Adam-TOH Tour Poster-MugwortDesign
Adam-ClassicRockAdam-TheOriginalHighAdam-BRITs-RedCarpet2015From Frontier MagazineWBR PR photo by David RoemeriHeart Red Carpet
FAULT Photography by GIULIANO BEKORAdam_Instagram-SwedenAdam-BB2Adam-MalibuAdam_attitude_AustinHargraveAdam-Schon_Magazine-DiegoIndraccolo

Adam celebrates the start to the new year in Singapore and then it’s time for “The Original High Tour”. It kicks off in China before heading to Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and wrapping up in Australia. January will be a busy month of concerts and travel (and late nights for fans not in those time zones tuning in to watch/hear the concerts live). We’re excited to see what Adam has in store for us and hope that an announcement will be made soon for a North American tour!

TOH Tour poster by MugwortDesigns. Click on the thumbnails to take you back to the 2015 chat threads.

Enjoy the chat!

And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,555 Responses to January 2016 Chat

  1. asifclueless says:

    Congrats … to all who got the tickets and the M & G VIP packages.

    Great job!!! Rose Yes

    sistasparkle … I won’t be able to go to DC. Frown

    I think TOH solo in KC will be the only one I’m going.

    But I’d like to go to Q+AL for a couple of shows if they come to NA .

    With all of sad news of celebrities and old rocker musicians .. I appreciate more of Brian and Roger.
    Gotta go to see them as much as I could.

    Hope they keep drinking Adam’s blood to become vital and immortal. Heart Star Grin

    I love them so much. Heart

  2. asifclueless says:

    funkNNsoul ‏@funkNNsoul Auckland City, New Zealand

    This morning I stood right behind Adam in the customs line at Auckland airport for like 40 min. ????? Sorry – no pics tho.

    funkNNsoul @funkNNsoul

    Saw Adam help an older lady – lifting her luggage onto the conveyor. Such a sweetheart. ???

    Grin Heart Rose

  3. ultimathule says:
  4. ultimathule says:

    On Air/Ryan Seacrest
    sending @adamlambert the #RamIt lyrics to record. Think of all the versions we’ll have by the time the team gets here…

  5. ultimathule says:

    “7 Years of Adam Lambert”

  6. HK fan says:

    Well…..i almost had a ticket to London…did everything it asked, filled in all the right bits. then it had security questions for my credit card, one of which was the first 6 numbers of my ID card, and despite putting the correct figures in 4 times, it kept saying it was wrong, then wouldn’t let me proceedFrown will have to ask hubby to have a go.

  7. nkd says:

    HK fan, sorry about your ticket buying mess. Why does it have to be so difficult?!!
    Seeing Elton in concert is still on my list. Hoping to make that happen!

    BTW, I was cry laughing at that interview with Ryan, and Elton’s version of “RamIt” Can’t wait to hear Adam’s! Laugh

  8. TLKC says:
  9. ultimathule says:

    Ram IT (NFL Rams Football Team) Song

  10. luval says:

    He had an interview this morning. Waiting for a podcast or link but he’s some of what he said (from @gelly)

    “Adam was asked if there is anything he is missing from life being just a regular guy. Maybe a bit of anonymity but he really loves his life.”

    “Awwww “I like my life now and my new house ” Grin

    BLI interview: Adam says the casting for RHPS is really sexy

    Let’s Dance is kinda part of the show now cause he keeps singing it he loves it

    Adam also talked about loving the diversity of his career, having a solo album, touring with Queen, dipping his pinky toe into TV …

    BLI interview talks about Rocky Horror Picture Show . Adam said “a little cameo because I have so much going on”.

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 1h1 hour ago

    Adam Lampert . LOL

    WRT being top AI earner 2015 ‘There’s a sense of accomplishment but it’s not like I pocket all that money'(laughs).

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 1h1 hour ago

    He’s hitting on Adam Grin

  11. luval says:

    From the airport


    Saw Adam help an older lady – lifting her luggage onto the conveyor. Such a sweetheart.

  12. ultimathule says:
  13. luval says:

    I want to see JLO’s residency show in Las Vegas. 90 minutes!

    Sorry to hear MKE & CHI aren’t sold out but not surprised. I think many people have forgotten him, don’t know his music except WWFM & MW. Have no idea about Oreo (except in the bubble), have no clue about Rocky Horror or don’t care. Hopefully he’ll have his Idol appearance before the shows.

    I mentioned RH to a doctor at work…had he ever seen it. He just twisted his face, said “yes” years ago & checked it off his bucket list. No interest.

    eta: He’ll have several shows under his belt by March 22/23 so maybe the word of mouth and/or publicity will help.

  14. luval says:

    Kelly & Michael on now. Saying the man bun is out…the man braid is in. Any type…

    Can only think of a couple of trends Adam has followed. Shaved sides & the razor cuts in the sides.

  15. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERTadamlambert
    Wow this cover is beautiful @AustinPercario

  16. ultimathule says:

    Hi, luval –

  17. luval says:

    Hi, ulti!. Have the day off today but have a couple of appointments.

    Very interesting article

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 35m35 minutes ago

    Peace, Love and a Thriving Industry — Some Suggestions from Warner’s President of A&R: Op-Ed … via @billboardbiz

  18. luval says:

    Hope you guys on the Eastern seaboard are spared this snow storm coming. New York, Washington…supposed to really be hit. Up here in Central New York we had over a foot of snow on Mon-Tues but we have the super duper snow removal equipment.

    I worry about Adam’s shows in winter/early spring due to weather.

  19. rs says:

    Keep trying HK fan. I want to see you in London!

  20. ultimathule says:

    Snow started last night – lotsa problems in D.C./So.MD areas – really slow going –

  21. riskylady says:

    That song Adam tweeted is so sad! He’s so fortunate to have the parents and brother he has.
    Speaking of, read an article at AOL online about the kisses between Christian Bale and producer at Critics Choice. I don’t think either is gay, but 333 really hateful, homophobic comments (AOL, Yahoo where they seem to dwell) prove there is still a lot of fear/hate. Republican candidates want to overturn marriage equality still. *SIGH* I have hope for this younger generation, though.

  22. luval says:

    Here’s the audio of the interview. Love it. Adam’s part starts about 11:15

    eta: Just the Adam part was just posted

  23. luval says:
  24. ultimathule says:

    Jayson Prim
    So @adamlambert & I are dating after this chat! Can’t wait to see him at @TheParamountNY! #Glamberts #AdamLambert

    Gelly @14gelly
    “Please be hotter than M eatloaf when playing that role” –
    Adam ” Baby you know I’m gonna turn it up c’mon ” Big Smile

  25. ultimathule says:

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm

  26. ultimathule says:

    Glam Is Back @glamisback
    another korean article… it’s ab the details of the show and how his audience has diverse range of people of all ages

  27. ultimathule says:

    IWONA/30.04.2016 @IvaaLambert

  28. ultimathule says:

    It’s @adamlambert on his last trip to #Auckland & he’ll be on stage here again in less than 24 hours!! #Cantwait

  29. ultimathule says:
  30. ultimathule says:


  31. ultimathule says:

    Life Festival Oswiecim is an idea of Darek Maciborek, a journalist of a broadcasting station – RMF FM, who was born, raised and has always lived in Oświęcim. Darek Maciborek intends to “break the spell” of his home town that is commonly associated solely with the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum.

    The main concept of the Festival is to build peaceful relations beyond cultural and state borders where there is no place for anti-Semitism, racism, and other forms of xenophobia. The message of a peace and tolerance comes from the town where during the Second World War (WWII) was the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp – Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  32. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert Interview 21.01.2016 – Dana and Jayson –

  33. luval says:

    Not sure if I like the sound of this. Question Thinking

    NZGlitterTribeHQ ‏@NZGlitterTribe 10m10 minutes ago

    The #NZGlitterTribe has something special planned for @adamlambert at tonight’s concert! Be watching during TISI to see what!!!

  34. retjenny says:

    If anyone is interested this is a great link for the L.A. Orpheum. It has an interactive seating chart that you can click on your seats and see what the stage looks like from there. Also, a history of the Orpheum, etc.

    Also there are still lots of tickets left that should go up for sale tomorrow that were being held for Citi-card.

  35. ultimathule says:
  36. ultimathule says:

    Angel_nDisguise Angel_nDisguise
    Jan 22: TOH Tour (Auckland)
    Show Starts 2am EST, 8pm NZDT
    Adam 3am EST, 9pm NZDT



  37. ultimathule says:

    Allie @Silliegirl
    In love with this pic

    Odd one –

  38. luval says:

    Fan art…hmmmm. Adam has said some is incredible but others…terrifying. Smile

  39. luval says: ‏@headlineplanet 14m14 minutes ago

    .@adamlambert’s “Ghost Town” has been certified gold in the United States.
    View summary
    5 retweets 2 likes

  40. ultimathule says:

    That’s great, luval

  41. luval says:

    ulti…I did see another tweet that GT only peaked at 64. Really sad because it’s such a strong song. But..slow & steady I guess for all his music.

  42. ultimathule says:

    Auckland Town Hall on Queen St.
    Adam live tonight‼️❤️

  43. riskylady says:

    The article says GT is second gold in the US after FYE. ?????? Surely WWFM and IIHY were at least gold, even platinum. Anyone know? (I know RCA never bothered with certifying, so we may never know… Frown )

  44. leoblueeys says:

    Hi Riskylady, I do know for a fact the WWFM was certified platinum around in May of 2010 after his appearance on American Idol during Elvis Week. I don’t know about IIHY or FYE, although I’m betting it at least reached Gold.

  45. HK fan says:

    ADAM LAMBERTadamlambert
    Wow this cover is beautiful @AustinPercario

    Gosh, this was sad and heart wrenching and beautiful. I listened to the original as well, the cover is better, more emotion. Can we download it from anywhere?? i could convert from youtube if it didn’t have the talking at the end.

  46. HK fan says:

    Pretty sure IIHY went gold, and WWFM went at least platinum, if not double platinum?? anyone know where to find numbers?

  47. luval says:
  48. milwlovesadam says:

    Adam’s presence was all over Idol tonight. From that poster of him next to every contestant wailing WLL to a final shot of him as a most successful contestant.
    So great.

  49. luval says:

    Will miss Idol. Loved that colorful shot of Adam singing NCOE at the end.

  50. luval says:

    Mils…you should make a list of everything we wouldn’t have if there was no Adam on Idol. Does this make sense? Maybe not now but as it gets closer to the end.

    Nighty night. Not getting up at 2am for the show but will be anxious to see the surprise during TISI from the NZ tribe.

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