Another month has arrived, the last one before Adam’s new album “Trespassing” will be released! February will hopefully see Adam’s lead single “Better Than I Know Myself” continue to gain airplay and sales. There should be a bump from the music video which is expected early this month. Meanwhile Adam will likely continue working on promo events in preparation for his upcoming album release, which is slated for March 20 here in the US. Perhaps with more promo being done ahead of the album release this time around, the next tour can begin by this summer? Enjoy the chat!

Update 2/4/2012: BTIKM music video was released Thursday night, feel quite certain we’ll be seeing plenty of it on VH1 in the next few weeks!


3,429 Responses to February 2012 Chat

  1. mieps says:

    I’m wondering too, luval, last I saw he was in the low 800,000’s I think. How did he get to platinum without ever making any sales list? (And therefore never selling more than 2,000 a week.)
    It’s gotta be some combination of US and international sales.

  2. rainbowgal4 says:

    Good Morning All – and I start out the day saying Hmmmmmmm-
    Santino Rice
    Lovely seeing you today @adamlambert ~Wishing you the best always, great to see you Happy & Healthy! #MayITakeYourOrder?

    ADAM LAMBERT’s “Better Than I Know Myself” jumps 32-27 with a bullet on the Adult Top 40 chart.

    the lambrits
    Billboard Japan: Digital and Airplay Overseas|JAPAN Charts|Adam Lambert BTIKM is #1 Smile

    Oscar-Tutka translated…

    for you consideration…
    RT @CantripCal: Guys DO NOT buy NME mag! They’ve rubbished Queen with Adam & only have a few quotes from Adam (from online interview)

    Adam Lambert News ‏ @AdamBertDaily
    $5 will do it! Donate to @AdamLambert 30th B’day Charity Water Campaign and We.Will.Match.You

    information on the NME article from shoshanna…!/shoshannastone/status/174866783180828673

  3. nkd says:

    Is there new blonde in Adam’s hair since Sunday night?

    (I’m so shallow!)

  4. rainbowgal4 says: ‏ @adam_pictures
    22 HQ pictures of Adam out and about in Los Angeles (February 28)

    VH1 Music ‏
    #Glamberts! @AdamLambert stopped by the @VH1 offices a little while ago and we got him to give us a GIF just for you

    OMG What a way to start my day….!!!!!

    Now I’m off to shovel some snow! YEAH!!

  5. rainbowgal4 says:

    Here’s something ineresting…vocal teacher…
    Linda Ladden
    Fans @adamlambert ‘Overdrive’ Vocal Technique by Teacher Jeroen Manuhutu: via @youtube Meatloaf >

  6. rainbowgal4 says:

    I checked and it appears that this is not for sale yet. New ones are coming in bronze and sliver. In medium size and small. Those of you new to facebook (fb) will be glad you are because here’s the link…

  7. Oksana2000 says:

    If any of you had problem with voting on VH1 (I had), try to use this link. Looks like it allows for unlimited voting.

  8. dcglam says:

    Wow, this article makes it sound as though all four former Idols will be performing on March 15. Hmmm…..

    ultimathule…. I’m at work now. I’ll get that info to you later when I get home. Wink

  9. nkd says:

    This makes me really sad. I loved him when I was a little girl.

  10. rainbowgal4 says:

    Adam & Katy

    If the NME print article out rn isn’t good, please don’t complain about it to them. They’re running another later, just wait for that one.

    @LightLovePhoto: FYI…BTIKM is now #160 on ITunes Pop. Smile

    Request Adam Lambert ‏ @RequestAdam
    Adam’s BTIKM HAC radio update (US): largest spin total, audience, yet! #29 (#32 last wk), spins 707 (+ 197 spins), 2.845 MILLION reached!…

    Adam Gossip
    New Adam interview in Swedish gay magazine QX! –

  11. luval says:

    Haha I wonder if Santino Rice is waiting on tables now?

  12. Oksana2000 says:

    Adam & Katy

    I remember looking at Adam and Katy on “This is it” premiere red carpet and I thought that they looked like siblings.
    Very pretty siblings.. Smile

  13. ultimathule says:

    That Digital Spy article links to a Hollywood Reporter article which only gives the date for Daughtry. Confused.

  14. rainbowgal4 says:

    I think the problem is created with the wording in that article. It sounds like they are all appearing at once. Idol has never done that before. I think each will have their night.

  15. rainbowgal4 says:

    I think this quote comes from the Swedish magazine…
    illuxxia ‏
    “Sauli is also quite intense so it’s very passionate and exciting. There’s a good dynamics in our relationship.”

    “I love and get loved back by my boyfriend and family. And I give out my music that I hope can inspire others.”

    (This includes the question and answer to one quoted above)

    Want to ask Adam Lambert a question? Reply with your question and he might answer and record it for you!

  16. luval says:

    Here’s the video where Adam shares his vocal exercises (one of them, anyway…about 25-30 seconds in:

  17. rainbowgal4 says:

    TommyJoe Ratlif
    RIP Davy Jones!

  18. rainbowgal4 says:

    Let’s try this one again…for some reason the whole tweet didn’t show up.

    TommyJoe Ratliff
    RIP Davy Jones! The Monkees was my first concert ever.

    He makes my 29 year old bones feel sosooo old!!

  19. rainbowgal4 says:

    Another question from the Swedish magazine….

  20. rainbowgal4 says:

    Swedish Magazine translation…

  21. ultimathule says:

    Durb will be on in April

  22. ultimathule says:

    Like men with a little meat on their bones. Skinny ones scare me.

  23. rainbowgal4 says:

    Canadian TV BTIKM…

    Mix 104.1 Boston
    This weekend, we’re giving away tickets to @Adamlambert. Right now, you can enter to meet him:

  24. dcglam says:

    Last night as I was navigating my way around Facebook for the first time, this page seemed to pop out at me from nowhere. It took me a while to get back to it this evening. That radio site is a bit confusing, but I finally got there. It seems you have to be logged into both Facebook and Mix 107.3 at the same time. There is a button on the left side of the radio site that says “Meet Adam Lambert”. That is how I got to it today. I must say that today’s comments are from very enthusiastic people without the hard luck stories — typical you and me. The big hard luck story from yesterday is as follows:

    Tabby Lambert
    “I know I probably won’t win this contest, but I’d like to share a little bit of my story, my parents had always a struggle with drug addiction, I had to raise my 2 little sisters and 2 little brothers practically on my own since the age of 5. I was better parents then my own, I am 15 now… In 2008, I moved in with my grandparents and left my siblings behind with my parents. And in 2009, they were placed in foster care. They are still there. Adam Lambert has given me hope, and strength. He has gotten me through the toughest time for me. Because of him, I realized that anything is possible. I am now okay, not happy, but okay. He somehow seems to take the pain away, for just a little bit. He’s taught me it’s okay to be different and he’s helped me to love myself. It would be an honor to meet him. He is my hero in every way. I love him to death. I dream about meeting him all the time. It’s my 11:11 wish every night and when I wish upon a star. I will never give up on him & my dreams of meeting him, so, please, can you take me into consideration? Make me the happiest girl alive? Thank you. Good luck to all participants!!”

  25. dcglam says:

    Mix 104.1 Boston
    This weekend, we’re giving away tickets to @Adamlambert. Right now, you can enter to meet him:

    Ha…. My son lives in Boston, so I’m wondering if I would have any better luck trying out for this one. What a frustrating day it has been with Mix 107.3 here in DC!
    I made a point of calling in for the morning 7:25 show before work, and then the 4:25 show afterwards. So, if any of you know a strategy/secret for being the 10th caller, I will gladly provide you with my e-mail address. I received either a busy signal both times or a no answer. They are such a tease!
    The fact that Adam Lambert will be within a 40 minute drive from my house on Monday, March 12 is not easy to handle.
    If all else fails, maybe I can hang out at Reagan Airport the day before. LOL
    Desperate times call for desperate measures!! Wink

  26. rs says:

    nkd,you asked about overdrive. After the Meatloaf vids today, AdamBertDaily Blog had this video which gave nice demonstrations of four types of singing, including overdrive. It helped me to understand more than a verbal explanation would. Here it is:

    ETA, I see now that this link was already sent. Sorry for the repeat.

  27. dcglam says:

    So, this funny Idol story continues…..
    According to this article, Chris Daughtry is the only one confirmed for March 15.

  28. ultimathule says:

    dcglam – got a busy signal, too. Maybe they’ll be a fan crowd outside the place that day and we could catch a glimpse as he goes in?

  29. ultimathule says:

    Really enjoying Meatloaf’s comments and all the info on Overdrive. Have to run it past my son-in-law who’s been professionally trained – mostly opera – and see what he thinks. Also that funny “brrrrr” kind of warm-up with his lips that Adam did in that one vid. Hah – now Adam blesses us all with a tutorial in proper singing – love it.

  30. dcglam says:

    Sounds like a great idea, ultimathule!

  31. ultimathule says:

    Oh, damn, dcglam – give that girl a ticket – lol.

  32. dcglam says:

    Oh, damn, dcglam – give that girl a ticket – lol.

    Yeah…. I totally agree! I hope they do, and they probably will. Wink

  33. glambotgram says:

    Had two really small Adam moments this week. Twice while watching TV, a character has said “You think you know me better than I know myself” LOL makes me smile.

  34. glambotgram says:

    Oh, damn, dcglam – give that girl a ticket – lol.

    Now I am just the opposite and I guess cynical, I figure it is probably made up just to get the ticket. LOL

  35. dcglam says:

    LOL, glambotgram!!

  36. rainbowgal4 says:

    @shirleyhalperin: Adam Lambert Legal Settlement Allows Pre-‘American Idol’ Album to Come Out (Exclusive)

  37. glambotgram says:

    Looks like Adam had to let the scum release the album, so is it now going to continue to interfere with Trespassing.

    ETA MJ has this on her headline thread and Nele has already started.

  38. ultimathule says:

    Good luck with selling that album, Welsford, – you’re dead to Adam fans now. And, if you’d played it legit – waited instead of trying to cash in when you did, you coulda had it all. Losers.
    (That’s the comment I left at THR.)

  39. glambotgram says:

    This makes me really sad. I loved him when I was a little girl.

    Me too nkd I can remember crying so hard when the Monkee’s TV show was cancelled, I was devastated.

  40. dcglam says:

    I feel that this decision is based partially (if not mostly) on the fact that Adam has total confidence in his fans, and that he really doesn’t need to worry or concern himself about BFM any longer as that album will go nowhere compared to Trespassing!!

  41. rainbowgal4 says:

    Adam Events
    @AdamLambertRUAB Tickets to Moscow Show Adam Lambert & Queen will be on sale in 5-9 days on dif sites. We will spread the info later.

    EQ Music ‏
    We might, just might be uploading our Adam Lambert video interview right now…should be online tomorrow with our eCover!

    Adam Lambert Wishes Justin Bieber Happy Birthday:

    Sony Music Global
    If @adamlambert were the star in a movie, what would be his intro song? Click for answer & vote on next question:

  42. glambotgram says:

    Looks like Jennifer has borrowed some of Adam’s wardrobe. LOL

  43. HK fan says:

    glambotgram, my first thought was the same, what if they give her a ticket and then found out she’s lied…

    Shame about Davy Jones, he was my favourite Monkey. Met him briefly when I was about 11 at a charity football match.

    SG, I actually went to Barcelona 3 years ago for a few days. Beautiful city, would definitely not have a problem visiting there again.

  44. rainbowgal4 says:

    This is the spread sheet for the matching funds to Charity Water made today. I think the chart hasn’t been updated lately. I will watch it as we go on…. Here’s the link to Charity Water and if you choose to donate today to take advantage of the matching you need to incude “Leap Day Challenge” in memo line.

  45. rainbowgal4 says:
  46. glambotgram says:

    Nearest I can figure out there are 12 pages of Leap Day Challenge donations with 25 per page so they are up to about 1500 in matching funds. Pretty good and a few hours to go still.

  47. rainbowgal4 says:


    Looks like Jennifer has borrowed some of Adam’s wardrobe

    That’s a horrible picture. She needs to rethink her image. IMO

  48. glambotgram says:

    That’s a horrible picture. She needs to rethink her image. IMO

    I didn’t really look at the face too much because HMM I was too busy looking at the apparatus and imagining Adam and GB and ummm off to the corner.

  49. HK fan says:

    Re the FYE numbers. I can remember a year or so ago when we last saw the numbers, there was always 2 numbers listed,it was around 833,000 physical sales, plus approx 140,000 downloads. It always seemed to me that only the physical sales seemed to count towards certification, yet for singles its the downloads. If you add the 2 numbers together then reaching platinum would make sense. The number on the billboard article is too low to be worldwide as I’m sure as of a year ago that was 1.3m, so probably closer to 1.5m now.

  50. HK fan says:

    Someone just answered my questions on the numbers thread on mj’s, Billboard is a combination of physical sales and downloads, so their number of just over 1m makes perfect sense. Yay Adam…

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