Another month has arrived, the last one before Adam’s new album “Trespassing” will be released! February will hopefully see Adam’s lead single “Better Than I Know Myself” continue to gain airplay and sales. There should be a bump from the music video which is expected early this month. Meanwhile Adam will likely continue working on promo events in preparation for his upcoming album release, which is slated for March 20 here in the US. Perhaps with more promo being done ahead of the album release this time around, the next tour can begin by this summer? Enjoy the chat!

Update 2/4/2012: BTIKM music video was released Thursday night, feel quite certain we’ll be seeing plenty of it on VH1 in the next few weeks!


3,429 Responses to February 2012 Chat

  1. dcglam says:

    cwm says:
    02/02/2012 at 2:42 pm
    rs – Never Close Our Eyes is the Bruno Mars song. A demo of it made the rounds a few weeks ago.

    Sorry to hear that this song didn’t make the album. I really like it!

  2. dflowers says:

    On a purely superficial note, his skin looks really good! Big Smile

  3. nkd says:

    Photo collage of pics from the Sugarscape interview.

  4. nkd says:

    I thought Adam talked as if the Bruno song would be on the album. It wouldn’t bother me if it’s not.

  5. nkd says:

    that ratty sweater you’re wearing in the “Better Than I know Myself” vid is yours or a prop? #loveit #adamonheat

    Its mine now. Ratty? Nope – stylist said it was $$$ lol

    I figured it was a pricey sweater but it did have holes in it!

  6. dcglam says:

    Ha, maybe it did, after all! I like the basic song and feel that Adam could do wonders with it. JMHO

  7. cwm says:

    dcglam — I think you’re just confusing two different songs.

    “Never Close Our Eyes” is the Bruno Mars song and it apparently did make the album.

    “Get Over It” was a demo we heard a little while back and Adam says that it is not on the album.

  8. nkd says:

    AOL Music @aolmusic
    Dear Lambert Nation: Check out @aolmusic at 3AM EST for the premiere of @adamlambert ‘s ‘Better Than I Know Myself’ video!

  9. turquoisewaters says:

    Vibrato/Broadway discussion on MJs. Randy’s dismissive remarks got Betty Buckley mad. I think she has a point.

  10. dcglam says:

    Thanks cwm — you could be right! Wink

  11. Ellessay says:

    cwm says:
    02/02/2012 at 1:21 am
    Wolf. Definitely wolf. IMO. Can’t wait! Those yellow eyes look amazing.

    I haven’t read everything, so maybe someone has already mentioned this. In the pix with the yellow eyes, his eyes are made up nicely as in the past. Cardigan Adam doesn’t appear to be wearing much eye makeup at all, if any. Don’t know if it means anything, it was just something I noticed.

  12. cwm says:

    MJ opened a new thread for the new album details that came out of the Heatworld twitter party and the Sugarscape interview.

    Do you recognize the bullet point summary of the twitter party that MJ used? Yep, that came from yours truly – I had posted exactly that in the Headlines thread (as well as here, at 1:20). Should I be perturbed that she copied and pasted and didn’t credit me? Wink teehee (I don’t really care much but I do think it’s kind of funny and was tickled to see my list in the main post.)

  13. nkd says:

    Betty Buckley @BettyBuckley
    @YO_RANDYJACKSON @dizzyfeet @americanidol Brdway is a place not a style. All human voices have vibrato-every kind of singer & style-on Bway!

  14. cwm says:

    In the pix with the yellow eyes, his eyes are made up nicely as in the past. Cardigan Adam doesn’t appear to be wearing much eye makeup at all, if any. Don’t know if it means anything, it was just something I noticed.

    Oh I think it’s very intentional. Light Adam is stripped back, casual, make-up free, open, vulnerable, no veil. Dark Adam will be more dramatic, darker, glammier, made up, fierce, etc. It’s all part of the duality he is trying to convey.

    From this tweet…

    LeytonB Leyton Bracegirdle
    YES!! Just got the new @adamlambert vid! 3
    Adams to choose from. True Blood Adam, Casual Adam but my personal fave, Knitwear Adam! lol

    we learn that there will be three Adams. I think that at the end of the video, True Blood Adam and Knitwear Adam will be superimposed onto one another and merge together, and from that, Casual Adam will emerge as the complete whole.

    That’s my theory at least and I’m sticking with it!

  15. nkd says:

    That’s a great theory cwm!
    I love how everyfreakingthing is a puzzle in this fandom!
    We have to pay such close attention or we would be lost! Grin

  16. luval says:

    Should be interesting to see if any of us were correct in our video stories. I had at least 4 theories. I’m sure they’ll all be wrong! Not much longer to wait. I’m not staying up so tomorrow morning I’ll view from my iphone.

    btw…At this point I could care less about the Byron Cooke interviews. But I hope when they are finally released, they’ll be spectacular and something we’ve never seen or heard before. yeah, right. LOL

  17. riskylady says:

    To me, this is the big question:
    Which Adam’s bones would you like to jump?????
    I confess, I’m not even sure myself but leaning toward dangerous True Blood Adam (I am after all riskylady).

  18. Miss Chaos says:

    Im I correct in that I can see the video at 12 PST, if so I will be up.

  19. nkd says:
  20. nkd says:

    Which Adam’s bones would you like to jump?????

    Well…I’m really liking the sweater wearing dancing to his music Adam, but I’ll reserve my final response until after the video viewing! Giggle

  21. glambotgram says:

    cwm I noticed your bullet points. I think she uses things posted in her threads and does not credit, but she should.

    I LOVE LOVE the Betty Buckley tweet, even though you can tell she is really mad and rambling at times. It is so nice to see someone calling Randy out. I was very upset at some of these same comments being made to Adam. Go Betty

  22. luval says:

    I love the comments on mj’s BTIKM video thread from yesterday. Not sure who came up with “MCAS”….mind controlling alien sweater.

  23. glambotgram says:

    hmm jumping bones, I think I would go for Fierce Adam(Pugh coat) then snuggle up with cardigan Adam.

  24. cwm says:

    Not sure who came up with “MCAS”….mind controlling alien sweater.

    Haha that was smeggs, of course! She’s so funny.

  25. Miss Chaos says:

    How come smeggs doesnt post on here? Just wondering?

  26. cwm says:

    Miss Chaos – I encouraged her to come here over twitter, and she said that she intends to visit here but keeps forgetting. I think she’s mainly connecting with Adam fans and Adam info over twitter now, with visits to MJs “for the snark.”

    Maybe once live shows start and we have dedicated live threads for concerts here, she’ll come here. Cuz I think those concert threads will make this place pretty unique. Thanks to you, eywflyer! Smile

  27. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Have a busy day tomorrow, so I think I’m staying up for the video!! How could one sleep through that, anyway? Smile

    As for jumping bones … I’m all over “bad” Adam (in my dreams!)

    Has anyone seen the previews of Ricky Martin singing “I’m Sexy and I Know It” on Glee next week? He’s almost as hot as BB!

    And I absolutely love Betty Buckley – HBIC indeed!

  28. luval says:

    Texas…I LOVE Ricky Martin! (Betty Buckley too).

  29. cwm says:

    Haha Adam made #1 on Yahoo TV’s list of “Top Ten Hottest Hunks of American Idol. Course, we could have told them that. Smile

  30. cwm says:

    Hmmmm… ok, rumor or true? Would love to hear confirmation of this one way or the other, because last we heard, this was NOT happening. But now???

    ETA: General consensus that seems to be developing is that this is a UK tabloid that makes stuff up, says whatever they please, and twists quotes around, and that the article is likely bunk. Unless we hear otherwise!

  31. luval says:

    Adam coming out of Heat mag in the U.K.

    One of the woman says something like “he’s so tiny…eat Adam eat”. lol

  32. glambotgram says:

    luval sounds like they are twisting a lot of statements that Adam has made. I have no doubt he will sing with them again sometime. But he is more about making his own music.

  33. luval says:

    oh glambotgram…I think you were referring to cwm and not me about that article, right?

  34. nkd says:
  35. milwlovesadam says:

    Is the video coming out tonight? What time Central time?

    I’m going to need to set my Cuckoo clock!

  36. luval says:

    Even if the rumors turn out to be true, to me those festivals are so crazy. If Adam is to sing with Queen I would want ONLY them to be on stage. Well, maybe one opening act.

  37. nkd says:
  38. milwlovesadam says:

    Loving seeing so many of us at MJ’s about Glaad, Adam, and Betty Buckley. I couldn’t agree more.

    In general, I know we have free speech in the USA, but, seriously, I thought Hate Speech had it’s limits, ie, was not legal in some cases.

    Any lawyers here, I know we have a few, can negative and hateful comments be legally banned? What kind of precedent does that set for other kinds of comments? I’m really curious.

  39. glambotgram says:

    Woops yes I meant, cwm. That what I get for trying to post something too fast.

  40. nkd says:

    mils, we think the video will be out at 2am CT.

  41. nkd says:
  42. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks. I think I’ll set my cuckoo clock for an early rise. You know, so I can watch a couple hundred times before work.

  43. milwlovesadam says:

    Noodle alert? Somebody please explain.

    And, who makes these? is she from MJ, does she follow us here?

    ETA: it’s not in Urban Dictionary

  44. nkd says:

    No clue on noodle alert! Must be a fandom joke we missed!

  45. Miss Chaos says:

    OMG I put the You Tube videos on for my granddaughter and I to watch, and I put the Trespassing video on and my no caring none music person husband said, I love that song, I need to buy it!!! He Never says he likes any song, I couldnt believe it. We watched the Hip Hop video too!!! How cool is that!

  46. nkd says:

    Adam arrives at RTL Berlin.

    I love seeing Adam when he does these overseas promo trips, but I also get a tad bit jealous because it seems that those fans get more access to him that we will ever get in the US. The hugs and picture taking are adorable.

  47. luval says:

    Never heard noodle alert. But it sounds funny!

    When will the video be sold on iTunes? I can’t remember how long it was for the others.

    I feel kinda bad for that person who wanted to give him chocolate. With this health kick he’s on I wonder what would be an appropriate gift…a bag of carrots? Smile

  48. mieps says:

    Hm, I had to get involved in the ‘yahoo comment’ thread, but apparently I didn’t keep my emotions enough in check. Three comments disappeared and the thread is now closed.

    Man, I really don’t get how people can find wrong in everything with the name Adam attached. I’m generally quite level headed, but this one really got to me.

    On a brighter note, can’t wait for the video to come out. Remember the gif of him dancing?
    I get so happy watching that Wink

  49. ultimathule says:

    Was over there with you, mieps, my last post was still there – happy about that.

    If this had been any other Idol, there never would have been this response. They try to dress it up with racism, etc., and that’s another discussion for another time, but their obvious animus towards Adam is obvious. Same people – same comments about him.

    So Vevo is not putting up the vid until 3:00 a.m.? Like AOL?

  50. nkd says:

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