- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Wow, I’m first! This thread wasn’t up yet when I woke up to a gorgeous warm Feb. morning, so I posted in the January thread. But I am moving it here, just so that everyone can remember Adam’s gorgeous “oldie”. asif, this one is for you. I know it was your favorite.
From the January thread thread:
Woot! Im Adam!
KradamourSo sorry for your loss. Even though they have lived a long and good life we are never quite ready to let them go, are we?
OMFG – I ripped this from Adamtopia:
“on CBC Radio’s Vinyl Cafe, legendary Canadian rocker Randy Bachman, who hosts the show, played a mash-up of Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls and The Beatles Come Together…then talked about both bands…He had effusive praise for Adam and said that after the New Years show in London he was so impressed that he wrote to Brian May telling him how great the show was. Brian May wrote back saying “Adam is a GFG” – Gift from God, that he has revitalized the band & that they are releasing a new album in the next year with some old tunes recorded with Freddie and some new tunes recorded with Adam.”
The poster is going to email Bachman for confirmation that she heard this properly.
My condolences on the loss of your mother, Kradamour. I am so sorry that you have to deal with a broken ankle on top of everything else. Take care, my dear.
OMG! Hope it is true!
Apparently this is from the tour book 2015 QAL
tlkc, I saw on twitter that Randy Bachman went to three QAL shows!
Oh that poster up top…the hair…the shoes!!
Had to bring the ice skating IG over here. Some flack about that rectangular thing under his lip on twitter lol. Personally I think it’s fake! I stopped the video and it just doesn’t look real ….mustache either. Way too dark, of course. His disguise!!
might as well vote for a couple more days. Get that win percentage really up there.
Yes, luval. He has QAL fever bad – 4 shows if you count NYE. I cut that our because the post was too long and I wanted to get to the good stuff.
So sorry to hear of your loss Kradamour xxxx
Love the sound of a new album of a mix of Adam and Freddie, old and new songs.
And, yes the tache and beard do look odd in that video…I think thats one of the reasons why I don’t like his facial hair when it gets fuller, he never seems to grow any on his chin..just below it.
Yep luval, you are right. The little chin-thing and moustache are darkened/enhanced. There’s almost a squiggle over the lip if you stop the insta-vid. How do you do that on instagram?
ETA: OK – tried again and it may not be photo-shopped. The enhancement must have been made before he left the hotel. As if that would make a difference to a ninja Glambert.
Here’s the youtube of him skating. You can stop the action a bit easier. If you click on the middle (arrow) of the instagram video, that stops it too.
I am sorry for your loss Kradamour, wishing you and your family strength for next weeks and months!
Yes Cher, the twitlonger is from European QAL tour book. I got myself one in London
My recap of London is on the 18th concert thread is anyone is interested.
I like the idea of possible mixed album in the future. New old tracks with Freddie would get fans to buy it, and at the same time introducing new ones with Adam… Maybe a way to try audience’s reactions before getting into full new album with Adam. Who knows what they have on their sleeve? I just hope Adam also has some time to relax and take a holiday here and there. It looks like he was having fun skating
Oh dear I hope it’s nothing serious? Have to use google translator…
I have that too. I try to explain to people how addictive it can be and they don’t get it. Can’t believe there’s only about 3 weeks left in this Once in a Lifetime tour. The end?? Hope not.
Am anxious for his new music. Especially knowing that he chooses songs on how they will show on stage live. Love that.
Another thing I want besides a new good backup band for his new music is the the hope they can sing background too. I just love the Queen backup voices. So perfect.
google translate:https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://wegotit.at/queen-so-wird-ihr-wien-konzert/%3Futm_content%3Dbufferf1197%26utm_medium%3Dsocial%26utm_source%3Dtwitter.com%26utm_campaign%3Dbuffer%23more-11159&edit-text=
Arriving in Vienna! The plane!
Adam & someone arriving in Vienna (peek of Rob in the background)
eta: love the way his scarf is tied. Wonder how that’s done?
eta again. Stache & rectangle don’t look as dark. lol
Good Morning ALL. Woke up to about 3 inches of snow, we are in line for 12-15 inches by tomorrow morning. LOL this one is not skipping us.
Love the ice skating video, don’t mind the little patch or the darkened mustache near as much as the in your face tattoos on the pic above, as they(mustache and patch) are not permanent.
Flying doesn’t enhance sinus and head cold problems. I am surprised Brian didn’t have a doctor fly out to see him. Here’s hoping that the doctor was able to help….
luval I really agree about background vocals for Adam’s future band. Queen guys’ harmonies are great. On records and live. I want both new Adam music and something with Queen later (they are amazing professionals and I would love to hear rock sounds too) if it is possible with Adam’s future schedule…
Kradamour- The Duke and I send sincerest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother.
Do hope you weather through this difficult time and transition to your new teaching position with relative ease despite your ankle “problem”.
What are the chances that 2 of our own here would suffer similar issues so close together> I’m afraid to take a step anywhere now!
Adam getting off plane in Vienna
Just read a nice recap of the Nottingham show, from the front row. Praising Adam a lot. Added to the thread too.
His new sunglasses
Nice. I can read your mind luval: all the better to reflect Sauli in,

Kradamour Sincerely sorry for your loss
I can not find your recap where exactly is it. 18th concert?????????
Hi firstimerob, I put it in the London thread but because there were two London shows/threads, I put it in the second one, 18th of Jan concert thread. I went to both shows and made a combination recap. Maybe I should put it to 17th show thread too… Sorry, I was not being clear enough. For me Jan 17th and 18th are pretty memorable dates
Thank you LadyNorth
I was looking forward to your take on the concert. I will check it out.
Thank you firstimerob
I did wrote a notice about my recap on the chat thread after I had done it, but if it was my morning (your night) it can easily remain unnoticed. rs found it but we have the same time zone 
Thank you LadyNorth I was swamped with company during those dates and missed so much. I am company free now and catching up. I miss Adams live voice you captured that beautifully. What a nice vacation you had lucky you.
Kradamour So very saddened to hear about your loss. Your love and caring for your mother has been such a big part of your life for the past several years. You will feel an empty space in your heart for a long time, all the while knowing that she is in a better place and free of her pain and suffering.
Posted another Paris review – long – really interesting –
Just wanted to say hi…
…I am really new (just a week or so) to this whole Adam Lambert – Glamily – Glambert thing. Ras was so amazing to give me tips and the link to this site. I am from Germany and a die-hard Queen fan recently turned into a “Queebert” with an unhealthy addiction to Adams voice.
This site helped me in the last two days to get a really good look into his career, helped me sort out the unbelieveable amount of videos on youtube and just gave me generally guideline on whats has been going on, is going on and will be going on. So THANK YOU Glamberts for this really amazing website.
Looking forward to what the future brings as a Glambert.
25 minutes ago
Hi, Cait1602 – so happy to see you here!
Hi, Cait1602! Glad that ras (rs here) was able to help you find the site and that you decided to join the chat too!
Will you be going to any concerts? We have some posters here who will be in Prague.
If you have any questions about the site or need any more information, don’t hesitate to post it here or even email me under “Need Help”.
Welcome to the blog!
Yes, welcome Cait1602
Anita Dobson (Brian’s wife) has a major production coming up on the BBC.
Adam’s new bio
A little note from Kradamour (her words are always better than mine), as I left her the pages to read later.
CTV (Canada) commercial with Adam singing Feelin’ Good
Welcome Cait1602!
It’s so good to have you join us here. There is much out there of Adam to keep you occupied for a while. Don’t forget to come up for air, water and food occassionally!
Look at interviews also, it’s a wonderful insight to the special person he is as well as the phenomenal voice.
Hi Cait1602!, glad you made it here. Feel free to flail all you want about Adam, Queen, music, or whatever you want. You are in good company here
He favorited this tweet. Look at the instagram
A pre Superbowl CTV commercial featuring Adam’s Idol version of Feeling Good!
Hi Cait1602 Welcome!! We do have another German lady who hangs here Turquoisewaters and many other nationalities represented as well. Come join the Glambert/Queenbert fun!
Whoops wrong thread!
Welcome cait1602!!! Cheers and waves to you!!
Oh man, that top of the thread picture has to be the most , erm, distracting, one ever.