- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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John Deacon’s son had a bit part in BR movie.
Adam Lambert ALFC
Replying to @ScorpioBert
AHA! Here’s a vid with him identified; there are others, also, I think he’s playing guitar in another scene, also…
I never set out to become a roadtripping, tweeting glambert. It just sort of happened. A bit of Idol here, FYE there … but truthfully, the Glam Nation Live dvd was my eye-opening “moment”. A new life chapter began, with @adamlambert
‘s name stamped all over it in bold print …
Some seven years later, am I sorry to be a glambert? Hell no, uh-uh, not even a tiny bit. @adamlambert
‘s influence on me has been nothing but positive. It’s been intrigue and adventure and … love. It’s been quite a lesson in love. That was unexpected, but needed. And welcomed.
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: Adam’s fans are responsible for all the space that MM person gets on social media. IDGI
IDK why, but I am expecting a “Cold” opening. No intro to the Oscars. Just QAL starts, they do their medley. Audience goes BSC! Then “Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the ……. Oscar telecast!”
This sounds about right…just like SNL does.
I can just see it…silence, then “Mama”….
I don’t understand that last one.
Who is MM and what happened?
I’m predicting GaGa and others to join in.
I’m predicting Adam will get a snow job.
To the media:
Adam Lambert has been touring with Queen since 2012. He’s their permanent frontman. Brian May and Roger Taylor have said so. Please don’t act all surprised that he’s singing with them at the Oscars. If you do, then you obviously haven’t been doing your job. ?
MM is Marc Martel, mils. I don’t want to see others join in. Now if it was the end of the show that might be more plausible.
And another thing, mils..I am the Debbie Downer around here! LOL. I look for the worst and then am happy if it’s a teeny bit better. Don’t want to be surprised.
Dr. Brian May
Happy Birthday iommi099 ,Father of Heavy Metal ! And greatest pal ! Glad you liked the shirt !!! At a stroke you have made it cool !!! Bri (link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BuF4xFuBFhk/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=5sxzdk2xeg5t) instagram.com/p/BuF4xFuBFhk/…
Barbra Streisand to be at the Oscars! I have a feeling she’s never seen QAL and never heard of Adam.
Any actors on ALL?
will hold an open call in Chicago for leading roles for Broadway, national tour, and Toronto productions: (link: http://bit.ly/dear-evan-hansen-will-hold-open-call-in-chicago-for-leading-roles-for-broadway-national-tour-and-toronto-productions) bit.ly/dear-evan-hans…
I tweeted a little note to Linda Thompson (Elvis’ long time girlfriend) about the Elvis special & if she saw it. She only saw part of it so I posted Adam’s youtube of BSS & also mentioned QAL on the Oscars. She “liked” my tweet.
OMG this is a must read – Thank you Stephanie! Why it’s OK to love problematic movies like Bohemian Rhapsody and Green Book, writes critic @szacharek
Mike Adam
#QUEEN (@QueenWillRock) and @AdamLambert will hit the stage at the #Oscars this Sunday!!! This performance is sure to be a show-stopping moment!
“It’s official: Adam Lambert will be performing alongside Queen at the Oscars.”
TNT ™ Latin America
#TNT News : # Queen will perform at the # Oscars ? and we can not contain the excitement! ?Know all the details? http: // bit.ly/2EiKxGQ
WHEN you wanted to do JUST one outfit and ended with four.
#bohemianrhapsodymovie color theme
New original fashion dolls @adamlambert
Cape Town –
Probably be easier to say who or what hasn’t mentioned this yet – lol
I’m waiting for Antarctica to have some king of press release on the Oscars!
Wow, in the US the Red Carpet arrival show starts 5pm EST/2pm PST on E.
Debbie Downer here
I’m like you luval. I kinda expect the worst and am happy and relieved when it’s better than that.
I don’t know why— but I’m expecting somebody to steal his thunder.
This is a HUGE opportunity , and I just want the world to revel in it
Just knowing that huge voices and huge divas will be present makes me worry.
GaGa, Bette, Barbra, JHud.
No host.
Lots of thunder to steal.
Did NOT like when Gaga was on stage with QAL that time.
This is a video from a couple of guys from the group Accept. I’ve never heard of them but apparently they are friends of Tyler Warren. Tyler invited them to see QAL in London at the O2 in 2018. Here are their remarks after.
Antarctica! lol – so funny, luval –
If I could say ONE thing to the boy – it would be, don’t defer to any of those women – they wouldn’t for you –
Here is a 13 minute video of their whole adventure. Concert part starts at about 6:30.
Irène Neuschwander
Replying to @NoaDomenech
Oh my God I’m weeping again… I could not see them when they came in Europe and, as you say, “it won’t last”… I’m so damn sad… and so happy for them and for all the lucky ones who could/can/will attend the shows.
Blessed those who recorded and share. TYSM
I pray….
“He performed the uptempo “Blue Suede Shows” with a great deal of sass, comfort, and confidence. It was a rocking and dynamic performance, which allowed his wide vocal range to shine. He was able to tip his hat to the “King of Rock and Roll.” Lambert got the crowd on their feet, clapping and dancing along. In return, this performance earned him a standing ovation.”
I just want to say how much I love this website!
I go to several Adam websites each day to catch-up on Adam news and without fail you always are the quickest to have any news that day regardless how small. There are several posters here that are always posting and giving us up to date Adam news. I post occasionally to give my opinion but just want to say Thank you for giving me my Adam fix each day!
SureFireWinner ♏ @rainierstar
10 years of Adam. So many full circle moments. His life is really fascinating. I think one day they will make a movie about him.
Hope someone is smart enough to do a movie about him in the next 5-10 years so he can play himself!! Now that’s a must-see movie!!!
I second what magiclady said about loving this website and being so thankful to be able to come here almost every day! I don’t bother going anywhere else because this is where my glamily is!! ❤️??
Sweet Outstanding Oscar Dreams, ALL!!!
Anyone remember when I used to post a sweet dreams message almost every night?
Yes Sparkle, never forgot that you did that.

You kind of tucked us in at night.
Me too!!
Love it here
Sweet Dreams !
Neil is on his way. (I love Mr Dimples)
Okay, I’m re-watching Blue Suede Shoes and suddenly I’m thinking I need to thank @adamlambert
‘s parents again, for allowing him to learn and grow. For not only *teaching* him to be a man, but for *allowing* him to be. Both are important sides of the same coin … @milestougeaux
Eber’s reply
Replying to @poppdlockk12
and @adamlambert
We just fed him, drove him to theatre and warned him about Mormon girls.
Thanks twilight and mils!! I’ll start doing that again when inspiration strikes!!?
Adam Lambert ALFC
The Making Of Bohemian Rhapsody Movie Behind The Scenes
Rami Malek, Gwilym Lee, Joe Mazzello, Ben Hardy
Thanks to James Rundle…
(I haven’t watched this yet)
All the @adamlambert
haters really need to pay attention to these beautiful words from @DrBrianMay
and give the nesty evil comments a rest!!! #QueenWillRockTheOscars #AdamLambert
More people checking out Adam Lambert’s bio
Feb 20
Isn’t another full circle repeat moment , the later parts of idol were filmed in the Dolby theatre which is why @adamlambert
was so comfortable there because that’s also where the 10 Commandments stage show was . It’s like his home in LA
From @DanielleStori
ig story…
CBS Sunday Morning
Here’s a look at what the stars will be eating at the Governors Ball after the Oscars on Sunday (link: https://cbsn.ws/2GzCrvK) cbsn.ws/2GzCrvK
So I guess the BR DVD may be up for an award.
Today’s Queen (future) rarity, from USA, this is the 2019 Screen Actors Guild advance DVD “for consideration” for those voting. Housed in a gatefold card sleeve. Full movie only. @OIQFC
#JohnDeacon @BoRhapMovie
Feb 20
Haha this is the description on my Xfinity guide for the oscars
I don’t remember seeing this picture
For those who like fan art
Amazing work by @ivkaplo