What a January – rave reviews for the concerts in UK and Europe; news about a new label, single and record; and of course, his 33rd birthday! Looks like February will just be Queen and Adam as they tour all month long wrapping up in Sheffield on the 27th. Adam won’t have any time to relax though because it will probably be single and album promotion in March and beyond. Can’t wait to hear the new single!

We are all on an Original High and the photo above is courtesy of Adam when he announced his new record news.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam at the Brits – Feb. 25, 2015


1,564 Responses to February 2015 Chat

  1. luval says:

    ultimathule, she’s got a strong hold on that shirt!! Lucky!!

  2. Cait1602 says:

    ultimathule such a beautiful vid. I adore how much fun they have!

  3. luval says:
  4. Cait1602 says:

    Wow he looks so happy, he literally beaming his happiness into the crowd. You cant do nothing else but grin when you see that

  5. luval says:

    I love that “boys havin’ fun” video too! Roger & Brian just have to wait and see what the boy’s gonna do!

    eta: bringing it over from the previous page

  6. ultimathule says:
  7. ultimathule says:

    Put links to Thilo Rahn’s FB pics on Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin –

  8. ultimathule says:

    Whooo – all those grabby hands – no wonder he’s sick – stay away from barricades –

  9. nkd says:

    Love that video ulti and luval!

    Yup Cait, that smile is infectious!
    Still makes me melt after all these years.

  10. rs says:

    Thanks ulti. Loved that fun and happiness video. Cait, that was your concert!

    Mieps, have a great time in Milan. Give the riskies big hugs for me. Hug Left Hug Right I will be keeping my fingers crossed that Adam is recovered and that your concert will go on as planned Fingers Crossed

  11. luval says:
  12. Cait1602 says:

    rs yeah i know. Put such a big smile on my face. That first one for today!!! Now rewatching and reliving Hamburg again. Feeling so much better already lol

  13. jlurksacto says:

    Talked to a young friend (Beau) this morning that returned
    from his Paris concert trip last Friday. He went for Queen
    but thinks Adam is great. Just more for Queen. I said I
    had looked for him in pics and videos but wasn’t sure I
    had seen him. He googled the Paris concert and found himself
    in the first video. He is the young man doing all the head,
    arm, and hand bobbing/weaving.

    He said he had a good time. DUH

    At his left is his tall lady friend from London.

  14. Calgary says:

    mieps I think I speak on behalf of all ALLers when I say how much I appreciate your sacrifice! It will, hopefully, entail a recap… Grin

  15. HK fan says:
  16. Cait1602 says:

    something OOT, sorry.

    I was looking into setting up a Gravatar thingie but dont understand what to do lol. Can someone help me with that?

  17. HK fan says:

    sorry Cait…..I got talked through it several years ago…..haven’t ever got around to changing my pic in case its too complicated!!
    There is a link on the right, under important site info though, did you try there?

  18. glambotgram says:


    Go here

    Sign in with the same user name and password that you use here.

    Click on gravatars.

    Follow directions to upload your image and save it. It should show up in a few minutes.

    I hope this is all, I don’t know if there are any other steps.

  19. Cait1602 says:

    Tried that but cant log in with my wordpress-account Frown

  20. Ron says:

    Cait1602 says:
    02/09/2015 at 6:16 pm

    Tried that but cant log in with my wordpress-account

    Log in on Gravatar with the same username Cait1602 and password that you use to log in on here.

    It should work. Fingers Crossed

  21. nkd says:

    Cait, try logging in using your email. Make sure it’s the same email address used for your wordpress account.

  22. nkd says:

    I can never log in on gravatar with my username, but can with email address. Then you can use whatever password for gravatar. It doesn’t have to be the same as long as the email account matches.

  23. Ron says:

    Gee nkd, it doesn’t work that way at all for me because I didn’t register with my email address.

    I DO have problems logging in on Gravatar sometimes though so, for some reason, it can be tricky.

  24. Cait1602 says:

    Cant log in with Username nor mail. Already changed pw etc. nothing is working. Big Frown

  25. nkd says:

    Well Ron, that Gravatar is a finicky little bitch! Laugh

  26. glambotgram says:

    On gravatar try create account. Make sure you use the same credentials as here

  27. Ron says:

    nkd says:
    02/09/2015 at 6:36 pm

    Well Ron is a finicky little bitch!


    Oh! I think I might have misquoted you, nkd. Laugh

  28. Cait1602 says:

    glambotgram Im a step further, created one but it doesnt show anywhere. But still Thank You!

  29. Ron says:

    You got it Cait! I see your avatar from gravatar. Wink

  30. Cait1602 says:

    oh me too…seems like im too impatient again lol THANK YOU!

  31. Ron says:

    Cait, it can take up to 5 minutes for the avatar to be in place.

  32. Ron says:

    BTW, all of your previous posts here will now show your new avatar next to them.

  33. firstimerob says:
    Check out the 15yr old grabber her concert experience from home to the concert stay with it great close up of the grab. Posted in Berlin also.

  34. nkd says:

    YAY Cait!!!

  35. nkd says:

    It took me a moment Ron to catch your edit! Laugh

  36. firstimerob says:

    welcomeCait1602 and skaschep. we are going to have quite a group when Adams new music is out.

    nkd I am inventive

  37. turquoisewaters says:

    Welcome, skaschep, to the friendliest place on earth. Where an Adam fan can be an Adam fan. Smile

  38. milwlovesadam says:

    Welcome skaschep, all the way from the Netherlands.

    Can you let us know how long you’ve been a fan? Have you seen him live?

  39. milwlovesadam says:

    Well, I have something in common with our boy. I have bronchitis too. A doctor at work wrote me a scrip for a strong antibiotic, I went home early, am drinking tea, glass after glass of hot water with lemon, sipping on soup, and hoping my voice holds out so I can work tomorrow.

    Sounds familiar.

    Only, I don’t have 10,000 people to disappoint if my voice isn’t good. Or if I cough in the middle of a sentence or a song.

    I’ll be fine, I just hope Adam can recover enough to perform.

  40. luval says:

    mils, should he not be talking too or is that just with laryngitis?

  41. Axxxel says:

    milwlovesadam Get well soon !! It is indeed not much fun… last time I had some bronchitis.. it took me 14 weeks to get rid of it…but I was able to go here and there…

  42. Axxxel says:

    Hi skaschep, Hoe gaat het met U ?
    “Flemish” is my first language but I am not Belgian and my timezone is 6 hours ahead of you… and 12 hours ahead of this website…

    I love Adam since his stint on American Idol in 2009, Was lucky to see him twice in concert on his solotour, the 2nd concert was practically in my backyard.

    And I love Adam for his voice, on stage and during interviews… What about you ?

  43. milwlovesadam says:

    The Queen/Brian message said that he was ordered to bed and vocal rest. That means no talking. No whispering even, whispering is even worse for a sick larynx
    ( “voicebox” ). It stresses the vocal cords too much.

    If he was ordered on vocal rest, my interpretation is that he either has laryngitis, or pharyngitis, as well as bronchitis.

    He is one sick puppy.

    I’m hoping he’s on an antibiotic, although this is likely a virus, maybe he has already had a cold for a while, I do remember some tweets about a cold a week or so ago, and maybe like me, it has now settled into bronchitis.

    Whatever it is, it will take a while to recover. Stressing his vocal cords by singing for Queen tomorrow may actually damage his precious voice. I almost would hope that they would cancel Milan. That would give him an extra three days to recover.

    I’m sorry to say this. We know people who are planning to see the Milan show, but, in order for Adam to preserve his voice and health, I would not be surprised at all to see tomorrow’s show cancelled as well. I would bet on it that this is being discussed by Queen, Adam, the doctors, the tour lawyers, and tour managers.

    Brian and Roger have nothing to lose by missing another show. Adam has his voice and future to think about. He won’t lose a single fan. Not a single one. He has only his voice to be concerned about. IMHO.

    What do you guys think?

  44. turquoisewaters says:

    mils: I completely agree with you. But man, I feel so bad for fans who were looking forward to this. And I know Adam hates to let any fans down. I do hope Brian and Roger talk him out of trying to force something. It would be so great if they could just add these cities on later. That’s how it was with the canceled Adele concerts for example. They had to change some venues because of conflicts, but it was a pretty good solution.

  45. ultimathule says:
  46. ultimathule says:

    Yes, mils, agree – the voice is paramount –

  47. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks turq and ulti. And another thing, the show is incredibly physical, he’s on heels, and all over the stages, running, thrusting, arms waving, just giving it his all. It’s not like he stands still ( Sam Smith, Carrie Underwood, ahem )and sings.

    Although, Adam sitting on a stool is pretty amazeballs. **cough *** cough** Napa **Cough faint swoon***

  48. Tothebeat says:

    Mils…I totally agree, I’m worried about him!

  49. luval says:

    the voice is paramount – Very simply.

  50. milwlovesadam says:

    Oh. I wonder if Cait has been sent to Napa yet.

    She may need to build herself a flail room first.

    Supplies needed for a flail room may include, large throw pillows, iced beverages, a drool towel, a cold shower, a large stash of Adamphernilia, and a CPR kit, portable oxygen tank, a fan, and a large screen, high quality speakers, and bifocal spectacles for proper research to be conducted.


    Chokehold. Broken English.

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