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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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2m2 minutes ago
Nice try, Adam! ?
RENT’s Brandon Victor Dixon Sings the National Anthem
What do you think PattiHum meant, luval –
Whatever @BombDizzled
His graciousness is soooo ???
I think she meant that he was being kind to praise that Dixon guy but in actuality he’s upset and can’t show it. IMO how could he not be upset unless he really didn’t want it anyway.
I wonder if he knows him from his Broadway connections? And we know how he’s always praising someone else.
Maybe too these producers have him in mind for something else. He keeps all his entertainment connections.
Replying to @neilmeron @BrandonVDixon and 6 others
Don’t know him, but I’m sure he’s up to the task, otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten the job. Have to say I’m rather bummed it wasn’t @adamlambert though and not only for his vocal chops, but for a bit of ethnic authenticity in a show about Jews ?
Woof, really feeling that pre-show physio this morning (first time ever for me, the whole ‘massage’ thing)… but, it’s a beautiful day outside in Sydney, so I must go be in it ?
2m2 minutes ago
Queen’s Brian May swaps strings for snaps https://thewest.com.au/entertainment/music/queens-brian-may-swaps-strings-for-snaps-ng-s-1832159 … “We’ve kind of grown together as a team like a family really.. he (Adam) really does give the band new life & he doesn’t have to be Freddie in any way whatsoever. He just is what he is & it works,” he (Brain) said.
Like this quote
Julia @sunny_julllia
@adamlambert I don’t know anyone who can do it the way you do. And I’d like to shout it out to the whole crazy world. This is amazing, and you are the reason of my constant goosebumps you know? Endless love ❤️#adamlambert
https://www.instagram.com/p/BfesyJlAqbk/?taken-by=sunny_julllia …
That JCS show was obviously working with a limited budget
Mickivick @mickivick
Replying to @LIBlondMom
I guess. But I’m just glad it wasn’t the Despacito guy LOL
3h3 hours ago
Saw @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert last night. I am so greatful that I live in a world where I get to experince amazing music thatll last a life time, sung by the best vocalist/performer in the world! ???
Reminds me of the home movie of Adam as a child doing this –
Robert Martinez
3h3 hours ago
Underground by @adamlambert is such an underrated gem. Lyrically and vocally it’s so beautiful and raw. One of my all time favorites in his discography! ❤️??
Should have been a single.
Rave review of Sydney 2. Posted there too
Studio 10 interview. Nice. Love how he talks about Brian’s hair. New people seeing show for first time. Even has my favorite side eye gif!
4h4 hours ago
Adam’s IG! @RuPaulsDragRace #rupaulsdragraceallstars
Verified account @QueenWillRock
3h3 hours ago
“This is a show no music fan should miss, a truly remarkable performance and amazing production…blew my mind.” Read more @ https://wallofsoundau.com/2018/02/22/queen-adam-lambert-gig-review-photo-gallery-21st-february-qudos-bank-arena-sydney-nsw/ … #QAL
56m56 minutes ago
WC: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=2018-02-24+-+QAL+-+Brisbane+Entertainment+Centre%2C+Brisbane%2C+Australia&iso=20180224T2015&p1=47&ah=2 …
I won’t be around for this show, so make sure to follow @katzolicious on twitter for the usual updates during the concert.
21m21 minutes ago
? ?? Adam Lambert’s igs 13 min ago. It’s 12:17 am in Brisbane now.
(I saw her video….nope, I didn’t like it)
1m1 minute ago
Haha the crew have been out in Brisbane and ended up in a bar that the band playing performed bohemian rhapsody ? they look less than pleased lol
They say this is slightly different version of the interview from Today Extra Australia
7h7 hours ago
kobiethatcher Adam Lambert and I after the Queen concert the other night #AdamLambert #Queen
Apparently this girl has stalked Adam in the past.
I met Adam & Ru
4h4 hours ago
His shirt says “Enfants Riches Déprimés” wich means in French Depressed Rich Kids.
I’m torn between beeing happy he wears something written in French and mad because it’s not funny at all and yes it’s depressing he never comes in France
In that Studio 10 interview found interesting that Adam “negotiates with the set” – to “make sure I get to the end” – do notice the number of times he lets the crowd singing take over – doubt he’ll ever have severe vocal problems –
Brian interview at bookstore. Adam mention
Sydney @ironpeeeach
Lilybop Retweeted DianaK
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Dr Bri’s Hair Effect QAL Toronto 2014. Thanks!
Luke Easton
11h11 hours ago
Haha my dad a massive Queen fan. My parents saw Freddie live. Yes Freddie not Freddy. Now considers @adamlambert as “Freddie’s heir apparent”. Was stunned by his performance. This is Adams legacy
Luke Easton’s been a fan like forever – often see his name on YT performances – hard-core Glambert – good man –
17h17 hours ago
feral Retweeted Julia
If you love music and have never heard the extent of @AdamLambert’s live improvised vocal skills you need to watch this & prepare for a shock. I mean you aint heard singing till you hear this. #tipoftheiceberg
10h10 hours ago
Adam’s expressions ? (talking about Brian’s hair ?) Adorable
@adamlambert from the theater to the world ❤ i’m so proud
“David Bowie ‘struggled for years’ to tell the story of Ziggy Stardust guitarist Mick Ronson, says filmmaker”
New documentary – Roger interviewed –
weird review. Posted also on Sydney 1 thread
Well, I blame Pink for the frequent mentions of WWFM being a Pink “cover.” She took the selfish, disrespectful of another artist, deliberate and unprecedented step of putting the song on HER greatest hits album, even though up to then she never recorded it (a demo is not a recording) or performed it. Then she paraded all over Europe and other countries performing the song ADAM made into a hit. That is crass, rude, and totally unnecessary – she’s already had plenty of hits.
I never heard Ryan Tedder record or put Halo or Rumour Has It on his greatest hits, or Muse record or put Soaked on their greatest hits (they only did a demo before giving to
And that is why I don’t like Pink.
Was trolling youtube looking for young Adam in his cape (couldn’t find it) but came across this. Haven’t seen it in a long time.
Adam Lambert Behind The Music Documentary HD English
I have finally posted a piece on Auckland 1 page. I didn’t do a full review as it seems pointless after a week. I’ve had a few (weather related) problems since the show. Good to be back catching up.
Cute review, kiwi. Sorry about all the travel problems!!
As always riskylady, very well put.
Second that, twilightmagic8 –
Adam’s Studio 10 interview posted by luval at 8:44 this morning was so good. I especially liked Adam’s comments about the challenge of singing Queen songs, that “each song is its own animal” and “you’re kind of taking on a different beast every time”. I can definitely see that. He was incredibly charming and handsome too. His blue shirt made his eyes look especially brilliant. I don’t know how the interviewer kept it together sitting across from that!
Kiwi– Thanks for your concert recap. It’s too bad that you had to deal with horrible weather but at least you ran into the delays after rather than before the concert. Missing the concert due to weather delays would have been dreadful!
My niece lives in Sydney Australia. I suggested that she and her fiance try and get tickets. Turns out she couldn’t but her friend was able to. Said it was the most awesome concert he’d ever been to. Didn’t really have words to describe it. Love hearing things like that. Wish she could have gone.
Thanks luval and mmm222 but it was fine. I met some very interesting people that I wouldn’t have spoken to otherwise and it made the trip even more unforgettable.
One young couple had travelled all the way from Wales with a 10 month old baby. When we were in the bus, on very dark roads and detoured because of downed power lines, I turned around and called out “How are you liking New Zealand so far?”
She yelled back “Bloody fantastic, the weather is so much better than Wales” Everyone laughed.
It’s bloody funny … Kiwi.

Thanks for your concert report.
Sorry about your journey back. But glad you got to see the show, met interesting people and got home safe and sound.
We Glamberts would travel many miles to see our boy(s) … rain or shine.
I haven’t watched any videos yet. Only be here for the 1st night of stream. Been in and out of the dentist office. Still have many appointments to go. More crown and partial denture.
Disappointed of Judas role but I had prepared myself before. Still, I’ll watch it though.
Don’t have LOGO or VH1 to watch Adam on RuPaul. Will wait for videos.
Loved chatting to @adamlambert this week. Amazing with Queen, and with new music of his own on its way. @studio10au
(great comment)
At last an interview that wasn’t based on his sexuality thank you…. The world at last is realising and moving forward, I think we need more interviews about @adamlambert as the performer and front man of queen ? … Great interview very enjoyable. You nailed it!
cocoo @cocooyau
Studio10 Interview cuts. Adam talking parts only. #ZoomMo src: youtu.be/x5ANY6HdSM8 and full 2:37 youtu.be/RkznsGRF57k
Na na na la la laa……?….I am not here.
I’d like to wake up with this much pretty every day please ??? (?cropped ig pic from angelabishop10)
March pic?
Hadn’t heard this:
Annie B
32m32 minutes ago
Facebook going Cray Cray hearing Marc Martel not lead singer on next Queen Extravaganza tour. He’s been replaced by a hot Brazilian Alirio Netto…….might actually go see them now LOL