- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
angel, loved your post, and totally agree. Brian is such a skilled songwriter. Save Me is epically sad and haunting, paired with our lovely Adam’s voice it’s almost too much to bear. Hopefully someday we will hear it live, together!
Glad to see that your spirits are as high as ever cher. Weather is okay here, BTW. Sending good thoughts out to people on the east coast.
mils, yes, wouldn’t it be lovely to hear Adam perform Brian’s masterpiece “Save Me”, ‘live’, all of us together, plus “I was Born To Love You”! Perhaps greedy of me?
I’d likely just bawl my eyes out while he sang though – “Save Me” is so emotional and Adam seems to really feel that song. That’s another reason why Adam is such a great performer; he doesn’t just sing, he gets right into the feelings within the lyrics………
Nahh, not greedy at all. As much as I love the rock, the bawdiness, the theatricality of it all, something just sends shivers down my spine when Adam sings the ballads. The purity and clarity and perfection of his voice just sends me somewhere else.
Even on GN, it was Soaked that did me in. Oh and Sleepwalker. And, not to mention the long and slow and bluesy WLL from the first Fantasy Springs. Vocal masterpiece.
For now, Save Me is killing me. I’m so addicted. If I heard it live, yes, angel, we would need to share a box of tissues.
mils, gaaaaah, Fantasy Springs WLL! OMG, one of my hugest Adam regrets was not going there for that still epic, notevertobeoutdone, performance!
Love the ballads ……….and the raunchy rock numbers too, of course .
Woops, got the wrong WLL from Fantasy Springs but changed it – hope I got it right this time, duh!
Great B&W of Adam –
MILS, I am also on team ballads. Love all the songs, but ballads just touch me so deep. Adam’s voice is the best when instruments are stripped down, it fills the whole space…
The lyrics of Save me are so sad. What is he thinking when he sings it? I believe it touches something in him, something he can relate to. Remember Stay? And what has Brian gone through when creating Save me and WWTLF. Amazing songs. He should write a ballad with and for Adam..
Sorry I can’t use bold etc., writing on tablet. That socialite article is tricky for me, when I click it, another tab of “adult material” opens immediately I am so bad at IT technology, how to make it go away and what have I done wrong? Or maybe my tablet has decided that I have watched so many hot pics of Adam it has to be balanced with naked women. I have to go to bed now, but I check tomorrow if some of you clever ones knows what have I done to get those sex pages…
Never go there – any idea why peeps dislike it?
ultimathule…I don’t understand why people hate AO. Especially one person on twitter. I know there are some chat rooms and “nodes” as they call them where there are truly some fantasies going on but it’s hard to actually break into them or join in the discussion. I’m sure many groups have met there like many of us met on mj’s… and have stuck to their site. Same as ATOP and IDF. I know it’s run a bit shabbily but I don’t think it’s as bad as certain people say.
I think certain peeps at this point want him to cut all ties with American Idol (AO was one of the first ADam sites endorsed at that time by him I think), of course RCA…and anything else that connects him with the past. All fine and dandy but I think waiting to see what’s going to happen next is what they should be doing. JMO of course.
oops….sorry for the bold.
I haven’t been on AO in years. I gave up on 24/7 a long time ago too. I’m dedicated to right here, and sorry, I still go to MJ’s for news of many types, I understand why some of you don’t go there anymore, but, to each his own.
I almost never go to ATOP, unless it’s linked here.
Ladynorth, I have had many many many computer problems since becoming a fan of the man.
Especially with some foreign or Chinese links. My computer gets infected with thousands of viruses. I have very good filters, to no avail.
I have had spam gay porn for years. Often it pops up in side ads or “you may also like” stuff. Once, Adam posted a link to an ad for underwear that dogged my computer screens for about a year. Kinda embarrassing when my college sons were home!!
I have had to have my computer cleaned professionally several times, and it’s due for one right now. The UK tour is taking a toll that is for sure.
This is a nice twitlonger about seeing Adam. I think I felt the same after every single show.
Couple of random tweets
Nadine ♐ @citygirl36 Jan 26
@WerkBitch28 yes! His brother is there. Assume his mom will come too. Bet Bri will get everyone to sing HB to him
Sounds mighty familiar. Could be any one of us.
Hi guys,
I was just on the Queen International Facebook page and Jackie Smith, who runs the fan club, is embarking on a new project. She’s looking for photos and videos of fans at the concerts. Nothing with the band or Adam in it, though, just focusing on the fan community. See her note below. I’m sure you all have some pics you may want to contribute:
Have you been to any of the Queen and Adam Lambert gigs, do you have any photographs of you and your fellow fans at or around the concert venues ? If you do then we want to hear from you, we want to compile a record of the best fans in the world on tour with the band ! From Chicago to Sheffield, we want to see all the fun you had on the tour.
We want you to share all your photographs and videos and we love seeing them, however what we are looking for specifically are pictures of you and your friends, not pictures of the band. We know there are so many excellent pictures of the band playing, but we want to see the best fans in the world on tour.
Examples of what we can use are –
You outside a venue
Your view waiting for the gig to start
Selfies of you and the stage
Videos of the crowds enjoying themselves.
Pictures of tour buses and equipment lorries.
You with your tour t-shirt on.
Basically anything to do with the tour, that isn’t just a direct picture of the band, be creative if you want.
If you have pictures and are willing to share then please send them to qfanstour@gmail.com with your name and date of the concert the photographs relate to.
We need you to send photos and videos in as high a quality as you have, so around 2000 pixels wide or larger would be great, but if you have the perfect picture in a smaller resolution we will see what we can do with it.
If you send us a picture or video to the email address above then we will retain the right to use them in this project if they are suitable, but not for any other purpose. If you want to send a link to a picture or video already online then please do so, but be very specific as to which photograph or video you are letting us use.
Ok…so Warner Bros & Adam Official are together. They’ve revamped the site. I’m kinda glad.
Hey, luval – they want pics of the lorries – right down your alley! You’re the keeper of the flame on that one.
OK, now we can join the Warner’s site and sign up for updates.
We’ve seen these before from Lee – love his profile here –
I’ve just had a wonderful day with two Adam fans who live about an hour away from me. It is great to spend a day Adamising without anyone thinking you’re ready for your white jacket fitting!!!! I played them the NYE concert and we watched the 2 hours of “American Idol Adam Lambert The Movie”
It was soooooo good. Thanks ladies.
I so wish I lived closer to a few of you that post here. I am envious (in the nicest way) of your get togethers.
Good to see Q+AL creeping up in the voting for Classic Rock Tour of the Year.
54% now.
Sweet Sparkling Stupendous Dreams, ALL!! Had a lovely birthday today – complete with dinner, flowers and two cakes. I’m so very lucky to have my family and all of you at ALL!! Love to visit you, Kiwi, although I’d probably have to hit the lottery to afford the trip from central PA!
Wow – post #1,227!! (27 is my lucky number!)
Whaz???!!!! I’m such a bad sista.
Hi Sparkle! Happy belated birthday! I remembered early but am out of sorts now. Don’t even know what day or date it is anymore. Just the time always. Lying here looking at the clock 24/7. Glad you reminded us because now it’s one of my sisters’ birthday today. I have never missed sending her a card before but just have had no way to go out and choose one this time. So this year it’ll have to be an email. Glad you had a really nice birthday!
Thanks angelowal. I can’t wash my foot. Just one hour a day to wiggle my toes and air out and then change the bandage and reboot. Glad your son is doing well. I have 9 weeks to go to walk again!!
Happy Birthday, Sparkle!!!
Thanks for all your sparkly sign-offs. I always enjoy them.
Happy Birthday sparkle!
May this year bring much joy and opportunities to share the love of AFL!
OMG this is awesome! Eber just posted a video of himself making a presentation back in 2013 about his relationship with Adam and with music. He tells his own and Adam’s story wonderfully and hilariously, how he and Adam connected around music but have never been quite on the same page musically (Adam loves pop & disco; Eber hates it). LOL! Love it!
A few other things:
Happy Birthday sparkle! I know I’m a little late, but I hope you had a wonderful day, and that you have a fantastic year!
cher – so glad to hear you’re feeling better and have graduated to a boot. It’s important to take your pain meds proactively to stay ahead of the pain and not get behind the eight ball!
And rs – I was very impressed with and grateful for your thorough and careful research! A woman after my own heart! I thought your analysis and observations were very interesting and your interpretation of the reason for the differences in how Adam was characterized between the UK and elsewhere was spot-on.
asif – Thanks for posting the lyrics to Save Me. I agree that those lyrics are incredibly poignant and heartbreaking. Brian writes music and lyrics with such passion and vulnerability. I do have one correction to the lyrics posted above, however. Rather than “The years believe we lived the lie, I love you ’til I die”, the lyric is actually:
which is even more heartbreaking.
cwm! When I was listening to Save Me, I heard the long “I” and it didn’t sound like Adam sang “believe”. I thought that he might have changed the lyrics a bit, as he sometimes does when he forgets, or changes pronunciation of words to fit the melody better. It makes so much more sense for it to be “belie”. Thanks so much for the correction.
Yeah, I thought you might like my little research
project, lol.
Now going to watch the interview with Eber. Can’t wait!
rs –
Loved Eber’s speech. So much love, support, and acceptance, even when they disagree. Just what a good father should be.
Thanks cwm. Where on earth did you find it?
eta. Oh, I see, Eber posted it. Amazing that it never came out before.
Another little treat… Adam makes an appearance – of sorts – in a parody of “We Are the World”. Check out the guy’s impression of him!
Although they’re all just impressions, it is cool that Adam is parodied along with all of the A-listers!
It’s the first video here (from our friends at The Key of Awesome):
Thank you MILS for letting me know I am not the only one getting strange internet attacks! Internet security scares me all the time, because I don’t know how it works, what I do wrong and what to click… My brother is IT programmer but is puzzled with my problems. But he doesn’t go to strange pages around the world He has no idea what has happened to my tablet… He’s going on holiday for two weeks so I guess I have to deal with that porn for some time Just wanted to know it’s not something that breaks my equipment…
I listened to Eber’s speech earlier today. He is so wonderful, and has a great sense of humor. So good verbally, that I am not sure if I understood everything. Humor and sarcasm is not always easy in foreign language… Have to take another listen.
Thanks so much for Eber’s speech link, cwm. What an interesting man Adam’s father is.
Did everybody sign Adam’s electronic birthday card? I am going to send an email to all the ALL-ers’ whose addresses I have. The deadline is today.
ETA: I sent sent the link to the card at 10:42 am. Hope I got everyone. It is being delivered to him electronically at midnight tonight..
Hope you had a wonderful day!
Lots of in the coming year!
I started out at AO and the early days were exciting. I posted regularly and enjoyed every minute of the conversations. Granted, some posts and posters were weird but, all in all, it is an amazing testament to the raw energy and excitement that Adam can generate.
I have a marketing background and numbers interest me. For quite a while there, the posts clicked in at one every 30 seconds! That reflects an enormous amount of engagement.
And the posters were very inventive: “What would you do if you got in an elevator and Adam was on it? What would you do if Adam was your doctor?” LOL!
The conversations were passionate, funny, deep and moving.
The archives are out-of-this-world and I don’t think there are too many celebrities who can boast such a rich and inventive fan base. I MEAN THIS.
I was very worried that RCA would jettison AO and have been glad to see it continuing. One hundred years from now, sites like AO (and this one) will be studied for their subjects and for cultural indicators of the time we live in. I would hate for all of it to be lost.
I have signed up for emails and am going to start dropping in there so that Warner Brothers can add another head to the count. We should also post links to this and other Adam-centric sites so the WB gets up-to-speed on how much fan engagement there is on an ongoing basis.
Glad to see WB gets it.
KIWI your Adam celebration sounds wonderful! I too wish I had a glambert friend living close to me to have some video and chat evenings together In my country distances are smaller than in US or Australia, but I don’t know any finnberts well. I have been to some group meetings, but there is no common platform like this. It’s more like one to one communication on twitter or facebook.
One of my favourite AO conversations was “Adam do my laundry!”, which encouraged us all to talk about the tasks that Adam had caused us to abandon in favour of online flailing.
My post was “Adam mow my lawn” because online surfing for Adam replaced my usual morning activities.
Not a word of a lie – the grass got so high I couldn’t cut it. By the end of the summer is was a f*cking field. I had to re-sod and start again the next spring.
WOW! P2 is losing fans. Apparently the text of his petition has fans scratching their heads.
He cites appearances on late-night and daytime talk shows as “work” he should have been paid for. He feels the same way about his appearances on Idol.
I have no idea about the legality of his contract but he is coming across as an entitled idiot.
His AI13 finale appearance is one show he apparently felt he shouldn’t have had to do.
I just checked out the youtube of his performance with Sam that night. At the end, Ryan asks him how he’s been and he says he’s “busy”. Ryan tells him: “That’s the way it should be!” Subtle complaint and similarly subtle rebuke, perhaps?
Have you voted on the QAL Tour poll on Classic Rock today. Once an hour
Our guys have a substantial lead but you never know what those Foreigner/Styx fans might get up to in the last few days.
That Eber reading is fantastic, thanks for bringing it over cwm
Although I think we knew 99% of what he said, it is so awesome to hear Adam’s dad relate the stories.