- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
leoblueeys, I was able to purchase tickets yesterday and again today. I got better seats today with ALFC code than was showing with the Queen code. I did get that message a couple of times but tried entering it again one letter at a time and it worked. Hope you have some success.
ETA Have you considered a VIP ticket? The tour package is $250, $260 with fees.
I found a pretty good seat with that just now.
Or take a look at the premium seats.
Just tried again, can’t get through with my code.
Queen code is getting 400 level seats.
I don’t have a LiveNation code. They may send email later today or in the morning.
Love his hair in the Tiger jacket! Love the jacket also…
aww, thanks
Hi Ultimathule, love the pic you posted!
Me too magiclady!
Now this is more like it!
Longer hair with a, ‘dreamy mysterious’ look.
If he would actually grow it out, and not get bored with it, I would be elated!
Thanks luval.
ETA: Looks like he just had a facial. His skin is glowing.
Adam also just had hair color done. No grow out at the hairline, and a deeper tone.
Love it!
My uneducated guess is that Adam WILL be singing on the Grammys. George Michael tribute. My reasoning is Grammys are on CBS, James Corden on CBS and CBS like what they saw!
you are welcome twilightmagic8!
I feel you may be right about this luval!

The facial & hair color is competed then.
That’s just 4 days away.
Grammy performance wishes?!!
Luval, thank you! I have tried all different ways and it will let me get as far as proving that I’m not a robot and then I get the error message. I just recieved my LiveNation code. Hopefully that will work! Than you for all of your help, I really appreciate it!
Catching up on the past week…just want to say thanks for last week’s birthday wishes from even more of you…retjenny, turquoise,cwm,rs,luval, mmm222,ron,TLKC.. Can;t wait to see most of you at QAL!.
Ron…so happy you’re back and want you to know we’re still working on tkts for Toronto…since you’re not coming here. Plus haven’t seen our Canadian friends for so long. rs ..it wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t meet up with you somewhere..Toronto,PHL,DC??…we’re trying. I think we’ll reunite with westcoasters in LA, maybe even Phoenix. Just glad we have this bond from so long ago and these concerts help our friendships as well as Adam helps our souls.
Prince And George Michael Tributes Planned For 2017 GRAMMY Awards
Watch Music’s Biggest Night on Feb. 12 to see who performs during these special segments.
Queen @QueenWillRock Feb 7
.@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert – Live In Japan. Available on import now @ http://wardrecords.com/QueenLiveInJapan/ …
I hope that you’ll be able to make it to the Toronto concert little dutchess and the Duke!!
It was a pleasure meeting you both in 2014 and it would be wonderful to see you again!
I’d like to buy the Duke a drink for his thoughtful phone call to me when I was in the hospital last year.
That should give you all the incentive you need to get those seats!
Beautiful family!
New old photo .. but what a pretty!
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 4h4 hours ago
ADAM LAMBERT Retweeted xoxo, Joanne
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
From gorgeousgeorge Jan 17
coolhaandlukeFor the record he’s way taller than me. Thanks Adam”
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16465597_1829896187276547_585416450605318144_n.jpg …
Brian May
I’ve never seen Brian May with short hair before…
Variety @Variety 16m16 minutes ago
NBC in Talks to Revive ‘American Idol’ (EXCLUSIVE)
Whoa…luval, the treasure’s you keep finding.

Anyone recognize the stone building (bannister pillar), that young Brian May is perched on?
This is a great find!
Judge Adam Lambert!
What I thought too…judge Adam Lambert!
twilightmagic8…things just pop up on twitter and I bring them over here. Just lucky I guess!!
anyone going to see GaGa?
Mix 94.9 @mix949 28s28 seconds ago
Here is the Lady Gaga Ticket Pre-Sale Password for Minnesota! http://mix949.com/here-is-the-lady-gaga-ticket-pre-sale-password-for-minnesota/?trackback=twitter_top … @mix949
But luval, all your time it takes to find & share, is precious to all of us here.
This goes for all of you, that find ‘Adam food’ for our daily needs. Without you, our lives would be beyond boring.
Getting a press cycle
Want to thank ultimathule too and anyone who posts here. I like to lurk too sometimes!
Hollywood Reporter @THR 21m21 minutes ago
George and Amal Clooney are expecting twins http://thr.cm/sE2w4e
MT sing-off w/ Adam Lambert, priceless. Corden,is a good singer,but Lambert is superb-hits all the notes-Swoonworthy http://www.ebar.com/arts/art_article.php?sec=television&article=270 …
lol Adam wins American Idol again
Lilybop @lilybop2010
Pharaoh 3 Enhanced, 2 rotated mrtaylorbgreen IG story videos HD
Taylor Green’s video with Pharaoh.

Pharaoh is so popular with Adam’s family and friends.
Hope he won’t be a spoiled.
Love young Brian with short hair.
Never saw it before.
Thanks … luval for the Gem you found.

Talking about the revival of American Idol and the winner .. this guy is throwing a big shade!!!

The comments there are hilarious!!!
HK fan … Your article about the most expensive strawberry made it to my Yahoo homepage.
The price of outrageous expensive gift of fruits doesn’t surprise me. While living in Japan I saw people gifted expensive fruit like a $100 melon.
Regular prices of fruits at grocery store are not that bad. But they are still expensive compare to other countries. I paid a dollar for an apple over there. But it was big, crispy and juicy.
I think this is why some fruits are so expensive in Japan.
When I visited orchards there I noticed that most farmers tended their farms by hand. They picked away some of the fruits from the trees .. kept only a few per tree and wrapped them tended them daily for the best produce. No wonder they are expensive.
People in the Northeastern states … please take care and stay safe. The big snowstorms are coming.
All dogs deserve to be loved, as you all know I have 4 dogs,including Trespass and Shady. Well Trespass is a special needs dog, with a neurological brain disorder, Adddisons disease, and hes deaf, but I give him a lot of love when hes not frustrating me, Shady is a dream dog, but anyhow I saw a dog on Humane Society site that looks exactly like Pharaoh, and he is a cross just like him. Anyone want a Pharaoh dog????
“Grammys Producer Ken Ehrlich on Tributes, Tough Decisions in a Death-Heavy Year”
TALCvids @TALCvids
Reminder: Today – @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert on sale for Houston show (Aug 5th) starts at 10am local time
“American Idol Reboot Reportedly In The Works At NBC”
“Create A Subway Sandwich And We’ll Guess Your Dream Job And Age”
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
Gelly Retweeted Lilybop
loll amazing edit (pharaoh/adam)
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 5h5 hours ago
Great message!!! #truth
He’s talking about her new song. I haven’t heard it but just about everyone on twitter hates it!!
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
Adam’s tweet reminds me of Paula Abd, when someone sounded horrific and she had to judge, she was like “You look very pretty tonight”
lol didn’t mean to bold.
Here’s her song.
Kind of blah. But it probably be a huge hit.
Frances Bean Cobain was at Adam’s house & he lent her his jacket (Curt Cobain & Courtney Love’s daughter)
Frances Bean Cobain @alka_seltzer666 8h8 hours ago
Thank you @adamlambert for letting me borrow you shimmering gothic/leprechaun jacket after I sat… https://www.instagram.com/p/BQUm1EbBEVZ/
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
“In the last week, the most popular upload from Corden has been Front Man Battle w/ @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert http://decider.com/2017/02/10/seth-meyers-a-closer-look-you-tube/ …
Shoshanna says no Adam at Grammys
More white pants –
Hey @adamlambert , you look really adorable in white pants??????