- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
luval, please do, because my posts will not stay too long. It’s Elton John Oscar party thread…
I just did, Oksana. Love that you post there! I haven’t in about 2 years. Someone on twitter has my gravatar so if you see it, it’s not me unless I mention it here.
But I will post if something really really pisses me off. So let’s see what happens!
Love your posts @Oksana2000. Keep it up please…MJ will probably end up closing the thread sooner or later.
So many goodies today..So happy for Adam..Love being his fan…We’re up, then down, then way up again…It is never boring, that’s for sure..
I wish MJ would say something to Nele sometime for always comparing Adam with Kris…She really hates the opportunities that come Adam’s way..
Love that tweet from Mia Farrow…Adam does shine bright….
I think that the stupidest (is ther such a word?) comment from Nele was that ” We are the Champions song shouldn’t be sung by Queen, cause it belongs now to Kris and Adam”
Speaking about delusional fan..
HAHAAH…I agree that was her stupidest comment…I lol when I read that comment that time…
How does she not get banned though…She is forever comparing, and I thought that was not allowed…
Loveroftalent, you can compare Idols, but you can’t attack your fellow posters.
MJ will close that thread pretty soon, but it’s so much fun reading it right now, that I don’t even have the time for lunch…
Nele is getting her ass whipped right now…
The thread is closed!
Didn’t take too long. My comments (except for one) were deleted, but in all fairness they were responses to Nele’s blabber and the way it works, once the comment is removed, all responses are removed as well..
But it was fun, while it lasted…
Okay – I was wondering what happened. When I was over there a few minutes ago, the top said 70 comments and there were only 47, ending with your excellent comment, Oksana!
Read to 9:14pm for Adam entry…
FAULT Magazine
RE: Releasing @adamlambert previews for FAULT Issue 10 on 2nd March – don’t miss it!
Adam Lambert 

@deanpiper great seeing you last night sir!!
@MissKellyO you make me smile!! So good to laugh it up w you last night
@ActuallyNPH Yellow Jackets??
@adamlambert was so much fun. Sore head here. Wild! Lovely to see you both x
Carol Hagey
I voted for http://adam-lambert.org (@adamlambertidol) for the Superfan Site Award in the #NNNAwards! To vote RT or click:
sparkle,looks like MJ did double cleaning, last time I looked there were 3 posts after mine.
Let the video play – new news!!!
Let the video play – new news!!! Adam in studio today with Bruno!!
ADD===>>> WXKS-FM Pub 0 Top 40 Boston 19/RCA Clear Channel Communications 10 2/27/2012 1:34:00 PM BOSTON!!!!! WOOOT!
Byron Cooke@adamlambert apologies I couldn’t make Eltons party last night. I had pilates. I can see you really missed me >http://twitpic.com/8p9hpk
Byron Cooke 
@adamlambert sooooo obvious they were > RT @NoAngelPF @Byroncooke lol I’m sure they were talking about you
Darn! I hang around here off and on all day – except for the last hour – and I miss out on all the fun! Oksana, do you feel like a “recap”? I would love to know what was said over there, lol, especially if it contained such goodies as …
Also, do you all think CindyM and Moria P were banned at MJ’s? They’ll be sorely missed, if so, and I’ll be very tempted to stop visiting that site. I’d hate to take it out of my rotation, but c’mon! I also miss Q3’s posts.
For me the information Adam shares I’ve not heard before…
Texas,that Queen comment is the old one. The whole thing started, when Nele said that Adam is not on the A-list, and as one of the requirements she listed winning of AI.
Well, then shit hit the fan…
In fact, I didn’t see CindyM for a long time, but Moria P just posted recently. Maybe she went skiing?
I don’t think that either one of them said something that would make MJ ban them.In the matter of fact,MJ just ban your nick, not IP number, so you can come back under different name. We had enough examples of that.
My two jobs are killing me…. The RL one and the stanning one!
So much going on in Adam World right now, and I am loving every minute. At the same time keeping up is not so easy!
Texas… I don’t have any information about CindyM and Moria P, but I do know that Q3 has her own site/blog right now (Adamtopia). By the way, that pic you posted earlier upthread (People) is also one of my favs from the evening.
Totally blinded by all that eye candy!!
Just my 2 cents on Nele’s post how peeps on other blogs are talking about Adam flopping big. I’ve been on Net long enough to know, that if I have ANY THEORY, I can find 10 blogs supporting me and 10 blogs proving that I’m wrong.Then I have to choose whom to trust. Nele621 (6-21 is Kris B’day) looks more and more pathetic every day trying to put Adam down.I always have that urge to tell her, “Honey, this will not help your fave to be more successful”
Somehow it reminds me of the current presidential campaign….
Still catching up here…..
So, Mia Farrow is a Glambert! I have to agree with Adam in that she is a beautiful spirit. She adopted many children and was actually married to two musicians (Frank Sinatra and Andre Previn). Love her!
Thanks for the info, Oksana and dcglam! I’ve never visited Adamtopia – I’ve really enjoyed Q3’s posts in the past.
So much excitement today! If I were Adam, I’d still be pinching myself over last night – what a life he’s living!
I would pinch myself twice as hard if I were Sauli…
I’m not surprised. Almost every 29 yr old woman is a Glambert.
He personifies that perfect boyfriend they always dreamed of..
Handsome,nice,well mannered,funny,half dork half bad boy, madly talented,(did I said handsome?) and nice smelling..
Did I miss something?
LOLOLOL…. Oksana!!
And by the way, so very true!
Oksana…nice family, loves to shop, loves to go to nice restaurants, great hair, monogamous…..
eta: big feet
hahaha@Oksana2000. Yes I’d be pinching myself too if I was Sauli….
Adam Lambert 
@katyperry soooo lovely catching up last night!!! U looked drop dead gorgeous. Blue w Envy!!
luval,you got the first prize.LOLOLOLOL!
And now – to the corner!!!!
Megan Hilty Talks About Kissing Adam
mp4 DL of the Screen Check clip with Adam from MTV
the M.A.C. dude
EJ did not decide who would sit w him at his 20th annual viewing party until Sunday. He chose Katy Perry & Adam Lambert
From AQD…from someone at the party:
9:14 p.m. At the 20th Annual Elton John Oscar Party, Adam Lambert and his Finnish boyfriend, Sauli Koskinen, have left Elton John’s dinner table to hang out in the bar area and chat with friends. Adam gently strokes Sauli’s back.
@MissKellyO: @adamlambert I had so much fun with you last night! Ps I’m serious about the triangle!
luval – that “Adam gently strokes Sauli’s back” quote is from this Vultures behind the scenes write up:
Thanks cwm…I think I’m in the corner so I couldn’t do much checking.
Byron Cooke
@adamlambert fans would never prank me right? > @OneTwoDoseyDoe Next time you interview Adam dress up like a woodland creature
CBS News
Best Week Ever.tv
Yes! @adamlambert is coming to Dallas exclusively for Mix listeners! The only way into the Mix Session is listen Thurs 7a-7p win EVERY HOUR!
Adam got three photos on BestWeekEver – Win!
And actually the BEST one – with Elton.
The last add of the day is the biggest one!
* KBIG-FM Pub 8 Hot AC Los Angeles 19/RCA Clear Channel Communications 2 2/27/2012 3:03:00 PM
The leading Hot AC station in the #2 market!
RT deanpiper: And Mr Springyquiff himself…. adamlambert – great catching up with him and Sauli….
Oksana, this is especially for you: Brian May talks about how they discovered Adam, and how they played with him “and the other guy”. “The other guy you tend to not hear from. Bless him.”
eywflyer… Many thanks for this latest update. I am so happy right now.

YAY for KBIG coming through!! Yippee!! Thanks for pointing that out, eywflyer! So of Adam’s 10 adds today, 3 of them were in top 10 markets (LA, Boston, Washington DC)!
This is just so great, eywflyer – the song is climbing!