Another month has arrived, the last one before Adam’s new album “Trespassing” will be released! February will hopefully see Adam’s lead single “Better Than I Know Myself” continue to gain airplay and sales. There should be a bump from the music video which is expected early this month. Meanwhile Adam will likely continue working on promo events in preparation for his upcoming album release, which is slated for March 20 here in the US. Perhaps with more promo being done ahead of the album release this time around, the next tour can begin by this summer? Enjoy the chat!

Update 2/4/2012: BTIKM music video was released Thursday night, feel quite certain we’ll be seeing plenty of it on VH1 in the next few weeks!


3,429 Responses to February 2012 Chat

  1. JOJOSIE says:

    There’s a picture of Elton hugging Adam and one of him putting his hand on Adam’s face. Saw them on twitter but haven’t decided how to bring them over. Rainbowgal I need help. Smiling now as so many great pictures tonight.

  2. rainbowgal4 says: Katy, Elton & Adam

  3. rainbowgal4 says:

    Just noticed that Sauli’s hair is darker???

  4. luval says:

    Here JOJOSIE

    Wonder what Elton is saying to him?

  5. rainbowgal4 says:

    I will email you with how it’s done. And I got those pictures brought over. Can’t tell you where they are now – there have been so many. You’d think he was up for an OSCAR!!!

  6. rainbowgal4 says: Adam & Jesse Tyler Ferguson

  7. rainbowgal4 says:
  8. eywflyer says:

    I saw the pic. If Adam’s photobucket has indeed been hacked, this could be a rough week coming up.

    Due to the nature of that particular site, in the future all comments containing links to the fyentertainment LJ site will be automatically sent to the moderation queue. I will receive an email notification of the comment awaiting moderation and will decide whether to post it.

  9. rainbowgal4 says:

    Adam & Elton dancing??? or hugging???

  10. rainbowgal4 says:
  11. glambotgram says:

    LOL they do indeed look like they are dancing.

    As far as the other photo, like someone else said looks like a party game. Not very flattering but I’m not clutching my pearls.

  12. rainbowgal4 says:

    Most all of the photo in one place…

  13. rainbowgal4 says:

    YEAH – for stopping that particular posting person!!!

  14. rainbowgal4 says:
  15. bridgette12 says:

    As far as the other photo, like someone else said looks like a party game. Not very flattering but I’m not clutching my pearls.

    I don’t think it’s going to be that big of a deal. People who hate him will continue to hate him, those who don’t can see with their own eyes it’s just a party game and move on.

  16. rainbowgal4 says:

    JTF, Adam, Sauli and Justin Mikita

  17. ultimathule says:

    Lol- think Adam and Sauli went off the wagon for this event, rainbowgal – those drinks aren’t green. Where’s the kale? Maybe they’re waiting until St. Pat’s.

  18. riskylady says:

    Tks, eywflyer. Just hoping PH’s twitter is so full that he doesn’t notice the tweet. Really don’t want to see that going around the world a few times with A’s name as new Queen singer. Or, that PH’s conscience (he has one?) would exert some discretion.

  19. rainbowgal4 says:

    I know a camera can do tricks but when I saw this one I wondered if he was thinking about that photo. I hope it just shows he’s a little tired….

  20. eywflyer says:

    To be clear – I’m not upset with any particular posts here, the one post that did contain a fye link had the link deleted by the original author without me doing anything. I just feel that going forward any links to that site should be reviewed by me before posting here.

    Also I personally don’t find the pic to be “shocking” or even any big deal whatsoever, just a bit of party silliness from long ago. Just hope it doesn’t start getting posted more widely (with the requisite black censor box) and used as yet another excuse for radio stations to not play Adam’s music.

  21. rainbowgal4 says:

    Here he looks just plain happy…

  22. rainbowgal4 says: Adrienne Maloff & Dr. Paul Nassif

  23. ultimathule says:

    On becoming an Adam fan, one should receive as an initiation gift a boatload of xanax.

  24. rainbowgal4 says:
  25. Ellessay says:

    As far as the other photo, like someone else said looks like a party game. Not very flattering but I’m not clutching my pearls.

    It reminded me of my daughter-in-law’s bachelorette party. There are some pretty raunchy pictures I could blackmail her with if she ever became famous! I’m actually flattered that she didn’t mind sharing with her mother-in-law.

    It’s a shame the picture is out there, but it’s obvious that it was a long time ago. He’s grown up a lot since then. It won’t stop me from being a fan.

  26. rainbowgal4 says:

    I think the pic of the night…Beside Elton’s hug…

  27. rainbowgal4 says:

    Sauli meeting Elton..

  28. Miss Chaos says:

    I know a camera can do tricks but when I saw this one I wondered if he was thinking about that photo. I hope it just shows he’s a little tired….

    To bring a little humor into the nite, I am thinking, that what is on Adams mind is that he is reflecting on “Damn, I am really beginning to look a lot like my brother Neil, I better find a new look and fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know its a little touchy around here about a certain photo, but I wish I even knew what it was about>not that I am nosy or any thing, not interested in seeing it, but wondering why its so bad, there have been plenty ones of Adam that were really unflatttering,

  29. rainbowgal4 says: Another Adam and Steven Tyler pic

  30. ultimathule says:

    Adam looks so proud and happy in that pic introducing Sauli, rainbow

  31. Ellessay says:

    Thanks to everyone for bringing those great Oscar party pictures here to share. I couldn’t help but wonder if Adam and Sir Elton traded their Queen stories, since they have both sung for the group now.

    Nice to see the pix with Steven Tyler too since Paula linked them together as singers with longevity in the business. I think I would have rather watched the Elton John party than what I saw of the Oscars. Kinda boring there.

  32. glambotgram says:

    I think the pic of the night…Beside Elton’s hug…

    I love that Pic, boy oh boy, talk about 4 handsome men.

  33. rainbowgal4 says:

    AfterElton is happy…
    @AfterElton Is this not THE BEST PICTURE u have ever seen?Adam,Sauli, NPH & David!

  34. nkd says:
  35. glambotgram says:

    I find the Adam and Steven Tyler pics really interesting because I’ve always felt like Steven really dissed him when he was on idol last year. Like he was totally uninterested.

  36. rainbowgal4 says: Adam, Katy and Ferras

    Adam, Sauli, Dave Grohl, Jordyn Blum and Miley Cyrus in HQ!

    Everybody better be sitting down for this one…

  37. nkd says:

    I love the Adam and Elton pics, but the Sauli meeting Elton is just awwwww!
    I like Sauli’s hair. Darker, grown in more on the sides, and that mohawk down the back gone!

  38. rainbowgal4 says:

    without water mark…

  39. riskylady says:

    That pic with NPH, David and our boys is just amazing. And Adam introducing Sauli to EJ, so precious.
    The one with Stephen Tyler, well, remember how rude he was when Adam did Aftermath on AI? And, remember how GQ said Adam should learn how to dress from Tyler? Ha! Wonder what GQ would say about their outfits tonight?
    Adam is very sweet, but I’m not. Stephen Tyler looks skanky and small next to beautiful, impeccably tailored tall Adam. Evil Grin

  40. nkd says:

    As for the other party pic, who cares, no big deal.

  41. Oksana2000 says:

    Done with Oscars. Thanks God for DVR, as usual I’ve slept thru part of the show. Watching TV after 8PM does it to me.
    I wonder if future gig with Queen earned Adam place at Elton’s table.
    It certainly got him noticed in the music industry.In terms of networking going to Elton’s party beats going to the Oscars by the mile. JMO.
    Regarding infamous picture – Adam, will you ever learn??Don’t keep anything compromising online. Someone hacked your Photobucket? It was just the matter of time. Put all that crap on some external drive and keep it there.
    People are twitting to Perez Hilton pictures of Adam at Elton party, including the one of Adam with Caty at Elton’s table. Perez, eat your heart out you bitch.!!!

  42. nkd says:

    Adam and True Blood!

  43. rainbowgal4 says:

    Wow Adam sure made some great contacts…True Blood – he must be in heaven…

  44. rainbowgal4 says: Adam Neil, David, Sauli

  45. nkd says:

    Adam, Sauli, chocolates!

  46. rainbowgal4 says:
  47. rainbowgal4 says:

    nkd You ninja skills are to be envied!!! LOL

  48. turquoisewaters says:

    eywflyer: thanks for filtering out any scum. I do hope other blog moderators have your judgment.

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