- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Well – his mom looks the same –
American Idol Top 10 Best Auditions Of All Time [VIDEOS]
3. Adam Lambert, “Bohemian Rhapsody”/”Rock with You” (Season Eight). He might only have been the runner-up his season, but Adam Lambert never had a dull moment on the show. Not even his initial audition.
Adam Lambert – Better Than I Know Myself 14,684,883
Like that, asif, “never had a dull moment on the show” – and never a dull moment since – lol.
Finished going through them – Carrie’s didn’t work, but Kelly’s was really funny (didn’t come to Idol till S4). Melinda, of course, was superb, but the big surprise for me was Paris – don’t even remember her.
Interesting. Could be about Parrell but still hmmmm
But I am really hoping this has to do with the announcement Shosh tweeted about yesterday. Or a Queen related announcement would work too!
February InRock
Gelly @14gelly 10m
https://twitter.com/givenchy/status/430329517853245440/photo/1/large …
Adam knows the trends in fashion for sure. Same style. Her hat
(Hope it’s just the hat.)
Steve Ross @ttacksEarth 12h
I will say Adam Lambert’s crew was fierce, Friday night. Like a street chic Sex In The City ready to knock over a boutique or two.
Crop with hat
I saw this picture earlier floating around on twitter and had NO clue it was Miley until Adam tweeted it.
Yes, saw that, aely – have to disagree with Adam – think she looks ridiculous.
Sure doesn’t look like Miley
Riff’s birthday
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 1m
Happy Birthday @EdenEspinosa !!
<333 RT @EdenEspinosa: @adamlambert thanks my love
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
My bday invite from this week… instagram.com/p/j-Mno1uNFh/
Cute pic from Riffs birthday….
Looking at those 2 pics side by side of Adam and his mum…there’s something about the 2nd one that looks slightly different….still beautiful, but less natural….something about the eyes and the mouth….I don’t know, maybe its just the angle!
I listened to the opera singer singing the anthem on MJ’s, didn’t like it…not my kind of voice.
Mixed bag on Fleming, HK fan, for listeners. I’m an opera buff so the formality of it doesn’t bother me – nice change from certain pop stars who struggle with it. Always liked Pia Toscano’s versions (and, of course, Adam’s – particularly at the military base in California) and a couple of others. Might suggest don’t watch, just listen to Fleming’s performance – could help.
Doesn’t help ulti…just don’t like that type of voice or singing……I always used to go the carol singing at the club we’re members of, and there was a member there who had an operatic voice….just made me cringe when I heard her singing the carols, it would be all I could hear over the 200 other voices!!!
I voted “other” Queen & Adam Lambert”
Done … luval.
I voted “other” And write-in Queen + Adam Lambert.
Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are leading now.
Just saw an ad for Dior Homme, using Led Zeppelin Whole Lotta Love.
Wish Adam is the model in the ad. Adam also has worn Dior Homme.
I’m watching nbc now, “Sportd Illus. Swimmsuit: 50 …. “
Wrote Queen and Adam in, too.
It’s slow news day so let’s do some quizzes if you like.
I did a few last week but got distracted.
Good thing I wrote them down.
Belle, sandwich, Wicked (Play) and …
Dumbledore ……. -Harry Potter
Hobbit ……. -Tolkien Creatures
Miranda Bailey …….. -Grey’s Anatomy
Peeta ……… – Hunger Games
Aria ………. -Pretty Little Lies
Karen Smith ………. -Mean Girls (the Dizzy Blonde , lol)
Veronica ……… -Anchorman
Tina ……… -Glee
Sheldon ………. -Big Bang Theory
Haha … a lot of quizzes but it’s fun while we are waiting for Adam’s intense forward motion news.
We will stay in tomorrow because of snow is coming.
Plan a movie day and treadmill marathon.
Here are the quizzes … There are tons of them.

Methinks Leila is just more toned, trimmer and more brunette/ginger since 2010.
Whichever way you slice it, she’s one hot momma.
FWIW, I skipped the game and only watched Bruno. He is a fantastic performer. Tickets for his show here this summer went on sale today. The day after the Superbowl. While I was at work.
Crap. And
I didn’t stand a chance.
Ticket bastards, here I come. Must see Bruno this summer.
Also, Vintage Trouble is on Leno tomorrow night. Ty’s Honda commercial is everywhere all the time. It’s just soooo cool.
Now, we just need some Adam action.
Bruno is here in March… I really wanted to see him, tickets sold out in minutes, decided to put on a 2nd night, also sold out in minutes….no such thing as star hub in HK…only touts!!
season 5 of Glee starts here tonight with a double episode….so Adam on my tv soon!!
Have no interest in seeing Bruno. Like some of his music, but what I’ve seen of him the last three or four times is repetitious, and his voice, for me, is just OK. If anyone goes to his concert, would like to hear a review.
Got 7-8 inches of snow today. As much as I love to look out the window and see snow falling, I don’t welcome the shoveling. Hubby claims we had to buy a new snowblower!
Sweet Shosanna Spilling Secrets Dreams, ALL!
Well, I have some interest.
I’m not particular about his voice either but this guy is the real deal as far as being an entertainer. He’s a Showman in every sense of that word.
He goes out there on stage and gives it his all and I really admire him for that.
Otherwise I have no opinion about him.
Voted in the Super Bowl Poll – Queen + Adam Lambert. Lady Gaga has 45%!!! Everyone else is far behind (Britney is distant second with 16%) Wish they’d look at the “Other” votes and add Q+A!
Hi Ron!
I’m looking out my window now sparkle and there appears to be about 1/16th of an inch of snow on the ground here in Toronto.
Do you live somewhere where it’s normal to call your home an igloo?
Adam Lego
Yup, Bruno’s all that, Ron – gives it his all – diff’rent strokes . . . .
We’ll talk.
lol –
How come when I refresh the page, I’m directed back to the very top of the page and I have to scroll all the way down again to the bottom of the page to see the latest comment?
All of the effort that I have to put into scrolling – it’s exhausting!
Two-part interview with Z100 Brett Andrews about three years ago. Really a fun interview. Nice to see again.
Thanks for that interview ulti; I can’t believe it but I haven’t seen it before!
Has Ron recovered from scrolling yet? Been almost an hour.
It feels like I’m living in an igloo this year but no not usually here in central PA! It was in the mid forties on Saturday – just can’t seem to make up its mind – kind of like the roller coaster ride that Adam keeps us on! LOL
Ivy Levan @ivylevan 5h
Set your DVR’s or watch it as it happens! I’m singing a duet with @Sting Tomorrow on the @LateShow w/ Letterman. @MichaelEinziger on guitar!
‘American Idol’ 2014 Spoilers: AI Season 13 Episode 7 ‘Hollywood or Home Round’ Airs on Feb. 5, 2014, Who Stays and Who Goes? [WATCH VIDEOS]
Didn’t say when Adam and Chris will be on but very soonish.
Adam mention