- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Happy New Year eywflyer. Thanks again for everything.
ETA: OOH, since I got the first post of the new year, let me say again: Happy New Year to everyone here at ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!!
Love the pic up top!!
Happy New Year!
Are these the sleeves he cut off that one jacket?

Happy New Year everyone!
So, I just responded to MJ about her response to me. She has never responded to me before. Oh well. I’ll end up banned one day too.
Poster at MJs said a gal jumped on Adam and security couldn’t get her off.
Adam’s tweets are the number 7 on my Yahoo home page.
And with that, goodnight and happy new year.
No Happy New Year here yet! 1 hr. 20 minutes to go!
Okay, it took me a while but, I’m finally dressed and ready to go.
Uh oh, what time is it?!
Well, time to get undressed and go to bed.
All joking aside, my sincere wishes to everyone here for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
Hopefully we’ll find ourselves walking along the same path one day during this new year and bump into one another.
Cheers everyone.
Ron, I hope you had a good time tonight with the Toronto bunch.
Sounds wonderful!
Anyone still up? (West Coast) AL, CWM, Jlurks?
Ready to start a new year with thanks and love to one and all on this site that make all things ADAM more fun.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all, and to all a good night
Happy New Year 2013!!!
Collection of HQ posters from 2012:
Another “best of…” for Adam. Somebody else loves his cover of “Is this love”.
Waiting for New Year Oahu time before I celebrate – NOT.
An hour in Sacto time – Happy New year – people must have run
out of fireworks, hear a lot of gun shots. Heads down everyone! !
Adam is mentioned in 3 of Nile Rogers’ Top 15 blogs of 2102.
The one that is really incredible and worth a watch (again for those who already saw it) is this one, called “Trust the Process” with all the clips of the process of his work on “Shady”. The first time that we saw them the sound was muted so as to not give away anything about the song before the album was released. Now that we know the song so well, and love it so much, it is fantastic to go back and see the process, and also to see changes that were made from then to the final product.
ETA I was too early. I hadn’t read the whole post. There is a later blog entry where one of Niles’ people took over his blog for a day when he was in London and posted edited versions of the videos with Adam along with some more earlier videos, pics and the completed Shady
Hi fellow West Coasters and anyone else still/already up! Happy New Year again to all! Hope you are all off to a great start for 2013. (I need to get some sleep right about now.)
mlg: I love your posters! Thank you so much!
twitter trends for 2012
A youtube playlist of Fan Faves performances from 2012.
Thank you so much mlg for your wonderful posters!
I want to wish everyone in ALL a happy year 2013. More ups than downs and a lot of wonderful Adam moments to share
Here are the vids of the “Best of Adam 2012 performances” list I posted sometimes earlier (islandgirljam). I haven’t watched these yet, have to check if there’s something new!
nkd, if you desire salty licorice, email me and I see what I can do
I’ll put my email to the concert planning thread.
nkd, you mind reader
I am so slow to make a post, you manage to post earlier what I did
Going to find planning thread now…
Good Day and welcome to Flight 2013. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in, in the upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt, and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose altitude under pressure, during the flight, reach up and pull down on Positive thinking! Positive thoughts will automatically be activated. Once activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The Captain has cleared us for takeoff — Destination – GREATNESS
~Author Unknown
Good morning…mils am glad you questioned over there about the Queenbert press (non-press).
Axxxel…you found The Hollywood Press articles. Thank you! But to me that doesn’t qualify as “tons of press” or “plenty of coverage” that she claimed Queenbert got. Close to none IMO.
and Axxxel…great to see you posting here! I enjoy them very much over at mj’s but don’t go there very often now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE…Wishing you all a great day and great year…
The band, A&S on their way to Vietnam. Some fans met him at the airport. A group photo
Adam & Sauli in Bali, from Sauli’s blog. Sauli looks nice here
I don’t know the details but probably again some cray stuff been going on. I hope this shuts their mouth.
Bigger version of the same pic
aww, lovely photo
sorry for duplicate, must learn to refresh the page before I post anything…
Love the picture…Thank you..They both look so good and happy..
Happy New Year everybody!
Wow. I still cannot believe the press twitter-gate is still getting.
And luval, thanks for noticing my post over there. Did you see how she ducked out? And how she missed my point? I wanted prof of PRINT media coverage of Queenbert. There was none, as we all know. In fact, when I had my email exchange with my paper’s main music reviewer and complimented him for putting Adam’s name in teh paper in relation to Queen,he also acknowledged the lack of press about Queenbert in the states.
MJ thinks she has a handle on everything, but she doesn’t. She may know more than any of us ever could about online media, but, I’m looking for print media coverage.
What does it matter anyway? Newsweek just printed it’s last magazine.
Is this a new tee?
Slow news time, nothing much else going on except the Kanye West pregnancy
Rare that a celebrity disses another, so that makes it newsworthy in the minds of many. Notice how it blew up, and now a headline says Adam wanted a refund on his ticket?
(shakes head)
He shouldn’t a done it.
But Hugh Jackman was a class act and made it okay. (IMHO)
LOVED your post, Ginger! copied it into my 2013 book. Thank you for posting!

Happy New Year to all!
I also love your post Ginger. I’m going to print it and put it near my computer. Thank you!
And a Happy 2013 to you too mlg!
Thank you for all the wonderful posters that you have designed for ALL in 2012. Looks like you may be quite busy starting in February!
eywflyer, thanks for updating the “Upcoming Shows” list. Here’s to a successful 2013 for Adam and ALL!
Ginger, that sounds like a flight that I would not mind boarding!

My bags are packed and I’m ready to go… 
@Maremi_Todo: I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/T7xnQH2l Adam Lambert on Top Billing South African tv
Thanks, eywflyer, but the following 5 events are still missing:
Don’t mean to be a pest, really. I was often accused of being a stickler for attention to detail at work LOLOL. But, it is a good chunk of Adam’s upcoming schedule.
@aelyThanks got posting the video….Love hearing him speak and he looked great as usual.. He is so down to earth, which I think is something that really suprises people..
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Where are the emoticon buttons? Have they been temporarily dimantled in anticipation of overuse in New Year’s Greetings?
Belated Happy Birthday to Miss Chaos and MS0712 and thanks to Cher for keeping track, like the good Mum-of-Everyone that she is.
Ginger….I am ready for flight 2013 too. Love that sentiment! And I too will post it at my computer at home & work.
Hi TLKC….I see the emoticon buttons!
I admire the courage and determination displayed by those of you who waded into Mj’s in Adam’s defense but I am done with commenting over there. Took a brief look and left. There is something ironic about a blog dedicated to the proposition that non-singers can pontificate ad nauseum on the comparative merits of singers of Idol/X Factor/The Voice calibre, getting all worked up about a professional singer doing the same thing.
I would add to recent movie musicals that have worked: NINE, which features a host of “actors PRETENDING to be singers” – Daniel Day Lewis, Judy Dench, Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz, Marion Coutillard, Nicole Kidman. They are all pretty good. Kate Hudson actually kills it – a wonderful surprise – and Penelope Cruz is both hilarious and on key. The only unsuccessful vocals belong to Nicole Kidman and, interestingly, the cd includes an additional version of her song, sung much better by another singer. All of them benefited from pre-recorded vocals.
The director is Rob Marshall, who also directed Chicago.
Happy New Year luval! Going to sign-off and on again to see if it fixes itself.
Love your post Ginger! Can I be added to the list for Flight 2013?
IIHY-NL video just popped up on twitter. I am on iPad & I don’t know how to bring it over. Good visual, sound OK.
Since Adam is so honest, may I be? The dancers are so distracting. They are all over the place, no sync. Hard to follow BB. No dancers in S.F. Adam was the center of attraction as he should be, no competing with dancers.
Hi retjenny…Did you see my post on the Bali thread? Said exactly that. Guess there was obviously no practiced choreography, it was a hot mess of dancing(?). All I can think of are the wonderful dancers on Divas. I can tell Terrance really tries, though.
Some more videos from Bali have been added to that thread –
I have never been on Team Dancers.

For the GN tour, I guess they were needed for filler and also because I think Adam needed the psychic support of a “family” for his first headlining tour.
Just don’t see the point now, the VajayVajays fill the stage and I agree that Adam needs to be the center of attention and the dancers distract.
I think they also keep him from moving as freely around the stage as he does otherwise. That might be part of the “hot mess” aspect…the dancers may know what they are doing/want to do, but Adam isn’t on the same page and has gotten used to having the stage to himself.
It’s as though the dancers are in front of Adam & blocking him most of the time. Wish he would watch some of the videos LOL & see what’s goin’ on. Well, if this was an official tour and not a non-tour, I think heads would roll. Mr perfectionist would not let this happen.
Just wish we had a hint at what happened with Adam and TPTB in regards to an official tour.
Hi luval, I guess I should have posted that on the other thread but I’m glad to see my opinion is shared (Hi Kradamour).
I posted this on the Bali thread.