After rocking in the New Year on BBC One, Adam and Queen will be heading out on tour again this month. They will be performing 26 shows throughout the UK and Europe starting January 13th in Newcastle and wrapping up in Sheffield on February 27. And then maybe we might get some new music from Adam later this springISH?! Photos from the Classic Rock/Team Rock.

Oh, and we can’t forget Adam’s guest judge appearance on Idol on January 15th!
Full Episode (Youtube) (Vimeo)

Enjoy the chat!


1,517 Responses to January 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. ultimathule says:
  3. ultimathule says:

    Scottish Glambert @ScotchGlambert
    Wow, @adamlambert will reach 2,400,000 followers in 16 days! More predictions at TwitterCounter:

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. asifclueless says:

    TALCvids ‏@TALCvids

    Love seeing this <3 RT @xHollyGlambertx:
    THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!! Who put this together? Thank you to who did!!

  6. asifclueless says:
  7. sparkle says:

    Hi ALL – Have to share my weekend with you ALL. Today concluded a three day volleyball tournament where my daughter played her heart out and her team beat the team that had beaten them the day before to make it to the finals. Her coach said she was the MVP and that she carried the team. I almost get goosebumps thinking about today – sooo proud of her! In much the same way Adam mesmerizes me on the stage, my daughter mesmerized me on the court. I knew she had this talent in her and now it is fully realized. Like Adam is at the very top of his game right now, so is she. I could describe several more parallels between she and Adam but I will stop here.

  8. sparkle says:

    Sweet Mesmerizing Magnificent GFG Dreams, ALL!!!

  9. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
    LeoMoctezuma’s avatar
    Leo Moctezuma @LeoMoctezuma
    You + Me – #YouAndMe Official Music Video – Cover by Leo Moctezuma & Davi

  10. cwm says:

    Congratulations, sparkle! How exciting and wonderful for your daughter! (And you too!) Big Smile

  11. cwm says:

    Toni B

    You said that you were first introduced to Adam in the Fall of 2013. If you are willing to share, I would love to hear your story about what the occasion was and what the song(s) and/or performance(s) were that pulled you in! Smile

  12. cwm says:

    Just listened to Adam’s recreation of his Idol audition again. The vid posted on the American Idol channel has 202,000 views, and the vid posted on the “IdolvsVoice” channel has 443,500 views! Wow! Smile

  13. cher says:
  14. cher says:

    ‏@riskyladyfla 11h11 hours ago
    .@DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT Hope you’re enjoying a heaping platter of delicious gourmet VINDICATION today! @adamlambert #TalentWillOut

    Did u see that Bri favorited riskylady’s tweet? Awesome balls!!

  15. Toni B says:

    I guess a little background would be in order…
    I missed the whole Idol phase…never was a fan really. Rarely listened to any of today’s music – was stuck in music of the ’80s and ’90s (I’m dating myself now)and I was busy with life. In 2012 ,a girlfriend of mine had mentioned Adam and the AMA incident but I was in the middle of a personal transition – divorce.

    By 2013 I had started pursuing interests and remembered Adam’s name and googled him…
    His Idol performances popped up on youtube and I was floored his voice- his vocal range was extraordinary!! He was so comfortable on stage and the way he stared directly into the camera…those eyes! When I heard “If I Can’t Have You” I melted. I felt the longing, the heartache and I was hooked!

  16. cher says:

    So cool tonib. Thanks for that.

  17. Toni B says:

    I quickly devoured everything Adam over the next couple of months -GNT, FYE, Trespassing, every interview, fan page, blog, social media you could imagine! I always thought he was sexy (photo shoots and stage performances – OMG!) but with each past year he got sexier, hotter and more virile looking. Adam would invade my thoughts at weird times of the day and in conversations.
    The more I learned the more I wanted to see him perform live – for his live performances are truly the best! I had to know if that otherworldly vocal magic was real, if it would vibrate and resonate thru my mind and body the way it had thru my headphones and CD’s!

  18. rs says:

    Hi Toni B Waving Welcome to the select group of people who have what I have called the Adam gene. It is a “mutation” that causes physical symptoms (increased heartbeat, shortness of breath, obsessive addictive behavior, and much, more) at the sound of Adam Lambert’s voice. Once the gene manifests at first exposure there is no going back and the symptoms grow and appear when viewing photos, hearing his name, remembering performances etc.
    It is useless trying to fight it, although why try? We get so much pleasure from it.

    I have a feeling that on New Years Eve a virus attached itself to the Adam gene, causing on the spot mutations. The virus is rampant in the UK right now and is spreading like wildfire in closed spaces, like arenas where QAL are performing. Soon the whole planet might be affected ROTFL

  19. rs says:

    Has this article been posted yet? It is very thorough. Just 2 mistakes, one saying that Adam was on the American version of X factor. That is minor, but it also said that Adam is called Camp Freddie. I actually signed in and corrected it to say that Roger calls him Camp Elvis

  20. Toni B says:

    Early 2014 I stumbled on Juneau and Xena web blog and thru their chat room connected with “Northern Spirit” who lead me to Cher who helped me get my first opportunity see and hear Adam live – July 3rd at the Forum in LA! Grin

  21. Toni B says:

    Thanks for clarifying that! Laugh I thought I had gone crazy, everyone else I know seems to think so! It’s weird because the people who don’t have the ” gene” look at you like you’re crazy at first and then they roll their eyes as soon as you mention the A word.

  22. rs says:

    cher, I posted the midlife crisis article earlier. Don’t know if risky did, too

  23. rs says:

    Toni B, Have you seen Adam perform live? his own music? QAL? One of the lovely things about this blog is that so many of us have met each other and shared the concert experience together.

    eta: Sorry, I just went back and read that you saw QAL at the LA Forum. Trust our cher to help you get tickets. Did you met her and the others in LA?

  24. Toni B says:

    Yes we met! It was brief but I felt a real connection and hope to meet her again and many of you sometime in the future so we can savor Adam’s charms together! Wink I’m awaiting Era 3 with baited breath and a fluttering heart!

  25. cher says:

    It was my pleasure tonib. You and CWM don’t realize that you met albeit briefly at the Sizzler LA preconcert dinner. I know you’d have been confuzzled because there were so many of us there. I love the gettogethers. So much fun and berting there. Think MSG preshow was the largest gathering last summer. Era3 is coming. Save up peeps! Smile

  26. HK fan says:

    aww, love this…I really hope he at least goes to see the concert.

  27. rs says:

    HK fan, I think that we are all identifying with this guy a bit, since at least three of us have posted the article here this morning. It looks like he is planning to go to the Liverpool if he can get tickets, and there are still some available. His dilemma was whether or not to use his press pass to try and get closer to Adam, lol

  28. luval says:
  29. luval says:

    Nadine ♐ ‏@citygirl36 ·9 mins9 minutes ago
    More great people in queue in Leeds. Queen fans coming to hug us, tell us how great they think @adamlambert is now after the last O2 show.

  30. luval says:

    al…is the feature that was on top about “how I became a Glambert” around anymore?

  31. rs says:

    I just found out that tourist agencies here are selling 3 night packages to Prague to see QAL. Included are airfare, hotel, dinner, and tickets to the show. I shouldn’t be surprised. There are massive Queen fans here and lots of young Adam fans. I guess that, like me, they decided that this is the best combination of gorgeous city with gorgeous band!

    But, I have to say that I am glad I made my own plans and will be berting with my own good friends Laugh

  32. rs says:

    I just spoke to a friend who knows about my Adam obsession interest (as far as she is concerned, lol). Anyway, I told her about the rave reviews from the UK and how we listen to the streams together. She has never heard Adam sing, and never asked to, but now she asked for a link to the stream, saying that she would like to listen. I will send her a link to tonight’s stream, but I also said that I would send her some vids. I thought that I would send her the vimeo of the NYE show as well as Save Me from London 2. Any other suggestions? I don’t think that she is into Pop music. She is a little older than me and a classical music and opera lover.

  33. HK fan says:
  34. luval says:

    rs I always send people who have never heard him Come to Me Bend to Me first. It’s a killer. Then I move on to some of the club stuff (not Zodiac!) …Come Home, etc. Idol Mad World, Tracks of My Tears. NYE is a great idea.

    Oh the duet with Noa Dori..The Prayer!

  35. luval says:

    I haven’t looked at this yet. Freddie vs Adam

  36. sparkle says:

    Thanks, cwm!

  37. rs says:

    Thanks for that luval. Very good. I really liked when he said that the Freddie Mercury tribute showed how difficult the songs are for seasoned musicians to sing, while Adam can sing them with ease. Here is his comment when someone invited him to join QAL FANS UNITED. Adam’s smile can melt the hardest heart Heart

    Thanks Cathy. I’m part of that group Smile
    Adam Lambert won me over by his performance at Newcastle.
    He also smiled at me too lol

  38. ultimathule says:

    40 minutes ago
    I’ve joined the line rn its cold in Leeds.

  39. ultimathule says:
  40. ultimathule says:

    On my way to see @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert in Leeds! This gem was on my train seat waiting!

  41. Axxxel says:

    @Toni B ” If I can’t have you” was my favorite song from the “Saturday Night Fever” soundtrack… and hearing and watching Adam sing like that on Idol was a revelation to me… Of course the presence of his boyfriend -at that time- in the audience may help (he sat at the left side of Adam’s mother)…

    After that, I was floored when I heard ” Whole lotta love”…
    However, the “coup de grace” were the backstage press conferences after the last round in the Idol season 8 … one with Kris Allen…(in which he handled the inappropriate question very well – ” who is sexier naked”-)

    and especially the one he gave after he lost the Idol finals in 2008.. He had such command of the stage, he gave some inspiring messages and eloquently avoided the gay question.

  42. ultimathule says:
  43. ultimathule says:

    Alexander Morner @AlexanderMorner
    Adam is so well groomed right now. Always is, but it’s fantastic right now. Perfect length of hair, amount of melvin, everything

  44. AL says:

    Got the thread ready to go for Leeds – almost…am waiting for the poster art. There were some computer issues. All that Adam hotness crashed her computer!
    As soon as I have that I will post the thread – or at least 2 hours before the concert – whatever comes first.

  45. ultimathule says:

    i see 11:11 @noskerdycat
    . 6 years a Glambert today! Thank you @adamlambert Jan 20th 2009 I boarded your space ship for a wild ride – BoRhap to BoRhap Where to next?

  46. glambotgram says:
  47. luval says:

    That’s it, glambotgram. toni b might enjoy reading this and how most of us found Adam.

  48. luval says:

    A great recap

    Love this quote about Brian.

    I am still amazed at the talent he possesses, the incredible music he can produce, and all while looking like he’s just standing in a supermarket, pondering which cheese to buy. How can he look so calm?!

    Read more:

  49. AL says:

    Ha, tried adding the Glambert Recap thread under Features and now the whole top menu is screwed up! Shock I’ll see what I can do but may need eywflyer’s help to fix that! DoH!

    ETA – Got the top menu back but I’m unable to add the Glambert Recap thread there for some reason. I’ll put a link in the Handy Site Links on the side.

  50. luval says:

    Lots of love for Adam on twitter today celebrating 6 years since the day he auditioned.

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