this as well. I absolutely love Underground, and the different texture’s it has.

The only thing about it that made me cringe, was the word,’velcro’. But I’m way way over that now.
lol, you’re right twilightmagic8…velcro
I’m still an Evil in the Night girl, that’s my favorite.
Such a beautiful picture from GMA. Still think when he sang TOH on the show it was the best he’s done this song. He went for that extra high note at the end which he rarely does now.
Love EITN too, glambotgram. I like it as an opening but I also liked it when he closed the show with it too. Morongo I think.
Adam’s food?
eta: But the “rules” were no different in WB. No kissing him, no hugging and no touching his face. Germs!!! He can’t get sick. I totally respect this!!
Closeup of Adam’s food. Yum!!!
My favs on the album are AH, TOH and TL. It’s too bad AH is a bonus song, I think it would be a big hit! It is different just like GT was different.
A fun read about the “biz” –
Molly @MollyFlyAway
@PattiHum @Ala4afam @Run4_AML exactly why does this Scooter dude have so much power? Does he have naked pix of everyone in the biz?
PattiHume @PattiHum
@MollyFlyAway IDK. I suspect he gets as close to illegal payola as he can w/o it being illegal? @Ala4afam @Run4_AML
They All Experts @Run4_AML
@PattiHum well, not sure it is legal and he isn’t the only one, how dos De mi & jo nas get everything? @MollyFlyAway @Ala4afam
PattiHume @PattiHum
@Run4_AML Jay Z @MollyFlyAway @Ala4afam
If there is no promo for ALN then people don’t know about it to listen to it to connect to it and request it on the radio. If GT had not been promoted like it was, people would not have known about it to connect to it and to request it! I guess that was my point in my earlier post. You have to know about it first for any connection. It is not favorite song on the CD, but I still feel like it could have been a hit. My favorite song is TOH! I just love this song! But this is just my thoughts. I also think Underground would be a good choice as well, because it is different and I agree with Twilightmagic8 about this song, although it is not my favorite, I think it would do quite well on radio!! I just hope that they release a third single and he sings it on AI. Now that would be a great jump start to a new single!!!
If he sang this on the Grammys, he’d blow everyone else away –
@adamlambert thank you for a awesome 2 nights!! What a great start to 2016! Thanks for the memories ?
OMGGGGGG, guess who is on my flight?!!!!! Aaarghhhhhh!!#Adelaidebound
Not sure if this has been posted but new to me.
Comparison of Oreo to Coke commercial.
Sweet Summertime Dreams, ALL!!
It is summertime in Australia right now, correct?