- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oksana – not that I want or intend to go visit them (or even worry about them), but I’m just curious what the other blogs are that you visit that have so much vitriol toward Adam. I can guess VFTW would, but what else? Are they Idol-related?
Anyone else having trouble opening vh1 website?
I started out the day with a question. I want to end it with a great big Thank You!!
To all of you who sent positive messages about posting I want to say a huge thank you on behalf of myself and all the others who contribute.
To night my feed was mad. Not so much with Adam news but I’m a bit of a political wonk and with the elections in AZ and MI my feed was sooooo busy.
I leave you with this for the night. It’s from the Trevor Proect…
“Judging a person does not define who they are… it defines who you are.”
Good Night All. Tomorrow is a new day in Adam-land.
If it happens that some of us get to a radio promo, we need intelligent questions ready. So if anyone thinks of anything, please submit! I’ll need it written down, cuz I won’t remember anything in the moment!
The pouch pendant has been answered, so now what else?!!
I’ll be devastated if I miss getting to
hug and smellsee him!Yes! I get a notice that the site is currently undergoing maintenance. Boo!
Tried to get into vh1 website, but said was undergoing maintenance.
nkd One question I have is what the White Knight chess piece in the BTIKM vid meant to him.
Okay guys, I have a Facebook page. Now, how do I make it private??? I’ve been checking out all the links on the left.
nkd, don’t forget to set your alarm for 6:35 a.m. – the early bird gets to hug and smell Adam (Lambert, lol
Okay guys, I have a Facebook page.
Yay, dcglam!!
What Adam are you talking about Texas?!!!!!
6:35am it is! What station was that? i93?
Good question ultimathule. I’ve been wanting to know that also! And the pomegranate significance.
OK. Made my Leap Day donation on Charity Water. I will check tomorrow after work to see how much was donated on Leap Day, should be a lot!
Man. You guys just may drag me into Facebook yet! I have been resisting it sooooo hard for so many reasons. I’ll need my teen’s help though, and I will want mucho privacy.
I would want to know if Adam was all fan-boy when meeting the True Blood stars at Elton’s party? And if he let Bill or Sookie nibble his neck just a little, tee-hee!
It’s not confirmed, yet. I found a page of “privacy settings” that I need help with. I may have to wait until I figure this part out.
I would ask that ya know?!!!
nekkid, I want to know whether, in all this new natural, Adam is thinking about a return to his natural hair color. Probably not, but this inquiring mind would like to know.
g’nite, peeps! Sweet Adam dreams of radio promo performances!
I would like to hear Adam talk about one or two important things that he has learned about himself over the past couple of years – which he describes as a transformative period – that are reflected in his new album.
This is the question that I was going to ask him if I they had let me get through on Ryan Seacrest’s show last month.
nkd, isn’t it tomorrow morning for 102.9? Maybe I need to recheck my facts, lol. Just checked their facebook page, and 7,649 people have “liked” Adam’s page … they must be our competition!
I think he was asked that and he said he didn’t know, maybe.
Washington DC peeps:
@Mix1073: All week, listen to win passes to meet @adamlambert at 7:25a 1:25p 4:25p 7:25p. Also win on Facebook & at http://mix1073fm.com/Article.asp?id=2403767
For you facebook newbies. Under edit profile there’s a tab that says “View As..” Way on the right of my screen. Click on it and it will show you what someone would see if they searched you out. That will tell you how much you want to show.
Also on the left of my screen is a line that says “You can also visit your privacy settings to adjust other settings. Click on it and you will be able to control a lot of info. Good luck.
Okay, this is almost funny now.

I have spent all this time setting up a Facebook Account that I don’t even want — still not confirmed though. I just took a peek at Adam’s page over at Mix 107.3, and there are hard luck stories by peeps trying to win those tix. OMG!!!
The competition is going to be CRAZY!!! I kind of feel sorry for those DJs having to deal with all of us Glamberts. LOL
Keep in mind, folks, that I’m also the one who just set up a Twitter account I didn’t want just to vote for Adam on VH1.
I’ve totally lost control of my own self….
Yes, you’re right, he was asked this and seemed emphatic in his answer that he didn’t know whether he would ever go back to his natural color, and that he doesn’t plan these things out. (That’s when he joked that he would put it on his calendar for March 2014 IIRC.)
dcglam, you just made me LOL in real life. So funny!
I think so, too, nekkid, I have a dim memory of that.
He would doubtless change it up a bit though with streaks or ?.
Actually, I would like the ginger hair with some black streaks (kind of a negative of his wolf hair).
But right now, I think it would confuse people. Later, maybe.
An Adam moment! – I was in the grocery store tonight and heard WWFM on their sound system. Not a radio station, it is whatever they use to play music. The first time I have heard the studio version for a very, very long time. Reminded me how much I didn’t like it. Live, it was a lot better, still not my favorite, but it had a little more life. BTIKM is draggy, too (for me) but the acoustic/live versions have been swoon-worthy.
I really, really hope that the new single has more energy.
Thanks, rainbowgal.

I’ve got my name showing, but not much else. I’m probably okay with what is there at this point. Haha, Mix 107.3 is on there as well. LOL — My name and a radio station! Is there a way I can hide my name????
Before I call it a night, you guys have to check out Homeplanet. That funny vid of the guys in the hats has Adam and Freddie duking it out in a game. Guess who wins? Very funny.
Texas, tomorrow is i93 at 6:35 and 8:35am.
Listen to 102.9 on Thursday from 7am to 7pm for more chances to win.
Then I have to listen to 96.5 in Houston to find out how to enter.
So…1 station on the computer, 1 station on my phone, and one on the radio! I’ll be cuckoo by the end of the day!
ETA I’m only trying to get one m&g. If I were to be so fortunate to get more than that, I would let one go back for others to get that opportunity also.
But I really want my one!
Good luck, Texas and nkd!!!
Those hard luck stories remind me of that Seinfeld episode where George gives his pathetic life story to the condo board!
The worst stories got the condo. LOL
I’m pulling a Kradamour
All of a sudden my feed lit up. I sometimes have a rust memory but here’s a vid that Sasha took when they were in Cleveland. Briefly you can see how many freckles Adam has…
All of you make me laugh. I too never had a twitter account, nor a facebook page until Adam. My kids sometimes think I have gone off the deep end! They think they are telling me something new about Adam. I laugh because I knew that info hours and sometimes days before they told me. Do I tell..no I let them think they are up on Adam news.
Now I going to tiptoe out of this sandbox. Good Night All!!
Thank you dcglam!
Good luck to all those trying for a visit with Adam (Lambert)!
Texas, pssst… Don’t tell anyone, but I was a child prodigy!

Did all the stuff at 107.3 – facebook, etc.
Where did you find the pathetic letters, dcglam?
Those numbers on the Billboard article, is that just US sales??
And did you see his you tube views compared to the others on the page.
A bit late, but rainbowgal, I’m also very grateful for all the stuff you and the others post. As has been mentioned, we can choose what we click on, and it means this site is a one stop place as we get pretty much everything. I wish I could help more, but everythings already posted by the time I get to log on each day…
I have been on facebook for several years but I use it a fair bit for keeping in touch with friends and family all over the world, so I never use it for voting or commenting as I’m not sure how much of the ‘real me’ people would get to see. I did just set up a twitter account to vote on vh1 though…
Such good news about Moscow….mmm, wonder how my husband would feel if I suggested flying to the UK via Moscow???
Here’s a snippet of Meatloaf on UK TV – puts Adam in a top category of only 3 singers ever who can “do overdrive”: Aretha, Whitney, and Adam.
wow, love that little snippet from Meatloaf, if I remember rightly, he’s praised Adam before.
Just had a wee Adam moment in the car. I was driving my daughter to her dance class when Michael Bubles Feeling good came on the ipod. Daughter says after a short while, Adam sings this so much better this ones really boring…
GOOD MORNING! I’m up early! Now to find out what I gotta do to get to see Adam!
Love that Meatloaf video! That’s cool. He was always impressed by Adam. Now what is overdrive?!
Well, nekkid and I both gave it a valiant effort, but no tickets for us YET! We’ll try again at 8:35.
I thought of a good question to ask when I meet Adam next week! I’ve always wanted to know how he warms up his voice for performances (and practice) – I think it’s called “vocalise” (cwm, is that the correct term?) Anyway, I was a Piano Performance major and my sister was a vocalist – vocalise can be a very entertaining part of a singer’s repertoire! I’ve always been curious about Adam’s routine – I would bet that he warms up his voice very carefully. Maybe he will show us! I think I remember hearing him warm-up when he taped the “Best Week Ever” with Kris Allen a couple years ago … these are the things that keep me awake at night, lol.
Outside of that question, I’ve got nothing… Keep giving us ideas!
dcglam, I love your nerd smiley! I was pretty sure you were a genius – after all, you’ve conquered twitter and facebook!
Very interesting! I think I know the sound he’s referring to – just didn’t know it had a name. There’s more if anyone’s interested.
HKfan, I had a similar moment when my kids and I heard Jennifer Hudson sing it on one of her thousands of Weight Watcher ads – my 15-year old son said “Isn’t that Adam’s song?” Of course I said “Yes!”
Hey, @chica63 is the chick who won the tickets to Adam’s M & G in Dallas next week! Small world
TexasWannaHoldem &Hk Fan
It’s funny that you mention that about Feeling Good, ’cause I had the same felling! Last weekend I was listening to Michael Buble’s version and thought…so boring!! Once you’ve heard Adams version….you can’t heard no other!! and remenber that kids always say teh truth!!!They’re really smart!!
HK fan
If you fly to London via Moscow (everybody does it…hahahah) and then decided to extend your “europian tour” to Barcelona, let me know, I’ll be glad to show you around
Oh boy! Adam will be presented with a platinum plaque! Maybe when he least expects it. Is that 100% true?
Good luck nkd and Texas. Texas, wasn’t he asked that vocal warm up question just recently? And he gave a little example of what he does. I’d look up the interview but am at work right now.
Hello All. Love the Meatloaf clip.
Good Luck to everyone trying for radio tickets, I sure hope one of you gets something.
I am another that has no desire for a Facebook account. My kids give me grief all the time. They all have accounts but I feel like we all stay in touch without it.
I am considering twitter because it seems much more anonymous. But still haven’t decided to take the plunge. I have enough just trying to keep up here so I really don’t want something else to keep up with. Besides I don’t have a smartphone and it seems twitter would be better with a smartphone.
No tickets for Texas and me yet. We just want to know who we can pay off to get into this thing!
Adam out and about in LA.
OMG yum!
I love that jacket and the studded boots. He dug back in the closet for that look!
Do you think those last couple of pics are at Cafe Gratitude or whatever it’s called? The sayings on the window are like the menu item names.
Nothing stumpy about those legs! I love the sleeves on this jacket – yum is right, nkd!
Gotta run – RL is not patiently waiting!