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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Gelly @14gelly 25m25 minutes ago
From @adamlambert ig story
Pharaoh https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/15016507_392583704428393_8582010604972146688_n.mp4 …
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 27m27 minutes ago
adamlambert: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQMFUWugF_0/ DL https://scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16465399_661061794066084_4967342441913909248_n.jpg …
QAL on Corden was covered by The Insider
Strange, I never got Adam’s tweet about GaGa. Just saw it in other peoples’ re-tweets. Still don’t have it in his tweeter feed. Is there still a tweet deck?
See it on my TweetDeck, luval –
Re: Adam’s picture tweet above. Today is Bob Marley’s birthday, right?
cwm says:
02/05/2017 at 3:10 pm
Hi cwm!
That would be a dream come true but it will have to be only a dream.
We moved last July. I don’t know how much money Gil spent but I’ll confide that the move personally cost me over $5,000.00. Moving can be, and in our case it was, very expensive. Six months later, my head is finally above water. As much as I would LOVE to be with you at the Hollywood Bowl or New York, or be with everybody, every where they go …
… the expense of the ticket, air fare, hotel, meals, etc. would be so many steps backward, at this point in time, and put me at a deficit again.
It’s all Adam’s fault!! Before springing these concerts on us, he should have had the common courtesy to check with each of us individually as to how convenient it would be to be where he decides he’s going to be! He’s thoughtless!
Hi Ron: my best birthday wishes to you!
Also to Little Dutchess and M!
Turquoise – so nice to “see” you here at ALL. Hope you can make it to Toronto!
Sweet Super Bowl 2018 Dreams, ALL!!!
Looking forward to seeing you sparkle. We were at the HotHouse Café on Sunday and talking about that beautiful party around the square table, where everyone talked about how they first fell in love with Adam. Already party planning for July.
Got my tickets by a fluke, mils. A friend called me on Thursday to suggest the Live Nation pre-sale. When I got in, I pushed the Best Seats button a few times and then pushed VIP section just for fun. The tickets showed up: Row 1 Seat 1 on Floor Left!!!!! Couldn’t believe my eyes! The clock had counted down to 27 seconds and I was frozen, then it occurred to me that I could still bail at the next step of the purchase, so I pressed just in time. Took me 5 minutes to wrap my mind around the purchase. It wasn’t until the next day that I realized it came with backstage privileges. Honestly the only think I cared about was getting a seat where there would be no one too tall in front of me (too tall being anything over 5’1″).
Two considerations: Holidays are when my boss closes the office so there isn’t much of a chance to road trip this time. Also, I was supposed to buy a new back door this month. The door can wait.
He’s becoming a homebody
Noëlle ?♐ @adamgasm1982 6h6 hours ago
Adam’s fireplace > jskystyle’s IG story: https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/16648565_601638750026618_79016089597509632_n.mp4 …
Homebody Adam! For some reason I can’t see that IG story, luval. Here’s hoping it shows up on Youtube soon. In the meantime, what’s happening in it?
Nothing happening in it!!! Just his fireplace burning which you can see on your own tv.
Queen @QueenWillRock 5m5 minutes ago
“I think we’ll go with a little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen…” Screening today and tomorrow across the US! More @ http://www.waynesworld25.com
Gelly @14gelly 11m11 minutes ago
Queen to Go on a Tour Around North America, Accompanying Them is Adam Lambert, Who Shares His Thoughts http://masterherald.com/queen-to-go-on-a-tour-around-north-america-accompanying-them-is-adam-lambert-who-shares-his-thoughts-about-the-situation/53792/ …
IWONA @IvaaLambert 49m49 minutes ago
Oh TLKC thanks for that story. I know how short you, we are!!! We were so lucky in Toronto up at that thrust!!
Twitter War on Trolls Continues: Chronic Abusers Will Be Blocked From Creating New Accounts
Lola ? @YourGlambert 1h1 hour ago
Adam Lambert – True Colors . FINALLY UPLOADED. Hope you guys like it. (Please RT & share?)
The Rolling Stones @RollingStones 13m13 minutes ago
Exhibitionism is in NYC until March 12! Get tickets here: http://stonesexhibitionism.com #StonesIsm
I think we knew this: RHPS nominated for Outstanding TV Movie or Limited Series at GLAAD awards
OMG!!! I have been trying for over an hour to purchase tickets for the Houston concert. It lets me get past the verification and then says its restricted, try a different offer!!!! Has anyone else had this problem?? Help!
leoblueys Try another server. Firefox didn’t work for me. Chrome? Windows Edge?
The Insider is cancelled
Syndicated Entertainment Veteran #TheInsider to End http://bit.ly/2lgwglI
luval, I don’t have firefox, I’m trying on Chrome. It lets me select the amount of tickets and price range and then it goes through all the verifications to make sure I’m not a robot and then says this offer is restricted, try another offer. This is frustrating!!
Don’t worry. You will get tickets. There are ALWAYS tickets available. There’s even a twitter site @Adam_tickets where people buy & sell.
I imagine that you’re trying to get 2 together. Single tickets are easier. But again, keep trying…you will get them.
‘Can you hear me?’: New phone scam tricks you into saying, ‘Yes’
Hey, does anyone have the live nation presale code that start on the 9th?
Gelly @14gelly
jskystyle ig story. Adam’s fireplace
https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/16648565_601638750026618_79016089597509632_n.mp4 …
TVLine.com @TVLine 50m50 minutes ago
Lady Gaga to Join RuPaul’s #DragRace as Guest Judge: Watch a Preview http://tvline.com/2017/02/07/lady-gaga-rupaul-drag-race-guest-judge-season-9-premiere-video/ …
OK … The song from Adam’s fireplace ig story is not his new music but a song from this …
The New Respects – Money
W magazine Verified account
Lady Gaga and Metallica will duet at the #Grammys, because apparently someone asked for that.
Jessi // @MyDreamADAM 2h2 hours ago
GUYS! PLEASE VOTE! YOU CAN VOTE ONCE PER HOUR! QUEENBERT DESERVE IT!!! #glamberts #vote #AdamLambert #SuperBowl2018
http://popcrush.com/poll-who-should-perform-the-super-bowl-halftime-show-in-2018/ …
Winter is coming? @sandyzzzen 14m14 minutes ago
Tory Kelly is the new J Hudson. At every single tribute.
kardam @kardamdoll 4m4 minutes ago
ニット帽かわいいなあ~~( *´艸`) 2012.11
Love this pic, too –
a HK strawberry (actually its from japan) made Time magazine…I’m a member of the FB group mentioned in the article…its unbelievable the price of Japanese fruit, but I’ve never seen a strawberry this expensive before!!!
wow HK Fan. I don’t think I’d be buying much fruit at those prices. I’m spoilt as I have a large-ish block of land and grow a lot of my own. A punnet (approx. 15 strawberries) would cost about $3 – $4 in the supermarket here.
Out last night. oooooo his hair
ON IG coryz07 Random Tuesday with @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BQPk8Lajl4o/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16464947_1731050470557970_2455394118352764928_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQ0NTUzNjQ3MDUwODkyMDM2MA%3D%3D.2 …
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
CaroLambs @CaroLambs 16h16 hours ago
Family with childhood pup.
Hi Kiwi….they are not normal fruit prices, although the Japanese imported fruit is always a lot more expensive than normal. These ‘special’ fruits always seem to be around for CNY…its a tradition to give expensive fruit as a gift….
Pop Crave
#GRAMMYs to feature tribute to George Michael. Performers will be revealed during the show.
(probably will be leaks)
Hey, has anyone been able to get tickets to the Houston show? If so what is your secret???? I have been trying since yesterday with the presale code and it keeps saying that this offer is restricted at this time, try another offer! I have noticed under comments of the venue that a lot of other people are recieving the same message. I have tried different computors as well as a phone. I have also tried different search engines! It looks like I may have to wait until the the regular sale date of the 10th for my tickets. I’m hoping that I can still get decent ones and not up in the nose bleed section.
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 30m30 minutes ago
POST|@AdamLambert on Facebook:Join me in supporting @ACLU_SoCal with a hand-signed, limited edition…https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambert/posts/10154424654123651 …
Hi Kiwi….they are not normal fruit prices
Phew, good to know HK Fan, I was going to send a care package!
I found this link… http://www.houstontoyotacenter.com/events/detail/queenadamlambert2017. Is this where you are going to? Are you using the Queen presale code? If so it takes you to a “partner site” which is not ticketmaster. Or try livenation.com tomorrow.
Luval, I am using the adamlambertfans.com fan site pre-sale code. The link you posted above is the link that I have been using. I don’t have a Queen presale code. Although I’m a fan of Queen, I’m not a paying member. I have spoke to a representive from the fansite and they were going through the steps with me and they were able to get through, so I don’t know what is going on. I don’t have a livenation code. How do you get it? I appreciate any help at all!