What a January – rave reviews for the concerts in UK and Europe; news about a new label, single and record; and of course, his 33rd birthday! Looks like February will just be Queen and Adam as they tour all month long wrapping up in Sheffield on the 27th. Adam won’t have any time to relax though because it will probably be single and album promotion in March and beyond. Can’t wait to hear the new single!

We are all on an Original High and the photo above is courtesy of Adam when he announced his new record news.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam at the Brits – Feb. 25, 2015


1,564 Responses to February 2015 Chat

  1. asifclueless says:

    Direct link

    A fitting final show ! We had a great time tonight in a gloriously crowded house in Sheffield. The selfie stick moment was this time – it actually looked like a Mexican Wave from where I was standing – and I had to move to try to keep up with it, without making the pan too fast for faces to be clear. I gotta say that this great world metal capital city crowd did not disappoint, and I felt we delivered at pretty much optimum level.

    The end of the tour is a strange moment for us … we all need time to recharge, and reclaim our home lives, but the moment when the last chord ends brings a strange mixture of emotions. It’s been a wonderful team on this tour … both on stage and off, on stage and backstage – a kind of touring army with great skills, more dedication than could be asked, and immense camaraderie. We will all wake up in the morning and feel a pang of sadness that it’s over. Well, come September, we are hoping to reconvene, and gear up for a return to the monumental Rock in Rio stage, 30 years after we launched it (with Freddie and John of course) in the Good ‘ol Days. Well, as Roger’s excellent song reminds us … THESE are the Good ol’ Days too … and we all feel ‘thankful, grateful and blessed’ … and, right now (after an excellent celebration on the plane ride home!), in need of some sleep !

    Good night folks, and thanks to ALL of you who sang and cheered and laughed and cried on this amazing tour. And made us feel loved !

    We had a ball.



  2. ultimathule says:

    We had a ball, too – CHEERS!!!

  3. asifclueless says:

    Yes .. ulti … We had an amazeball. Grin

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. M says:

    Lisa-Marie Bickerton ‏@Lisabickerton

    My mums ticket for queen from 1977 with a carnation she caught from Freddie as if it was £3.50 to see them live !

  6. asifclueless says:

    BrianMayCom ‏@brianmaycom · 5m5 minutes ago

    .@AdamLambert on his new album: “There’s some house on there

  7. Cait1602 says:

    ultimathule says:
    02/28/2015 at 12:38 am

    Trainer heading back to LA –

    THAT is his trainier??? Ok…dont think about those two working out together, just dont think about it

  8. M says:

    Cait1602 He might con’t to work with Adam since his from LA also.

    Charlie Rose x @Charlierosex
    @adamlambert you complete a whole world tour and the only thing you tweet is about the dress !!! Haha

  9. nkd says:

    Awwww Brian. Cry
    I have admired him for a long time, but that admiration has grown immensely. Love him!

  10. cher says:

    Vid of Roger and Adam leaving the hotel in liverpool. Anyone spot Sauli? Smile

  11. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert and Roger Taylor QUEEN at The Titanic Hotel Liverpool (and sauli, too. Grin )

  12. nkd says:

    Sauli makes me happy! Sun

  13. asifclueless says:

    † The Original High† ‏@LambertBae ·

    I literally squealed wildly ike a pig when I saw Sauli come after Adam

  14. LadyNorth says:

    Brian is such a sweetie, berting for Adam Heart And yes Brian, we feel the same about this tour, it was a wonderful experience. He favorited my tweet last night! And so many others’ I know tweets too. He really cares.

    Some recharging of my own batteries now, I hope Adam has some time to recharge his with Sauli Wink .

  15. luval says:

    @adamlambert: Can’t believe last night was our last show of the UK/euro @QueenWillRock tour!! Gonna miss the band & all of your happy faces in the crowd.

  16. cher says:
  17. luval says:
  18. ultimathule says:

    Great pic with fans after Brit Awards –

  19. ultimathule says:

    Lilybop @lilybop2010 Sauli Workout w/ personal trainer in Finland, Jari Sorsa, Feb 28 Instagram. GIF:

  20. M says:
  21. ultimathule says:

    Interesting article, M

  22. milwlovesadam says:

    WWRY/WATC – looks professional – beautifully done –

    Footage from Supersonic Tokyo – hadn’t seen this one – cut off at end –

    What a nice surprise to wake up to, so professional, such great audio, “almost like being there!!!” just wow, too bad it was cut off.

    If this is a preview of anything pro that will come out, holy moly.

    I am so hoping for IMAX and DVD.

    IMAX would just about put me in a coma…

  23. adamized says:

    Adam’s trainer has done a spectacular job and will hopefully join Adam’s future tours. Makes me happy that Adam had Sauli with him for the last few shows. Even if Adam is excited to move on to Era 3 it is nice to have a “friend” there to ease the transition.

    I believe the Supersonic video was professional. It makes me eager to see if/when/what Queen will release from this set of tours. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will have a double set at the very least with highlights from the NA; Asian; NZ/Australian; European Union tours.

  24. luval says:
  25. M says:
  26. luval says:

    Adam has said there would be “house” music on his new album. I am happy to hear this. I love house music.

  27. TLKC says:

    Hi cher – I posted the Adam hotel exit w/Sauli on the Sheffield thread. Didn’t realize you had posted it here at 3:46 am. Man, am I behind!

  28. luval says:

    Was this Digital Spy video posted?Adam says The Original High is one of the cuts on the album. Not the first single, though.

  29. twilightmagic8 says:

    As for Queen, the ‘phoenix’ in the logo has risen & it is all because of our brilliant Adam.
    When Freddie Mercury designed the logo so many years ago, the fact that in time that phoenix would rise up is uncanny. Synchronicity is alive and well. Adam is now the phoenix!!
    It blows my mind, how this all worked out.
    Adam being an Aquarius, and his element is ‘air’, has literally aired out, & blew away any cob webs away surrounding “Queen.”
    This is a, “All for One & One for All” scenario, and it is a beautiful thing to witness!

    There will be more Queen concerts, along with Adam’s ER3 “Original High” project. He will be so busy!
    I can’t wait to hear his music finally on the radio. The thought of this happening, is thrilling. Crossing fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes, that this happens in the USA & worldwide!?! Music Note Clover Music Note Fingers Crossed

    The first single can’t come fast enough!!! Oh Lordy!!!


  30. ultimathule says:

    I see South America is so excited !!! ;

    Hahaha – this crazy pic –

    From Houston –

  31. asifclueless says:

    Love, love, love your posts … twilightmagic!!!

    Heart Rose

  32. asifclueless says:

    When I read cher’s and twilightmagic8’s posts yesterday I wish I could express my gratitude to Queen, the universe, all the talented fans, the fandom and everybody here at ALL as eloquently as you guys.

    And today there are more people writing so beautifully adding to them.
    I’m grateful that I have you all speaking what I feel.
    Thank you very much … from the bottom of my heart.

    I love this place. Heart Rose

    Heart adamlambertlive Heart

  33. ultimathule says:
  34. asifclueless says:

    15 minutes ago

    Olipas huikee viikonloppu!

  35. cher says:

    A Glambert on the QAL Facebook page welcoming a new QAL fan who’s running away from the hate on QueenOnline telling her that when someone mouths at her about how can she be a fan of Adam who’s gay, this is her reply:

    When someone brings up the gay thing I say, “OMG thank you. When I had sex with him I just thought he had bad aim.” Funny how no one argues or questions my musical tastes after that. LOL

  36. asifclueless says:

    This shows that Adam has a big head! Razz

  37. milwlovesadam says:

    When someone brings up the gay thing I say, “OMG thank you. When I had sex with him I just thought he had bad aim.” Funny how no one argues or questions my musical tastes after that. LOL

    Laugh Laugh Laugh

    I’ll simply never be able to wrap my brain around all the hate on Queen sites about gay gay gay.

    Freddie was gay. Their icon was a gay man. The band name is Queen fer crying out loud. I don’t get it at all.

  38. ultimathule says:

    I bet Sauli and Adam are laughing at us freaking out right now

    happy freakin’ out –

  39. luval says:

    Just posted a recap on the London thread. It’s kinda long. excuse any typos.

  40. luval says:

    Sauli with Brian, Roger & Rob in the background. On the plane? A train?

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. nkd says:

    Thank you luval for your recap!
    I’m so happy that you decided to go.

  43. nkd says:

    I’ll simply never be able to wrap my brain around all the hate on Queen sites about gay gay gay.

    Same. Don’t understand it at all.

  44. ultimathule says:

    Love long recaps, luval – thanks! Headin’ over there –

  45. ultimathule says:

    2013 pap interview at LAX – just noticed what he said at 1:15 – Adam knows how to handle the “press” for sure – lol

  46. nkd says:

    Posted by FAULT magazine

    Very nice!

  47. ultimathule says:

    That was an interesting recap, luval – what a mix of good and bad – like most trips, I guess.

  48. glambotgram says:

    The Plane picture must have been when they were going from Liverpool to Sheffield, Sauli is wearing the shirt he had on when he left the Liverpool hotel.

    He looks so funny in the crown.

  49. sparkle says:

    twilight – I enjoyed your post at 4:37 pm about Adam being the phoenix. I have been thinking about that for a few weeks. I wanted to post something on that and that’s why I was asking if someone could provide a link to the interview where Brian was talking about the logo. That’s when it struck me that Adam was the phoenix. If anyone can provide that link, I’d really appreciate it!

  50. luval says:

    Yup, I think most trips have the good & bad. nkd, I think the San Diego trip was just about perfect. Except when I got lost going back to the airport and my shoes got wet from that damn wave! But that had nothing to do with the “company”. Actually every trip was amazing! Can’t wait for the next round.

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