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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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asifclueless Trying to post the link to the the Happy Birthday Adam from the Hungarian Glamberts it was very touching to me and wanted to share it.
Thanks … firstimerob.
Is it this one?
It’s good to hear 20th Century Boy again.
And ” Shine Bright like a Diamond in the Sky” Haahaa.
Happy 31st Birthday to Adam Lambert (Hungarian Glamberts’ letters to him)
Happy 31st Birthday to Adam Lambert (Hungarian Glamberts’ letters to him)
The message from that video:
Here is hoping that Adam’s sponsorship of this charity will lead it to be more active in the future. Last year’s tax filing shows an organization that primarily exists to pay salaries to its directors and cover its operating expenses. Very little was actually spent on programs.

Each year since 2007 has shown a decline in income, but at present they are sitting on a quarter of a million dollars in a non-interest-bearing account remaining from their more successful fund-raising years.
Perhaps a huge influx of money from Adam’s fans will induce them to find things to do with their assets. If so, Adam’s gifting of his birthday will be a very good thing. The stated goals of the organization are certainly laudatory, but outside of the annual gala fundraiser and the Three Dot Dash program and a few awards, I can’t find anything else that they have done since founding in 2002.
I am all about giving to charity, and certainly have done my share for his previous birthdays, but I do want to know that my contribution will be used wisely. Or at least used.
I could be totally wrong. Has anyone else out found more about their actual activities?
asif Wow how did you do that? I am so lacking in computer skills. Thank you
Very interesting, Kradamour. Doubt if Adam looks into the charity like you did.
Happy Birthday Adam Lambert, From MOROCCO (2013)
Glad to know that the DVD arrived in a timely manner, Kradamour. Perhaps Kiwis fly after all! I’m really looking forward to video from Hammerstein and recaps from those lucky enough to be there.
firstimerob ..It’s Adam’s inspiration that I’ve learnt to do things for his sake.
My hubby is very good at computer skills at our house so I wasn’t interested in learning anything. But it has changed when Adam came into my life.
Everybody here are alot better than I am in terms of new techies. So if I can post the video links here, everybody can.
I’ve watched a lot of YouTubes since Adam.
So, firstimerob … I google the title of your video, play it to make sure that it works, then I copy the link -URL (on top of the page -toolbar). Then I paste that link here.
Other people may have an easy way to do.

Hope it helps.
asifclueless Adam has been my inspiration also on learning what computer skills I do have. Before Adam all I could do was send e-mails.
What was happening with this link I would copy it paste it check it out and it was something else entirely, first time that happened.
I loved the letters you sent, so many peeps have said what has changed my life being a fan. No matter where you live how old you are Adam affect is pretty much the same.
Thanks for the encouragement, I do keep trying.
Happy 31st Birthday to ADAM LAMBERT – From Armenian Glamberts
Tonight’s menu! Happy Birthday Adam Lambert! Hard Rock Cafe SF! #SFGLAMBERTS @adamlambert pic.twitter.com/Md4ZsOID
So sweet! That has to make him smile!
They are updating the amount on twitter $25,000 now.
Hi Kradamour! Thank you for your research on this organization. I have to admit that I had never heard of it before Adam’s involvement, but then Adam has introduced me to many new things during the past four years. I’m willing to give the peeps involved the benefit of the doubt here in that this may truly be the very first time they will receive a substantial amount in contributions (Go Glamberts).
The true test, in my opinion, will be to see what they do with it now.
Yes, very interesting!
A little Adam mention from Slash
Eden Espinosa@EdenEspinosa
Happy birthday to the ever fabulous @adamlambert. Love you fellow Aquarius
Vintage Trouble@vintagetrouble
HUGE Happy Birthday to our brother n friend @adamlambert! Much love and light. May this be the best year yet!!
An article on Lambertlusts engagement
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Adam. Because of him I got a smart phone to keep up with all the goodies every day. Because of him I got an ipod although the first song I bought on itunes was Black Eyed Peas Boom Boom Pow.
Because of Adam I learned what a thread was and what a post was. Because of Adam I have traveled more and seen more places than I ever thought I would. Because of Adam I feel better about myself, laugh more and could give a sh*t what other people think. Because of Adam I have met you all here and many in person who I know will be life long friends. And of course Adam made me want to listen to music again. (I asked the Universe to bring back David Bowie and it did and now I’m asking him to meet Adam and also asking that Adam will do some sort of concert in North America)!!! Is that asking too much? LOL
ps…I know I missed a few things Adam gave me.
Actually, they raise about $800.000/yr, so their lack of activity isn’t for lack of money. Most of it goes for salaries and overhead, including the salary of Nile Rogers’ significant other.

Don’t want to be Debbie Downer about this, but anyone who donates to this cause should know that they are donating for Adam and not necessarily because the charity is the best use of their charity dollars. IMHO, of course.
And sometimes something like this can be inspiring, and Adam may want to know what they are going to do with “his” birthday money.
Kradamour…how would one let him know to examine the situation there? Twitter just isn’t the way.
Maybe you guys that are going can slip him a note.
But seriously you brought up very important points. And you may be the only one who has done so. Am going to go back to the site to see if there is a “contact” area. I don’t express myself as well as you so I may use some of your points if that is ok. What do you think?
As I mentioned above, I know absolutely nothing about this charity organization. Having said that, I am very grateful for your input, Kradamour. Yes, we do need to be informed!
I started searching on the internet for charities and found “guidestar” which evaluates non-profits. This is what I found. Not much, really but it was given some sort of “star” for transparency.
“This organization has earned the GuideStar Exchange Seal, demonstrating its commitment to transparency.”
luval, Guidestar is a very good site, it evaluates nonprofits on a variety of issues, and you can even click on the IRS filings for most nonprofits as well as the papers filed to obtain nonprofit status.
The exchange seal just means that the organization has replied to the request for basic information to put on the site.
There is no information at all provided about their programs or activities, and there is no solicitation through Guidestar of volunteers or funding or like-kind contributions. (That opportunity is available to any nonprofit.) Also no information on the site about who is involved in the leadership except for one person.
Nancy Hunt, the only person listed under “leadership” is Nile Rogers’ significant other. She is one of two people who earn a substantial salary, according to the IRS filing. (She is President, the other one is Exec Director).
Peeps, I am not saying that this is not a valid charity, or that it isn’t worth donating to. But it is hard to see what if anything it has actually done, other than the annual galas to raise money that is primarily spent on salaries and overhead.
There is one project called Three Dot Dash that seems to be their focus, here is the website: http://threedotdash.org/
Up to each person to decide whether this project is worth the roughly seven to eight hundred thousand dollars per year that the foundation handles, and whether they want to add to that amount. Looks like about 30 kids per year are selected for a week-long “summit” in NYC to discuss peace and what they can do about it.
I definitely, definitely, definitely do not want to rain on Adam’s birthday parade.
My only intention is to caution peeps from giving more than they can easily afford (peeps gave and gave and gave again to CharityWater) to an organization that they don’t know much about, just because Adam endorsed it. He may or may not know any more than we do about the foundation.
A dollar with a name on a card? Sure. Even $31 won’t break the bank for most peeps, and who really cares how it is spent after Adam gets props for bringing it and the card is signed.
But CharityWater brought individual donations in the thousands of dollars, and many peeps contributed until it hurt, according to the comments posted. That charity is amazing and has highly visible and hugely successful (and essential) projects.
Up to each peep to decide if WAFF is in the same category.
This is my last post about WAFF.

Wishing a wonderful birthday to Adam, with as much happiness as he brings to us!
I am looking at it like this. We asked Adam what he wanted for his birthday and he said he wanted us to donate $31 (or any amount) to a charity that is honoring him. Simple as that-a birthday gift.
Now, I do agree to put any more money toward it long term or getting involved I would be questioning the exact same things as you all are talking about.
Thanks aely. Your post is exactly what I meant and I am glad that I made my meaning clear.
I definitely don’t mean to discourage peeps from giving Adam the gift that he requested from us.
Good thought, aely. And Kradamour thanks for bringing this up. Sometimes I am blinded by the light (glamlight).
So it looks like Chris Brown is under investigation for assault again. He may have jumped Frank Ocean, or perhaps it was part of his entourage.
Betting it won’t hurt sales and that his career will continue merrily on without (again) being held accountable.
And our sweet boy is still paying penance for a thoughtless stage performance several years ago…
aww, birthday greetings from Queen
Happy Birthday Adam Lambert!! – @AdamLambert ► http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERuQHpD89j0&feature=youtu.be …
lol Kradamour! Chris Brown will double his bookings & appear on many talk shows and SNL. Whatta guy!!

Luv that Queen Happy Birthday HK fan!
As far as WAFF as a charity is concerned, I emailed them today to ask what exactly they were doing with their money, the relatively high expenses, and what they would be doing specifically with Adam’s money. Although I live in Canada and dont get any tax deductions for giving to US charities I do like to support Adam. But I always check out any charity before I give them money. So, we’ll see tomorrow if I get an answer.I’ll post it here if I do.
Thanks, Calgary. I will look forward to hearing what they have to say.

Adam’s last two charities were so wonderful – I would love for WAFF to have a real plan for Adam’s money. If they don’t already, perhaps your inquiry will gently point them in that direction.
I think I will write also.
Maybe we all should. Even if it is the finest charity in NY, I am still curious about what they will do with Adam’s money.
And if they realize that peeps are actively engaged, that could make a difference.
Cos I suspect it will be a LOT of money.
My letter to WAFF:
Good evening,
I have been doing some research on your foundation before making my contribution, and I was somewhat surprised by what I am finding out.
It appears that most of your considerable budget goes to salaries and overhead, unless I am reading the IRS forms incorrectly.
Your only significant program is the Three Dot Dash, which seems to require fairly little money, and certainly nothing above your usual fundraising amounts. Your foundation is sitting on almost a quarter of a million dollars in a non-interest bearing account.
Even Three Dot Dash affects a small number of people. $800,000 per year for 30 teenagers seems like…well, a LOT of money for very intangible results.
And I think that your foundation will or has supported the TEDxTeen conference(s).
Still, that doesn’t seem like very much for the better part of a million dollars.
So my question is, what exactly are your plans for the considerable amount of money that you can expect from Adam’s fans?
What new programs are in the works? Who will benefit from them?
A lot of us are wondering and would appreciate some information before we make significant donations.
Many thanks for your informative reply.
I kindly disagree.
I think stirring up this pot could lead to bad PR and a controversy before his NY show.
I think the easiest thing to do is if you have a doubt, just don’t donate.
The relationship with Nile and music is far more important. IMHO.
This could backfire not on Nile or WAFF, but on our guy.
The last thing Adam needs is to be connected with any possible negativity.
I also think it is entirely possible that a new project may be in mind in connection with Adam.
I really agree with you mils. This just needs to be about a simple birthday present and an honor for Adam AND positive PR. The spin could be bad for Adam.
I hope so, mils.
And I agree re negativity.
Would I write a letter to the editor, call TMZ, try to instigate in investigation?
Definitely not.
Attract public notice?
But I think that curiosity and inquiry is never a bad thing.
Sunlight is always good.
And if there isn’t a plan, there should be.
A few questions could make that more likely.
And save Adam some embarrassment if the donations do catch someone’s attention in the media and it turns out that the foundation is less than it appears to be. CharityWater and DonorsChoose are above reproach and Adam’s affiliation with them was only good.
I hope that this will be similar.
But tucking away my red flags for now and signing off – tomorrow is the first day of the new semester and new students and a new course – exciting! (well, for a teacher this is what passes for exciting lol)
G’nite, peeps!

Yes, while I kindly disagree with what has been posted, and while we, actual members of ALL have only the best of intentions, we never know who is lurking.
Just saying. Any whiff of controversy, real or imagined, is just not what our guy needs.
Krads, I do agree that we should know where our money is going, I guess I’m just leaving it alone.
Everybody can do what they want.
As for me, I’m putting my energy into diet, exercise and my new exhausting and rewarding job. That is, until Thursday night. TALC vids. Puttin’ on the glitz again baby!!
Krad, I’m with you. Better be safe than sorry. I believe that we have the right to ask where our money (however small amount it is) is going.
Except Donors Choose, where I knew exactly who gets my donation and Charity Water that shows exactly how the money is used I consider most charities to be self feeding monster.
If I want to help someone I do it personally.
I believe that all executive positions in every charity should be voluntary. JMO.
Mils, the info that Kradamour presented is accessible to everybody. It’s not that she had to bribe someone to be able to look at tax filing. I’m pretty sure that some folks are lurking here without ever registering or posting. Yet most of you feels that it’s OK to reveal personal problems without worrying what other might think. Don’t worry about our boy, he’ll be fine…
I think the point mils was making is if, say Perez was lurking and read this thread and looked into it a bit the headline on his thread would not be “Glamberts watching out for Adam” but “Adam dupes fans into giving cash to questionable charity”. He and anyone else in the media could care less what my problems are. They care about Adam.
That being said, I do think it is smart to question but just don’t tie it to Adam. If you don’t feel right about it don’t give. I totally understand that thought as well.
mils If I am wrong correct me but this is my thinking as well.
Agree with aely – question fine, but don’t tie to Adam.
Don’t want him to feel bad about this.
Agree with aely. Don’t mention Adam.
BTW , I gave. If it’s dear to his heart then I can’t say no. Right?
My opinion: Since WAFF’s financial info is public, don’t feel there’s an obligation to question it as a fan group. Any individual is free to do so and then donate appropriately. Speaking for myself, after over four years with the guy, if he asked me to donate $31 to the devil, I would.
This whole thing makes me uneasy. But then I’m Irish.
From the Wall Street Journal:
“The Boy Scouts of America is weighing an about-face to its long-standing ban on gays among its membership and troop leaders.
“The Scouts said Monday it was considering a new policy that would let local scouting groups determine their own policies about allowing participation by openly gay people, according to their own “mission, principles, or religious beliefs.” The change will be discussed next week by the organization’s national board, a Scouts spokesman said.”
I just received a long response from WAFF and with eywflyer’s permission I will copy it here:
A link was provided to the 2011 tax filings that I linked above.
I was glad to know that WAFF has information and responses readily available for inquiries – because we know that if enough money is donated, this will be news, as it was for CharityWater and DonorsChoose.
Up to each individual to evaluate the response in the context of all information now available.
ulti, my husband told me about that. He is an Eagle Scout and has been just devastated by the recent scandals. This went a long way to ease his mind about future issues.
Now really to bed! Was too excited about my new class tomorrow to sleep…(yes, pathetic, but I truly love what I do…)
krad I got the identical answer. It must be a stock response. They didn’t really answer our questions. I don’t know what the benchmarks are in the US but in Canada it is generally suggested that a charity’s op costs should be lower than 25 percent, preferably in the 10-15% range. However, a lot of the material written about such expenses was developed pre-internet, pre new tax rules, etc.
I found this interesting article on op costs for Canadian charities (not much different than US)which has all sorts of interesting points, for any information nerds who want more detail!