The first month of 2012 finds Adam’s new single “Better Than I Know Myself” already making its appearance on the Billboard Hot 100, as we await the “official” radio add dates of January 23 (HAC) and January 30 (CHR). Hoping for much promo and excitement in the next few months as things build toward the release of Adam’s second album “Trespassing” on March 20. We should have a new tour to look forward to later this year as well! Enjoy the chat!


2,563 Responses to January 2012 Chat

  1. milwlovesadam says:

    I just popped in for a little morning buzz before work, and ohh my frack?? What happened to 24/7?? It’s not there!!!!

    But, I do love that cartoon, what’s a GB? And it’s moving!! Yes, we ALL know which one that is!! Tigger!

  2. glambotgram says:

    I was trying to look at 24/7 this morning and could not figure out what was wrong. It just said “blog is missing “. I thought it might be down for maintenance.
    I do love the “late night tweets ” it is soooo true. lol

  3. rs says:

    I just came on to see if anyone knows what happened to 24/7. It was fine when I got up this moring and then all of a sudden, after Cher told me that it had disappeared, when I checked there was a notice that the blog had been taken down. There was no warning on the blog that something was pending . Does anyone know what happened? It is my first source for Adam news every morning.

  4. HK fan says:

    It was there this morning, but when I tried a little while ago it wasn’t. Anyone have any info??? maybe its temporary,god I hope so, I have some good ‘friends’ on there with no other contact for them…

  5. dcglam says:

    luval says:
    01/31/2012 at 12:49 am
    Really, Paula too?

    Sorry I went to bed after my last post last night, so I wasn’t able to respond. Anyway, here’s the latest info…..

  6. eywflyer says:

    Hm, 24/7 being taken down is quite concerning. Hopefully we will find out what happened. It’s possible that Adam’s management is starting to take down fan-based websites in hopes of forcing everyone to use AO or ALF instead. I hope that’s not the case, but something to think about.

    It may be wise for me to consider changing the domain name of this site to something that doesn’t include Adam’s full name. Maybe something like What do you guys think?

  7. luval says:

    Eywflyer…am thinking about it and I don’t like it! Now 24/7 and other sites took ads. Wonder if that had something to do with it?

  8. eywflyer says:

    Luval, having ads on a site that uses Adam’s name would likely increase the risk of having that site taken down. I don’t know what the powers that be would think of this site. I have carefully avoided any commercial activity whatsoever, but we still do have Adam’s name in the site URL.

    Moving to a new domain name would not be easy (technically it’s quite involved), but it may be necessary to keep this site safe.

  9. glambotgram says:

    eywflyer you know so much more than most of us about how all this works. If you feel that is the best option then we are behind you. I would also think the fact that this site does not make money would be a plus on our side for leaving us alone.

  10. Ceddies says:

    I didn’t use the 24/7 site unless someone posted a link to it, so I’m not familiar with how it was operated. Do you think that whoever was running it took a look at the future avalanche of work and decided it was too much of a load to stay under? With the new promo and probable tours, it may have just been too much to handle. Just a thought.

  11. Ceddies says:

    eywflyer, whatever you think is fine by me. I will support you all the way.

  12. Calgary says:

    I wonder if it is because they published all the Trespassing stuff? I can’t see anything else being the issue – there are Lady Gaga sites that have advertising.

  13. ultimathule says:

    Wow – gone – that’s disconcerting. Would be really upset if this site were pulled down. I’m with you, eywflyer, whatever you think best to do. Scary.

  14. PlanetFierce says:

    Calgary, I think you are onto something there..

  15. Ceddies says:

    Calgary, that makes more sense to me too.

  16. rs says:

    Other blogs put out the Trespassing stuff, too, and they are still there. It would be devastating if they were removed, and it would serve no purpose.

  17. ultimathule says:

    Was watching the Bravo WebTV interview from Germany and picked up some tidbits – Adam said Bruno’s song is on the album and that the album will be March or April. (?) Also he sings in the shower and the car.

  18. Oksana2000 says:

    Hmm, I looked for 24/7 and indeed, it was gone.Wonder why?
    I’m not really missing them, they were always behind with info, (Adamquotedaily is much faster), and number of trolls showing up at any comment section was annoying lately.
    Do you think it has anything to do with RCA forcing people to go to AO ??? ALF is totally independent from RCA (at least this is my understanding).
    Did 24/7 was using some info illegaly? MJ would know how it works, I believe that she was sued before for something like that.

  19. jlurksacto says:

    MJ’s and other blog sites were sued by paper out of Arizona(?) for
    posting copyrighted material. Paper looking for quick settlement
    money – avoid court. MJ may have paid? Someone took them (paper)
    to court and the paper was slapped down big time. One of the paper’s
    cases was against Planet Fierce – Adam fan blogsite offshoot of MJs, now Adamtopia – and Planet Fierce shut down. (Going on memory here so
    facts/details could be skewed)

  20. Oksana2000 says:

    jlurk, I believe that MJ had to pay. She was complaining about that some time ago and warning peeps not to post links to certain sites.
    Now, about leaks of “Trespassing” song. Man, if you don’t want any leaks, do not perform it in public. Do you really think that any amount of warning would keep ninjas from recording it? Methinks that it was done on purpose, to give fans a little taste what’s in store.
    Even if Sony will yank all the videos from YT,a lot of people (moi including) downloaded it already..

  21. Oksana2000 says:

    Speaking of shutting down blogs, I know at least one that should be closed down a long time ago. Its sole purpose is to make fun of fans (with an emphasis on Cook fans).Some of the stuff they post is asking for a lawsuit. I believe if you take someone picture and then post it without that person permission is not legal. Krad, what’s your take on that?

  22. nkd says:

    On the lighter side, a vid of Kurt Browning skating to Adam’s Feeling Good.

  23. nkd says:

    The Bravo Web TV interview
    Sorry if this has been posted, I didn’t see it anywhere.

  24. Miss Chaos says:

    Last nite I clicked on the link from Trespassing from the Aidan McEwan site , to listen to, and my son who is living here at the moment who is music college grad with Doctorate degree, walked in said who is singing that sound, it must be ______ _______!!!!

  25. cwm says:

    Does anybody know who ran 24/7 and/or what that person’s twitter handle is? Or know people who know the administrator? Perhaps they’ll tweet about it. Learning about why 24/7 is gone will tell us whether this site is vulnerable or not.

  26. cwm says:

    This just popped up on twitter. Looks like it’s the 24/7 admin:

    Glambert @AdamLambertTV
    Adamlamberttv will be down for now since accidentally deleted it. Contacting Blogger right now and hope they restore it

    This suggests that someone at screwed up, rather than legal issues. Phew. But wow, what a pain to have to restore it.

  27. nkd says:

    But Miss Chaos, did your son like it?

  28. Miss Chaos says:

    But you didnt guess who he thought it sounded like?

  29. nkd says:

    RCA Records Promo @RCAPromo

    “Better Than I Know Myself” by @adamlambert impacting Top 40 Radio this week!

    @AdamLambert is featured in @VEVO ‘s 2012 album preview! Check it out!

    Hey #glamberts @AdamLambert on @VEVO homepage all week! Behind scenes of “BTIKM” Snippet on 2/1 & full video 2/3!

  30. nkd says:

    Miss Chaos says:
    01/31/2012 at 12:54 pm
    But you didnt guess who he thought it sounded like?

    No clue! Just sounds like Adam to me!

  31. Oksana2000 says:

    Miss Chaos,no,I’m clueless!! Frown

  32. Miss Chaos says:

    Thats what I thought but he walked in and said MIcheal Jackson, I laughed so hard. But think about it, when you just listen, and think its Micheal, it could be,

  33. Oksana2000 says:

    Miss Chaos,I listened again, both Michael and Adam sing in pretty high voices, but it’s where resemblance ends. On the other hand, we have never heard Adam singing this kind of music.. Smile

  34. Calgary says:

    Miss Chaos Freddie Mercury???
    ETA: Oops, didn’t refresh fast enough!

  35. Kradamour says:

    Hey peeps, glad I missed the 24/7 hoopla until it was resolved! I would have been surprised to hear that it had been forcibly taken down; that is not easy to do and could have repercussions. The only thing I could think of was if there had been so many copyright violations that a restraining order could have been obtained by the primary copyright holder, but I didn’t really see that.
    Human error makes sense but such a shame! I hope that 24/7 is able to get up and running again soon. Frown

  36. Kradamour says:

    I thought of Michel Jackson when I first heard Trespassing, for what it is worth. Just for a second, but it is definitely there.

    So now the album is March-ish? or even April-ish? I feared as much. Sigh. So tour will be fall-ish now? Okay, more time to save for Stubhub…

  37. Miss Chaos says:

    AS far a son liking it, I dont ask, I play some songs of Adams, I just get a Hummm, and he calls him my guy, you guys all know the drill.

  38. missdfyed says:

    The Glambert Late Night Tweets was so funny, they all were. Someone knows us better than we know ourselves, ha! My husband has a pair of Geoffrey Beane shorts and on the inside label is a big GB! I smirk to myself everytime I do the laundry and oh I gave the meatballs a try also. Don’t know what’s happening to me, but Imma not gonna try and stop it.

  39. Ceddies says:

    I thought of Michel Jackson when I first heard Trespassing

    I posted last night that it sounded like Michael Jackson to me. Glad to know that I wasn’t the only one who thought that. Course now, Adam would consider that a compliment, I’m sure.

  40. Oksana2000 says:

    Krad, don’t try to scare me! Where did you hear rumor about album being April-ish? I think that date is pretty set for March 20 in the USA.

  41. ultimathule says:

    Ha – didn’t read my post at 11:07 am

  42. ultimathule says:

    Maybe he was talking about Germany

  43. nkd says:

    Kradamour, I think that the dates for release may be staggered in Europe, but I think March 20 is set for the US. No tizzies! Smile

  44. nkd says:

    Trespassing. Aiden McEwan’s mix with lyrics.

  45. cwm says:

    In the German Bravo magazine interview that was just posted, Adam says “March/April” when asked when his album is being released. I really think that that’s just because the release date is a little different in Germany than in the US and Adam wasn’t sure of the German date, so he punted. I really think that March 20 is firm at this point, unless we hear an official announcement to change that.

    The interview is here:

  46. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    I was just looking at aol headlines and got pulled into the “Memba Them?” photos – it was fun seeing Alison Porter! Click “next” to see her now (as if we don’t all know!).

  47. nkd says:

    I was just looking at aol headlines and got pulled into the “Memba Them?”

    Then did you see the manly mani-pedi pics?

    I didn’t know that Alisan was Curly Sue!

  48. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    I didn’t know that Alisan was Curly Sue!

    You’re kidding?! Even I knew that! Laugh

    His voice is like a siren call, haha. I am going to crash against the rocks any minute now. Productivity, what’s that?

    Funny post by annieba over at mj’s – sound familiar, anyone? (I think I already crashed!)

  49. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Can you guess the polished star?

    nkd, I got it right! (The t-shirt and freckles gave him away Grin )

  50. nkd says:

    I was kind of surprised at all the men wearing nail polish in those pics. And some in pink too! Even Prince Harry!
    But, Prince Harry was also wearing pink boxers! Color coordinating is important! Wink

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