- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Sauli’s in this picture collage…the band too.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 5m
@ivylevan giving my Bday party some Sassafras http://instagram.com/p/j5Pb0AONIK/
all the party pics so far
Almost 5 million views … Soonish …
Full Performance of “Marry The Night” from “A Katy or a Gaga” | GLEE
Happy day after Adam’s …party!
Melinda @melirose89 Protected Tweets 10m
Hey – didn’t know there was a local group.
Another fun quiz
Ivy Levan @ivylevan
Singing to @adamlambert for his special day of birth! lookin a hot voodoo mess! –
The cake
Is this the same pic? Maybe just more of it?
The snake
Ivy Levan @ivylevan
@samsparro @adamlambert oh honey I was all sorts of cray! Hah <3
One more for you.
You can make it as big as you want.
Asif Marry the Night reached 5 million! Had my computer on repeat for 3 days just for you and all your “pimping”. LOL.
YAY …. It’s 5,000,309 views
Full Performance of “Marry The Night” from “A Katy or a Gaga” | GLEE
Someone said the snake’s tongue was a candle – that would’ve been wild. Whatcha think, nkd –
Thanks … aely.
Hope Adam will get more solos on Glee.
Thanks for the pic, aely – great jawline there – no longer pretty boy – now handsome man.
And 5 million – terrific. Nice birthday present for him.
Christine @Christine5850
@adamlambert You have the “GLAM” of an earlier time, present time, and future time!!! Tell the truth, please… Where are you really from?
(Cute tweet – and a great deal of truth to it, too.)
ulti, Christine said it was a candle in her IG pic of the snake.
Hi everyone – long time no post! Nose has been to the grindstone in RL, leaving time only to lurk here and barely keep up. And I only have a little nub left where I used to have a nose.
asif – you are so sweet to ask about me. I’m still here!
Happy belated Adam’s birthday to you all! I was so happy for Adam to see all of the love that he got from his fans around the world and the media on his actual birthday, and then last night all the love from his family and friends. Sounds like tons of his good friends were there at his party and that they had a blast together. Which is wonderful. And the “voodoo bayou saloon chic” attire theme is just so him, it cracked me up.
I’m also so pleased by Adam’s surprise appearance at the Idol Workshop with Chris Daughtry and can’t wait to see that broadcast. And Glee is coming up this month, too. Gonna be a big month!
And new music, too! Hints of studio time! Yay!
Woke me up with his tweet. AGAIN
Ah! Adam just posted this! Damn they are both so gorgeous.
Oof I thought I was the only one here at this hour, but aely beat me to it.
Hi aely!
ETA: Ok aely has apparently gone back to sleep. LOL
Hi cwm! So glad to see you here
It means that there has been a little let up in the pressures of rl. So glad to see that both mom and dadbert were at Adam’s party. Leila looked even more gorgeous than usual.
Yes, February is going to be a month full of Adam goodies. Can’t wait.
Adam’s busy on IG:
Hi rs! Yay you’re here!
Things haven’t let up so much as I decided I needed a breather. A couple of girlfriends and I decided to take a weekend girls’ break and are at a beach house on the beautiful Oregon coast. After a fun and relaxing day (even though I did bring my computer and worked some during the day), I’m actually not too exhausted tonight to stay awake long enough to catch up and make a coherent post here!
I have previously confessed to these friends about my Adam fascination. Although they obviously don’t share my passion, they are reasonably understanding about it. Tonight I told them that Adam is now on Glee and they wanted to watch, so we had a great time watching the Katy or Gaga episode. They liked Adam’s Elliott/Starchild character and thought he did great.
It was so fun to watch that again – my heart was racing! Can’t wait to see the new episodes later this month!
Glad for your girl’s weekend break cwm. You need it. I have also “confessed” my Adam passion to some people here, but few are interested in hearing his music or watching Glee. Most are just happy for me for the whole new group of friends I have made through the fandom.
On my way out now. I have already wasted the whole morning on the computer (cher wasn’t even around to play our usual games of WWF and Scrabble) and I have things to do today.
And I love the photo of the Lambert boys!
Have a great day, rs. I love that photo of the Lambert boys, too. Always makes me ridiculously happy to know that Adam is happy and loved so much by his family and friends. I get such a kick out of his family.
Hi cwm! Enjoy your little weekend retreat!
She eventually did and started playing. Now she’s finally gone out where she’s supposed to be and I am burning the morning oil. gone nocturnal. Ugh Gotta get some shuteye now for a couple hours.
I was around for about an hour but rs was too busy here to notice.
Enjoy the Superbowl all who’ll be watching. I’m looking forward to Bruno Mars’ halftime show.
Adam;s cake looked wonderful. I love chocolate!
nice to see you back cwm.
Nice pic of Adam and his mum, she looks much younger now than she did on Idol…..do you think she’s had a bit of work done???
Some cute tweets about the pic on twitter..e,g
Gage Carlsen @gagecarlsen 8m
@adamlambert Thats your MOTHER? She is hot and looks so young! Congrats to her and lucky you to have such good genes!
Good morning!
Is it me or does the top of the cake look like the poop emoticon?https://twitter.com/Angel_nDisguise/status/429833587005743104/photo/1 Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Still LOVED it, though.
And the photos of his family were amazing.
cher you better not be reading this now! You should be getting your ZZZZZZZ’s! And hi cwm!
Nile posted a picture of him as a baby with his mother, she was 14,
unbelievable. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152213432328923
HKFan. We have discussed Adam’s Mom before and I think the general consensus is yes, she has had some work done, from the waist up.
I thought that I read on more than one site that Adam’s lease to the apartment was up on January 31st and that he was moving into
thata house on February 1st.I’m sure that Adam would make no mention of this anywhere online for privacy reasons so, he wouldn’t have told us about it and, maybe it happened?
The birthday party could have been a nice divergence from the stress and chaos of moving – partying with friends and family while at the same time the movers did all the work – then Adam goes home to the one big birthday present he gave to himself – a new house.
I’d like to think that it may have worked out that way and that, right now, he’s padding around in his slippers putting on a fresh pot of coffee in his new kitchen.
Hey Ron I met a guy recently who told me Toronto is hosting something called World Pride this coming June. He said it is really big. I went on the website and see that performers must apply to have a gig there. I was surprised, as I thought they might have invited some celebrities (hem hem) to headline the event. Or maybe it’s more of a conference-type event. What do you know about it?
Hi, Ron…was wondering about that too.
Maybe living with mom in the interim?
Does anyone know how to watch an episode of a show without paying for it? I watch The Following and missed last week’s. Hulu forces you to sign up for Hulu plus, itunes you have to buy . I googled this question but really couldn’t find a free site.
I should clarify…I found one but you have to wait 8 days after the episode…don’t want to wait.
Hi Calgary
Nice to see you!
Toronto Pride is always HUGE with estimated crowds of nearly a million people over the course of Pride Weekend.
People already fly in from all over the world for Toronto Pride. I’ve met people from Australia, England, Germany, Spain who came here especially to be a part of it.
The parade passes by – well, the parade passed me by a long time ago now
– right in front of my apartment building.
With Toronto being designated World Pride city, I can’t imagine the size of the crowds this year. It’s always been a sea of people, I guess it’ll be an ocean of people!
I never thought about Adam performing here that weekend! Wouldn’t that be something?! It would be wonderful!
It’s not too early to start planting seeds about this to Adam on Twitter.
Here’s the perfect scenario: Queenbert performs in Toronto at the Air Canada Centre on Saturday night, Adam performs on Pride Day Sunday and everyone on this blog comes here for the two concerts and we ALL meet at my place!
Sounds good to me!
I need Kradamour to will this and make it happen.
Try some of the links on this page. gorillavid usually works best for me. If it doesn’t work let me know and I will give you some more alternatives
luval you can watch on fox.com you just have to put in your cable or satellite provider info. Just click on unlock the latest now
Thank you both rs and glambotgram. I found it on my Time Warner On Demand channel. Should have looked there first but in the past I noticed they don’t show every program.
Ron, that sounds like a perfect scenario foran ALL event to happen! I’m going to will the Universe too.
Hi luval
I was thinking about you and wondering where you were at 12:25am when I went to bed.
Was the
on time?
It was actually about 20 minutes early! But with luggage wait, etc. We didn’t get back until about 1230am. I slept in for the first time in 2 weeks. Getting up at 4:30am every day is not fun. Now I can start bombarding him with Adam. I held off while he was on vaca.
Isn’t Adam going to be a judge on RuPaul this month? I haven’t seen it mentioned recently.
firstimerob Hi!
luval Hi back to you. What a great link it is now added to my bookmarks. Thanks.
Great actor but always seemed “off” to me.