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Happy New Year ALL.
O.M.G.!!!! I NEVER get to be Adam! This is an omen of a good year!

Happy 2016 ALL! Lots of goodies ahead with Adam working his butt off touring, and the mysterious 2-month gap from Feb 12 to April 13th!!!
May all your wishes come true!!!
Happy New Year, and may all your New Years resolutions come true.
Such a beautiful poster…
Happy New Year everyone!! Lovely poster Al! Wishing you all a healthy, prosperous and Adam-filled 2016!

♈️ Aries Heart @SASpurs21Fan 4h4 hours ago
@shoshannastone I don’t usually bother u, but I’m so excited about #TOHTourUSA do we get dates … a. Soon b. Be patient c. Just wait ???
3 retweets 7 likes
cwm122 Retweeted
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 4h4 hours ago
@SASpurs21Fan soon
She really reminds me of Dani. Wonder what happened to her?
Happy New Year everyone! I thought Dani may have had other commitments for this show or maybe a permanent replacement. Who knows.
Poor Terrance looks exhausted in that photo. Amazing how fresh Adam looks. That boy gets younger looking every year.
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 12h12 hours ago
A VERY Happy New Year Folks.
Planning to do some more of this in 2016.
See ya all out there.
Love – Bri XXX
Hi adamized…Adam probably has his own room whereas the others have to share. Terrance’s roommate probably snores.
Happy New Year ALL
Looking forward to a very exciting, incredible and amazing year.
@ KelRosal
How to deal with this person? I’m not realizing …
Here’s that great pic from that article in December thread –
@DrBrianMay @adamlambert Happy New Year ! Thank you for amazing 2015 ! Love from Poland ❤
Gelly @14gelly
@ScorpioBert I see the videos from the whole interview at not the 5 show no longer exist
@14gelly ahh, so that is what is missing, I uploaded that here
jacqueline @paperrosie53
Adam Lambert dominates Pressparty’s end of year readers’ poll: Pressparty
I haven’t commented before because I can only check in once a day because of work, and by the time I get here you all are already 25 or 30 comments ahead of me and it seems weird to respond to a comment from a day or more before! I lurk everyday though, and love how all of you are so committed to Adam as I am. I love the man and lurk at several sites to see what is happening with him everyday and to look at the beauty and sexiness that is Adam.
Hoping the TOH tour will come to Southern California so I can see him for the 9th time and wish Queenbert would return here too so I could see them again (rocker at heart)!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Welcome Magiclady so glad you jumped in. And you can comment anytime, we are a global community here and people post all around the clock.
is brooke flying to asia rn?
Ok China & Japan let’s do this!
lol –
unsteady || 122 @CrazyGlambert17
I feel kinda guilty but I’m starting to like IIHY reggae version
Happy New Year to you, too, magiclady!
TALCvids @TALCvids
#21. Ghost Town by @adamlambert \o/
(includes official music video)
Happy New Years, everyone!!! I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and are ready for the wild ride that Adam plans to take us on in 2016. I am waiting (im)patiently for the dates of the US TOH tour and am hoping (desperately) for at least one North American QAL show. I thoroughly enjoyed last night’s NYE show in Singapore. It was a great show and Adam was very family friendly, as we knew he would be, right down to his tent like outfit. Not even a chest hair was showing. Thank goodness, the children were spared. I’m looking forward to seeing what he does on the TOH tour. I wonder if he’ll alter the show at all for the European shows. And then there’s that 2 month mystery block of time between mid February and mid April…what’s going on there???
Happy New Year everybody……….Thank you all for keeping this blog exciting and fun.
I have had a tough year and have had to many problems to want to participate ….Yet Adam always brings up my spirits just makes me feel good.
Cannot thank you enough for all your comments videos photos especially all who make Adam Live possible. Thank you, thank you.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 30 Dec 2015
??? NYE!
1,161 retweets 2,121 likes
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 17h17 hours ago
@adamlambert Happy New Year Adam. More power to ya ! Bri XXX
460 retweets 709 likes
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 12m12 minutes ago
.@DrBrianMay and to you!!!! Excited
I’ll bet he is!
Adam on his FB page –
NYE SINGAPORE: Lewdless as usual
Thanks ultimathule and glambotgram!
Fox’s ad for American Idol! (for today, anyway)
Hi, magiclady.
ultimathule…did you see the story that went along with this? Does she have an illness or something?
Didn’t see that, luval –
Mention something here –
“He called that young girl when she was in the hospital a while back.”
Oh yeah, I remember now about him calling the girl. Just didn’t remember her name. Thanks.
(he liked that pic, too)
#NYE #Singapore
adamlambertNYE #Singapore #2016 @skingraftdesigns @majestyblack gloves @princepuja necklace
2015 Fave Adam Lambert Performances
by islandgirljams28 videos30 viewsUpdated yesterday
(always fun to read other people’s lists)
Adams UK Glamberts
Trending for 9 hours….
@lambrasoqueens it now shows him trending for 10 hours
Welcome magiclady……I have the same problem with posting too. I’m at least 13/14 hours behind everyone here, so am usually behind on commenting, don’t let it put you off though.
Happy New year everyone, day 2 here now!! Here’s to a fabulous 2016 with Adam
carter_ @_AOStarlighter_
SiriusXM Hits 1 Weekend Countdown blogger’s fav songs of 2015 gives high praise for #7 #AdamLambert #GhostTown
And ALN as a potential entrant –
Hi back Luval!
I feel better knowing it is not just me! When I post on other sites, it is usually in response to someone or a pic of Adam, and to post a response to someone’s comment or a pic from yesterday, today, usually doesn’t work because everyone has already moved on! Maybe you and I can respond to each other in the same timeframe!
magiclady.…don’t worry if you post something late….one way is to just bring over what you’re replying to and blockquote it as reference….easy
where are you posting from?
What is Terrance doing to Adam? lol!
See comments.
“da boss says no”
Vote for Your Top Songs Now
From what I’ve gathered, he doesn’t like his face touched, luval – but hard to know what happened there –
One of the comments said he was picking a piece of lint off the beard from his towel.
Yup, doesn’t want his face touched. The handlers in WB shouted up and down the M&G line “don’t hug him, don’t kiss him and don’t touch his face”! Maybe his face is insured…like his voice. If not, it should be!
That face darn well should be, luval!
DaniLeigh @iamDaniLeigh
2016 can’t wait to drop my music! Ahhhhh
Guess explains her absence –
Happy New Year to All. Greetings magiclady We do have several So. Californians on this blog. We have had the opportunity to meet up at different concerts. Welcome aboard
Hang in there firstimerob This will be a better year!
“One of the comments said he was picking a piece of lint off the beard from his towel.”
That explains why he asks for black hand towels in his rider.
I’m the same as you magiclady I am way ahead timewise which puts me way behind the conversation.
retjenny Thank you. Hope there will be some concerts in Calif 2016.
Maybe they said no kissing, hugging or touching his face as a way to keep him healthy. We are always told to keep our hands away from our faces to stop the spread of germs. He comes into such close contact at Meet and Greets, maybe this will help a little.