- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
adjhfa;ldife;lkfjk Did you hear that noise??
Thats me with my finger down my throat, Wsamatter with that boy!!!!!!!!!
Glambotgram,I saw that thread on MJ and as usual Nele had to add her 2 cents. What an annoying person!
You know, I don’t wish anyone to fail, but just for Nele’s sake I want Kris to flop hard. She already described his first single as a big hit….
828 @adamlambert wp’s made, upd.26thFeb. http://bit.ly/essellsari 1920×1080 here: http://twitpic.com/8p3dl5 http://twitpic.com/8m7qhg http://twitpic.com/8lq6a4
I’ve had a really rough day, and I’m really confused about the Leap Day challenge for the water charity. I’m sure it’s listed somewhere here in the threads, but I’m too tired to process right now. Where do I go to make sure my donation will be matched for the Leap Day thingy?
Miles Tougeaux
Wild ride freeway tire blowout this AM. Almost got ugly. @adamlambert U may wanna work on this cover in UR spare time:
Just go to Charity Water and in the memo line type in “Leap Day Match”.
Thank you so much, rainbowgal. You’re awesome, did ya know that?
Thank you for the kind words!! It was an easy thing to find – you have no idea how many windows (tabs) I keep open on my computer at one time! Perfecting my filing system so when we get real busy I will have my “tools” in place.
I think the lawsuit was settled because legally they couldn’t stop the release. I think what Adam did win is time to get his albums name out there and a single released so that people in the business and others besides his fans will know that Trespassing is his legitimate album. Not what fans wanted but it’s better than what was happening.
For those of you who are watching Idol tonight, did any of you feel that the girl who sang Feeling Good was attempting to imitate Adam’s version??? Notice I used the word “attempting”.
dcglam…I was waiting for her to do the high note and thank goodness she didn’t. Yes, it was more similar to Adam than Michael Buble or Jennifer Hudson.
rainbowgal4 is so on-the-ball that she has probably posted these already, but I wasn’t sure, so here goes. These are three different foreign magazine interviews which came out today, all of which are very good. Adam is surprisingly open and honest in some of his answers.
Polish Popcorn magazine: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/g6eibu
picture: http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/6205/obraz004yf.jpg
Swedish gay magazine QX: http://adamssparklyswedes.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/adam-lambert-in-qx-march-2012-no-198/
picture: http://lockerz.com/s/188291986
Swedish teen magazine Frida: http://adamssparklyswedes.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/frida-no-5-2012/
pictures (there’s 4 pages – be sure to click through. Very cute!): http://imgur.com/a/1ey4T#0
How bad is your fandom addiction?
A different Swedish interview…
He does look good…large photo from LA…
The ring on his right hand is huge in that big picture & I love how the hair falls on his forehead.
haha I just took the fandom addiction quiz and got a 9 out of 10 – “certified addict”! Well duh – I could have told them that! It is a pretty cute quiz. You guys should take it and tell us what your scores are
I got stopped at the first page picture on the fandom addiction quiz. I need that potty chair sometimes!
Back to attempt the quiz!
Also received a 9: certified addict! I’m not sure what you have to do to get a 10!
Freddie and Adam mash-up. Take a look at the crowd at Knebworth!
OMG nekkid – that potty chair just cracked me up! A little to close to the truth tbh! LOLOL
Is Adam platinum then in the US?
I took the quiz and scored an
8. This means I’m not certifiable but close. It was fun and I see some others here got 9’s. I think the results were fairly adequate as I think Nkd and cwm are slightly more, I don’t know quite how to say this nicely, but cray, than I am. They are only 29 and have more energy. 
@Oksana2000 I know where you are coming from about Nele…Nothing against Kris but just to knock her down a bit would be nice…
I think Kris’s song is going to do well…He has some kind of deal with Clear Channel with his song…I read something about it, but I didn’t really pay attention too much…But I think it is going to get alot of play, so be prepared for Nele to be rubbing it in our faces..
I agree jojosie, I think I may be more “cray” than you! I’ve been listening to 4 different radio stations today, 2 in Dallas, 2 in Houston, calling, texting, aquiring points to bid. I’m definitely cray and will be more so tomorrow as we add another station in Dallas. I just want to see Adam!
(March 5th, Dallas/Fort Worth) See Adam Lambert Live @ Lite http://1037litefm.radio.com/2012/02/29/see-adam-lambert-live-lite/ via @1037litefm
So Texas, here is one more!
The March chat thread is posted!
#15 @adamlambert (should be #1!) Top 20 Sexiest Male Celebrities
Freddie/Adam mash up…
What a photo to say Good Night All with…
Here is the new ElectroQueer video interview with Adam. It’s a good one. We get to hear more about Cuckoo, plus see a snippet of the London showcase performance of OOL:
OK, just got home and saw Adam’s tweet, so I signed up with Hit Predictor. NOw I’m stuck in some long playlist of songs I’m supposed to rate. Is there a way to hear/rate just Adam’s? My skin is crawling hearing rap song after rap song (not my favorite genre). I just wanna hear Adam (that’s me whining).