- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hi adamized!!
Wishing you, Kradamour, mmm and nkd a safe trip tomorrow!
I’ll be thinking of you. Enjoy the show, enjoy your time together! All good thoughts and best wishes!
Yeah, Miss Chaos. Why don’t they tell it like it is. An Adam Lambert copy cat photo. IMO
Damn, that boy is cute, aely.
I love Papa Peachez on AI just now!
I KNOW some of us will love this “shoulders” pic – with a surprise bonus we rarely see…..
Here’s a lovely gem, and after watching it I believe Adam is also a fan of Roger Taylor as he is of Brian. This is a rare incidence of Roger singing his own song, Ragio Gaga, and I believe Adam sang it very much in the style of Roger. Plus, you will see some scenes that evoke Queen’s version and Adam’s NCOE video….leads me to believe he may have also seen this in his studies of Queen and the way they interpreted their songs.
@riskylady..Thanks for that picture…What a gorgeous man..
@aely</ Adam sure does not look to be 31 in that picture you posted above…
He does look SO young. I think it shows that he is taking better care of himself and he always looks younger without makeup. He looks so much “fresher.” Love him either way though
Thanks for that risky. Roger was always my big crush. I always thought he was so sexy and mysterious. Amazing range.
LOL. Are you referring to his “A?”
Adam looks younger, thinner and with a fresh haircut.
Maybe he has been hula hooping. Not likely, but, I would love video of that!
Remember that #AI13 tweet? Fun, but this could get old quick.
Rumours, rumours, until the man himself tweets it or reveals it , rumors, rumors….
Loving. Just loving and smirking and biting my tongue about over there. Now, she is calling it Adam’s Divas look. Now. After almost getting banned, or being afraid of it. Sheesh!!!
And, is it me, or are there more and more out boys auditioning for Idol?
Oh right …We all were wondering if he made a mistake between 12 and 13. Hmmm…
Wishing dadbert would post some family movies. Adam in his jammies jumping on his bed singing LeFreak? How cute. At any age. Muwhahahha.
Have fun and safe travels you lucky lucky lucky fans. Please post and keep us updated. You’re in for a real treat.
Our weather here today was simply miserable. It should be out there by tomorrow. Sorry. Just be safe.
aely, I agree, Roger is very interesting, and in the Queen video of Radio Gaga, I can see he was very very handsome. I just love his voice, too. Good thing I only HEARD their music in the earlier days on the radio, as I was living in Central America and never saw them on TV, I would have been head over heels between Roger and Brian! Love this one too….http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tOmnvKGlew&feature=youtu.be
mils, yes, his nice “A.” Seems he always has on jackets, vests, long shirts, etc. as coverups. I wonder if he doesn’t think he has a nice one, or just doesn’t want us dwell on it (oh, Adam, you just don’t know…)
Risky, I like that one as well. When I was a kid I always had that dream I would get to “date” him. Like I would win a contest and get to meet him. He is my dad’s age so it was a little strange but now, sign me up! Ha. My parents could never figure out my love of a older British rock group.
Okay. So I’m driving to work today, and the car on the highway in front of me had a license plate that said ( without showing it exactly, for safety on the webz ): Led Zeppelin. Just smiled at that. A lot.
Then today, at the hospital a pt was discharged who had been there a long time. While we were cleaning out his room, we found in the garbage can , sticking out, an old, vintage Rolling Stone. From 1983. With Bowie on the cover. Going back in the closet. The byline was “Bowie Straight.” My co-worker “claimed” it, and wouldn’t let me have it. She knew nothing about Bowie, just thought she could sell it. I couldn’t convince her to let me have it. Bummer. But I did get a good look at it. Gah. Rock history slipped out of my fingers…
@milwlovesadam I feel so bad for you…Hopefully your co-worker changes her mind and gives to you..
Okay, so what time does the partay start tomorrow night? Are we having dinner? Or just midnight movies?
Hmmm? A gurl’z gotta plan, you know!
Are we meeting in the corner, or the sub-annex? Might have some cleaning up to do. There’s popcorn all over the floor from the birthday party and pictures and lap dance shindig. I’m down to my last bottle of Jack too. One of the cabana boys won’t stop ogling those special ” he looks like he’s two seconds away”…. pictures. Gonna need help here.
Hi everyone! Yes, I’m going to NYC
tomorrowin a few hours, to the WAFF Gala! I can’t wait to see everyone, including Adam.Sorry I haven’t posted about it until now but we’ve been dealing with MIL issues again this week, and I’ve been trying to get this 29 year old “hip & chic”, so I’ll be appropriately dressed for the event!
I hope we have some good stories to tell, and I do wish you all could be there!
Fingers crossed for a live stream and great videos!
Have fun nkd and everyone else!
The Idol judge thing was part of the actual news
YAY … \O/ … nkd and the gang ..
Jellius, that you will see this gorgeous Adam.
His photos from NYC are all beautiful.
He looks younger and younger everyday.
I’ll go to bed and have this Adam dreamy.
Wow – another gorgeous pic, asif.
I know … ultimathule … He looks more gorgeous everyday.
aely .. The Idol judge video you posted .. wow! … It’s really actual news.
Tomorrow my SIL and her brother are coming to visit and will stay with us for a while.
I hope I have time to watch the dinner. It will be during dinner time here at 6:30 pm.
Here is the world clock for inter peeps and diff time zones peeps.
We Are Family Foundation Benefit w ADAM LAMBERT NYC Jan 31 2013
And Bon Voyage to the intrepid three traveling to the wilds of New York City – blessings be upon you all – bring back multitudinous goodies for us to savor – we will be waiting!
was Adams keek posted yet of Nile?
MTV Style @MTVstyle
Who do YOU think wore this @Kokontozai hoodie better: @asvpxrocky or @adamlambert? WE CAN’T PICK!! *ducks for cover*
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
great minds (and stylists) think alike
@MTVstyle @kokontozai @asvpxrocky ha! it ain’t no competition! It’s just a sick piece of fashion!
Wow I’m so behind. Went to see Muse and just have to tell you about it. Awesome is just about the only word to describe it. The music, the staging, the special effects, the lights- just awesome. I have never seen anything like this. I bet Adam would love the show. Can only recommend it (if you like their music and can stand being surrounded by a stadium worth of straight 30-something guys). This link gives a pretty good impression. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kH0OEJxUlE To be honest, Matt Bellamy is quite fugly. But I think he is an extremely creative and talented musician, who lives for his music. I really had a blast, and I knew all the words to “Starlight” which was a singalong. Enough of this though. I’m happy to be back and can’t wait for tomorrow’s Adam concert, especially since Adam is looking extra handsome these days. Good night all.
Oh, and thanks cwm for the list. It is saved. As soon as I have the time, I’ll plow through it.
Not a big Muse fan, turquoisewaters – know Adam is, but find much of their music overwrought. And one quirk that bothers me – Matt’s “gasping” sound between phrases – like he’s gulping in air. But he’s extraordinarily successful with a great reputation – and some of the kids here like him, too. (Have the same reaction to Adele.)
So happy for those going to the amazing show tonight. but I will admit I am jealous at the same time…Have a great time..and can’t wait to hear all about it…
Good morning to everyone. Yes I still work here lol, finally have a bit of time off when I’m not traveling. I’ll be posting the We Are Family benefit concert thread late this afternoon (Eastern time). The February chat thread will go up sometime tonight, close to midnight if I’m at the computer then.
I’ll try to get some of the Trespassing info pages like the sales and the map updated during the next couple of days. Thanks to AL for updating the Upcoming Shows list during the past few weeks.
Busy times coming up around here from February 17 to March 22, 17 concerts in 34 days in 10 countries. That will be the most intense period of shows for Adam during this site’s existence.
I hope there are at least a few spring/summer dates announced before we get to March 22! I know we won’t get a full tour here in North America but surely there will be a few one-off events. I really don’t want to see the dreaded “No concert dates scheduled” message showing up on the right side of the site.
Hi Eywflyer!
Did you see my post to you a page or two back about not being able to click on any of the January dates on the calendar on the right side of the page? The only dates that are highlighted are January 4th and 5th.
Hi Luval! The calendar is only clickable on dates where a new thread was posted on the site. During January, the only new threads that have been posted so far are the Hennessy event and AL‘s crosswords (which are a fantastic addition to our site). The 31st will become clickable tonight when the concert thread is posted.
The calendar is just a handy way to access the site archives by date, nothing more.
Thanks, Eywflyer !
Happy New Thread Day, February, cant wait to see the picture, after this slow day
of January. Cant wait for the show tonite and see what Adam has up his sleeve, I guess Twitter and dinner will be posted. Have fun you guys that are going, we will be with you in spirit!!!!
Did anyone see that the Fetus that got left of the Grammy nominations, is performing at the Grammys? I thought it was a singing show, what the heck is he doing performing? See what happens when you have a really good of PR people behind you, you get to sing when you cant!
Adam should be singing on that show, why hasnt his people got behind him and got him on the show, so the world can see what a singing voice really is! I know we play the same song over and over and I guess we will never understand. 
Before it gets any later–best wishes for a fantastic evening in NYC to mmm2, kradamour, adamized, & nkd So happy for you all and remembering our time in WB. But still jealous!! Tried to make it happen from FL but unable. Someday we’ll get advance notice or our boy will finally come to FL.
Have a great time and hope we get dinner!
Ron Am loving your ring and card! I’m an Aquarian too–tomorrow.Seems there are a few of us.
Luval you have great taste and are such a good friend!
Sparkle ( my ticket agent and traveling buddy)-your Aquarius b’day was a few days ago. Sorry I missed it but hope it was great. It’s cool to have a b’day near our BB.
Good morning! Adamized and I are on Amtrak hurtling toward New York and mmm222 and nekkid! Weather so far is COLD and beautiful…my “chic and hip” outfit might have to lose the stilettos in favor of boots

I hope hope for a livestream for everyone…feel a little guilty for being one of so few of us here but I know we will do our best to recap and virtually bring you here.
I love love love Amtrak
Well, there goes the last shred of credibility for the Grammy’s! First the Chris Brown/buying his Grammy debacle, then eliminating the male/female distinctions, now the whiner Bieber gets to perform? Not Adam’s style, to whine about not being nominated but deserving in order to get a performance slot. Just one listen to one of Bieber’s “acoustic” tracks is proof – sounds like a 14-yr-old ordinary boy voice, absolutely nothing special about it.
Oh, and while I’m ranting: Blaine, you are NO Adam Lambert.
Do you think that it would kill MJ to insert Adam news in today news thread? We get news about someone from Nashville show, about second cousins of judges, but not about today’s event?
Just sayin’ …..
Oh!!! Sshooot!!!
Relatives are coming. I won’t be able to flail, squee or watch the DINNER tonight.
They will be staying until after the stupid super Bowl.
Sorry, don’t mean to offend super bowl fans.
We will have a tailgate party with lots of food to cook and clean.
Off I go to get the house and dinner ready.
Bah Hum bug!!
Bear with me …. PLEASE!!!!