- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hah! When I accidentally hit something on my iphone camera and see myself it scares the crap out of me. How fun to want to take selfie’s. Maybe he is in NY doing some music collabs. Am knee deep in work stuff but promise to do a mini-recap on the Windstar thread sometime this weekend.
Happy New Year everyone!
@ISniffCinnamon @carly4330 Agreed..@adamlambert has an exceptional aura about him and dresses like he owns it..not many can do that!
GamerGuyUK @adamlambert I’m still trying to figure out after 5 years..he is a puzzle, an enigma..never have anyone captured my attention.
Oooooooh, I’m 99.999% sure this is label-related!!!! Not Glee filming (the pics on Twitter are old and he still has Melvin). Hope he gets a chance to see Nile (if Nile is back from Turks & Caicos). Man, he just made it in before the storm. Love that fur collar! What a beauty.
I promise recap – still gathering my wits, people, it’s NOT EASY!
Dear AL, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! EXACTLY what I wanted. Yes, do have Excel, and now downloaded and saved.
Tweets are great –
Go By Many Names @igobymanynames
I think @adamlambert only goes to NYC as an excuse to wear bloody sexy winter coats. I have no problem with this, by the way ;p
This is actually very close to the original from Tears for Fears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocnt4QXb7Uw
But for me it’s a nice and interesting change.
I think my favorite Mad World is from China, even though I have to ignore the scissors shirt/pants. But it’s so pure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHZ9wN4Wii8
Love both those Mad World performances – so completely different – you’re never stuck with only one version of a song with this guy.
Aely Tell Sonia that’s an awesome gift and pass on a big hello and hug from me!!

cackle –
He prolly came to NYC to ride a horse drawn carriage before the new mayor gets rid of them lol
@chunkeymonkey81 lol yes ofc
This is cool. Has it been posted yet?
Playlist of the 22 top fan-voted Adam performances for 2013:
@islandgirljams organized it on twitter. Apparently about 8000 fan votes came in. I think this list looks pretty good!
I love the list. Some obvious favorites, some I haven’t seen forever.
What a thoughtful gift from Sonia, aely – a true friend to do that.
Two Januaries (is that a word?)
That Paso Robles “Shout” has always been a performance I go back to, cwm – that head shake at the end always makes me wonder if he was really pissed at something – maybe RCA.
Glee stuff
LOKI – anyone see Thor?
Want Adam to do this.
Didn’t Adam do that “one legged thingy” dance the other night at Winstar? Can’t remember which song.
aww, nice photo from a fan
Love that furry collar in the NY pic…..prefer the older one though, smiling and without the duck lips!
Anyone else hear that some folks think Adam moved recently, and that’s why he wasn’t doing more twitter and other social media like he usually does. They posted a real estate add that shows an apartment in his building is available for lease. They say he moved in a year ago and his lease would be up. It’s great to have fans that think about the rest of us who can’t attend a concert and take such great videos. Not sure I’d be kind enough to spend my concert time doing that. And Al tries to keep us happy and that’s a job in itself but he does it well and creates puzzles on the side. As long as I thanking people I will also mention those who post here often (you know who you are) as I’m neither shy or quiet but I just don’t feel comfortable writing just glad some of you do. Happy New Year!

I’ll bet label related too. Here’s a little review of Disaster musical. Sounds like fun!
That show sounds like so much fun, luval! (“Hot Stuff” one of the songs, too.)
This is that same pic with Adam holding up the sign. Look at the comments. There are people who still are surprised that Adam doesn’t wear makeup!
He liked it!
Watching the MW Turquoise supplied, I so agree, and defer to the purity of the vocals on that performance: utterly perfect, not overdone with just the right amount of intensity. It was also fun to see the original from Tears to Fears, and to see Adam (more or less) reprise it, though of course with way better vocals – how does he keep doing that? The driving percussion with the haunting minor key rhythms just took it to a different place, but both are good destinations!
So fun to see Shout and Chokehold from Paso Robles on the list of favorite performances, because I was there, and it was amazing, incredible – permanently etched on my brain.
Am listening to the favorite list right now. Love it.
In the theater, the distinctive arrangement with the strong drumbeat and guitar theme was more apparent than in the videos (of Mad World), and I think the TALC vid captures it more than riddle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mqp4nfWN_s
Pay attention around 1:02 when the guitar theme kicks in. It had a very exotic and strong vibe and was really arresting. I noticed his facial expressions – he was really zoned into it and nodding slightly to the drumbeat. Bet he had some input into the arrangement.
Same was true of Chokehold – seemed much stronger in the theater, really grabbed us.
Will post this on the concert thread too.
ETA: Sound seems fuller when viewed on YouTube directly.
Tothebeat: I remember you there. Such a beautiful summer night.
JOJOSIE…just wanted to acknowledge your question about Adam moving. Nope haven’t heard anything although it could be possible. Has it been a year already since we were talking about Kelly O being his neighbor? Time does fly. I remember Kelly moving out. Nancy Sinatra would know although I am sure she wouldn’t tell.
New York tonight
Turquoise, I remember you, too! And your penchant for listening to sound check off by yourself. I thought it would be a wonderful way to experience the music without all that visual distraction Adam offers. No wait, that would only work as an appetizer for me. Got to have the whole package eventually, lol.
It seems to have disappeared, but I thought I saw a list of artists (including Adam) on ruled paper with oriental characters that Ulti posted. Wondered what the significance was, if anyone knows.
Tothebeat, bani on twitter said some guy just made a list for the best tv show and wanted people to vote.
Sweet NYC Dreams, Adam and ALL!
Ok, thanks Riskylady – both for the info and also the TALC vid version of MW.
NY winter Adam doll
For those interested – a fine article on Phil Everly from the WSJ
RS’s pic of Everly songs:
peeps having fun with this pic
February’s going to be fun
I just dvr’d Monday’s Behind the Music on VH1. I know I would forget if I don’t do it now.
(what a place…peeps are fighting with 3 comments) lol!
Another year of crosswords starts today. With 2013 ending and no new music, I guess that we have the “OK Blues“!
I’ve set up a new thread for the crosswords so if you have it bookmarked, you will need to update it! Of course, you can still get to it using the “Features” menu at the top or the “Handy Site Links” on the side…or by clicking the link below!
If anyone liked that “Adamoku” that I did, please let me know and I can add one of those each week as well.
<--Click here
This pic was in the link you posted, luval – hadn’t seen this before.
This one, too – love it.
It was tweeted by Seth Rudetsky. His comment is lovely (and soooo true!)
Tomorrow night is the Ty Taylor (Vintage Trouble) tribute concert (Birthday party) in LA and Adam is scheduled to perform although they do say “Subject to change”. He is such a great supporter of his friends so he should be back from NYC in time. It’s like a Zodiac Club family reunion.
Hmmm – look who asked the question –
wow @adamlambert it was so nice to hear your song today at the Ukrainian X-Factor! #WhatayaWantFromMe
Where is that bowling alley? Haven’t bowled for years but would go there!!