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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I hear that somewhere in Texas they are putting on a little “football” game today in both of your honors – They even got Lady Ga Ga to sing at the half time. If she forgets to sing the “Happy Birthday” part we here, at ALL, will all join in and sing together
Happy Biethday to you, Happy Birthday…..well you know the rest

Sounds like your birthday started off brilliantly, with more to come.
Thanks for sharing all the details. I’ve missed your posts greatly here, and so thrilled you’re back!
tina.p.glambert ♎️ @tinapglambert 11m11 minutes ago
…just heard it on the radio…”Superbowl Special Guests are Lady Gaga & Queen Guitarist Brian May ?!” ???WTF??? Is it really true?
Happy Birthday, Ron and little dutchess! And all of the other recent birthdays I’ve missed!
little dutchess – Congrats on getting tickets for your four shows, and I hope that you have good luck getting tix for the remainder of the shows you want to see! You could even try StubHub now – I’m sure there are a lot of good seats on StubHub at this point.
Ron – great birthday present! I have an idea. How about if you expedite that paperwork process and get your documents by July, so that you can join us a bunch of us ALLers at either the Hollywood Bowl show or the NY show?! Or both! It would be great to meet you! (Sadly, I am not going to be able to make it to the Toronto show.)
Interesting tweet luval posted about Brian being mentioned on the radio as participating in the Super Bowl halftime show. I had been holding out hope that QAL would do a surprise appearance with Gaga, since I thought there was a pretty good chance she might bring them into her show, but I haven’t seen any hard evidence to fuel my hopes. No rehearsal leaks, no hints from Gaga that anybody else is joining her onstage, Brian and Roger have probably gone back home, Adam seems pretty relaxed with friends the last few days… shoot. But if it happens, I would be ecstatic!
Brian played on Gaga’s “You and I” – maybe that?
I thought Brian went back home too. Some peeps on twitter are discussing what they would do…We Will Rock You??? Hell no!!! It must be just a bad rumor. She has to promote her songs I would think. Haven’t heard a thing about surprise guests either.
Hopefully, she won’t be singing a Queen song.
Makes me so happy that QAL, were just on James Cordon a couple of days ago, and were fabulous!
Happy birthdays to Ron, Little Duchess and M!

Duchess,I hope that you get East Coast tickets. I can’t imagine coming to FIVE QAL concerts and not seeing you and the Duke. Have I said it before? I love my QAL pals who got me tickets since I can’t buy them from here.
Wow GaGa was terrific! And to think she had a hip replacement! Waiting to see if Adam will tweet.
Great halftime Lady GaGa…

Watch this … Full Performance
Thanks, asif – didn’t watch it on TV – huge gaudy frenetic entertaining production – Gaga just leaves me cold, though –
Music News & Facts @Musicnews_feed 32m32 minutes ago
“Million Reasons” has skyrocketed to #1 on US iTunes after Lady Gaga’s #PepsiHalftime Super Bowl show.
GT video just slipped 84k quietly past the 82 million mark. And ALN is steadily gaining views. IIHY closing in on 60 million.
Really glad to see some people getting the message about “he’s not Freddie Mercury” – it’s such a tired meme now – hope other reviewers realize this –
Been reliving my Merriweather Post concert this afternoon –
Noëlle ?♐ @adamgasm1982
Uncle @ adamlambert got some kisses from Charlieeeee …
Happy Birthday, Ron!?????❤ Whew, made it with 3 minutes to spare! Living on the edge!
So glad to “see” you here, Ron! What a great birthday ?! Is the Hothouse the one we went to with the room in the back?
Wish M a belated birthday for me. She must have been thrilled with her gift of QAL on the Late Late Show!
Sweet Spectacular Beautiful Birthday Dreams, ALL (especially my fellow Aquarians)!!!
Love this pic –
Kathy Katz @katzolicious
so what’s the occasion?
You guys!!! @joungerauxais @rayauxais made the cutest baby ever .. choo choo!!!’ … Im obsessed !!!.. Look at her !! ?? best Super Bowl
Uncle @adamlambert got some kisses from Charlieeeee ?? this baby ..im telling u.. I want a daughter right now !!,. #tooCute #cutestBaby
VIDEO|@AdamLambert on Snapchat:”When the uber is complaining about his other fares of the night. Zzzzzzz” ?
Adam Lambert
My twin
Gelly @14gelly
And he went with Paraph of course aw sweet
Gelly @14gelly
And my favorite earring
Ohh it’s Johanna’s baby he liked many pics in the past aw cutieeee
Thank you for all of your kind and thoughtful birthday wishes.
Thank you! But you, your husband and children, are the ones who are truly lovely. I love your contributions on Facebook.
Ulti. Along with luval, the “Keeper of the Flame” that keeps us together!
I’d only heard a snippet of Adam singing “Summertime” until you gave me the link for the full version. It was, he is … here’s a word that I never use but that certainly applies to Adam … “sublime”. Soooo looking forward to seeing you and Mr.Riskylady this July!!
Hi back asif
little Duchess and the Duke, 2 and a half years later and you’re still having trouble getting tickets to Toronto?!
I wish that I was really kidding about this because, even though I’ll be getting the necessary documents in order to travel across borders, I won’t be traveling to the U.S. for other concerts.
YAY! It’s going to be a long six months to see you again adamized and to meet you mmm222
I’m waving to you more wildly and sending you more massive hugggzzz to my, one and only, Hello Gorgeous girl!! (Let’s talk soon!)
Aww, Calgary it’s always a pleasure to read your posts.
So happy for you! In case anyone doesn’t know, if it wasn’t for the kindness and generosity of this man, I wouldn’t have been able to go to Ste.-Agathe that’s getting to be a few years ago now. But I’ll never forget and I’ll always be grateful to you, my friend.
rs! I’m soooo looking forward to seeing you again in July! You and riskylady … who could ask for anything more?
Hi sparkle!!! Yes, The Hot House (not a very elegant name for what’s a rather elegant restaurant) is where I first met you and where we had that wonderful meal before the concert July 2014.
So now that I’ve bored you all to tears, at nearly 3am, I think that it’s time to go to bed.
Thank you again for thinking of me and for your birthday wishes.
Oh Ron, you NEVER bore us. Glad you are back

Correction! The one who did all the work getting my tickets and reservations was dear, wonderful riskylady. She did the work of five people and deserves the credit. Massive thanks

Wow. This is Adam’s dancer. Holly’s mother was in a Super Bowl commercial!
Vote for who you think should play next year’s #SuperBowl halftime: on.fuse.tv/2kbGq2S
Who would want to be the singer or band to follow last night’s Super Bowl half time show? Gaga was spectacular. Of course, QAL would generate quite an amazing, though different, kind of pyrotechnics. In fact, they might be just fit the bill.
Happy birthday little duchess! We celebrated Ron and M’s birthday yesterday. Wish you could have been part of it!
Can’t wait – it’s an entire 6 months + – until we all have chance to get together again.
FYI, I got a new ticket to the July 18 concert that includes a backstage pass. Fully intend to wear mils QAL earrings and show them to Brian/Adam/Roger if the opportunity presents itself. They are the most inspired jewellery to come out of QAL and it would have been awesome if they had thought of adding something like that to their souvenirs. We Glamberts do love our jewellry!
Happy birthday Ron!!! And everybody else, whoever I’m missing, my apologies, I’m just home from NY, and badly need to catch up with real life and here.
Kids coming home for a few days of local parties, nkd madly texting, ticket upgrades, I haven’t even really processed what my lovely friends and ticket buyers did for me#!
NY for QAL???? Pleeeeaaassee
I can’t make it to Toronto this time. But can you come to Brooklyn???????
Wow, TLKC, backstage with my earrings!!!???
Wow wow wow.
Good for you!!!
How did you get those tix???
Gelly @14gelly 14m14 minutes ago
close up
Love the look, jeans sunglasses hair pants everything
Gelly @14gelly 17m17 minutes ago
I love him he’s wearing something awesome like olive pants w a skirt? I can’t quite tell and has same colors on Pharaoh’s harness , camo lol
click on this for BIG
Just watched Gaga.
She slaaayed.
The only thing, only, that could top that is QAL.
Maybe after THIS tour, America will fracking realize that they belong at the half time show
Give this kid a listen!
“The Show Must Go On”
Melinda Doolittle Verified account
Melinda Doolittle Retweeted Postmodern Jukebox
Woot! I just watched @JKCorden & @adamlambert have an epic @QueenWillRock battle using this song! You better believe I was singing along! ❤
If anyone is interested in GaGa’s hair in half time show
Pharaoh says hello to his daddy
ADAM LAMBERT Verified account
@ladygaga ????
rs, thank you!! Always at your service!
We have such a history now, 7 years, since the GNT in Hollywood 2010, remember when the bus drivers came on stage lol!
Happy belated birthday to Ron and little duchess! May all your birthday wishes come true…starting with lots of QAL fun. I’m looking forward to seeing both of you and the Duke this summer.
Tickets to sell in Las vegas
Hi! LV is sec 128, row 12, seat 10. $195
I think some people don’t realise @adamlambert is one of the best singers of our generation. ???
Adam Lambert in white ???
White PANTS.
If that’s what you call em.
Hope it isn’t too late to wish you a barely belated birthday Ron. Hope you had a wonderful day of celebration. Excited to visit Toronto and see you and the rest of the Toronto contingent after so long. We have Adam, Roger, and Brian to thank for our reunion. So glad it is happening this summer.