- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Had to post the video again. Gosh Mariah Carey is a stick in the mud. Look at her face. She would bring a party down walking into a room. It really looks like she feels everything & everyone is beneath her. Very haughty. Hate people like that.
This is an actress on American Horror Story.
That is a great tweet, nkd. Bet she doesn’t know about Trespassing and double bet she doesn’t know about Queenbert. If I knew how to contact her, I’d send her both.
I watched a double dose of American Idol this morning on the computer (our cable TV doesn’t carry it anymore since Simon left) and I have to say that I am very presently surprised by Nicky Minaj as a judge. I don’t listen to her music but she is the best judge of the bunch! And I totally agreed with her POV during the “fight” before she walked out. I like Keith, too, Randy is his usual useless self, and so far Maria is being a diva (and not a fun one like Adam was) and not contributing anything. I am not a fan on country music, so I haven’t loved a lot of the singers, including “blue shirt guy”. I liked the first girl who wasn’t going to let a broken leg stop her, the adorkable Askew kid, and the last guy to sing at NOLA. The boy with the terrible stammer was very brave. It is a known phenomenon that the stmmer often disappears while singing. I just hope that the pressure of the show isn’t too much for him. There is a lot more than singing involved. Oh, and I loved Kez Ban. I am sure that there were more that I liked, but it is all a blur and I didn’t like them enough to go back and find them again.
Oh, and I laughed all the way through the IIHY audition. I loved it, even though he sang terribly. It was still fun. Think how much worse it would have been if a terrible singer had tried to sing WWFM or one of Adam’s other serious songs.
SO apparently Adam got a Birthday dance last night from David Arquette. David is one of the owners of Bootsy Bellows.
LOVE the laughing Adam in these pics. What a fun party!!
Dear Universe,

I think I would like a vid of the dance, please, with a close-up of Adam while he watches.
Thank you.
Love the pics of Adam getting the dance from David Arquette, he looks so natural and happy….looks like a great party..
Saw the guy doing singing IIHY on MJ’s, at least Adams name got mentioned and a bit of his song played, missed the rest of the show as hubby was watching the Murray tennis game.
Glad Adam won the popdust poll. I;m surprised it wasn’t by a few more though. I was trying to vote in the last 15 minutes, Adam was nearly 6,000 ahead, but it wouldn’t accept the vote once in that time.
He also won The Flecking records poll for best reality star yesterday as well.
oh..that Adam lookalike on Ellen looked nothing like Adam.
This is description of Bootsy Bellows by one of the customers.
I guess that Adam has no problems getting into ANY club!
How do we know that it was half naked David Arquette?
Because it looks just like him!
Underneath and Nirvana in a row on Energy!
God bless Radio Energy. Finally my thirst for a radio playing Adam was satisfied
Looks like Bootsy Bellows has separate VIP section where regular folks can’t get into. I make a wild guess that it was the section where our Bday boi had his party.
A great pic of the crowd at Hammersmith
Oksana, apart from the fact it looks like David Arquette, several of the party goers have mentioned him, and apparently he is a part owner of the club. Certainly looks like they were all having fun.
I didn’t know that David Arquette was a professional wrestler and even won some championship. He certainly has good body.
Adam has the best smile and the most contagious laugh.
Runnin next!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!!!!!!! Turning up to 11 now…
Remember his speaking out about Xtina’s flub with the NA – silence with regard to Bey – isn’t it time to start another “gate”?
Hush, ulti…

So far, my two favorites from Idol have been mentioned here today/tonight. I like Kez Ban, and I also like the Askew kid. I haven’t watched every minute of every show but have caught a majority of the contestants. Then there are always those that they announce as receiving Golden Tickets, but we don’t actually get to see their auditions. Hopefully we will have some good surprises awaiting us.
Yes, Kez and Askew – my favs, too.
Starting to be more of an interesting season – speaking of the contestants, that is.
From Adam
@adamlambert: Scarlett, Carmit And I http://t.co/v8biVNG3
@scarlettcherry: …fierce. @adamlambert #happybdaytimes http://t.co/yGxkCdQD
@scarlettcherry: …parterzz in crime.. @leecherry @adamlambert http://t.co/ox9o4tTd
Oh yeah, and the hyperactive girl with the blond wig and the pink lipstick who we assumed would be one of the joke contestants, and then she turned out to have a lovely voice. Just shows, you can’t tell a book…..
I love when Adam gets mentioned in Idol reviews. This is from Idology.
Good morning ALL.
I like those Bday photos with Scarlett and Carmit that Adam tweeted out (thanks aely!). He also re-tweeted his friend Marcus’ David Arquette bday dance picture, as well as this “paradise people” pic which I like a lot:
The David Arquette dance pic that Adam tweeted is starting to make the rounds – SocialiteLife, MJ, and AfterElton re-posted it.
I like the AfterElton post:
And David Arquette retweeted the photo as well:
Haha so much fun! Looks like they were having a blast. I LOVE the expression on Adam’s face. He is laughing so hard!
Adam’s huge smile getting that lap dance is one of my favorite photos of him ever! So natural, having a great time, no duck lips. LOL!
This is so sweet from Sauli.https://twitter.com/Joannalizzy/status/294881256221581313/photo/1
Another new pic (with a fan?) from the party just showed up on twitter:
There are a couple of figure skating shows on today. Wouldn’t it be just perfect to hear/see Underneath done by a skating pair? The music, the drama…
Kurt Browning…he’s friends with adam…I could tweet it to him and maybe he could spread the word. A must listen again.
And I’ll repeat what Kradamour asked last night.”please Universe, is there a video out there with the lap dance and close up of Adam’s face?” Thanking you in advance, Universe.
He looked especially gorgeous at this party – love looking at his great smile – makes me smile, too.
hahaha this is a great post about the bday party pics!
Videos please. Please universe. Videos. Please. Universe! Please! Videos!
Happy Birthday Adam Lambert! From fans all over the world.
Nile Rogers tweeted the full Shady sessions (some we already saw, some I believe not). There are 12 videos and they play automatically once you start the first one. Such a great listen, and he is MAGICAL on the guitar!!! Preview of 1/31.
It makes me sad (melancholy?) to see black & yellow, people referring to the Trespassing Tour…knowing we are not getting it.
LOL, this tweet from last night after the “drunk” pic was posted (but, it’s true – see luval‘s avi as evidence – no wonder she can’t bear to part with it):
LOL, riskylady!!! You are correct that I just can’t get rid of the damn avi!
And thanks for the Shady sessions. Just great. Shady shoulda been a single (maybe will be some day if Glee would feature Adam).Grrrrrrrrr.
Most of you probably know but in about a half hour Liam McEwan will broadcast a 3 hour birthday special of Adam music. http://www.theflea.co.nz
I saw that tweet too, riskylady, and have to admit that I resonated with it. Definitely agree with that assessment. LOL
BTW, ET Canada picked up and retweeted Arquette’s tweet about the bday dance pic, so who knows how far this photo might go… So funny.
Thank you EVERYBODY … for all the goodies today.
And luval .. thanks for reminding us about the flea … I have it on now.
I’m trying to catch up here. Yesterday I was so exhuasted from voting non-stop the other days so I slept most of the day.
Glee’s featuring his Elmo though, luval – nice try, Blaine, but no cigar – no one can wear that crazy thing like BB can.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! … riskylady.
Adam can’t do that to me. What I have left now since I’ve been his stan is “my poor little brain”.
I don’t have much left for him to mess with it.
NCOE on the flea now.
Hold On sounds like Master Plan to me.
Could it be the beats.
Haha…. 20th Century Boy … Haven’t heard for ages.
Oh Dear Lord.
A truer message has never been uttered.
Damn. I had thingzes to do today.
Have to give up Energy for a couple of hours.
asif…shows how different our ears are. I never liked Master Plan yet Hold On is one of my favorite songs now!
What I like about Liam’s show is the variety of songs. Some from Glam Nation tour, some never released (like Hold On), acoustic from the radio promos…just everything from everywhere.
asif…Thank you…must have been your dedicated voting that made Adam win that poll!