- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
That front man battle was hilarious! Adam was perfect and James Corden actually sounded fairly good. He beats out Nate Ruess singing Queen any day. I love all the publicity that QAL is getting for this tour.
Yesssss, Adam on James Corden, so great, I am going to be watching it all day, Adam is such a natural at these things, this was his best yet, he needs a show that can show this talent, of course he is getting a lot of this from his shows, and I bet even more this tour. I couldnt stop smiling thru the whole thing.
Press cycle on this is insane! Will post a few of the “big guys”
huge mag in UK
(lol ew calls him “the grammy winner”
bringing over performance
oops, I see it up top! Thank you AL!!!
SauliKoskinen IG Had a great time in Malibu https://www.instagram.com/p/BQDhSnPgnLh/ DL https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16228983_1045821572194571_2418764270725496832_n.jpg …
Twitter party in 15 minutes
Adam’s IG…funny I don’t remember him getting on his knees! Will have to watch again. (could this be a rehearsal picture?)
TALCvids @TALCvids 3m3 minutes ago
BAM ? > adamlambert IG: Queen Sing-Off w James Corden https://instagram.com/p/BQDoUrRF5ea/
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 4m4 minutes ago
http://adamlambertmtt.com/viewtopic.php?p=99293#p99293 …
Thanks for the links folks. I watched on my iphone several times but the big screen is so much better. Adam’s voice was amazing. I sometimes forget how rich it is live. Recordings don’t do his voice justice in my opinion. James Corden is great and this is the second time Adam has been on his show. James is a brave man taking on Queen songs. He did pretty well on some parts and definitely had the “moves” down.
Watching this makes me very excited for the summer tour.
Happy birthday Little Duchess!
I woke up to this ‘top news’ on RollingStone!
Watch Adam Lambert Challenge James Corden to Queen Sing-Off
Brian May and Roger Taylor provide music after late-night host brags he’d be better Queen singer than former ‘American Idol’ star
ETA: ⚡️ TRENDING!!! ⚡️
The world is full with @adamlambert now! From 15k mentions in the last day to 38k mentions in one hour!
Check https://www.trendsmap.com/topic/%40adamlambert … …
Spoiler Alert. Here is the Access Hollywood video. Too much GaGa talk IMO. Watch Kit Hoover stare at him…mesmerized. Nice interview.
More of the interview
Hair kinda looks artichoke-ish. Cute
Michael Buble shares good news about his son
Gelly @14gelly 4m4 minutes ago
Oh gorgeous!
evinzelman It’s a ‘Mad World’ out there @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BQD_6gJDl_D/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16465628_278487039236840_4648243040589185024_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQ0MjI3NzQwMjg2MDIxNjI1OQ%3D%3D.2 …
Miachihu @Miachihu 28s29 seconds ago
LOLOLOLOL Naked Sauli jumping to the snow after sauna! ???
WBZ Boston News @cbsboston 1h1 hour ago
If you need to renew your passport, it’s time to do it ASAP http://boston.cbslocal.com/2017/02/03/renew-passport-state-department-travel/ …
Just renewed mine.
Well hello Sauli!

The second AH video on youtube.
I’ll bet the Corden video will get to a quarter of a million tonight.
@ScorpioBert 25m25 minutes ago
Don’t show this to Adam
Brian promoting
there’s nothing on here??
HK fan mmadammimadam had huge problems with her service provider. They probably had to delete the last two weeks to get it to work.
There’s either this:
@ScorpioBert 5h5 hours ago
PDF download of Adam Lambert twitter party https://www.sendspace.com/pro/etekpj
or his twitter feed
But there was nothing new or earth shaking other than the nickname he calls Pharaoh is Pharaoh Phoxe
Thanks Luval
Creative Sharka
If you all like James Corden, I suggest you try and watch the show Gavin and Stacy that he starred in and co wrote…classic British comedy, one of my favourite comedy shows ever…
Video may go to half a million tonight!
Cute screenshots –
James Corden @JKCorden
Big riff off with @QueenWillRock plus @adamlambert youtu.be/LUuuWyCkS_U x x x
On @accesshollywood this morning.
Good news … It’s 593,692 views now.
673930 –
I loved the Corden show but unlike others I did not think Corden sounded good at all. Normally he does but he was flat and off key at times. Adam’s voice was so powerful.
Many comments under the video are cruel. Back to the “he’s no Freddie”, etc. I think it may be new people that are unaware of QAL but only watch TV. It’s like starting all over again in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
I don’t think he sounded awful luval…but i have definitely heard Corden sound a lot better than he did on this…he looked liked he was having so much fun though that I forgave him the bum notes….and kudos to him for going up against Adam…not many real singers will do that!!
Still in Brooklyn here.
Have a few minutes to myself, and big surprise, I’m checking in here! !
Loooooved Corden, my first thought was not enough Adam, but then I watched the riff off with NPH, and it’s the same shtick. Very funny.
Such good publicity this time around.
Saw ads for QAL on TV here every morning except today. Wonder if I just missed it today or if the local shows are sold out already. They sold out super fast last time.
Corden Def hit some bum notes. But I don’t care, it’s just fun. Corden is so funny. And his star is rising, so methinks many more people are watching his show now than when Adam did his amazeballs GT.
Just curious, but only seeing Freddie on stage, would he be able to do what Adam does on these TV shows if he was still alive? This he’s no Freddie, well he’s Adam and he is playing his part now with the guys, could Freddie pull off what Adam does? I guess its really hard to change peoples minds and if they don’t like someone for what ever reason, they are never going to. But to say Adam can’t sing, or the other singers that were with Queen are way better? I think people are jealous.
Making plans for this summer. My wonderful ALL friends got me tickets for Toronto, Newark, NYC, Philly, and Washington, DC.
Now I will build my trip around concert dates! It is a good distraction since I am in the middle of a major renovation of my new apartment and trying to pack up an apartment that I have lived in for 27 years.
Rs, I’m thrilled to be doing QAL with you again!!! I’ll see you in NJ and NY! !!
How does a visit to Juniors sound??
Oh, and best wishes for a new abode!
rs 27 years, quite a long time. Many memories , sweet and bittersweet. Hope this wil be a transition for the better… QAL is definitely a great balm for your heart !

Mark Moody @MarkjMoody 8h8 hours ago
Mark Moody Retweeted James Corden
@JKCorden this is fantastic. @adamlambert is simply amazing
Big riff off with @QueenWillRock plus @adamlambert https://youtu.be/LUuuWyCkS_U x x x
Mark Moody
Photographer & Social Editor of OK! Magazine. Pictures, Parties & Performance
Huge publication
Axxxel, I love my apartment, but the new one has what I need now: an elevator, parking, heating that I can control (rather than the house committee) and a big living room.
HK fan thanks for the british comedy tip. Hard to find that kind of comedy in my place. Funny thing was .. my first reaction to the sing off skit was ” aah so british”…
rs waah nice perks to have !! An elevator is a big help…
Gelly @14gelly 10h10 hours ago
Adam was at Gigigorgeous event tonight
VIDEO https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/15356224_1674459612846641_6202344495283961856_s.mp4 …
Gelly @14gelly 10h10 hours ago
Caps from the video I just posted.
Adam on the right
I don’t see him
luval I was cringing listening to Cordon singing but that feeling made place for some jealousy…I mean… singing together with Queen on TV… and being so close to Adam… he is such a lucky guy.
I think I want to watch the video again .. just concentrate a bit more on Adam’s gorgeous face…