- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Just a little footnote about charity:water…..they too have come under some scrutiny recently. I remembered seeing this article in my local paper.
I’m happy to see that WAFF responded to your inquiry, Krad. Given the tone of their response, I don’t expect any bad vibes to reach Adam as they don’t seem defensive.
I still donate regularly to Donors Choose, as our governor seems determined to squash public education in our state, and also wants to give public school tax money to charter and religious schools. I also continued to make small donations to charity:water, to Cyndi Lauper’s cause, and to the animal shelter that Sauli and Adam visited (the wolves, the wolves).
Nadine says over $30,000.
Yay!! Now the question is – how far past $31,000 will Adam’s fans take this? I think it could reach $50,000 before all is said and done.
I found the discussion here about where the money goes and what it’s used for interesting. I appreciated that the Foundation had a response to Krad‘s and Calgary‘s inquiries.
I have been on the Board of Directors of several non-profits, and at one time or another have served as chair of the Board for each of them. In fact, the organization I work for is a non-profit. Non-profits have (rightfully) come under increasing scrutiny for their spending in recent years, and the economy of the last few years has been very tough on charities in general. I definitely do not share the opinion that non-profits should be run only by volunteers. Depending on the size, scope, and mission of a non-profit, professional staff are frequently necessary to properly run the organization. Fewer and fewer people are able to devote large amounts of volunteer hours to a cause anymore, and in the nonprofit world, you often get what you pay for (i.e. volunteers are often unavailable, unreliable, and untrained/unskilled). In addition, depending on the mission, scope, program activities, domestic vs. international work, and required infrastructure of the organization, the “acceptable” ratio of overhead vs. program costs may vary. Non-profits have very real overhead expenses, and when donations go only to support programming, the organization’s infrastructure can suffer, putting the entire operation in jeopardy. Very good organizations I have worked with as a Board member have struggled with this very issue.
Although I don’t know enough about the WAFF to know how all of this applies to them or exactly what they do with their funding, I can say that 76% of donations going toward programming is within my “acceptable” range.
In any case, I agree with others who said that they are giving to support Adam’s birthday wishes. I’m not giving so much that it’s a huge concern for me. I figure that it’s good for Adam, it’s good for Adam’s relationship with Nile, and at least some good will go toward the worthy cause the Foundation is working to promote.
firstimerob and asifclueless – thank you for posting that Happy Bday video from the Hungarian Glamberts. Their messages to Adam are so heartfelt and touching. It never ceases to amaze me how universal the sentiments are about Adam – how he touches people’s hearts and souls so deeply – with his voice, his music, his charisma, his message, and his way of being in the world – that he actually changes their lives for the better.
This was a sweet story that HK Fan posted.
Lambertlust’s marriage proposal to Talazkomom2 came as somewhat of a surprise to me. I could have sworn that Lambertlust was gay! Haha I guess my gaydar is not very well tuned, or something…
Adam was spotted tonight having dinner at Rivabella, a new Tuscan-inspired restaurant in West Hollywood. Awww, looks so beautiful and romantic! Nice place to celebrate his birthday. Probably leaving tomorrow for NYC.
1/29/2013 12:00AM on the West Coast: Happy Birthday, Adam!
Thanks for all the research, insight and opinions on the charity issue.
Y’all is some smart peeps on this site!
Adam has a perfect profile for a gorgeous man! Love that picture from dinner.
David Arquette is holding out on us!!
I tweeted him and asked him nicely to share.
He looks sublime in that pic. Love the quiet of it.
Happy Birthday, Adam!!! <3
Well we knew that, David. Now how ’bout a certain video? Hmmm?
Awww Bonnie McKee… <3
More birthday messages
Ronnie FRIEND Kroell@RonnieKroell
Dear @adamlambert Wishing you an incredible bday filled with great health, happiness, and love always. You are a an amazing #FRIEND Thx
Reyna @RainOnMe83
@adamlambert Happy Birthday boss man!! Live it up!! Love you!!
TommyJoe Ratliff@TommyJoeRatliff
@adamlambert hope I was the 1st text! Happy Birthday! Love ya, man!
I must admit that from the photos and tweets etc I’d seen, I was surprised at the proposal too!!
This was on AQD – cute
Recently named “Mr. USA” and Gay Pittsburgh Rapper @TroyACM announces he wants a duet with @adamlambert #dream #believe #TheOprahEffect
Thanks Kradamour for a thorough and thoughtful investigation of WAFF. It’s funny how we check things out in real life but, when it comes to Adam, we just jump in. As a Canadian, I was never getting a tax receipt for this but it would have been disappointing to find out that the charity wasn’t up-to-speed.
There are a lot of “bad apple” charities out there and quite a few that are honest but poorly run but, as cwm says, non-profits are not necessarily well-served by all-volunteer staffing. And, unfortunately, a lot of charitable B of D’s are made up of people with good hearts and so-so math skills.
I also work for a non-profit. Our P&L statements for each event are vigorously scrutinized by the Board of Directors (all volunteer.) This wasn’t always the case. A few years back an Executive Director took them to the cleaners. They successfully sued that person and took a collective crash course on scrutinizing P&L statements.
Glad to hear that WAFF is on the up-and-up. No one would feel worse than Adam is it wasn’t; Nile too. They are artists, not accountants.
I was a bit surprised by lamberlust, too, but it just goes to show. Tommy Joe is another one – you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.
They have Adam down as having a pair of China gigs, Shanghai and HK, and saying he’s the first Idol to have a solo concert in China, which while I think its true for mainland China, its not true for HK, even Adams played here before.
Its weird to know the rest of the world consider HK as part of China.
Its actually known as The Hong Kong SAR (special administrative region). We still have a border with China and non Chinese passport holders still need a visa to travel from one to the other. Even mainlanders have travel restrictions on them. HK has its own government (although do ultimately answer to China), has its own flag, and its own teams in sporting events, even the Olymplics.
Well, that’s Celebrity Gossip for you, not exactly up-to-speed on politics. Shanghai is a bit of a big deal, though, isn’t it? Mainland China requires special visas/approval?
Nice to see Adam with Danielle last night. She was at the Bootsy party but so were 100 other people. Adam’s going to be away on tour very shortly. She’s been close to him longer than almost anyone outside his family. Nice to see.
Stopping by to say hi, I haven’t been able to keep up with stuff during last week. I’ve seen photos, but can’t count how many celebrations Adam has got
I got some heavy dizziness and headache and nausea last week, been forced to stay in bed and it hurts my head and eyes to focus on text
I spent my Monday in hospital clinic, this is not dangerous but certainly nasty condition. I found the name of it in English, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It should go away by doing certain exercise. It better not be around on March 22nd!
cwm, thanks again for bringing again so many goodies
I was also surprised by Lambertlust’s “choice”, so my gaydar is poor too. And Kradamour, I’m impressed, I’ll consult you if I plan to donate anything anywhere…
I have wanted to tell about chat I had earlier with a Russian fan who is coming to Finland concert. Some of you have been concerned about the gay attitudes in Russia re Adam’s concert there. I asked her how the situation there really is and does she thinks it’s safe for Adam to come there. She told the laws/rules concern some cities, like St. Petersburg, they are not set up by government. She was pissed that the politicians don’t do anything about the issue, anti-gay attitudes. She said people don’t know about gayness, that’s why they are against. But she thought it is safe for Adam to go there. Russia shows are with sign 12+, which means family friendly, they will ask him to tone the show to match that. She was certainly not happy about that! We also talked about Queen+Adam concert in Moscow, her impression was that Adam was mainly appreciated by Queen fans, and some of them are going to Adam’s concerts now.
I have entertained myself by watching youtube video clips of a popular Finnish soap series (which I’m not following, lol). Certain storyline in it has got a lot of international interest because some fans have inserted to clips English subtitles, so I was curios what was it like. That storyline is about young people at teens (high school?), and the core of these clips is the relationship between two boys, one is openly gay and another one is a macho sports guy, who is afraid to come out of the closet in fear of losing everything. It’s soap, but I was surprised to see how beautifully and naturally the scenes were made, presenting just two guys who fall for each other, no funny stereotypes, and the struggle that coming out can be. I got hooked. Have to follow how that storyline goes further! And it comes here prime time, still the reception has been very positive. I think it’s great. They have kissed, they have undressed each others. It made me think of AMAs and a shock of first male kiss on national tv…
I share this as a bd present for Adam, to show things DO go further. No way producers had courage to go this far and honest 10 years ago… I hope this kind of show helps young people struggling with their sexuality, and also changes people’s attitudes. This is a short “best moments” vid by some fan.
So a real Happy Birthday to our boy today… The 29th.
Out of the blue my drummer friend reminded me of the special day today and we will be having lunch in Adam’s honor.
From MTV Buzzworthy
“we absolutely had to do something to celebrate our national holiday”
And VH1
cwm I appreciated your remarks about non-profits. You said some of things that were discussed in the article I posted the link for. It’s a complicated business, running a charity, and you’re often damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Wow Lady North,unrelated to Adam topic, but I had to respond since I had BPPV yesterday too! Mine seemed to be associated with gastric distress that resolved later in the day and then the BPPV did too. But for more than half the day I would have to walk carefully to make sure I did not fall down (was sort of listing to the left) and any leaning over at all and the world was spinning. I had a dinner party at my house last night and was wondering if would have to cancel, but I was able to do some things, then lay down for a bit, do some more, etc. Fortunately, house was already set to go, just needed to set table, and husband was doing most of the cooking anyway. I read online about BPPV and most common in people over 60 (I am of course, 29 most of the time, but sometimes I am 58), and half the time doctors cannot find a specific cause, but it is benign unless accompanied with headache, fever, heart racing or any of the usual stroke type symptoms. Didn’t have any of those, just nausea (and later diarrhea). So I think it was maybe something I ate that caused the gastric distress that caused the vagal response (feeling like fainting/vertigo)or it was some kind of mini stomach flu bug.
I too have worked for non-profits and served on their boards. I agree that although a 10-15% admin costs is an ideal, it is hard to achieve when the organization is not large and although it sounds like a lot, $800,000 annually is not large. So I agree with CWM that 24% admin is tolerable, and that non-profits need at least a few professional staff to properly fulfill their mission and be good stewards of the funds entrusted to them. The part that is a little questionable is that the President of this org is Nile’s significant other and there is also an Exec Director. So the salary to the President part is perhaps unnecessary. On the other hand, perhaps Niles’ significant other is an excellent networker, promoter, fundraiser and the value is there. My children go to a private school that is non-profit and the head of school, while an educator, also must be a very good fundraiser and able to network with corporations and parents. So the President is probably the fundraiser person that is the face of the organization and the Exec Dir is the day to day program functioning person. What is more troubling to me as an MBA is the $250,000 in a non-interest bearing account. Not that one can earn much in interest these days, but why isn’t this money invested? It is interesting that they are looking at expanding their two programs to another country though. Fits in with our global BB!
AI wishes Adam a big happy birthday.
10onTop @10onTop
Our biggest bday wishes go out to @Adamlambert!
American Idol @AmericanIdol
Wishing a big happy birthday to @adamlambert! #HappyBirthdayAdam
More wishes …
DonorsChoose @DonorsChoose
Wishing @adamlambert a VERY happy birthday!! Wish him well by helping him bring music to public classrooms! http://ow.ly/hc3mI
GLAAD @glaad
It’s @adamlambert’s birthday. Retweet to wish Adam a Happy Birthday!http://www.glaad.org/news/happy-31st-birthday-adam-lambert …
One of the most popular American Idol contestants of all-time celebrates a milestone today.
Adam Lambert turns 31 years old!! Send your birthday wishes right now!
energy150778 #energymusicradio wishes #adamlambert a very happy birthday #glamberts join us at 8pm UKtime for 5 #adamlambert tracks In a row to celebrate
Energy is now starting to play 6 tracks of Adam!!!
The DJ said he owned the station and he could do whatever he wanted so he’s going to play 6 instead of 5 Adam track!!!
CUCKOO now …
WeAreFamilyFdtn @WeAreFamilyFdtn
WAFF update …
Update: We just surpassed $36,000!! There is a lot of#HappyBirthdayAdamLambert love out there! Thank you!!
Radio Energy is the bestest! I’m curious how they tapped into Glamberts market? Was it an accident? I sent link to their station to anyone I could. Can they tell how many peeps are listening to their radio at any time?
That’s a question I’d love to know the answer to too, Oksana.
WWFM now. Looks like they played 7 songs earlier. Was out so I missed them.
Great to see!
Gee, the whole world is wishing Adam happy birthday. I wonder when the heads of state will join in!

Firstimerob, what is not to like?
I have to admit that I wasn’t crazy about FYE album with the exception of a few songs, but with Trespassing it’s a love at first sight. Well, maybe excluding Kickin in and Trespassing itself.
I simply like the melodies. It’s not a mish mash like a FYE, but very cohesive sound. And bonus songs should’ve been on the basic US album. Like The Map.
Didn’t #HappyBirthdayAdamLambert trended already worldwide?
I think Adam has had more “Happy Birthday” wishes than any past birthday. Yes, the world loves him. (except USA radio and the no Trespassing Tour situation).
Oksana Ditto. I do not skip any of Trespassing songs as I did FYE. Of course live loved all FYE songs saw the Glamnation twice, one foot away in Costa Mesa. Awww…
firsttimerob..Sounds like you were in the front row in Costa Mesa. Pop That Lock is just my favorite (the TALC video). You can see the younger boy with the glasses in front center just having a great time….the top of his head anyway.
OMG, Bieber is on Ellen. He’s singing acoustic live and is awful. And I am not just saying that. It almost sounds like his voice is finally changing.
Firstimerob, I never attended any concert due to health issues, but I watched every vid from every concert. And every radio show.
Luval, yes, despite what haters are saying Adam is gaining on popularity. His famous 15 minutes stretched into 4 years already. He is so multitalented that he will not fade away like some would wish. I’m still laughing reading posts on Top Idol that predicted bright future for Kris and total demise of Adam.
Of course the fact that Adam is such an eye candy has nothing to do with his popularity.
If only Melvin would disappeared forever… Why is he doing this to us? ( sobbing)
Please universe, let these two get together
luval I was in the front row for Glamnation in the second row Trespassing yes I remember the little boy. Pop that Lock energy was out of this world I can still feel it. My only regret was Adam had on loose but very beautiful slacks but I missed the thighs.