What a January – rave reviews for the concerts in UK and Europe; news about a new label, single and record; and of course, his 33rd birthday! Looks like February will just be Queen and Adam as they tour all month long wrapping up in Sheffield on the 27th. Adam won’t have any time to relax though because it will probably be single and album promotion in March and beyond. Can’t wait to hear the new single!

We are all on an Original High and the photo above is courtesy of Adam when he announced his new record news.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam at the Brits – Feb. 25, 2015


1,564 Responses to February 2015 Chat

  1. adamized says:

    missdfyed what fun tidbits. So funny that they included those directions on the music sheets.

  2. Cait1602 says:

    Ok I have never heard of Shazam before. Anyone of you use Shazam?
    Sounds good, at least for me, listening to music all day on phone if possible.

  3. M says:

    Have this been posted yet? Another Adam Lambert Looking Back 2009-2014 video:

  4. nkd says:

    I have the Shazam app on my phone and use it to shazam a song I hear while out or on tv. It tells you the song title, artist and lyrics, and also provides a link for purchase on itunes.
    I’m not sure what other functions the app has but I should look into it.

  5. ultimathule says:

    Short, sweet vid – little choked at end –

  6. Cait1602 says:

    That is so sweet and beautiful edited!!!

  7. nkd says:
  8. riskylady says:

    Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts, advice and well-wishes. Hoping hubby’s cough eases for tomorrow! Have a suspicion luval may be napping off some jet lag. Hope to hear from her soon.
    EDIT!!! Just got email. Bbl!

  9. Cait1602 says:

    M says:
    02/23/2015 at 3:24 pm

    Have this been posted yet? Another Adam Lambert Looking Back 2009-2014 video:

    Left me in goose bumps and with teary eyes. Beautiful!

  10. ultimathule says:
  11. Cait1602 says:

    nkd Thanks for the infomation about Shazam Smile

    Just checked out the Germany Top 100…I feel old. I dont even know 3/4 of the songs in there

  12. ultimathule says:

    20 minutes ago
    Epic day shooting my new boyfriend (only joking!)

  13. ultimathule says:

    hmm, have not heard of Notion Magazine, must be UK. Why do I see myself buying this

    hahaha – here we go again –

  14. M says:

    I am stupid, never heard of Shazam… Here, if someone else needs the same info. I guess it’s something that we need to learn to use during era3.

    I am stupid too! Thanks LadyNorth and nkd for the info!
    I have learn so much like..Twitter, Instagram, Apps, iPhone, computer, geography, cultures, venues…from following Adam and lurking Allier here. Thank you all! Heart
    Oh yes and certain words related to Adam’s body parts Blush

  15. ultimathule says:

    s it April yet? @sandyzzzen
    @14gelly yesss!!! I see many celebs have been on the cover!! Miley, Mars… Big Smile))

    Pharrell, too –

  16. ultimathule says:
  17. nkd says:

    hmm, have not heard of Notion Magazine, must be UK. Why do I see myself buying this

    Indeed, here we go again!
    I also had not heard of Fault, Fiasco, Poplick, and many others, including the Russian gay men’s mag that is in my Adamphernalia box!
    Looks like Notion Magazine may soon join it!

  18. ultimathule says:
  19. Cait1602 says:

    Already checked it out if they deliver to Germany lol…is this another compulsion thing I have to get used to?

  20. ultimathule says:


    (that arm again)

  21. nkd says:

    I love Adam’s trainer!
    Can’t recall his name, but his work is phenomenal. Those thighs, that ass and abs! Perfection! Drool

    Of course he started with near perfection. Razz

  22. skaschep says:

    Cait1602 says:
    02/23/2015 at 3:58 pm
    nkd Thanks for the infomation about Shazam

    Just checked out the Germany Top 100…I feel old. I dont even know 3/4 of the songs in there

    Just checked out the NL top 100 as well. I must say I don’t know most of the songs there either. Maybe if I hear them. Been listening to Adam Lambert songs for almost 4 weeks now. Maybe that’s part of the problem Wink.

  23. ultimathule says:
  24. Cait1602 says:

    skaschep says:
    02/23/2015 at 4:33 pm

    Cait1602 says:
    02/23/2015 at 3:58 pm
    nkd Thanks for the infomation about Shazam

    Just checked out the Germany Top 100…I feel old. I dont even know 3/4 of the songs in there

    Just checked out the NL top 100 as well. I must say I don’t know most of the songs there either. Maybe if I hear them. Been listening to Adam Lambert songs for almost 4 weeks now. Maybe that’s part of the problem Wink.

    Ok maybe that could be it lol Listening to Adam the last 4 weeks too and to almost only Queen about ehh years. Hmmm

  25. ultimathule says:

    Wow – the fun it must be to photograph him. Wouldn’t you love to be in on a shoot!

  26. LadyNorth says:

    M, thank you for posting that beautiful Looking back -video! I find it so amazing how humble he still is, despite of gaining all the glory he once dreamed of…

    And yes it’s fascinating how we learn things we wouldn’t know anything about – at least if you don’t have teenage kids or grandkids or other kids around who tell about them. None of my friends use other social media than facebook.

  27. ultimathule says:

    @DrBrianMay and @adamlambert magical moment on stage in Krakow .

    (So grateful to all who take and post such great pictures.)

  28. HK fan says:

    luval….I love the way you casually wrote…Greetings from London everyone!!!…as though it was no biggie!
    Have a wonderful time, looking forward to your recap, and glad you got a truck encounter of your ownSmile

  29. skaschep says:
  30. ultimathule says:
  31. ultimathule says:
  32. ultimathule says:

    Think may have seen before? Didn’t see vid, though –

  33. ultimathule says:
  34. HK fan says:

    Short, sweet vid – little choked at end –

    That was indeed sweet….anyone know the song??? quite like it.

  35. ultimathule says:
  36. ultimathule says:

    “Superheroes” by The Script, HK fan – Irish band –

  37. glambotgram says:
  38. HK fan says:

    Thanks Ulti…I know The Script, well a few of their songs, didn’t recognize this though.

  39. Ladyh says:

    Not ashamed to admit it, checked to make sure he still had hair in the instagram from the cover shoot. You never know.

  40. glambotgram says:

    Ladyh You are not alone, I am sure most of us were checking him out just as closely.

  41. ultimathule says:

    omg adam followed an amazing video director!

    Meli @melirose89

  42. ultimathule says:

    hahaha – “you never know” – truer words were never spoken, Ladyh

  43. milwlovesadam says:

    O. M. Facking. Geeeeee.

    Luval, luval, luval, you are killlllling me!!!

    We were laying in our beds in Toronto at the Novotel Hotel, talking and fantasizing about would there could there will there be a Wembley, wouldn’t it be unreal and circle of life and just the utmost in Queen for there to be another Wembley.

    We laughed, we dreamed we fangirled a bit. And then some more.

    And now you are there. Gah. I just KNEW it. I am so happy for you and wish so hard I could be there and see and experience this. Gah!!!!! I’m smiling so hard.

    You hugged a truck. LOLOLOLOLOL

    You got great insider info.

    Cannot wait for your recaps.

    Luv ‘ya.

  44. ultimathule says:
  45. eywflyer says:

    Hello everyone. I’m happy to see that y’all have been enjoying part two of the Q+AL tour, and of course we are all looking forward to Adam’s new album.

    In preparation for the album, I went ahead and added an “Original High Era” category to the navigation menu up top. I’m sure we will have content to put in that menu soon!

    The site will reach the 4 year mark in May, and I feel that it’s again time for me to ask for donations to cover site expenses. Many of you may remember that I initially asked for donations back in spring 2012. The response was amazing, such that the monthly expenses for the site have been covered from that round of donations ever since. Now that it’s been almost 3 years since then, the remaining balance from those donations is beginning to run low. At current average monthly spending levels, the remaining donation balance would run out in August. I hope to keep this site going for years to come, so any donations would be greatly appreciated.

    I’d like to once again thank AL for his amazing contributions to this site. He has created almost all of the site content for the past several months, during a very busy period spanning both Q+AL tours. Thank you so much!

    There is a page with a financial summary, detailed listing of site expenses, and a “Donate” button allowing folks to make a secure donation to the site via Paypal here:

  46. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi eywflyer!!! So glad to see you again!

    I would love to donate, but don’t do paypal. Is there any other way to contribute? You could email me to stay private.

    This site is part of my daily life. It is so well run, so friendly, I would love to see this keep on going and follow our guy’s career for as long as my fingers can type and my ears can listen.

  47. Calgary says:

    Thank you both eyw and AL for all you have done to make this one of the finest sites on the internet!

  48. eywflyer says:

    Milw, could you send me your email address via the contact site admins link?

    For any other folks who wish to donate but prefer not to use paypal, send me a message at the site admin link and I’ll email back my home mailing address, so you could mail a personal check.

  49. milwlovesadam says:

    eyw: I look forward to your email.

    luval: you have email girl.

    I’ll check my mail before work tomorrow.

    Gah. I’m going to be so distracted at work during the show.

    What’s the world clock for tomorrow??

  50. ultimathule says:

    WOW –

    Hi!! First in queue!! (As I hoped, seeing as I got here at 2.30am!)

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