- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
old Paris pic
Leo (Jung TaekWoon ) November 10, 1990 (age 23) singing OOL (K-Pop) – member of Korean boy band VIXX
Trish @TrishBertNZ 7m
@adamlambert The #NZGlitterTribe sent this Traveller pendant for your birthday It has the inscription “Guide Me Home” http://www.culet.co.nz/jewellery?product_id=1281 …
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 10m
RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman
with Danielle
From 2012 great to listen to again. There’s a still with Sam Sparro without his mustache. He looks hot! Wonder what happened to Rico Love’s song?
Adam’s talent:
I love Adam’s hair here. Even with the scruff
Thanks, luval – enjoyed that talent vid and all those encomiums to his voice in one place like that.
Hi everyone! Happy Groundhog Day. My youngest daughter and youngest sister were both born on this day, and coincidentally, they each have a little heart-shaped birthmark.
Read on the cover of a tabloid at the checkout this morning that Kelly Osbourne is going back to rehab for the 8th time after an incident with Joan Rivers on 1/21/14. It’s also being reported on Perez Hilton’s site.
Then I come home and find the news about Peter Seymour Hoffman being found dead with the needle still in his arm.
I’ve always worried about Adam. Especially during the exhausting schedule he sometimes keeps. We know he likes to party and drink. I suspect he is familiar with marijuana use. I just want to see him high on life and enjoy the moments while so many great things are happening for him.
He’s always in my thoughts, wishing with each event that this time he will hit big and get the recognition he deserves. Sometimes it’s hard to be patient, but at least there is forward motion. I just don’t want him to crash and burn prematurely as so many great artists have done in the past.
Think the boy loves being kissed by all the pretty girls.
Yes, Ellessay – always in mine, too, and happy that there does seem to be definite progress in his career.
ulti you mentioned yesterday that his hair looked short on top. Really shows that in the bottom picture. I think the top hat flattens out the hair and any product (hair spray?) that you might have on it. Even though the hat doesn’t touch the top of the head, it sucks the air out or dampens the head and the hair goes flat. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!.
eta: of course I miss the high hair! Can’t remember when I saw it last.
The man has certainly developed an unerring instinct for how to pose provocatively for pics.
I don’t know that it’s true about Kelly Osbourne going to rehab again. I checked a few sites and don’t see it. Googling info about Kelly in rehab again just brings up 2009 or other years. She did, however, heckle Joan Rivers in Joan’s comedy routine from what I could see.
Kelly’s twitter account shows her on a 3 day adventure with friends, planned by the friends, she says she has no idea where they are going. http://instagram.com/p/j3_cLpgb3C/#
Derek Allen Watson @_derekallen
@adamlambert great meeting you last weekend. You were just as nice as I had expected.
“Actor and model starting a new life in LA, from NYC.”
Love the new party pics.
Shame about Phillip Seymour Hoffman…..but I really don’t know him as an actor, I clicked on one of the above links which had clips of his 10 best movies…I haven’t seen any of them.
I too sometimes worry, Ellessay…everytime we hear of another celebrity death, I wonder what Adam thinks, whether it puts him off the hard drugs etc.
I have a feeling Joan Rivers has been heckled much worse in her long career! From what I understand, heckling by friends is a form of flattery in the comedy world.
It does look like Kelly is having fun.
Very sad about Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Another great talent lost to drugs. He was a truly gifted performer, he completely inhabited the character of every role, every film I have seen him star in.
Sometimes I do worry about Adam, especially with drinking and partying so much, but, he works hard to have a balance. He has a huge network of close friends, most of them from before the fame, and I do think that will make a big difference for him. I don’t think they would ever let him go too far, they would be able to rein him in, if needed.
And. Let’s not forget how close he is with his mom.
His dad does seem to be a bit of a drinker. FWIW.
All in all, I’m just not too concerned anymore about this with Adam.
Don’t know if this is a recent tweet, or a flashback, but its good anyways..
iBr8k4Hallucinations @RespectTheGB 4m
“Adam Lambert is probably one of the most gifted singers I have EVER recorded.” Rob Cavallo, Music Producer, on Adam Lambert
a good old photo to see, seeing as its the Superbowl
CinEnkeBert @CinEnkeBert 18m
MY favorite football player!!! .@adamlambert pic.twitter.com/ifxmzB9EVy
You know it’s bad when you are at a party and EVERYONE is on their phones online bitching about it not watching the game. Beer is good though!! LOL
Nothing much to say after that. Sponsors won’t be too happy if people tune out. Even commercials are meh…Huh..Bob Dylan selling cars? lol. Liked the Radio Shack one early on. Bruno was somewhat entertaining. Anthony Keidis of Red Hot Chili Peppers was grabbing his crotch I think. ..

Debbie Paganini @Tigger92771
Hey Glamberts! Did you know the Seahawks dancers used @adamlambert’s #SureFireWinners for one of their routines?
Head closeup of above pic
About SFW….I remember them using it in 2010. Wondered if it was still in their dance routine mix. Guess so!
Maybe it’s an old tweet, luval – forgot to check the date.
Went back – says 32m – but it’s possible she could be referring to something in the past.
Adam + Super Bowl….OK
Info on the guy that tweeted:
Richard is an Emmy Award winning TV Producer, and editor of the anti-tabloid @RumorFix
Always making contacts!
So cute in that pic, aely – love the way he’s dressed.
(Would that be the BTIKM sweater?)
Yes, ulti looks so innocent. LOL
Well, at least the Broncos scored. 1st time in my life I left a Super Bowl party early! The guys at the party I was at were kind of making fun of Bruno during the half time show saying this is the best they can do…etc…They are hard rock, big spectacle kind of guys. One guy I don’t really know says, “Queen should play, they have that new guy Lambert from Idol who isn’t bad. They need arena bands like that.” My friends husband said hey, Alex saw them live. I got to be the cool kid for a minute. Turns out he watched the iHeart concert on TV. Then discussion (I stayed out of it completely but eavesdropped…lol)on why he is wasting his time with pop crap. And Idol is crap, etc…Interesting though they think he is better than that. A couple had no idea who he was but most did. My friend is like I see you smiling!! Best 5 minutes of the night… because they quickly moved on to the Stones, Metallica, etc…LOL
A very long article on facial hair – but summed up for me in this:
“Let me declare what many already know: 2013 was a landmark year for men’s facial hair. From flamboyant beards to the proliferation of “old-fashioned” shops, evidence of the trend abounds, embracing groups as diverse as the Boston Red Sox, the men of Movember, and the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty. In dens of hipsterdom, one can hardly throw a PBR without hitting a waxed moustache.”
Great story, aely – that iHeart concert was extremely helpful for Adam’s “street” creds.
Ah – Queen and Adam at the SuperBowl – heaven
Re: Bruno – he was good, but can’t judge the effect as I’ve seen him do that performance two or three other times and wasn’t thrilled to see it again. Same with Pink and her trapeze act.
Yeah, I always get the YOU FLEW TO LONDON FOR A CONCERT? Then I explain how long I have been a fan and I wasn’t sure if I would ever get a chance to see Queen live again. Bucketlist kind of thing. If they are fans they usually say, “wow,true, cool. I wish I could up and go to a concert in London.” But it is ALWAYS the same.
In other words, aely, do you think these responses mean they would go to a Queen concert if in closer proximity?
Yes. The fans of Queen, for sure in town. Air travel, not sure. I told my friends husband I would let him know when they announce. By the end of the conversation they decided Motley Crüe should end their RIP final tour at the Super Bowl next year.
How about Adam and MC? “Smokin’ in the Boys Room” – lol
In my opinion (and I’ve been saying it for at least the last two years}, Queen + Adam would be the ideal Super Bowl Show. They should have the tour or mini-tour and have it end at the Super Bowl next year. Songs like WATC, WWRY and AOBTD are songs that are always played in stadiums across the country and hearing them live with Adam’s amazing voice would be PERFECTION, especially if my team,the Philadelphia Eagles, was there!
Sweet “Singing at the Super Bowl” Dreams, ALL!
Richard Ayoub Super Bowl https://t.co/8rZAotK167
LOL. Where are the girls? Why is no one watching the game? Too funny!
Where’s Waldo?
RichardAyoub @RichardAyoub 3h
#SuperBowl-ing it with @adamlambert pic.twitter.com/ieP7rvyyLG
Jen @JenniferMjparry 3h
@RichardAyoub @adamlambert lucky you!!
RichardAyoub @RichardAyoub 2h
@JenniferMjparry he’s a sweetheart
Wishing you a slightly belated happy birthday Glamberthaf28 Superbowl Sunday got in the way.

Hope you had a glamfun day!
Ellessay-I so agree with you. I worry about Adam every day. He still loves to party, adding tattooes, piercings and hopefully doesn’t invibe in drugs. He is maturing, but still is kinda wild! Lucky Leila is always around, and usually travels with him. Hope he doesn/t read this, cuz I sound like an overprotective Mama!!!
I agree about the horrible game, but disagree about the half time show. I thought Bruno was great could have done without the RHCP, he should have just done it without them. I loved it because he just performed great without all the stupid spectacles of the last few years, Madonna anyone, she was horrible IMO.
Now I do agree Q+A would be the ultimate half time show, but can’t see it actually ever happening.
Hated the opera singer.
I thought I was the only one who didn’t like the opera singer. I’ve heard better. El Divo would have been nice if they were going for opera. I didn’t notice the fly over jets. Whole game seemed off to me from the very beginning.