The first month of 2012 finds Adam’s new single “Better Than I Know Myself” already making its appearance on the Billboard Hot 100, as we await the “official” radio add dates of January 23 (HAC) and January 30 (CHR). Hoping for much promo and excitement in the next few months as things build toward the release of Adam’s second album “Trespassing” on March 20. We should have a new tour to look forward to later this year as well! Enjoy the chat!


2,563 Responses to January 2012 Chat

  1. nkd says:

    (The t-shirt and freckles gave him away )


  2. nkd says:

    He’s gorgeous! Lucky girls!

    That looks kind of like the Mad World finale coat with a different collar.
    Ohhhh, I love those silver pants!

  3. luval says:

    “he gave lovely hugs”…whatta guy!

  4. ultimathule says:

    Another reason to hate Google – when I enter “Adam Lambert” I get an ENTIRE page – top to bottom – about fighting/Helsinki/boyfriend, etc.

    Then I go into Bing – and an entire page of great up-to-date activities – topped by VH1 article – appears.

    Gawd – despise Google

  5. Miss Chaos says:

    Ya know, with Adam getting away from the Glam look and all, isnt it time for a change to be calling his fans Glamberts? Something else for this new era would maybe fit in better?

  6. Oksana2000 says:

    Miss Chaos, I don’t think that you can change fandom name. It doesn’t work that way.

  7. Kradamour says:

    Miss Chaos, I was thinking the same thing. I was always a little nervous about the glambert moniker, I never saw Adam sticking with glam and worried about what we would do when it went away. Like now!

  8. Ceddies says:

    Yeah, Oksana, I think you’re probably right. I remember back some time ago someone asked Adam about that, and I seem to remember him saying something like “Once a Glambert, always a Glambert” (or something along those lines).

  9. Oksana2000 says:

    Don’t complain. We could be “Little Monsters” forever…

  10. eywflyer says:

    Updated the BTIKM numbers post. With 104 of 156 Top 40/CHR stations reporting, it has picked up 6 adds so far. Hopefully there will be a few more once the full panel has reported. Full panel now reporting – 7 adds this week on Top 40/CHR. The most important was WIOQ Philadelphia, which is a Clear Channel station.

    Will be interesting to see if 24/7 was really taken down by mistake or not. The removal wording looks like that which would typically be used when a copyright takedown notice was received, but I guess it could have been done in error.

  11. ultimathule says:

    I’ve played that full Trespassing vid about 20 times – it’s fabulous. Can’t imagine what the album is going to be like – and – on stage – a barnburner – knock your socks off.

  12. PlanetFierce says:

    AS far a son liking it, I dont ask, I play some songs of Adams, I just get a Hummm, and he calls him my guy, you guys all know the drill.

    Miss Chaos, my hubby now refers to Adam as “Lamb Chops” and I LOVE it!!!! I can’t wait for the album to hit because I know there will be a bunch of songs he will like. He absolutely agrees that he has an amazing voice. He likes WWFM, and Sleepwalker, taking baby steps toward total domination!!!

  13. dcglam says:

    Ceddies says:
    01/31/2012 at 4:56 pm
    Yeah, Oksana, I think you’re probably right. I remember back some time ago someone asked Adam about that, and I seem to remember him saying something like “Once a Glambert, always a Glambert” (or something along those lines).

    Yes, Adam seems to embrace the Glambert name, which is good for me, or I would have to change my user name. LOL
    I’m not sure how easy that is to accomplish!! Question

  14. luval says:

    I love the name glamberts. I almost don’t even think of rhinestones and feathers anymore. I think of GLAM. Adam is glamorous no matter what he’s wearing. And because he loves the name too, I’m happy with that.

  15. dcglam says:

    Planet Fierce…..
    My husband’s favorite song of Adam’s is Sleepwalker, also. He actually has it on his ipod!!!

  16. dcglam says:

    I love the name glamberts. I almost don’t even think of rhinestones and feathers anymore. I think of GLAM. Adam is glamorous no matter what he’s wearing. And because he loves the name too, I’m happy with that.

    Ah…. Perfect post, luval! Heart

  17. dcglam says:

    TexasWannaHoldEm says:
    01/31/2012 at 2:39 pm
    I was just looking at aol headlines and got pulled into the “Memba Them?” photos – it was fun seeing Alison Porter! Click “next” to see her now (as if we don’t all know!).

    LOL….. Alisan looks the same now as she did way back then — just a bit older!!
    I definitely would have recognized her. Wink

  18. luval says:

    Was just gonna check out 24/7…oops!

  19. HK fan says:

    maybe we should swap e-mails so that if this site goes down we still have a means of contact?

  20. dcglam says:

    Funny story (sort of)….
    One of my local radio stations (Mix 107.3) is usually open to requests in the afternoon. On my way out from work today (4:00), I called into the station requesting BTIKM by Adam Lambert. Well, we did get Adam Lambert — WWFM!!
    At least they were half right….. Rolls Eyes

  21. luval says:

    I think eywflyer will have it all taken care of if something happened to this site. I have faith in him!!!!

  22. luval says:

    dcglam…it amazes me how people in the music business…which includes dj’s…are clueless as to new music. I remember calling in a local station requesting IIHY and the dj saying “he has a new song? I love Adam Lambert”. And the song was “old” by then. They probably just take orders from above on what to play.

  23. Calgary says:


    Another reason to hate Google – when I enter “Adam Lambert” I get an ENTIRE page – top to bottom – about fighting/Helsinki/boyfriend, etc.

    Interesting – doesn’t show any of that – its mostly about BTIKM and tour, etc. Not one Helsinki mention!

  24. glambotgram says:

    OK I had to try the Google Adam Lambert. I get one Finland arrest link at the bottom of the page.

    I get Adam official, Wiki, twitter, Adam myspace, AI, Perez Sick facebook, fansite, NEWS,( BTIKM video, charity, BTIKM interview) then Arrest

  25. ultimathule says:

    Did Google 4-5 more times – still get the “arrested page” – first article is Fox, then TMZ.

    I go into Google – type “Adam Lambert” (no space after name) and it’s all Helsinki

  26. glambotgram says:

    Did any of you see Sauli’s post about comments to his Happy Birthday My Love post. Looks like he has to put up with so much crap, but has a great attitude about it.

    I just don’t get people sometimes. Frown

  27. adamized says:

    Evening peeps. Now that we are talking about Google, I will ask a question I have posed before. Does anyone know how the number of views are calculated? They seem to at time drop dramatically after holding steady for days at a time. Maybe there is some type of re-tally after so many hours.

    I have tried searching the itunes store for old Season 8 recordings of Adam’s that I would love to download to my iphone. They don’t seem to exist anymore. Any advice???

    I agree with luval, Adam will always be glamourous, so we will always be glamberts.

    I think Byron starts his daily interviews with Adam soon, either tomorrow or the 1st. Can’t wait.

  28. Ceddies says:

    I love the name glamberts. I almost don’t even think of rhinestones and feathers anymore. I think of GLAM. Adam is glamorous no matter what he’s wearing. And because he loves the name too, I’m happy with that.

    Yes, and I think Adam also said something about glam being a way of life.

  29. Calgary says:

    adamized I discovered much to my regret that those Seasom 8 iTunes recordings were only available for a short time. You can hope for a friend who has them the make you a cd, or you can try making mp3 files of the ones that are left on YouTube. I did it for a couple, but I can’t seem to find an mp3 site that works anymore.

  30. glambotgram says:

    Grin Laugh Big Smile

    Watching the Bravo Web TV interview and all I can watch and think of is “what Adam could do with that microphone in a concert”.

    Off to the corner now!!

  31. Oksana2000 says:

    Did any of you see Sauli’s post about comments to his Happy Birthday My Love post. Looks like he has to put up with so much crap, but has a great attitude about it.

    glambotgram, yes I read the comments. People were asking him to remove the crappy one, but I believe that he left them on purpose so anybody can see what he has to put up with. I hate peeps sticking their noses in other people lives. And of course everyone knows what’s the best for Adam. Agghhrr…

  32. Oksana2000 says:

    On MJs is a day as usual. She had to close sales thread due to peeps arguing about Adam. And Nele knows already that his album is a flop. 2 months before sale date. Geesuus…
    She should worry about her beloved Kris, who may not even get second album.

  33. ultimathule says:

    adamized – are the S8 recordings you’re looking for the AI live performances or the studio versions?

  34. Miss Chaos says:

    I know this isnt funny, but I got a chuckle, MJ closed the sales numbers thread for awhile, because guess what, they were arguing over, guess what, Adams sales, and the stupid AMA’s. Will it ever end lol!

  35. ultimathule says:

    Yeah – Nele and Kris – even Kelly in an interview thought Adam won.

  36. ultimathule says:

    Miss Chaos – I’m sorry MJ closed it – it was pretty civil – no name-calling or anything – contributed some minor posts – actually fun watching the non-Adam people trying to predict utter failure. And, no, probably never end – Adam’s just too darn interesting.

  37. adamized says:

    Thanks Calgary
    ultimathule I’m looking for the studio recordings. Would especially like “One” and “Feeling Good”.

  38. glambotgram says:

    eywflyer I know nothing about radio and adds and the numbers everyone is always talking about. I take it 7 is not very good?

  39. glambotgram says:

    adamized Feelin’ Good and One studio versions are in our top 16, you could probably make mp3’s out of them. .

  40. nkd says:

    adamized, I will happily make you a cd of studio and/or performances. I bought them all!

  41. turquoisewaters says:

    glambotgram: shame on you! Wink All I thought is that he is looking great.
    I understood from the Bravo interview that the Bruno Mars song is actually on the album, and also that the BTIKM video is about a relationship with himself (as many have suspected).
    I have to say that the interviewer was very sweet, but he kept the German translation to what Adam’s OOL explanation very short, as if he thought his audience was not comfortable talking about gay topics. Yeah, and March/April. In that case, I need more singles to tie me over, just saying.

  42. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    eywflyer I know nothing about radio and adds and the numbers everyone is always talking about. I take it 7 is not very good?

    glambotgram, I don’t know much about radio and adds either, but it seems that Adam hasn’t even begun his promo here in the U.S. yet (except for the Leno/Ellen performances) … I hope that when he gets back, everything will start falling into place – I really love BTIKM! Big Smile

  43. nkd says:

    adamized! Go here for Feeling Good. Scroll to itunes studio version and click on mp3.
    And here for One.

  44. luval says:

    Oh boy…new February thread starting tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what photo you’ll use, eywflyer.

  45. turquoisewaters says:

    On Amazon Germany, Trespassing Deluxe is announced for March 16, Trespassing Regular for March 20th. All a bit confusing. I guess releasing an album is simply not an exact science, and you just have to wait til all the pieces are in place.

  46. glambotgram says:

    Photo for Feb I am guessing either cardigan or this one.

  47. turquoisewaters says:

    I’d definitely support that choice of photo.

  48. milwlovesadam says:

    glambotgram, there was an even better version of that pick on Home Planet. I couldn’t bring it here. Maybe you can, hint hint.

  49. milwlovesadam says:

    Is this one any better? Or is it the same?

    Just answered my own question. They are different.

  50. dcglam says:

    Hmmm, these pics are all gorgeous.
    After much review, it seems that eywflyer usually captures some sort of a newsworthy event in his monthly pics. For February, I’m going with something pertaining to the BTIKM video, since it will be released during this month. Then, of course, the album cover for March.
    LOL…. These are just my humble guesses. Wink

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