- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Watching YT’s as they pop up – loved Bruno – Bey looked like something out of a Tarzan White Goddess movie – gave me the giggles – Adele’s a hoot – love her interviews – but her singing puts me to sleep –
Love Lady GaGa and Metallica !!
Woke me up!! 
ADAM LAMBERT Verified account
That @Metallica @ladygaga moment was legit
.@Adele made me cry. Stunning. Missing @GeorgeMichael
Love, Love, Love Bruno Mars!!!
Always love him. Just watched 60 Minutes about him prior to the Grammys on CBS.
luval … Sorry for always double post yours.
I should look before posting.
Adam is home watching the Grammys, that makes me cry.
It is sad, because he would have slaaaaayyyeeeddd a tribute to George Michael.
Bruno was great for Prince. Loved it. He’ll probably add that to his own concerts, and rightly so.
Adam must never have watched himself, because he is THE BEAST of all BEASTS, to bad the stinking Grammys dont want to recognize it. And he gives everyone else praise, well I guess thats Adam, hes just who he is.

LOL … Pharaoh .. and Adam’s laughing.
VIDEO|@AdamLambert on Snapchat: DATING IN LA
Here’s the YT of dating in LA – so funny
Adele – in the beginning believe she and piano are in different keys – and not impressed that she would stop well into the performance – just not an outstanding live vocalist, imo –
Sending this to my expert for his opinion –
Run4Roses @run4roses132 1h1 hour ago
Queen + Adam Lambert in Nashville – have 2 GREAT floor seats on aisle at end of guitar stage! $550 pair (my cost)
@ScorpioBert 1m1 minute ago
(2) x Queen + Adam Lambert – Floor Tickets – Key Arena – July 1st – https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/tix/6001439451.html …
TALCvids @TALCvids 39s40 seconds ago
Queen + Adam Lambert Ticket sale information for 2nd show on Tuesday, June 27th at Hollywood Bowl: (source Ticketmaster)
I just think year after year Ehrlich has made the Grammys a showcase for his faves. The GM thing was a showcase for Adele, who in spite of walking away with 5 awards cannot get through a simple song with an arrangement suited to HER and in no way reminiscent of GM himself. Then he tops it with terrible choices for the BeeGees. What was Demi Lovato doing there, and Tori? They’re on every award show ever. Showcase for them, not the actual BeeGees.
And Katherine McPhee with the Bowie award thing???? WTF.
I bet they add another Toronto show, too. It is almost sold out already.
Agree heartily with your post, riskylady – and also likely Adele had substantial rehearsals for this performance as well –
PattiHum @PattiHum 22m22 minutes ago
How the Beauty Boy Makeup Movement Emerged Thanks to Adam Lambert & Other Musicians http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/magazine-feature/7685221/beauty-boy-makeup-movement-music … via @billboard
Julie @Choose2Live 2h2 hours ago
.@Adam_Tickets Vegas QAL – 3 Floor A tix (Row Y Seats 18-20) on aisle, will split, face value $198 ea incl fees. E-ticket, PayPal. RT pls!
This web site if very informative. Even gives you pictures of the view from all areas.
thanks, retjenny. It has a lot of info.
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
Bill Gates joins China’s most popular social network http://mashable.com/2017/02/13/bill-gates-wechat/#t69nomSzm05g … “Adam Lambert signed up to WeChat to engage w Chinese fans”
GLAM GIRL†ADAM?ღ @bbluesky922 1h1 hour ago
.. i love this edite photos
for @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert #TEAM???
luval hope you have plenty of food and your power stays on. We have been so lucky in Baltimore this year that I have yet to pull out a shovel.
I watched the Grammy’s for awhile last night and enjoyed Katy Perry’s song live. I get where Beyonce is coming from in regard to wanting to showcase the beauty and strength of black women but her music usually leaves me cold.
Tried not to feel bad about the lack of Adam yet again. Riskylady , your explanation is spot on and does put things into perspective.
Glad Adam’s net worth is just fine with or without the Grammy’s.
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 5m5 minutes ago
Great shoot today with @kerryjaneellis1 for our album cover ! Thanks for fab photography http://andrewwhitton.com/ Bri
adamized I shoveled (since my snow blower is dead) 1-2 feet of snow out of my driveway this morning. Hopefully the worse is over. No problem with food or power!
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 33m33 minutes ago
Dr. Brian May Retweeted Frederic CHASLIN
Look ! A fierce Bo Rap from a virtuoso ! Bri
Gelly @14gelly 41m41 minutes ago
Mark Martel interview. Question bt @adamlambert : “He’s great. An incredible singer, incredible range and control” http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/entertainment/2017/02/13/martel-guy-behind-black-jackets-vocals-night-opera/97856508/ …
Review of Zoot Suit. Holly Hyman in the cast
From my vocal expert re Adele –
“I didn’t see the original live performance. I took a look at the video. She was singing in the wrong key. In the background, during the first part, all you had was a couple of high piano notes. She was completely off key when the other instruments joined in. She adjusted quickly but you can tell she was thrown off a bit.
“As far as asking for a “re-do” – they normally don’t ask – but it depends… It took a lot of courage to ask to stop during a live performance and to do it over. Adele was the “belle of the ball”. She could get away with it; a lesser star may not have.”
IMO of course. I don’t know why Adele was given a pass for her starting over. I thought that if you screw up, forget the words…whatever…you keep going, find yourself and finish. Isn’t that what the judges tell the contestants on the singing reality shows? The show must go on. Your vocal expert was right.
I just finally watched much of the Grammy show that I missed live, but recorded.
After hearing so much about Adele, , I was stunned by the bravery it took to restart. Her performance was sublime, stunning and heartfelt. No doubt being a Brit, and a music fan, she grew up admiring him. She truly wanted to show her respect by honoring him with her best. And we got to see his gorgeous , iconic face and pix twice.
So many images so evocative of Adam.
Adam so evocative of GM.
Gaga slayed. Simply slayed. Such a rocker.
Bruno ….loooooerv him.
I don’t know what that was for the Bee Gees. Hunh?
Car pool karaoke with Neil Diamond was so cute.
So great – just popped up on twitter –
BarTGila ♏ @BarTGila
“The Show Must Go On” Hong Kong Sep28.2016 Queen+Adam Lambert
“hmm..so…I was calling u to ask….Can u be my Valentine??”???.
This goes for all glamberts in love with @adamlambert ! Happy Valentine!?
Oh he’s in NYC
More drowsy –
Gosh…so quiet…everyone must be out celebrating Valentine’s day
Adam on TV Thursday night
I wasn’t able to open the headline planet link. But it’s on Bravo channel at 10:30pm EST I think.
Adam watching HBO’s Girls
#ValentinesDay No matter how much money, fame, success or sex you have in your life it doesn’t mean shit unless you’re connected with love❤️
100 Most Eligible Bachelors 2017
Can vote –
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
.@BravoWWHL Feb 16th with @adamlambert . Help.
Friday shows just reruns. I think it’s Thursday 11 pm EST on Bravo (channel 1181 on Uverse)
I found it here on the west cost, PST at 12:30 a.m. BRVO channel 237.
Ryan Murphy’s is on as well.
Voted!.. Adam needs more vote’s.
Lilybop @lilybop2010
❣️ Great! Adam Lambert on #WWHL again Feb 16th! They post behind the scenes Instagram stories. Thanks @Andy Love your videos of your dog!
Gelly @14gelly 9h9 hours ago
In case Adam attends The Blonds show today
Streams, shows countdown
and http://fashionweekonline.com/event/the-blonds-
eta: clicking on the link it says 2016
Adam Lambert Fans @AdamLambertFans 1h1 hour ago
Adam Lambert Fans Retweeted ADAM LAMBERT
We’re ready ??? let’s do this! All the info here: https://adamlambertfans.com/news/287633
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 1h1 hour ago
TWO shows at @HollywoodBowl with @QueenWillRock! Fan club pre-sale starts for night 2 this morning at 10am. Are u ready @AdamLambertFans?