Another month has arrived, the last one before Adam’s new album “Trespassing” will be released! February will hopefully see Adam’s lead single “Better Than I Know Myself” continue to gain airplay and sales. There should be a bump from the music video which is expected early this month. Meanwhile Adam will likely continue working on promo events in preparation for his upcoming album release, which is slated for March 20 here in the US. Perhaps with more promo being done ahead of the album release this time around, the next tour can begin by this summer? Enjoy the chat!

Update 2/4/2012: BTIKM music video was released Thursday night, feel quite certain we’ll be seeing plenty of it on VH1 in the next few weeks!


3,429 Responses to February 2012 Chat

  1. nkd says:

    Y’all are cracking me up!

    Here’s a close-up of the eyes.!/hockeychick57/status/164920794378543104/photo/1

  2. Miss Chaos says:

    The wolf he aluded too months ago. Goes along with the skulls in the dark side.

  3. nkd says:

    Nice regular sweater wearing music listening singing dancing air punching book reading doing yoga guy by day: yellow eyed dark scary wolf by night!

  4. ultimathule says:

    Does anyone know if this will be released at midnight (how appropriate)?

  5. riskylady says:

    AHA!!! Much earlier, there was a rumor that the video had something to do with wolves. Remember, Adam and Sauli went to that animal preserve, and Sauli mentioned his favorite thing was watching the wolves play together. (Adam says if he were an animal, he would be a wolf. Also, wolf hair coloring.) This would introduce a whole new vibe to the dark side, maybe. And of course, Sauli would love the wolves. He already loves one!
    I am so excited for this video. Even if it were just Adam light/Adam dark, he is so beautiful, and I love the song – I could just watch it for hours. Love his other videos too, especially FYE and IIHY. This one may be the most intriguing, though.

  6. nkd says:
  7. ultimathule says:

    Like E!News put the Grammy pic up – always a stunner.

  8. nkd says:
  9. ultimathule says:

    nkd – the second link, luisaviaroma, didn’t work for me.

    Hmmm – Balmain – the boy likes his duds.

  10. ultimathule says:

    Was Jeremy the name of the guy who took Lane’s place?
    That name just popped into what’s left of my brain.

  11. cwm says:

    Wolf. Definitely wolf. IMO. Can’t wait! Those yellow eyes look amazing.

  12. nkd says:

    Let’s try this
    Then click on men, clothing, then jackets

    The boy does like his high end fashion! Good thing he does recycle, it’s too expensive not to!

  13. nkd says:

    His jacket, boots, sunglasses, it’s all on that site!

  14. nkd says:

    cwm says:
    02/02/2012 at 1:21 am
    Wolf. Definitely wolf. IMO. Can’t wait! Those yellow eyes look amazing.

    Me too! About this time tomorrow!!!!
    I teasingly complain about his teasers and secrets but it makes it all the more exciting! Just keep em coming! Secret Suspense

  15. ultimathule says:

    Saw the Balmain jacket – $3885 – only one higher (I think) was another Balmain for $102 more – but it was short – almost like a bellboy affair – didn’t like it.

    Not sure which shoes or sunglasses – hard to tell.

    Are we still keeping a list of his duds – or is it all in our cluttered Adam-filled brains?

  16. nkd says:
  17. luval says:

    I agree with you wolf theorists. Now is it when he wears the Pugh coat…dark, night … where he has his wolf side with the yellow eyes?

    Wonder if he’ll have hairy hands, legs and paws too? Smile

    Eta: and if the wolf theory is correct, I think at the end of the video he’ll go back to the yellow room…he’ll turn his face to the camera, the camera will be close up to the yellow eyes, and he’ll wink or smile mischievously.

  18. glambotgram says:

    The picture he tweeted of him on the couch in the cardigan he has a some yellow in his eyes, I wondered why they looked sort of golden then. I can’t find the close up right now.

  19. rs says:

    Did you all see this tweet? TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @LeytonBLeyton Bracegirdle YES!! Just got the new @adamlambert vid! 3 Adams to choose from. True Blood Adam, Casual Adam but my personal fave, Knitwear Adam! lol

  20. Miss Chaos says:

    So there are 3 Adams as everyone speculated?

    Well I am kinda glad he goes there, it will get the younger kids that like Twilight liking the video, and then the song.

    Cant wait for tomorrow, or tonite, will it be midnight? And in what time zone? lol

  21. luval says:

    Isn’t casual Adam the same as knitwear Adam?

  22. glambotgram says:

    It should be True Blood Adam, Fierce Adam , and Casual Adam.

  23. luval says:

    That sounds right, glambotgram

  24. nkd says:
  25. Kradamour says:

    Oh, noes. I read the comments under the pic of Adam in the Balmain jacket. Should.not.have.gone.there. Frown

    I do agree with a couple of posters that the overall look was not wonderful…can’t wait to see him wear the same jacket in another way, though, it is a great jacket!

    But the homophobic comments and general crudeness of so many of the other posts make me so sad. “Upscale Hype” is fundamentally about the clothes that celebrities are wearing, not the celebrities themselves, so it is alarming that such posts seemed to dominate the comments. Kind of underscores what Adam is up against. Frown

  26. riskylady says:

    LOL, nkd!

  27. cwm says:

    Adam just finished his twitter party at Heatworld. LOTS of good tidbits shared!!/heatworld

    Some tidbits:
    – 3-4 songs are in contention to be the next single
    – Deluxe version will have 3-4 extra tracks
    – He and Monte are “finished. That bridge was burned.”
    – Not going to the Grammys. “Got work to do”
    – “possible” vocal collaboration in the works
    – final track list is “almost” picked
    – BTIKM was chosen as the first single because he wanted to “connect emotionally with you” and “admit some faults” before “I take y’all to the club”
    – “Get Over It” is not on the album

    The SugarScape interview that nekkid posted above is also really really good and has some new information about his new music.

    However, he unfortunately confirms that he does NOT plan to get naked in any of his upcoming videos. Dang! Razz

  28. cwm says:

    Sigh. And so it continues.

    @glaad: Great news! @Yahoo works with @glaad to remove violent, anti-gay comments from @AdamLambert interview #LGBT

    The link:

    I was wondering when Yahoo would do something about the comments on articles about Adam. Now someone needs to do something about the comments on EW.

    Yahoo disabled and removed all commenting. I wonder why these sites don’t have moderators?

    I thought that much of the virulent anti-gay comments about Adam were dying down. But we may need to brace ourselves for a whole new round of them, with his increased visibility over new music release and the fact that LGBT issues are front and center right now and have some people ginned up.

  29. nkd says:
  30. riskylady says:

    BTIKM up 100 spots on iTunes this a.m. plus gaining spins, moving up on HAC from #38 to #36!!! And with video coming out tomorrow, hopefully more> The buzz is great!
    Love all the love coming out of the UK.
    But you are right about the comments, we should brace ourselves, but by the same token, continue our campaign over at EW where many times I see the same nasties from Yahoo.
    I love that VH1-The Fab Life chose to feature that clip from their interview where Adam talks about the “ignorant” people who make him sad.

  31. dflowers says:

    “Possible collaberations” ? I’m hoping for Kelly Clarkson. Remember the girl who used to work/do shows with him said he was obsessed with her during and after Idol. They could make beautiful music together!

  32. riskylady says:

    Maybe someday YouTube will come around too. I am going to start flagging some comments. Have to begin somewhere.

    dflowers, I would love Kelly too, but not sure about it with her current Voice and country vibe. But who knows?

  33. riskylady says:

    Kinda sad that Dan Savage chose Adam Levine to be in his one hour MTV/Logo TV special about It Gets Better. I feel his saying that he and his family knew his brother was gay from age three is not credible nor a good attitude. Also, he keeps saying Adam Lambert was forbidden by Idol from revealing his orientation, which is not what Adam said. He said he CHOSE to keep his Idol participation about the music, but was unable to comment to those speculating articles because of the ban on one-on-one press interviews.
    I guess visibility is important for Savage, but still don’t like his choice.

  34. nkd says:
  35. rs says:

    In the SugarScape interview Adam mentioned a song title that I hadn’t heard before, Never Close Our Eyes. Did anyone else hear it mentioned in previous interviews or listening parties?

  36. cwm says:

    But you are right about the comments, we should brace ourselves, but by the same token, continue our campaign over at EW where many times I see the same nasties from Yahoo.

    I tweeted @glaad and @yahoo thanking them for taking action at Yahoo and let @glaad know that they should keep an eye on EW as well.

    I think I might start getting more active about flagging the hateful comments and bringing them to glaad’s attention. Up to now I’ve just tried to ignore the hate and not give it attention, but maybe it’s time to step it up and demand that EW, Yahoo, etc. not allow this kind of virulent hatred on their sites.

  37. nkd says:

    Also, he keeps saying Adam Lambert was forbidden by Idol from revealing his orientation, which is not what Adam said. He said he CHOSE to keep his Idol participation about the music, but was unable to comment to those speculating articles because of the ban on one-on-one press interviews.

    Yes, and Adam’s being open about who he is has opened that door for the gay contestants on all of these other shows popping up now. It’s not that these shows are better or more open, it’s that a little of that barrier has been taken down.

  38. cwm says:

    rs – Never Close Our Eyes is the Bruno Mars song. A demo of it made the rounds a few weeks ago.

  39. cwm says:

    Interesting comments about Glaad taking action on the Yahoo comments on Glaad’s facebook page:

  40. cwm says:

    Here’s a transcript of the Heatworld twitter party:

  41. Miss Chaos says:

    – 3-4 songs are in contention to be the next single
    How cool, Wonder which ones they are?

    Deluxe version will have 3-4 extra tracks
    Hummm, I guess I need to get that one

    He and Monte are “finished. That bridge was burned.”
    Thats to bad, is this the first time we heard him say that?

    possible” vocal collaboration in the works
    I wonder with who, my nos are no Kelly, no Bruno, but I doubt that, no Christina, please she will out do everything,,Pink, YES, Lady Gaga, na,I just cant think of a male singer to sing with him, I could really go with Haley Reinhart,but does he need a name star, or is he the name star, IDK.

    final track list is “almost” picked
    Bout time!

    BTIKM was chosen as the first single because he wanted to “connect emotionally with you” and “admit some faults” before “I take y’all to the club”
    I love this!!!!!!!!!!

  42. rs says:

    Thanks so much cwm. I just listened and that song sounds like a great vehicle for Adam’s voice and vocal range. He will do amazing things with it (as usual).

  43. ultimathule says:

    Collabs – Kelly? A no vote here. She’s very successful, but a tad old-fashioned for Adam. More someone like Jessie J.

    P.S. Besides she’s Idol – want to escape any more labeling.

  44. luval says:

    I’ll throw in my 2 cents here about collabs. No Kelly, No Christina. Maybe Jessie J. I’m not big on collaborations.

    AQD says that BTIKM video will premier at 7pm Friday. Was this posted?

    eta: oh, except David Bowie!!!!!!!!! Smile

  45. riskylady says:

    Ooooooh, Jessie J would be good. Or, Rihanna – she seems to like Adam.

  46. dflowers says:

    It’ll proably be a guy. Bruno? Oooohhh.. David Guetta? Both so hot right now and I heard somewhere David G. was interested in working with Adam. YES! for me.

  47. ultimathule says:

    Guetta – In Sauli’s incomparable words – Yah! Bruno good, too.

  48. ultimathule says:

    luval – saw that 7:00 p.m. on AQD – is that just Canada?

  49. luval says:

    Good question, ultimathule. Most people seem to think that it’s debuting right after midnight tonight. AQD is from Canada. hmmmm. Can’t imagine it being different from U.S. but who knows.

  50. HK fan says:

    Really liked that sugarscope interview, good questions in the first part….And I liked that the interviewer was off camera. Usually when they sit side by side, because Adam always gives such good eye contact to who he’s talking too we never get to see him properly, so if the interviewer sits behind the camera then Adam ‘talks’ to us.

    i don’t remember him actually saying anything about Monte before, sounds like there’s no going back on that relationship.

    Its the 3rd here, I want to see the video….

    And where’s Byron cookes videos, thought he was going to release one clip a day from feb 1-7th??

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