After rocking in the New Year on BBC One, Adam and Queen will be heading out on tour again this month. They will be performing 26 shows throughout the UK and Europe starting January 13th in Newcastle and wrapping up in Sheffield on February 27. And then maybe we might get some new music from Adam later this springISH?! Photos from the Classic Rock/Team Rock.

Oh, and we can’t forget Adam’s guest judge appearance on Idol on January 15th!
Full Episode (Youtube) (Vimeo)

Enjoy the chat!


1,517 Responses to January 2015 Chat

  1. HK fan says:

    Adam made their list…..I never get why Kris Allen gets so much kudos for this Heartless performance, for changing it up so much…whilst it was one of my favourite performances of his, its an exact copy of The Frays version of the song.

  2. HK fan says:

    Glad to hear the surgery went well Cher, and that you’re feeling a bit better.

  3. glambotgram says:

    cher I am glad to hear you are at home and that surgery went well. Doctor I am sure any of us would have had that pity party, Cry I know I would have. The whole ordeal is going to be frustrating and hard to deal with so hubby is probably going to see the bitchy Cher more often, LOL. But it sounds like he is up to the task. Thinking of you!! Heart Rose

  4. HK fan says:
  5. HK fan says:

    great new pic from Venice….apart from the beard…looks a bit odd with all that at the sides and none on the chin

    same pic on instagram from Adam

  6. ultimathule says:
  7. ultimathule says:
  8. TLKC says:

    Hello cher! Clap

    So glad to see you back on the blog and talking up a storm. Stay off that foot now until it’s really better!

  9. ultimathule says:
  10. luval says:
  11. luval says:
  12. ultimathule says:

    Lookin’ good –

    screenshot –

  13. Axxxel says:

    Good to hear cher that the surgery went well… have a great rest and great recovery and rehabilitation. I am sure you can stick to the rehabilitation regime because you know that it is vital for your road to recovery… and your road to new Adam Lambert adventures…

    Maybe I cannot imagine how it feels to be confined.. But maybe I do… I remember when after my fall, I was not allowed to put my feet on the ground for 1,5 month, so I had to hop around with one leg and 2 crutches.. Very tiring at first and it limited my mobility… very frustrating.. Lots of things I wanted to do, I was not able to do, or otherwise at a slower pace or with the help of someone who cannot always be available.

    Then I remember the elderly living in my neighbourhood who were also “confined” to their houses because their children or friends were too busy to take them out and they were not strong enough to walk long distances or go by public transport.. I became to feel more solidarity with them.

    Of course it is not the same as being confined to a room. My relative , who lives alone,had to stay for months in her bedroom after she broke her leg. Then she start to find out which restaurants and mini-markets are having delivery service.. and also there was a servant from the neighbours to help her with the cleanings.

    So what I want to say is, even if we are confined to a certain space, our mind keeps on working and being creative… (necessity is the mother of invention).

    Good to hear that you can keep on working partly from home… and thank goodness your hubby and your friends and family are around.

    As for the cleaning up, I think it is a good idea to start slowly… I still remember my relative who was in her bedroom for several months, she also asked someone to help her put some order in her things like clothes and other things…

    Lucky you have your husband to sometimes help you clean if the stuff is too personal for your children… Maybe you can start thinking how to make nice Adam Lambert- scrapbooks or put all gorgeous Adam Lambert pictures in documentholders or which pictures you want to laminate and hang on the wall or which Adam Lambert memorabilia you want to put in the display cabinet Grin

  14. Axxxel says:

    double posting

  15. Axxxel says:

    calgery and cher,
    I also remember the bathing thing with the cast. I just put my foot/leg in a new thick grey plastic trashbag and I think I tied it up with an elastic rubber band. In my place I still use the traditional way to take a bath (see this link ). So every time I took a bath, I have a plastik chair to sit on, and a plastic stool to put my leg on and someone put a bucket of water and a scoop near me because I cannot reach the tub. So after I have put the plastic bag over my foot and leg, I poured water over me with the scoop etc…
    Luckily it was rainy season, so I did not sweat a lot so I had only 1 time problems with itchiness under the cast. The first time I could finally take a shower by myself.. felt like heaven….

  16. luval says:


  17. luval says:


    @14gelly: RT @ sho shannas tone: Cover shoot!

  18. little dutchess says:

    oh my cher
    I have just read through this thread from January 1st- current (I had catching up to do). I am so sorry for your terrible accident and all the pain and suffering and especially the fact that you will not be going to Italy.BUT I am so very happy to hear that the surgery went well….it sounded like a complicated one and you had a good doc. You are such an upbeat and vibrant person and you will get through this because you can’t keep a good woman down!! There is so much love for you here and everywhere you go and that will certainly help bolster you. You’ll be good as new before you know it. Your posts since surgery sound pretty good for someone with so much going on. Keep the good thoughts and keep Adam close! All good thoughts and prayers go out to you. See you everywhere…ERA 3!!!! Soonish!

  19. luval says:

    Guess it’s true. “Doggy on set” per Shoshanna

  20. luval says:
  21. HK fan says:
  22. HK fan says:


  23. AL says:

    From Entertainment Weekly
    ‘American Idol’: Who REALLY Won Each Season?

    (HK fan, is this the article that you were trying to link to?)

  24. ultimathule says:
  25. glambotgram says:

    loha @lohablondie · 2h 2 hours ago

    my idol is pissing off 2 different fan bases in 2 different countries lol, take that-oh yeah…

    LOL referring to Queen articles and EW article.

  26. ultimathule says:
  27. ultimathule says:
  28. milwlovesadam says:

    Cher, my dear Cher. I am going to email you about some safe ways to shower, and ways to get safe equipment. I work in rehab.

    Also, when I had my hand surgery ( 2 X in the last 3 years ), I wrapped my arm in that sticky Saran Wrap. It sticks to itself, I just went around and around my hand and arm, it worked great!! Nothing got wet through it.

    What Cher needs is a bath bench and a hand held shower attachment.

  29. luval says:

    American Idol is “showing” the top 24 (from the back)singing Feeling Good. Now they are starting the auditions.

  30. luval says:
  31. mmm222 says:

    cher– Thanks for keeping us posted on how you’re doing. I was happy to hear that your surgery went well. The next 3-6 months won’t be easy but once you heal that bionic ankle should be stronger than ever. I’m really sorry that you’re missing the Milan concert, but at least you’ll have the entire European tour to distract you and keep you from going stir crazy as you recover. We’re all here for you too, to bitch, moan, laugh, bert, or do whatever your heart desires.

  32. ultimathule says:

    The twitter pic doesn’t work, luval – the other one does and like that outfit –

  33. ultimathule says:

    Tried to watch Idol but got bored –

  34. nkd says:

    eta: the pants?—KTZ—TPME01NERO_3_D.JPG

    So he has the whole outfit.
    Let’s hope they never get together. Heh
    Too too much!

  35. nkd says:

    Is this the pic luval?

    lightened…can see pants detail better

  36. ultimathule says:

    How slim he looks in that pic, nkd

  37. nkd says:

    He does look very slim.

  38. milwlovesadam says:

    He makes every fashion item he wears look like it was designed just for him. He always wears it better than the runway or the fashion spread.

    And, who are these fabulous bitches he always gets to wear on his arm?????

    ##Gah. Whyisn’titmeever??

  39. milwlovesadam says:

    Okay my lovelies, I’m off to American Horror Story.

    I’ll skim through Idol another time.

    Next week it’s Adam in NY, right?

  40. asifclueless says:

    Lÿndsey Parker @lyndseyparker

    @SepiasSecret @Idol360 Two hours tomorrow, one hour tonight. Odd, I know. I’ve seen tomorrow’s episode and it’s better.

    TALCvids @TALCvids

    Thx MT @mmadamimadamm

    Adam will be on as part of the “past Idols packages” TOMORROW
    Adam will be a judge NEXT THURSDAY for the NYC auditions

    Adam and his package will be on AIdol TOMORROW.

  41. cher says:

    Very interesting. Bruno is truly talented. Knew about Adam’s NCYE and some of the others but not all of those. Pretty cool.

  42. asifclueless says:

    Dear cher … Great that your surgery was successful. Now it’s time for a speedy recovery.

    Please take good care of yourself. There are plenty of good advise from wise people here.

    Hope all our love and care for you help ease all your pain and discomfort.

    Heart Rose Pill Doctor

  43. ultimathule says:
  44. ultimathule says:
  45. asifclueless says:


    Scroll down … There are many great photos.

  46. asifclueless says:

    Dr. Brian May
    ‏@DrBrianMay First day of Queen + Adam rehearsals today. Ready to rock a town near you SOON ! See you out there. Cheers – Bri

    Dr Bri has used the word “SOON” a lot lately. Grin

  47. asifclueless says:

    Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay
    Some really nice modern stereosopic books here

    3D book of Great Gully on Cayuga Lake NY

    … Bri

  48. asifclueless says:

    Michael Orland @MichaelOrland

    @ChicagoCollen @adamlambert @AmericanIdol
    yes. Harry wanted my seat. Couldn’t do anything about it. Can’t wait for Adam’s next week.

    LOL .. Grin

  49. asifclueless says:

    Gelly @14gelly

    ‘American Idol’: Harry Connick Jr. interview. Great comments about @adamlambert! ”

    Q: How was Adam Lambert as a guest judge? [He subbed in one day for Keith Urban.]

    HCJ: He was terrific. It was so cool. I’ve been a fan since he first came on the show. Nobody on the judge’s panel has ever had his perspective. He was able to give some really specific advice that was really valuable. And he’s a really nice guy. Funny and charming. We had a nice time. He is a great talent.



  50. luval says:

    David Bowie’s birthday today.Heart

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