- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I’m still lurking, too.
Agree that Smash is so disappointing this year. Kat is so pretty but can’t act. Not many likeable characters and the songs are awful!
Hi galady!!
I was just watching a ton of music from many artists, but ended with our guy. That Stay and Underneath by riddle from Nagoya. When he looks right into
your soulthe camera at teh end.Swoon. Melt. Still does it for me.
I play stay/underneath a lot. Just press play button on yt.
Tablet works in bed. And sounds well.
Good night.
Hi Oksana! (waving) I miss you here. Be well!
So, ladynorth shared with me she thinks Adam stayed in the hotel I am staying at for a few days. Hopefully he liked it and will make a repeat appearance. I am thinking drinks at the hotel just in case. Who was is that slept in the lobby so they didn’t miss a flight? Reyna? Maybe I should think about that! HA!
Oksana, it was good to see your posts. I’m hoping you will feel well enough to join us again soon.
Someone posted that Slezak said to throw out these ten girls tonight and bring back the five boys from last week.
Johnny and Jimmy – two cute boys who sang decently last week but were eliminated – indicates pretty clearly, IMO, that TPTB are trying to eliminate any promising male.
Wow! This is great.
I thought Slezak said to keep all 10 girls tonight and throw out all 5 boys from last week. ???
I like this news too. Sauli needs to have his own projects. And I bet he is going to be good at it. He seems naturally sweet and relatable.
Here’s the actual tweet. I didn’t read it exactly right but he wants to keep all of tonight’s girls.
I saw Shirley Bassey in concert.
I used to live in New York City during the 70’s.
It might be a bit of an overstatement to say that I saw everything on Broadway during the five years that I live there.
But, I did see everything.
I didn’t see Shirley Bassey on Broadway but instead I saw her in concert here in Toronto.
She is one of the reasons why I love Adam’s voice. It’s because of the power behind it. Hitting and sustaining these magnificent notes. The tone, the timbre … everything.
If you liked her performance on the Oscar’s of “Goldfinger”, then you might enjoy this too.
This was only 12 years ago (and I think she’s wearing the same dress that she wore on the Academy Awards).
And this!
I defy anyone not to get up and dance to this. I love the Gothic start of this video and … well, the whole thing.
Pink’s song “Get This Party Started”
The consensus here tonight is – girls can go home. No matter what Slezak said – have to agree.
Only one I’ve liked is Kree – authentic.
Great news about Sauli – bet Adam’s happy.
The power in Bassey’s voice is just incredible – the assurance – the confidence – powerful. Just like Adam’s. Thanks, Ron
Found these pics on twitter – don’t think they’ve been posted (?).
This may have been posted – not sure.
HK fan, Axxel and asifclueless, have a great journey and concert
And mils, I am still here, but been sooo busy with all the things… A lot of planning going on re Helsinki concert, other RL obligations and a beautiful weather to go outdoors. I’m getting overly excited about the concert! Can’t concentrate on anything else
It looks like Sauli has really made his break through
Just saw a tweet about his new tv show. And he will be in many shows during his current stay. He has been on a holiday in Lapland, someone tweeted scanned pictures from the mag. He should definitely take Adam to Lapland after his concert, early spring is the best time there!
ETA: replaced with better ones…
Ron, peeps, I got the Ste Agathe DVD yesterday. FIVE DAYS
FROM TORONTO!! Amazing. Postal vehicles must have after-
burners, turbo chargers, jet assist, etc. Turtle really got
with the program. Now I’m seriously taking orders. Name &
# wanted. Address not needed if I’ve sent a Queenbert DVD,
address already on file. (Didn’t sell list to too many
businesses.) AND GO – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
(email jlurksacto@yahoo.com)
AL really took very good care of that turtle for it to arrive that fast!
Did you give it Vitameatavegamin! Did you spoon its way to health?
I’ll go to sleep now knowing that it arrived safely in your hands jlurksacto!
Thank you so much!
Ron, still up???
Does this mean security will be extremely tight in China…
Still another mystery to solve. My Chinese was not good enough and google translate wasn’t very helpful
Does anyone know what is this “game” thing in China rumors say Adam got into? She (glam_alidol) thought he’s gonna make big bucks of it…
I would love a copy of the St Agathe dvd please jlurksacto.
Hoopla Magnet@hooplamagnet
RT @glam_alidol @adamlambert New interview with Shanghai scan http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/64dbda1egw1e2939akb9rj.jpg … …
great tweet…
Kyle Grisdale@KyleGrisdale
@adamlambert is so underrated, haven’t given much time for his music in the past but man I discovered Tresspass wow, what an album!
‘Mornin’ everyone. Hope that Kradamour is doing well. We have the most amazing snowfall here this morning. Everything is beautiful but now we have to shovel it.
I am glad that we have a couple of days break. I can catch up on the first two concerts. These shows are so much better than the non-tour concerts and that’s saying alot, because some of those were amazing. He just gets better and better.
I know this is an unpopular view but I am starting to like Johnny’s dancing. I love the stuff he and Terrance do in Cuckoo and Fever etc. Adam seems to be returning to his creative roots. Even the onstage costume change during “Kickin’In” is part of that. A “theatre-on-shoestring” approach to performance. I love it.
Adam’s quiet suite is my favourite part of the show and I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if the label had decided to focus on those songs. Sorry for beating a dead horse. Trespassing cd is over but it’s a shame.
Guess what? I may be converting my 21-year-old niece into a Glambert. She told me all about K-Pop last weekend and I told her about Adam at the AMA’s and the K-Pop girl band singing along to his songs and she’s into watching some videos. Took a long time but I think it was best not to push until she was interested.
She also told me a whole bunch of stuff about fan culture and fan wars. Apparently, fans group around individual singers in the K-pop groups and fight with each other over who should sing which verses and get the most centre-stage time. They hate any member of the group who gets more attention than their “particular snowflake” as someone we all know would say. Sound like Idol fans.
I read an article in ELLE this month about fan culture and, acccording to the writer, serious Glamberts would fall on the line between “Intense/Personal” and “Borderline Pathological”. These are Stage Two (25% of the population) and Stage Three (10%). Our group, imho is intense personal but Stage Three ranges from spending too much money on memorabilia (definitely me) and stalkers.
I am going to embrace my nuttiness but my niece is bent on psycho-analyzing me, if I will let her. I am going to approach it as an opportunity to spend some quality time with her.
She texted me the name of a song by Marianas Trench called Toy Soldiers, which is a singer’s take on intense fans. I will die with my boots on.
TLKC. Your view on Johnny is not so unpopular anymore. Most of us agree he is finally doing the choreography and these shows are so much tighter and professional.
Love this TLKC! I think that phrase applies to a lot of us.
mils– I know you’ve been missing the sighting of a certain something in the last couple of shows, but I think this will help you feel a lot better. And I mean a LOT better. LOL

Aw…look at Sauli
luval…love that video of Sauli.
It could also mean that the police department is extremely gay in China.
Ron: Thanks for posting the Shirley Bassey video last night. You know how one youtube leads to another… I ended up watching John Barrowman singing “I am what I am” and it was great. I envy you for having seen so many shows!
Sorry cwm, I know you tried, but, that gives me a very different reaction than what you were going for, sorry.
My reaction is going to be controversial, even for us here.
I don’t like that kind of play. I think it belongs in a gay nightclub act. I am not even remotely offended. At all. I just don’t think it belongs on the stage of an international pop star. I don’t think it’s a double standard. I don’t think it’s about breaking boundaries. I think it is crass and tasteless. And I honestly wish they would tone it down. I really do.
I also worry that this type of stage play will garner the kind of PR that Adam frankly just does not need.
Does anybody else have these thoughts? Or am I just saying something out loud some of you have thought to yourselves?
What do our guys here think? Ron, AL, eywflyer? Am I off-base?
On another note, that video of Sauli is so cute, and his news is very nice to know.
That endorsement deal sounds interesting too.
One more thought, if they replaced Johnny with a gal for some other countries, it wouldn’t seem as “crass” to me. I’m thinking Jakarta and Russia will have a hard time with the boys’ antics.

mils I have thought that Adam should not come on strong with the gay thing. But I’m not sure what I’m basing those thoughts on. I don’t necessarily find it crass. Women can ooze sexuality and feign all sorts of lewd acts and get away with it. So perhaps Adam thinks he should be able to do the same. In a perfect world, maybe. But if the guy wants a long career I think he needs to appeal to a very broad (not a pun
I agree. I liked the initial campiness of Fever, but it has progressed beyond what will help his career and gain new fans. I do think with these shows in China, Indonesia and Russia coming up, it needs to be toned way down.
Agree Calgary. Maybe crass isn’t the right word, I’m kinda struggling with how to express this. Maybe “cringe-worthy” is more like it.
Yes, ladies can be quite sexy, but when a group of guys is like this, it just isn’t perceived the same way. I just wish they would tone it down at times. I do love the choreo. I do agree that Johnny has stepped it up. But he still does way too much lip pout, finger to lips and sticking his butt waaaay out for my taste. It’s just nightclub stuff, not international pop star stuff.
Let me also say that the cringe comes from concern for the reaction. LOL. I would pay big bucks to see this live. With all the antics. But, a huge majority of people would not. IMHO.
If he wants to build his fanbase, these antics will not do it. Again. IMHO.
Mils I’ve been concerned about this too. I am not offended but he is headed into some very homophobic places for the next week or so. China, Russia, Jakarta….we all know how he gets carried away “in the moment.” I only hope he is getting good advice from his management and that he listens.
He’s toned it down before.
Gosh, I was thinking the same thing you all said about the video of Adam and THE GUYS, but I didnt want to say anything. I wasnt offended by it, but didnt like it, and thought it was too over the Top for his International show. I worry about what the different countries will respond to it, but Adam seems to know what his audience is, and he respects that, so we have to hold on tight and hope for the best, and cover our eyes for what we dont want to see, no peeking,
and the crowd (over there) need not see this, they would rip him to shreds, and the haters will really come out. I am surprised there isnt more said about it, but I really dont go anywhere else. 
mils…I remember this with Glam Nation. The tour started as “family friendly” and as it progressed more liberties were taken..i.e. kissing Tommy, fondling the mic…things like that. I never liked any of that and expressed it at that time. Very simply I just don’t think it’s sexy at all.
I do agree with you also that he doesn’t need this kind of PR. I’m concerned a bit that he may not care anymore…the last gasp of Trespassing tour so why not do whatever. But that’s just my opinion occasionally. He gives 150% in every show. It’s just that Fever situation with the fondling guys I really can’t stand! LOL do they rehearse it like this?
Adam needs his international fans – doubt he’ll do something to offend them.
Queen to perform at Rock in Rio?
ETA Taking this as a rumor for now.
ETA2 Just a rumor, no confirmation.
BTW, Bowie’s album is available to stream on itunes. So go listen!
Yes, luval, we loved GN so much, and he got so OTT so often, we ate it up with a spoon! But, I also was not crazy about some of the mic antics. Especially the deep throat stuff. But, gotta admit the licking was pretty seriously sexy.
I guess I also love him being bendy, floorberty and more the best.
The Adommy action was sexy to me, but, always campy and OTT. I didn’t mind it. Even Amsterdam.
Yes, he can and does tone it down, but on GN he didn’t. Even in Malaysia, if I recall.
Thought someone posted he did tone it down in Malaysia (?)
Maybe some research is needed….Ha.