- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I know we try to avoid politics here, but, our guy is political about certain things. So…
I feel very strongly that when minorities are marginalized, not respected, shown that they don’t matter, have acts of violence and threats against them…who ARE we as people, as citizens of this country????
I say this as a person, as a citizen, as a friend of LGBT people, and as a JCC member.
mils I am in a state of despair and am scared to death.
Gelly@14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
Gorgeous!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BQ5pWhXDez5/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16788706_394149364274782_5020862330037075968_n.jpg …
Nile looks fine too!
Adam mention –
My “sorta” hometown today –
Amazing late February weather in DC, happy Friday
WTH IS that note – have to run it by my expert –
Never get tired of looking at this pic –
It’s 64 degrees here in central New York. What’s it gonna be in Jun-July-August?
Out Pop Singer Lyon Hart: “Being Closeted Is Not a Popular Thing to Be These Days”
Needless to say, Hart’s space within the queer music scene will continue to grow, but he admits audiences respond differently to those acts. Whereas many rally behind heterosexual artists who show support for the LGBT community, even high-profile artists within the community — such as Adam Lambert, for example — have a tougher road.
“It’s an interesting phenomenon people have — especially gay people — of being followers of or really big fans of queer artists out there,” he stated. “I don’t know if it’s internalized homophobia or the way we’re fed pop artists in our culture, but there’s a bit of a block out there for queer artists.”
That will change over time, he hopes, as the number of out artists grows. The days of artists revealing their sexuality after achieving success are begininging to wane, he suggests. “The big coming out stories, like the Sam Smiths of the world, are going to happen less and less,” he asserted.
It looks like Holly has Adam’s picture on her bathrobe.
Wonder what this is all about?
Not so secret .
Photo shoot?
Video shoot?
Glam Detective Squad working on it right now no doubts. …
One & Only @adamlambert ?❤✨ what a charming person? Thanks for this photo
To know him is to love him –
My hubby just walked by his new toy – Amazon Echo Dot – and said “Alexa play a little Adam Lambert”.
Alexa responed in her monotone voice “Sorry, I don’t know a little Adam Lambert. lol
retjenny, that made me laugh out loud!
?Adam Lambert ?BTIKM in a ?german movie?
lol – had the same reaction as nkd, retjenny –
Think the boy will be giving us his comments on the Oscars?
“Oscars 2017 Video Features Clips From All 88 Best Picture Winners”
Kohti Balia ??☀☀?
Cold morning in Helsinki. Travelling back in time to HOT Bucharest #QAL #AdamLambert
Nice ones –
Joe @Swagilyph
Just heard Adam Lambert singing Queen for the first time. Dude is incredible.
Cecy @Cecycat1
Via. @HanaFris
.@adamlambert is at Pink Satellite Studios
Ommmmggg #QALTokyo3
He posted a couple of instagrams last night
Adam Lambert ig SPIDER FROM MARS https://www.instagram.com/p/BQ7fCxGghP2/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16789942_1683618818603999_3820051708151595008_n.jpg …
Really Creative@reallycreativem 1h1 hour ago
What it takes to create the content backdrop to @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert @TheXFactor live performance: http://ow.ly/JjlC309cFQN
That was funny, retjenny!
This was originally posted February 7th.
marisa@marisa_965 28m28 minutes ago
Time to watch this Again. And Again. One of the most beautiful fan videos ever, by @YourGlambert
Always fascinated by this pic – in 2009 small book that came with CD – had as screensaver on laptop for a long time –
Today is George Harrison’s (Beatles) birthday. Here’s a lovely picture of George & Brian May
This was probably posted on his birthday but I don’t remember it. Beautiful “card” with Wonderful World playing in the background
luval thank you for sharing this vid. It really is helpful to have someone like Adam to emulate the goodness in the world when so many ugly things are happening. It is easy to lose sight that there are still many more people in the world that value diversity and are kind to each other than those that are fearful of differences. I’m re-posting the link you shared in honor of that spirit.
Missed this from yesterday
shoshanna stone@shoshannastone 1d1 day ago
Shoot day
Aphrodite @AdamAddict
Sauli’s in the pool in beautiful Bali with the bluest water ever. and a cocktail.
And Adam likes this Sauli’s IG
Aphrodite @AdamAddict
Surfer Sauli is looking hot in Bali; he’s so damn athletic!!!
Wish I were in Bali.

Today is Hubby’s birthday. A tropical place with gorgeous beaches would be perfect.
Adam Lambert’s snapchat story 25/2/17
Reminded me of George – one of my fav songs – my fav Beatle, too –
retjenny … Your hubby’s little Adam Lambert story was so funny it cracked me up.
Thanks! I need that.

mils, luval and adamized … Thanks for your posts and this video. It means a lot to me.

Yesterday I couldn’t type this through my tears. Ugly things that have happened in my State.
Kansas Man Arrested In Shooting That Reportedly Targeted Foreigners
He shouted “Get out of my country” before shooting them.
The victims are engineers working for Garmin Company here in KC. That’s a hate crime.
And 2 years ago a white supremacist drove to the Jewish Community Center (JCC is 2 minutes from my house and my DD’s bestie is a member there.) and killed 3 people there.
I’m afraid and scared.
I’m afraid that I’ll lose my daughter and D-I-L if one got deported.
It took us 2 years to apply for paper work and financial support to get a Fiancée’s Visa for my DD’s partner from South Africa to come to the States.
They had to go to Des Moines, Iowa to get married because we live in KS. (Back then KS was wishy washy about same sex married.)
Last June we were giddy and happy to celebrate their 1st Anniversary. I made a reservation to a nice restaurant.
The night before that day we heard the sad news of the shooting at the Gay Club in Orlando.
Imagine … How we celebrated.
I didn’t think that they will touch this subject of equal married. But I’m not sure now.
Sorry for the long post above. I didn’t have time to edit. Just what was in my mind.
I’ve got to go. I’m already late for the birthday dinner.
I think Adam was talking to Pharaoh in that snapchat. So much rain in California the last few weeks. They might have had a sliver of sunshine…then it was gone. Probably wanted to take him for a walk.
This might have been posted months ago. A bit of There I Said It from the recording booth.
Adam Lambert – “There I Said It” In The Booth [Recording Studio]
Adam posted this IG of himself
Hang in there asif.
Pink studios.
Pink instagram.
Wonder if he’s doing something to debut on The Voice with Alison Porter.
Welcome to the Show was almost a year ago.
**love ya asif. Scary stuff going on. My JCC had a bomb threat this week, the second in three weeks. All JCC’s evacuated as a precaution nationwide, but mine was one that had an actual called in threat. It’s where I swim, where friends teach, daycare, classes, gorgeous exercise facilities. It’s about a mile from home.
And now our “president”is banning press.
What century is this??
Adam flipped
Interesting – wonder if Adam saw this –
? Adam Lambert #TheOriginalHighTour MGM Grand Theater, Foxwoods Casino, Mashantucket, CT Feb 26, 2016 #AnotherLonelyNight
Love these gorgeous shadowy photos –
“Ruth O’ Neill BBC Music Awards Red Carpet”
Adam at 1:29 – we’ve seen most this –
So true –