After rocking in the New Year on BBC One, Adam and Queen will be heading out on tour again this month. They will be performing 26 shows throughout the UK and Europe starting January 13th in Newcastle and wrapping up in Sheffield on February 27. And then maybe we might get some new music from Adam later this springISH?! Photos from the Classic Rock/Team Rock.

Oh, and we can’t forget Adam’s guest judge appearance on Idol on January 15th!
Full Episode (Youtube) (Vimeo)

Enjoy the chat!


1,517 Responses to January 2015 Chat

  1. HK fan says:
  2. rs says:

    Is there a thread for tonight’s concert? stream? It is starting in a little over 2 hours.

  3. AL says:

    The thread for tonight’s show in Glasgow is up. We had some technical difficulties that were resolved first thing this morning. Any bets on Adam wearing a kilt and sporran?! Wink

  4. AL says:

    It is starting in a little over 2 hours

    Or a little under 4 hours per the countdown clock above. Wink

  5. rs says:

    You are right AL, Sorry, I was thinking 8:00 and forgot to add the 2 hr time difference between here and London. It begins at 10:00 my time. And thanks again for all your hard work that lets us enjoy this site and these concerts. I don’t know if you can imagine how much it is appreciated. Well, I guess you can, otherwise you wouldn’t do it for us. Going to check out the thread now.

  6. Axxxel says:

    I think he will wear a kilt.

  7. ultimathule says:
  8. ultimathule says:

    60 minutes ago
    seeing him again this weekend

  9. ultimathule says:
  10. ultimathule says:

    Quiz: Which season were these @AmericanIdol contestants on?

  11. asifclueless says:

    This is on my Yahoo Homepage. Many great videos.

    Adam Lambert returns to ‘Idol’ this week, take a look back at his audition and best performances

  12. ultimathule says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    July 11, 2012 – this just popped up –

  14. ultimathule says:

    All David Bowie’s hairstyles in one gif – 1964-2014

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:
  17. asifclueless says:

    Love this. It’s new video. Adam laughed and giggled a lot. Infectious!! Heart

    Debbie♈️AlamoBert @SASpurs21Fan

    MR. Idol Judge, ADAM LAMBERT (my s cap n edit) from NEW official AI Preview vid – YouTube Link

    Great photo (caps)

    New York Auditions Preview – Sal – AMERICAN IDOL XIV

  18. adamized says:

    Morning peeps! Sorry I haven’t checked in for awhile but been thinking of all of you and keeping in touch with all things Adam via twitter. OMG!!! Everything we had dreamed and hoped for our guy is coming true. GFG is right from both sides. Europe is eating him up!!! He is getting so comfortable that by the time he gets to Prague (yikes, only a month away)he should be totally out of control (in a good way of course)

    I have been so looking forward to tonight’s Idol judging but need to go to my monthly bridge game. Total bummer. I’m sure I will get to see it later but would have been thrilled to “be there” real time. CRAP!

    Happy belated New Year, birthdays, condolences, etc.. for events that have occurred during my absence. Looks like we should be having lots of berting over the next several months.

  19. Axxxel says:

    ultimathule Oh dear, after taking that test, with 11/15 and recognizing many objects that I have once used myself.. I feel a bit obsolete… LOL…. Dead Rose Film Turtle Ghost (the last figurine looks like a pacman character)

  20. Axxxel says:

    asifclueless gah, would like to hear what Adam has to say. His laughter is great though and I think he said “hustler” offscreen.

  21. Axxxel says:

    Behind the Tour scene (?) of QAL: video !!!
    Adam is around 13 minutes… As Brian said: ” it would be nice to find Adam”

    ETA: Brian still says… “he is the GFG” . aaaawwwww
    And Adam’s little dance behind Brian’s back LOL…

    ETA:2 at around 8.39 Brian talks about the monitors who are the people monitoring the sound that Brian and the other musicians get to hear on stage so that they can hear themselves and sing/play on pitch… and a bit later about the mixer especially for Adam’s earpiece.

  22. ultimathule says:

    longer BoRhap on Idol – love this –

  23. ultimathule says:

    AL – just sent you an email –

  24. ultimathule says:

    Adam’s gettin’ tough!

  25. Axxxel says:

    Wow, tough Adam… ouch…. Harry got competition… Pity we cannot hear what is behind those bleeps…

  26. Axxxel says:

    ultimathule those 2 video’s from Idol are so wonderful… a little pitch slip at the borap audition but the whole mash-up 2008/2014 audition and editing is mesmerizing… Am having a sleepless night (2 am here) but I think after watching those 2 clips for a couple of times, I can find my sleep again…

  27. riskylady says:

    Nice, from the hometown paper.

    @spreckles: Thursday’s TV highlights: ‘American Idol’ and more – LA Times –

  28. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    So excited for my guest judging episode of @AmericanIdol to air tonight! Here’s a sneak peek:

  29. riskylady says:

    OH BABY IT’S OUT!!!!!

    @dianik_bg: Exclusive: Adam Lambert Signs New Major Label Deal, Max Martin to Executive Produce Album via @billboardbiz

  30. ultimathule says:
  31. luval says:

    Access denied to me on both links for billboard

  32. luval says:

    Twitter is saying access denied now for everyone. Did anyone print it?

  33. luval says:

    Here is the twitlonger of the billboard article

    eta: he was contacted within 24 hours after RCA
    Single out in April
    Multi album deal

  34. ultimathule says:
  35. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    BIG ALBUM NEWS!!!… @THR @wbr

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    I’m not authorized either hahah. Working on this…. Hold tight Wink

  36. rs says:

    So I wonder how Adam spends the two days off while Brian and Roger go home, and with who? Hm?

  37. ultimathule says:



  38. luval says:

    The Billboard site crashed. ROTFL

  39. ultimathule says:
  40. ultimathule says:

    BorneoBert @BorneoBert
    @adamlambert Lol!!!! Maybe your album should be called UNAUTHORISED! Great successor to TRESSPASSING! Wink

  41. ultimathule says:

    met @adamlambert in polo last night, what a guy x

  42. riskylady says:

    New link from BB

    @billboardbiz: Exclusive: Adam Lambert Signs New Major Label Deal, Max Martin to Executive Produce Album

  43. ultimathule says:
  44. glambotgram says:

    Billboard link works for me.

    Excited about everything I read except possibilities of guests on the album. I want to hear Adam’s vocals without it being muddied up by others. Especially if it is some of the people he tweets about.

    Never heard of Shellback, had to look him up. LOL

  45. mmm222 says:

    Woohoo! The new album is really happening! The timing is perfect too with the first single coming out shortly after the QAL tour ends.

    adamized– I’m missing AI tonight too. I can’t get it here in Costa Rica. (I know you’re feeling really sorry for me ☺) I’m hoping (assuming) that one of our fellow Glamberts will be kind enough to put all the Adam parts on YouTube or Vimeo for us.

  46. ultimathule says:
  47. ultimathule says:

    Once more – couldn’t be more appropriate-

  48. ultimathule says:

    7 minutes ago
    With Exec Producer Max Martin at his studio in LA. New Album this spring! 1st single in April. Get ready!

  49. ultimathule says:

    Warner Bros. Records
    We’re pleased to welcome @adamlambert to @wbr. Looking forward to a great future together!

  50. glambotgram says:

    Ok he walked away from RCA in July? 2013. Says WB called the next day, Says he was writing a year ago.
    I don’t get all the secrecy, or what the hell takes so long to get out a single or an album.

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