- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
RT @citygirl36: “Seth, who is currently in Europe helping Adam Lambert keep in shape for his gigs with Queen.”
THANK YOU jlurksacto! You’re the best!
Ahh, Seth. Great job Seth!
Ditto. Ditto. And thanks.
Now I have something special to listen to in my car. Believe it or not, I still have my CD from you nkd, of Kiev, in my car.
When my son comes home for spring break, I’ll have him help me make a CD of some special songs, Save Me, Love Kills, I was Born to Love you, WWTLF, and some Toronto nuggets, STL,and DA .
luval just sent me a pic of her hugging the fricking truck. I’m just ear to ear smiles here!! LOLOLOL
And with that, I’m to bed. QAL and Wembley dreams in my head.
Oh, and yes, thank you Seth. You’ve not just done a good job, you have re-shaped our man. He’s just….erm….in such good …shape. Yes, that’s what it is….shape.
*** it never gets old, does it?***
Guess who over in London? …
While she doesn’t post, or lurk here, many of us know Toronto’s own milkywayfairy and she’s in London too!
I suggested to luval that she try to get in touch with her through Twitter.
Love you luval! Crazy girl!
Yup mils…shape…that’s it!
Hi Ron! Thanks for posting luval’s pic.
Ladyh, we’re always thankful that there is hair!
Hi nkd!
I just got an email from luval a half-hour ago asking me to post the photo. It’s 4:00am in London and she said she’s wide awake.
Maybe call you tomorrow nkd? I’d like to hear your thoughts about something I’m thinking about doing.
Yes! Call tomorrow Ron!
Anticipation…what is Ron thinking of doing?
Shaving the sides of his hair? Getting a tattoo? A new era3 wardrobe with platform boots?
Adam and Rufus – cute pic –
Sweet Shape, Wembley and QAL Truck Dreams, ALL!!
(I think that covers all bases, right?)
put up yer dukes –
28 minutes ago
Can i kiss him & wake him up?
39 minutes ago
He is so pretty.
27 minutes ago
Touch by divine light.
Adam Lambert
25,811 Shazams
“@Libra_Fietje: To the awesome security man at Wembley arena: thank you!!!
Thanks for all you do eywflyer……Is there a set donation amount you’d like, or do we just give whatever???? I never managed to last time, but I now have paypal so hopefully this time I can.
Anyone else just see a #meteor break up in the southern sky in Calgary?
Just saw a large fireball over Salt Lake City going SEE to NNW. Lasted around 60 seconds.
Did anyone just see that meteor?!? I have NEVER seen anything that in my entire life
Anyone see the strange meteor thing fly by heading north from UT to ID? Chunks falling off of it. Crazy!
Just saw a meteor shower!!! COOLEST THING EVER!! Im still in shock!!
Lotsa reports –
Meli @melirose89
I like how adam changed his location to worldwide lol
How cool, ulti! I’d love to see that.
look out!
And we can’t forget to thank ulti! She has been invaluable in updating all the concert threads. She was afraid that she might not be capable but I knew she had it in her – and with +20,000 posts I figured that I might as well put her to work!
She has been doing a
Just posted a recap on the Prague thread. Better late than never, right?
So The Voice Premier was last night and the coaches sang AYGGMW. It was good, but it took 4 superstars to come close to Adam’s version, and, of course, I prefer his,
Is anyone having any trouble with google??? for several hours now I can’t access anything I try googling, adams vevo, youtube, news websites etc…unless a few key ones (like this site) that are in our favourites bar….and its not just my laptop, its the mac too.
Hi HK fan, Google is working just fine for me.
OMG luval, you little dickens! Congrats to you on pulling this off at the last minute. So happy to see the pic with you embracing one of the trucks. WOW!
I hope you connect with riskylady and kinkiedies and have an amazing time. keep your eyes peeled for milkywayfairy, too.
Looks like a video of yesterday’s meteor breakup. I bet it was amazing to see in person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4rIM-XT6co
Thanks for the heads up ulti. Maybe Calgary saw it, too?
so frustrating…its not my internet as I can access anything with a direct link, (like this site…), or the above youtube…but can’t google anything.
That happened to me in the past HK fan. I couldn’t access any links from sites that I was on. I can’t tell you what to do because the IP guy from work fixed it.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Hot damn this tune! @MNEK siiiiiiick! Great track. Vocals for the gawds
interesting results so far http://www.entertainment-focus.com/music-section/music-news/vote-whats-your-favourite-adam-lambert-single/?utm_campaign=twitter&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitter …
“Sleepwalker” ahead by a lot –
Just posted a GREAT review on the Krakow thread from TopGuitar –
“Adam Lambert on the cover of Classic Rock with members of Queen is also doing well, because they have a huge concert coming up in England. We’ve sold about 500 copies. We work with the Adam Lambert fan club.”
“Someone posted about us on one of his fan pages about five or six years ago and since then, the numbers have been increasing every time a big issue comes out. A lot of our business comes from Adam Lambert fans.”
Kim @Glambert620
“Like” all recent posts on Adam’s FB page for Next Big Sound (NBS) stats.
cute fan art –
35 minutes ago
Pulling up beside Adam on the way to Krakow arena.. Couldn’t believe our eyes
Adam, Rufus, and the bear –
Peak FM @PeakFM
@adamlambert We need to get Sir Lambert on the show to talk about the new album! #amazingtalent #whatavoice
He liked this –
to ulti! And big thanks to AL and Eywflyer for keeping this whole structure going. It’s good to get some use for my paypal account
Thank you rs for your recap! And other recaps too that have been done lately. Will make comments during slower moment, I am getting highly Wemblexcited right now
Saulibert Forever @AdamSauli4Ever
A clip from Adam’s episode of “The F Word” is featured on Music Choice’s homepage
Posted a great review from Schaffhausen.net on Zurich tread –
The jet in Krakow –