After rocking in the New Year on BBC One, Adam and Queen will be heading out on tour again this month. They will be performing 26 shows throughout the UK and Europe starting January 13th in Newcastle and wrapping up in Sheffield on February 27. And then maybe we might get some new music from Adam later this springISH?! Photos from the Classic Rock/Team Rock.

Oh, and we can’t forget Adam’s guest judge appearance on Idol on January 15th!
Full Episode (Youtube) (Vimeo)

Enjoy the chat!


1,517 Responses to January 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    ♥ Adam Lambert is ♔! @FoxVegas
    NEW PODCAST UP: All things @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert is on our table for conversation! QAL NYE & tour talk!

  2. ultimathule says:
  3. ultimathule says:
  4. HK fan says:

    That comment was from Glitzy, luval…she helps run 24/7…..I haven’t been there since this part of the tour started, just no time….she’s lovely, we’re friends on FB…nice comments from her and the poster.

  5. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert… @alliexxxxandra TRIPPY!

  6. asifclueless says:
  7. glambotgram says:

    Ok a quiz, we all drive a car Right? Well most of us do, I assume.

    Can you name these car parts.

    I got A+ You could be a car parts dealer, LOL

  8. luval says:
  9. ultimathule says:
  10. ultimathule says:

    RT @LAMBERTLUST: Italian version of Classic Rock out in stores this week apparently! Queen + Adam Lambert!

  11. jlurksacto says:

    Got the “Classic Rock” mag today in the mail. Verrrry nice.

  12. luval says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 1m1 minute ago

    Listening to my new single. Can’t wait for you to hear it!

    eta: twitter is now blowing up!

  13. luval says:

    Hi jlurk. Am still waiting for mine. Ordered from Magazine Cafe.

  14. luval says:
  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    hotel @ElisseElisse & I are staying at allowed me to select “Herr Doctor” as my official title on the reservation. German accent all weekend

  17. Axxxel says:

    glambotgram I also got A+ but I have just guessed most of the questions… so pure luck… I was even in one of the questions (axel)…

    I took another quizz from that website… about who is my evil twin…

    I am so happy to get the result of my favorite villain: Loki
    You and Loki are very loyal, have a strong sense of duty, and an immense wisdom. You are very ambitious and want to make big changes in the world!

  18. sparkle says:

    Sweet Adam takes SM and WWTLF to a whole new level Dreams, ALL!!

  19. jlurksacto says:

    Speculation: Neil & Elisse are in Europe for Adam’s
    birthday. And also with ERA3 (A3) that Adam’s band
    will probably have some different members. Read these
    elsewhere, but interesting.

    Ordered the mag from Magazine Cafe also.

  20. Axxxel says:

    Yeah, totally forgot about Adam’s birthday… Hope they will keep Tommy and Ashley though…

  21. cher says:

    glambotgram says:

    glambotgram says:
    01/24/2015 at 12:16 pm
    Ok a quiz, we all drive a car Right? Well most of us do, I assume.

    Can you name these car parts.

    I got A+ You could be a car parts dealer

    Me too Glambotgram and I only knew the spark plug. Everything else was a big guess. I had no clue!! Grin

  22. cher says:

    Ulti….my evil twin is Loki too and I don’t even know who he is.

  23. cher says:

    Not sure if posted already. Fan’s new vid for Adam’s birthday

  24. ultimathule says:

    Warner Music SA
    Who’s ready for brand new music from @adamlambert?!

  25. ultimathule says:

    IMO, he needs an entirely new – really professional band, particularly after having the backing of Queen.

  26. luval says:
  27. luval says:

    Glamberts are clever

    Someone had a thought on twitter that maybe the new single will be a duet because of the double picture. Interesting.

  28. luval says:

    Finally caught up with sNL from last weekend. (Kevin Hart was host…FUNNY!). Anyway, SIA was guest singer and she was amazing! In love with her music. Can’t remember which song she collabed with Adam on.

  29. glambotgram says:

    I got Loki too, and I also do not know who he is LOL

  30. TLKC says:

    Hi guys! I got Loki, too, axxxel. I also got Adam on the earlier poll.

    Sorry I haven’t been posting, guys. I have been reading the blog regularly but am experiencing mid-winter blues and can’t seem to get into sufficiently “cheerful” gear to post at the moment.

    I did watch Idol NYC auditions – Adam was great! WOW! Idol is an idiot if they don’t consider him for a judging gig, in the event that Harry or Keith departs.

    I have watched almost all of the videos from the first three concerts. Adam is knocking the socks off the UK and his next cd will probably soar in sales – YAY! We have to hope that the growing drumroll across the Atlantic reaches the US and prompts a similar response from industry leaders over here.

    Looking forward to tuning into a live stream this week and sharing some of the fun with you in real time. Definitely in for Milan, where a lot of ALL-ers are going to be.

    In the meantime, much love to everyone.

    ETA: I have no idea who Loki is either.

  31. luval says:

    Hi TLKC!

    I’m taking the quiz now. Let’s see if I get Loki too. No idea who that is. Smile

  32. rs says:

    Hi TLKC, Good to see you here! Just a little correction, only riskylady and hubby will be in Milan, since cher broke her ankle and had to cancel. Most of us will be in Prague, and then a few are going on to Krakow/Wembley. I can’t get the thought of Krakow out of my head (there are still VIP tickets left, I understand) but I haven’t done anything about it yet.

  33. luval says:

    A+ on the car part quiz (I guessed on a few)

    Loki! ???????

  34. luval says:

    IMO, he needs an entirely new – really professional band, particularly after having the backing of Queen.


  35. luval says:

    I just posted Love of My Life (among others) with the mum intro on the Nottingham thread.

  36. Axxxel says:

    Dear All-ers
    I wonder whether the quiz has another solution than Loki..
    For those who missed his action in the actionmovie “The Avengers” (based on comics from Marvel), Loki was the adoptive brother of Thor (played by Christian Hemsworth)…

    Maybe I like Loki so much because he was well played by the british actor Tom Hiddleston.
    You can see him as Loki in this clip in which Loki (pale face,long black hair) just has been imprisoned. Thor is the blond one.

    ETA, looking at Adam’s picture above this thread, with his long coat… Adam would be an interesting “Loki” with facial hair.

  37. TLKC says:

    Hi rs, thanks for the info. I will try to tune in Milan, to cheer on riskylady and riskyhubby and also for Krakow, knowing that you will be there.

    I am so sorry about cher’s mishap – a double whammy of pain and missed opportunity.

    It’s nice to be talking with you guys again, even if I can’t be super cheery.

  38. rs says:

    TLKC, We will be in Prague!

  39. Axxxel says:

    @luval, thank you !! Love of my life is not my favorite but with the mum intro, the sing along audience and Freddie’s video at the end… it makes it so emotional for me…

  40. TLKC says:

    How did you do luval? We might need to conduct a deep search on this Loki fellow.

    RE: Adam’s backing band. I have to echo the desire for Adam to have a CD3 band that is commensurate with his own talent.

    On a personal note, I love Ashley and Tommy and it would be cute to see Rufus in there, though we can’t really assess his readiness for such a job.

    Respect for Adam is probably high enough after Queen for him to get a really good lead guitar, drummer and keyboardist. He has to go for broke now and it might be better for him to use his new-found stature in the business to get the best musicians he possible can.

    Whoever Adam picks, we can safely assume he knows what he is doing.

  41. TLKC says:

    Prague – got it! Laugh

  42. Axxxel says:

    @TLKC.. as I said in my former post… Adam would be very interesting if he plays Loki in Avengers…or maybe a Loki in the future… At least he has got the long coat…

  43. luval says:

    TLKC I got Loki too. Confused

  44. luval says:

    This funny photo by Rachel Lee Gore could go on any city thread.

  45. angelowal says:

    Hey there TLKC, I’m with you on those mid-winter blues, probably not unlike a lot of us in this Northern Hemisphere. Of course, not so bad that I haven’t been trying to keep up with the busy concert schedule Wink , but then, he is irresistible, and I do have several versions of my new favourite song “Save Me” on my ipod – each one seems to be even better, so I just plunk it onto the playlist Music Note Heart .

    We have sunshine today, which helps lift the spirits, and the days are getting longer too; always a cheery prospect Grin .

    cher, I can’t begin to imagine how utterly crappy you must have been feeling the past few weeks. Apart from the excruciating pain of your injury, it has to be such an emotional, torturous upheaval for a woman of your extraordinary energy to be bed-ridden.

    My heart goes out to you and I hope you are well and surely on the path to recovering your inimitable vitality and positive outlook on life Rose Rose Rose Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow .

  46. luval says:

    In case anyone missed this, a picture of Brian, mum & Freddie’s sister

  47. luval says:
  48. nkd says:

    Thanks for that Queen forum member quote luval. I had just asked on the Nottingham thread about the reaction of the members that post on there that were previously so negative about Adam.

    Assuming that some will never admit that Adam is a great fit regardless.
    I just don’t want to go there to read. Makes me angry.

  49. turquoisewaters says:

    I grew fond of Tommy and Ashley, and I know Adam considers them friends. But I believe he needs killer people behind him if he wants to get to the next level in his solo career. And I am very sure he wants that.

    Dear TLKC: I am sorry to hear you have the winter blues. I wish I could send you some California sunshine. We are going to have the biggest drought problem ever if this High Pressure does not move away.

  50. TLKC says:

    Hi angelowal! Perhaps we should get together for a mid-winter revival. I spoke to Ron this week and he cheered me up a lot.

    Did everyone see Adam’s birthday card? I signed it and forwarded it to the Toronto group. Let me know if anyone here is looking for it. (We normally send it by email to avoid trolls.)

    Alas, Axxel that photo was not a big help. The only Avengers I know has Emma Peel in it and Loki does not look anything like John Steed.

    Methinks Loki/luval is working on the same assumption.

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