After rocking in the New Year on BBC One, Adam and Queen will be heading out on tour again this month. They will be performing 26 shows throughout the UK and Europe starting January 13th in Newcastle and wrapping up in Sheffield on February 27. And then maybe we might get some new music from Adam later this springISH?! Photos from the Classic Rock/Team Rock.

Oh, and we can’t forget Adam’s guest judge appearance on Idol on January 15th!
Full Episode (Youtube) (Vimeo)

Enjoy the chat!


1,517 Responses to January 2015 Chat

  1. luval says:

    Was just looking through the QAL tour book and about 9 pages in…it’s a double spread…there is Adam with his shorts & high heel boots. lol. That practice picture that was posted a bit back. Never noticed this before.

    Good article, riskylady. Had not ever heard Roger say he has no power by the end of the show. Always worried about this a little. Although what he said still could be lost in translation a bit.

  2. luval says:

    lol. There’s a contestant on Worst Cooks in America on the food network that is wearing a leopard shirt with black stars on it.

  3. ultimathule says:

    Fireflies – Tribute to Adam Lambert and Brian May

    (It’s chronological – nice)

  4. ultimathule says:

    Venice crop – just noticed the reflection in the sunglasses –

  5. luval says:

    Is it a bridge that I’m supposed to be seeing ultimathule?

  6. ultimathule says:


    NOW 97.29% SOLD OUT!!!!

  7. ultimathule says:

    Either that, luval, or his eyebrows have moved –

  8. luval says:

    lol…thought about eyebrows at first. ROTFL

  9. ultimathule says:

    cackle (haven’t done that in a while)

  10. milwlovesadam says:

    What, no Sauli in the reflection??


    I’ve never thought about the eyebrows.

    Not even once. Razz

  11. luval says:

    I sort of expected Sauli too. ha

    I missed the cackle. Smile

  12. milwlovesadam says:

    My workbert has been obsessing over NYE. Can’t get enough of Adam.

    He’s in. He’s official now.

  13. ultimathule says:

    Congrats on your workbert, mils! – you should be a member of A’s PR team – lol

  14. ultimathule says:

    Yay, just bought ROCK & POP CZ mag

  15. milwlovesadam says:

    G’night my lovelies.

  16. Calgary says:
  17. ultimathule says:
  18. sparkle says:

    Sweet Talent, Beautiful Voice and Cute Smile Dreams, ALL!!

    (from a NYE new fan)

  19. ultimathule says:
  20. luval says:

    Sauli was out and about yesterday

  21. cher says:

    Hi y’all. rs has persuaded me to come back to life for a bit and post here. Just saw this on twitter.
    I have been so miserable. Thanks for all your good wishes. It’s horrible being invalid like this. Almost killed myself a few times slipping and stumbling, falling with the crutches and hurting wrists trying to stop the falls. Had a towel bar break on me and I fell and hurt my foot again.
    Gaaahh. Will find out later today about surgery. Pretty sure it’s going to happen from the type of fractures I have. Just stupid clumsy and I hate sunken living rooms now. At least make the floor color different from the step! See if I ever visit my nephew again. Bah humbug. I feel bad for my two friends that were going to Milan with me. I didn’t sign up for the travel insurance (stupidly) when I booked the flights. Let’s see what’s gonna happen. They won’t go without me. There’s an Italian Glambert site on Facebook that will sell my tickets as soon as I say go. They are desperate for any. Never realized Adam was so popular in Italy.
    Any of you on Facebook should join the QAL Fans United page. Many of them are new Queenberts running away from the hate on the Queen online forum. Poor babies. Getting tons of hate over there because they fell in love with our boy. We Glamberts are showing them love. I’ve never tried to post here from my phone but can do it easily on Facebook. I am on my laptop now but it’s to the left side of my bed and my right foot is up on a pillow- have to keep it upright and it’s a hard twisting position to keep. Every bone in my body feels achy now.
    Mils, those photos are killer. If I could get up and find my purse I’d buy some right now. I’ll wait till later today. I loved Gale Chester and will definitely support his memoriam fund.

  22. rs says:

    Sorry for making you do this cher, but peeps needed to hear from you Smile. Now you can go back and get comfortable, if you can…..Waiting to hear the news later today. Hugs Hug Left Hug Right

  23. glambotgram says:

    Cher good luck today. I am so sorry you are feeling so miserable, and confined. I can’t even imagine. You are such a high energy person it must be doubly hard for you. Keeping you in my thoughts. Thanks for coming out of hiding to post for us.

    Thanks rs for coaxing her out.

  24. HK fan says:

    From Adam….still in Venice….was there for a couple of days 2 1/2 years ago..loved it.

  25. TLKC says:

    My thoughts are with you today, cher. It’s hard to imagine you sitting still for long. Whatever the verdict today, you need to you can stay off the broken one for as long as it takes. . We need you to be “standing GA-ready” in time for the CD3 tour. Big Smile

    That Jimmy Fallon rumour is great. I hope it is true.

    Plus, I have some Glambert newbies to report:

    One friend does like him and loves his vocals but when she was watching the video she asked “How does anybody look that good?”

    My trainer from the gym came by yesterday to drop off something. She had 15 minutes and so (of course!) I showed her the video of the first two songs. She sang along to them and then asked me to send her the link a.s.a.p. because she wanted to watch it before she went to bed last night. Grin Laugh

    \O/ \O/ \O/

  26. TLKC says:

    Just wanted to say a couple of things about the NYE concert as well:

    – the aerial shots of the audience were amazing and definitely contributed to the excitement. (They were all clapping/not filming).

    – Adam was more relaxed than I have ever seen him and he glowed as never before.

    – as much as I love the Brian and Roger interlude, I now accept the critics’ comments about it dragging the show a bit.

    I don’t want anyone to stop filming and I know he glows most nights and I don’t want B&R to delete the interlude. Just my thoughts.

  27. turquoisewaters says:

    cher: You sound so miserable. Hugs. I hope the wonders of modern medicine can get you back on your feet soon.

  28. TLKC says:

    Also, I am officially in love with the facial hair and think Adam’s choice of outfit was perfect. If you want to hear my theory about why he wasn’t discovered when he played the Albert Hall, then just compare the outfit he wore on Graham Norton to what he wore on NYE:

    He looked so much hotter this time around.

  29. rs says:

    That is the clock in Piazza San Marco! I know it well. How I wish I was there. (I was there 3 years ago in Feb for the Carnival. Unforgettable) A storm is coming here starting tomorrow. We are expecting 100km/h winds tomorrow and snow on Wednesday. As long as I have electricity Fingers Crossed I will be OK.

  30. ultimathule says:

    Whooo – tried to watch that vid, TLKC – never liked that suit (although think he wore the jacket separately one time and looked better?) – and definitely do not like that song – at all – never did – never will – still mad they released it instead of so many other great ones –

    And congrats on your “newbies” – you and mils “spreadin’ the word”!

  31. riskylady says:

    Thank goodness for the interludes in the 2 hour 20 minute concerts! I love the content, love to hear Roger and Brian do their thing, grateful they still can. The concert needs to be that long to stand alone, and Adam needs those little breathers to be able to do back to back gigs. I’ve seen a number of appreciative comments too, identifying the songs Neil plays on bass, from diehard fans. Like that, cause I sure didn’t know them.
    Isn’t it interesting that Brian mentioned The Prophet’s Song on his YT chat? Maybe we’ll get a little in concert. It was requested by many on Twitter.

  32. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    Happy Birthday @TaylorTy !

    Adam posted these –

  33. luval says:

    Thank goodness for the interludes in the 2 hour 20 minute concerts!

    Ha I agree too. Although I LOVE Brian’s & Roger’s solo’s I need that little break to sit or run to the bathroom. Haven’t done the bathroom thing yet, though!

  34. ultimathule says:

    “The show that brought us Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Adam Lambert and Jennifer Hudson starts its new season this week.”

  35. ultimathule says:
  36. ultimathule says:
  37. ultimathule says:

    Nice trio of pics –

  38. ultimathule says:

    Think this is another Venice pic –

  39. rs says:

    The photo was taken from a bridge over the Grand Canal. From the fact that there seems to be a building reflected in Adam’s sunglasses, I think it is the Rialto Bridge since it is the only bridge with stores on it.

  40. ultimathule says:

    Chica @Chica63
    Dayum. Adam has the prettiest man-harems in every corner of the world.

    Robi @6thsenseplus
    I love touristbert

  41. ultimathule says:—fashion-trend

    Funny article – thought Adam might be mentioned – but no – sorta glad, actually –

  42. ultimathule says:
  43. ultimathule says:
  44. ultimathule says:

    rose mcgowan ‏@rosemcgowan 15m15 minutes ago
    The Italians do it better RT @adamlambert: The Italians VENICE

  45. ultimathule says:
  46. ultimathule says:

    MBC’s Top 10 Best Male Singers of All Time!!!

  47. ultimathule says:

    Now a quartet – never get tired of looking at that face –

  48. ultimathule says:
  49. HK fan says:

    I think that Mad World look was my least favourite of his on Idol….probably why I’ve always preferred the finale version…the eyes, the long coatSmile

  50. ultimathule says:

    Yes, he looked spectacular in that MW long coat, HK fan – remember his silhouette at the top of the stairs – whatta thrill – (not a fan of the first one either – didn’t care for the hairstyle).

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