- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
I got “You’re my best friend”, even after changing some answers..
For some reason I can’t get on the Hamburg site from my work computer (won’t show any comments). Anyway here’s a HD close-up of the neck tattoos. Just click on the picture. Sure hope the black ones are temporary too.
I got You’re my best friend too…
Its been lovely reading your excitement Cait
Adam retweeted from Tove Lo
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Tove Lo @iamtovelo · 13h 13 hours ago
Wishing Ron a belated happy birthday over here on ALL, although I had the chance on other sites. Love social media.
Hi Cait, I pop in here every now and then. Welcome to the group. I can just feel your excitement. So glad you had an amazing time at the concert.
If anyone is going to the Milan show and is a Queen Fan Club member, take note of what Jackie (who runs the club), just posted half an hour ago on the FB page. Perhaps keep this under wraps and not broadcast it on twitter. You’ll need your membership number:
The lovely Davide from the Italian fan club has managed the impossible… Fan Club members priority entrance for the Milan 10th February show! If there are any OIQFC going to Milan with standing tickets (parterre) he will be happy to add you to the list (1 FC member + 1 guest).
You should contact his as soon as possible (Saturday at least) and he will need both names and your membership number. You can email Davide here: wwry.fc@teletu.it.
Well done Davide! I tried for all Uk gigs and was told it was not possible!
At about 31:30 QAL
Same ring?
lol! Adam and I have the same hitchhikers thumb!
Like most of you, I got “You’re my best friend”. My theory is that moms will get this one because we almost always put our children’s needs before our own. Anybody get YMBF that’s not a mom?
Long but a twitlonger on “how we spent a week with Adam Lambert & Queen”
Me, not a mom, but once in a while have to babysit a child who is still in primary school… and I do pay more attention to her needs than to mine…even though I do not always give what the kid wants… only what the kid needs….
sparkle I got BoRhap, I must be a bad mum!
He’s too young to be smoking. Runs in the family I guess.
New Adam doll
Well I’m a day late and a dollar short, but I wanted to wish a belated Happy Birthday to two very special people – M and Ron!! I hope you each had a wonderful birthday, and that you have a spectacular year!
Cait – nkd gave you a great start in pointing you to the “Top 16” list of our favorite performances over on the right side of the page (under Handy Links), as well as pointing you to some great post-2011 performances that aren’t on that list. And Ron’s addition of Crazy is one of my favorites, too.
I would also add these:
Is This Love, from the Take 40 Live Lounge in Sydney, Aus:
Dragon Attack, London Hammersmith Apollo 2012 Day 2, if only for the awesome Elmo jacket, lulzy dancing, and escorting Brian off stage arm in arm. Priceless!
Crawl Thru Fire, Zodiac Show, 2008:
Stay/Underneath from Kanazawa, Japan, on the We Are Glamily tour (the Trespassing tour):
The Helsinki show of the We Are Glamily Tour – here’s the ALL thread for that show:
(The WAG shows in Japan (Nagoya, Kanazawa) also have some really great videos.}
The Glamnation Tour DVD, or go the thread for the final LA show of the Glamnation Tour:
Adam hosting the Divas Live show on VH1 (be sure to check out the skits and outtakes, too!)
Thank you luval for that road trip review link! I love to read personal recaps and reviews. I am not sure but I think those girls met Adam also during their Helsinki WAG trip. Wish I was young and healthy – and taller than 5 foot
… GA would be the best way to get into the crowd feel – and only way to get really close in Europe!
Hey Mils, front row view of Save Me from London just for you.
Oh sweet memories London 2 in Hammersmith! That elmo jacket was priceless
The thing that I cherish the most on this tour staging compared to previous one is that big Q screen. In Hammersmith I was very high and back and without screen couldn’t see any Adam’s expressions or dance moves. Big screen gives so much more to the whole audience! Love it
This is for Cait1602.
At 2:11 thru 2:32 you will need some of Mils’ smelling salts.
This person namely me is no good posting from a smartphone.
I will postpone gratification
OMG rs This just cracked me up from your earlier post!

Obviously it takes very little and the silliest things to cheer up this temporary invalid these days.
They’re saying 18 trucks for Frankfort!
Look! Our posters are loved!!
I like Madonna & I like the song he posted.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 58m58 minutes ago
Ok @MADONNA! Sexy vid! #LivingForLove from #RebelHeart, out soon! http://bit.ly/1yQXNFV ”
I really must be an idiot. Why don’t I see the eye of Horus in this picture? It looks like a drone to me.
Glad I could make you laugh cher
cher thank you!!! It really cracked me up watching it. Fuck what would I give if my Boyfriend could swing his hips like that *cough*
joking…a bit
I decided not to do anything QAL related till tomrrow evening. Im still processing, watching all the pics and vids about it stir up too many emotions. Atm not good emotions. Coming down from that high leaves me reeling. Crashed too hard too fast.
So my decision stands. Nothing QAL related anymore till tomorrow evening when its concert time
But that doesnt mean no Adam Lambert.
To fill my time I will check out the many suggestion you guys posted here. Should fill up my free time quite nicely.
Thank you all again
Sauli on ice
OMG that tongue
cwm Awe, Thank you very much!
That tongue..ahh…better not say what I think.
This is how I feel sometime.
M, I feel like that all the time. Must be that Adam Lambert virus. Permanent affliction. Has no cure and that’s great.
Okay, almost 5am, goodnight all!!
Haha, M:
I’ve seen you make that face

Ron: Thanks for your mutual admiration. Luv ‘ya,
M: Belated and sincere Happy Birthday wishes. I’m sorry I didn’t post earlier, got lost in Hamburg Save Me and WWTLF. Say hi to P for me. I’m so glad we met at all of my shows. Chicago and both Toronto’s. You guys are incredible and fun.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
What a beautiful, touching video @samsmithworld: LAY ME DOWN po.st/7I39eB bravo. Have a great Grammy Weekend !
(Review – posted on Hamburg thread, too)
Frankfurt poster –
Alexander Morner @AlexanderMorner
INCYMI: My recaps from Sydney and NYE in London are now up! alexandersqal.wordpress.com The rest coming in the next few days
New background on twitter account –
Have seen before – but a particularly beautiful picture –
I agree, ulti. Something very special about that picture!
Sweet Happiness and Whole Lotta Wonderfulness in Hamburg Dreams, ALL!!
Just heard this week’s Vinyl Tap with Randy Bachman on CBC, and he played FBG and talked up Adam (and Queen, natch!) YESSS! Itweeted him a big thank you>
Trucks in Frankfurt!
@ultimathule I got a victorian house because I like vintage and history…
Hhmm I prefer an luxurius appartment with walls full with Adam Lambert pictures and fast wifi..
Watched trespassing concert Helsinki yesterday.. Loved it every second of it. So funny, awesome vocals and i rewatched again and again tommys Solo. Hes a really really good guitarrist. I want…Need more of it
Warning. Early morning musings. Well, not so early; I spent the morning in bed watching the vids from Hamburg. That got me thinking about the convo on the concert thread after Cait said that it can’t get any better and we told her that we keep thinking that and then Adam and QAL just keep surpassing themselves. So here are some musings about this leg of the tour as well as my own personal experience of “best” concerts.
Adam has always loved performing in Europe, and I think that it stems back from his days with “Hair” in Germany. It is where he first really “let his hair down”, dyed it black, and lived the life of the ensemble that they were portraying in the show. We remember from the GNT shows how much freer Adam was to let his sexual, slithery, raunchy side come out in Europe, culminating in Amsterdam. Don’t get me wrong, the shows last summer were great, and the stand-out thing for me (aside from Adam’s voice, of course) was the pure joy and fun that the boys were having up there on the stage. But Adam was still the guest of Queen and holding back a part of himself that we had seen in his own concerts. I think, and of course, it is just my opinion, that the combination of being in Europe with the great reviews highlighting the fact that he isn’t a Freddie wannabe but a great performer doing justice to the fantastic songs, has released something in Adam so that he isn’t holding anything back anymore. We are seeing sexy moves from the GNT but he is also more fierce than I have ever seen him, with the fist pumps and some of the facial expressions he is making. And the more the audience responds to him the more he will bring.
Now to my other thought. After every show, we seem to say it was the best. I started thinking back to my own Adam concert experiences to see if I can say which was the best for me. I can’t judge because each one was unique and so very special. Since I come from far away, I never just go to a concert; it is always a weekend (or a week or two) long adventure. I have seen Adam a total of eight times and five of those times were with Queen. While that may seem like a lot to most people, lots of peeps here have been to many more. The first time I saw Adam at the very end of the American leg of the GNT was in Florida at the Hard Rock. It was the first time I met cher and riskylady, though we had been in email contact for months before that. Both have become dear, dear, friends. Cher got me a M&G and I met Adam even before I had ever heard him sing live. I met many other Glamberts that night, but hardly remember them because I was in such a daze after meeting Adam. The concert was fabulous and bessiedim and I stood together and rocked out the whole time.
My next concert was the London GNT and risky and I spent a week together in London. Agathe.hb and mr , from our little email group came and we had such a great time meeting in person. July 2012 brought the Hammersmith shows, with the weekend at Stevenage, a big dinner the day before the concert and, in addition to risky, cher, cgesq,and agathe.hb, I met cwm,HK fan, TLKC, northernspirit, M, P, meips, tchrsd, suz, ovationimpact, kinkykeidis, paulanation, and more (forgive me if I forgot to mention you). Those concerts were so very special. The venue was small(ish), I saw the split pants, the red jacket , and the diehard Queen fans loving our BB. Even if the concerts now are more polished and grander, there was something so special about those first ones.
Summer of 2013 brought the concert at the San Diego county fair and I got to see Adam sing his Trespassing songs. We made a whole weekend of it and Glamberts took over the Hilton hotel near the venue. I went to my first county fair and the pig races were especially memorable! I met or reconnected with so many friends, too many to mention for fear of leaving somebody out, but I have to say that I met dear Jlurks for the first time. I was in the 8th row, which at the time was the closest I had ever been. That whole weekend was so very special. I loved every minute of it. And on that same trip I went to Toronto and TLKC made a birthday party for me and I met ron for the first time. How special is that!
That brings us to this past summer. I planned my trip and family visits around the concerts and got to three: Toronto, NYC, and Merriweather. For two of them I was standing at the small stage, just feet from Adam and Brian. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I could experience the concerts from so close, and they were magical. And the experience of seeing a huge arena cheering for Adam, well I don’t have to tell you ALL how that made me feel. And, of course, all the dinners, pre and post concert get-togethers, meeting mils, the wonderful couple of days in Baltimore with mmm222, adamized, cwm and nkd and meeting glambotgram and kradamour
So if you have had the patience to read to the end of this looooong post, my conclusions are: Every Adam concert is special and unique, both for his live VOICE and for the Glambert experience surrounding it, and at the same time he will just keep on getting betterer and betterer. So next week I will have another adventure: five days in Prague with lovely Glambert friends: risky and riskyhubby, adamized, mmm222, LadyNorth, agathe.hb, and her beautiful daughter, with a sold-out QAL concert to boot! I will let you know how it was if I survive.
RS sitting in a First aid course atm so have to read your post later but cant wait to read about your expierences.
Guys you really are like a safety net for me even if that sounds a bit drastic. I dont know how to get all around this and sort my mind without your help. No one around me really understands what is going on inside me, happening with me. So really thank you again and again