- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
At the Oscars, IMO Bassey blew Adele out of the water with her riveting “Bond” performance – audience reaction indicative as well.
Barbra sounded fine, but a little tentative – sometimes it’s just better to remember the way it was.
In the spirit of Adam, um, OK, I love Bowie, and this video is GREAT, the orchestration of the song is GREAT, but the actual song (and the first song as well) completely blah. Melody, lyrics FAiL. IMHO.
Ultima, soooo agree with you about Bassey and Barbra. Barbra sounded OK, but she doesn’t have her former power, so very toned down to me. And Adele just sounds the same to me on every song now a la Kelly Clarkson. Plus, seemed like the orchestra drowned her out on the choruses and she ended up almost shouting the last lines.
Skyfall is soooooo similar to Diamonds Are Forever, and even Goldfinger – they didn’t have to stretch much to write that song. I mean, it is pretty, but too similar.
Sauli will be on a Cooking show March 23rd.
And will be livestreamed.
In regards to Bowie’s video…I love the androgyny of it…and the line “The dead ones earn a living”. How true. I take both of his videos literally. “Where Are We Now” Bowie remembering his past in Germany but knowing where he is now…”as long as there’s me, as long as there’s you”.
The Stars Are Out Tonight…the transition of the older stars, the new ones taking over…even transforming Tilda into contemporary Tilda.
I know it must be deeper than this but my puny mind only looks and hears it very simply. Guess I’m just a Bowie freak!
eywflyer a request: can you keep the Feb 2013 Chat and AL’s Crosswords on the “Recent Posts” lists as new concerts come along to bump them down?
I really liked the rock edge of the new Bowie song, and the androgyny and role switched in the video. Tilda Swinton is just such a chameleon. This video is very Bowie. I think he’s going to be back big time. At least with recognition, video awards, etc.
Although the nudity needs an American edit. No boobs allowed. As many guns as you want, but heaven forbid, a boobie. Even a completely flat-chested female pair at that.
And kudos to Ms. Swinton for NOT being a bimbette and getting a boob job!!
Yay, mils ITA with your post !
Guys, check out the Namba Hatch thread. Asif has a farewell post before she heads out to Singapore. LMAO!!!
And like I said on that thread…happy travels to all who are seeing Adam in person in the next few weeks. Reminds me of the Glam Nation show where many of us just couldn’t go but lived vicariously through all that did.
btw..Tilda has attended many red carpets where she’s been mentioned that she looked exactly like Bowie. I agree. I always wondered if they knew each other and saw the resemblance. Can’t wait for his album!
lol I wrote to Bowie in the fall of 2011 & sent him Glam Nation DVD. Not gonna say exactly what I said but I credit myself for his comeback….hahaha

re Oscars: I don’t think “Skyfall” is that great a song, there is only that little part in the chorus that I like. So I don’t really blame Adele’s singing.
luval: I like the Bowie movie. I think it’s very thought-provoking. Aging is not exactly a sexy topic and therefore usually avoided.
I am anxious to hear “Dirty Boys” from Bowie’s album.
So true, turquoisewaters
I like that Bowie puts it all out there and doesn’t hide behind filters and special lighting (at least I don’t think so).
Like looking at pretty young people. Bowie’s vids too grim for me, so far.
Q&A with Adam Lambert
Hi, peeps – I won’t be posting much if at all for about the next week, and I am usually … um…gregarious…and we tend to miss each other when there aren’t any posts for a while. Having a small medical procedure, no worries.

), someone please text me!

If there is anything earth-shaking (Adam announces that he will be performing in Quebec, for example…
And if there is flailing to be done, someone please do a little bit extra for my part.
I’ll be thinking about you Kradamour.
Take care and heal quickly!
Please come back more “gregarious” than ever, Krad – miss you when you’re gone.
A clip of Adam on the morning show, Australia singing Stay
Come back soon kradamour, hope everything goes well.
wow, I just saw the spoliers of the last 5 girls to go through to the top 10 girls this week…..methinks Idol is over for me this year, and I had been enjoying it so far.
Calgary, I can’t reorder the Recent Posts listing, but I have added a “Handy Site Links” widget to the right side menu, between “Important Site Info” and the Site Contacts link. The handy site links will always contain links to the current monthly chat thread, the Top 16, AL’s crosswords and to the planning thread.
Also note that everything on the site is accessible from the drop-down navigation menus at the top of every page.
oh no….Adam has been spotted in a Tattoo shop
Well sh*t!
I almost posted last night that I wondered what he would do with 4 off days. Tattoos certainly crossed my mind.
more of Adam out.
So who is the guy with the long hair, in the picture Jlurk posted? He was in the elevator video too.
Is that Terrence’s Boo that he talks about?
Yep, Ronnie.
Thanks Jlurksacto, I thought that’s who it was.
Adam + down time in Asia = not a good thing.
I also had thoughts about his taking advantage of the Asian tattoo parlors on his days off. And now he’s been sighted in one. Oh no!!!
Krads– Good luck with your procedure! I trust you’ll be back to your usual gregarious self in no time. Do you want to be texted if Adam gets another tattoo? Or would that cause a set back in your recovery?
with a fan
maybe he was just keeping one of the others company while they got one done…..hopefully.
Yes please. RT @OutlandoGirl: I’d just like @adamlambert to talk about lube some more.
Adam sure does know how to whip up a fan frenzy, doesn’t he?
I also was thinking he’d get another tat. Lawd only knows what it’ll be!! Or Where?!
Lube???? Are you even kidding me with this? Does he use words like this absent-mindedly? Or on purpose? Good gravy!!
Oh, and by the way:
Does anybody know where our good friend and loving source of so much joy and humor has gone lately?
And I ain’t talking about a banana.
(( ducks for cover. Is he tucking? Can it be? He was touching himself yesterday oh so gently, and it just wasn’t… there. )))
I say we need a search committee.
Well…he has lost a bit of weight!
Oh nkd!!
But, seriously. Wut iz going on?
If thingzez don’t get back to normal soon, fans may start a revolution. Don’t forget, most of have seen Les Miz.
I swear between this and Smash sucking so horribly last night I just don’t know…and Idol looks like it’s losing steam already….Calgon, take me away!
Too much JHud on Smash for me.
Have Smash on dvd. Was gonna watch this weekend. It was getting good! Will still watch last night, though. Agree, nkd about too much jHud.
Too many characters, and Kat cannot act. IMHO.
Wanted to mention that in my last post. Kat is just awful. Why did the producers think she could pull off this lead role?
Idol is a borefest so far tonight. There is no life to any of the songs. I remember Adam saying he would do the complete opposite of the rest of the contestants. They sang slow songs, he’d rock it out. He really played that part of the game well.
Now I am not looking forward to watching Smash. I can’t believe they are wrecking this show with JHud.
Mils our friend has not made an appearance since Adam was questioned about body piercing.
Yup. That’s just one of the reasons he stood out so much. And still does. People still talk about him during Idol water-cooler convos at work. Amazing.
Speaking of which, my new baby Glambert is progressing very nicely. Very nicely indeed.
Man. It’s gonna be quiet around here with aely, Ladynorth, HK, risky, asif, and krads away.
Lurkers: come out and play please!!!
glambot , I agree. I wonder, no joking here, if he’s just sick of all the attention it gets? He may really be tucking or have a ring to keep it in check.
Funny, and a coincidence, I got home early today and was browsing through my DVR, and noticed they had IIHY on viewer’s choice. So I watched it. I haven’t in probably nearly two years. No lie. Why would I when he has so many live performances to see?
Anywhoo, …white pants. Need I say more?
No comparison to lately.
Enough of this now. Don’t want to appear obsessed. Lulz.
Was talking about Adam at work today…again! Long story but yes, he’s still part of my conversations almost every day!
This gal on Idol just now was great…sang Beyonce’s Sweet Dreams. Can’t think of her name! First one I’ve liked tonight.
Mils…I’m not away, I’m here and will be everyday. The concert is only 30 mins away from my house, don’t think I need to pack for that!!
The good news is, I’ve managed to persuade another friend to come to the concert with me. I told her to go to riddle601b’s youtube site and watch as homework.
kradamour: Hope all goes/went well!
hkfan I love it, Adam homework.
I’m still lurking but have no strength to post.
Adam keeps me alive.
If it was me, I would have changed outfits twice.
Hi Oksana…nice to see your post tonight.
Luval, rare moments when I feel better. I’ll try hard.
Keep well, Oksana.
All good thoughts and best wishes.
Oksana, nice to hear from you! Hope these shows give you energy!
There’s nothing like shopping, packing and planning for an Adam-venture!!
HK, I’m so happy for you. But, really, who would have thought that one of us was only 30 minutes from an Adam show, and that it would all the way over there??!!