- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
creativesharka December 7, 2018
“Getting ready”
Or maybe they were so worried about not getting tickets, they roped in someone to help book them and ended up with more than they needed for the show??
Luval..I love reading your ‘Todays stupid facts”….and I never knew that about Mickey Mouse!!
my heart is in his hands
What makes Queen rock songs so popular with advertisers
PattiHum @PattiHum
Adam will be trading up to a 10 million dollar house before he even moves into the 6 million dollar one! ??
I Love this part!
Well then…Cheers Gentlemen! ??☺️????????
Love ya! #QAL ❤️
6h6 hours ago
Adam liked this comment a couple hours ago . It was the place where he replied to these 2 comments . It seems he went back and read the thread. People keep commenting , attacking the fan who said he can’t do both. It’s like he’s saying stop it already, all is good
Adam hitting F5
7m7 minutes ago
Lilybop Retweeted Noa Domenech
???? #TheOriginalHigh temp DL:
https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1071404607295942656/pu/vid/1280×720/cWNeWlTKgFZCfWVm.mp4?tag=6 …
Adam’s friend Megan Hilty on Lifetime movie Christmas movie tonight “Santa’s Boots”.
Peter Henry Fonda
Verified account @iamfonda
Dec 7
Bohemian Rhapsody… see it! Move with it. It makes A Star Is Born sit down. Bradley Cooper was fantastic but Rami Malek is Queen! Best biopic I’ve seen in a VERY long time. If you didn’t like Queen before, you will never forget them ever again.
Mariana ?
At Queen pop up shop on Carnaby street. What a fan paradise this place is! Like a little museum. Hand written lyric notes and for ex. these costumes for #BohemianRhapsodyMovie
Lilybop @lilybop2010
✨? ✨2019 will be Adam’s year! It already is!
#RhapsodyTour #Era4 ?
Peter Dyer is the keyboardist from TOH tour. He also was in the house band for last year’s American Idol reboot. He’s a great guy and family man.
Hana Frisons
15m15 minutes ago
YAY!!!! @adamlambert is working with Peter Dyer, again!!!!!!!????????? peterkeys88 ig story: ‘Worked with Adam Lambert’s band this week, and @ tybailie is not only a killer keysman, but also a dog whisperer’ – Wow! ig story with Pharaoh, too
DL https://instagram.fhel5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/a17b9e12c827ff2110f07a6c8060c560/5C0E90C2/t51.12442-15/e35/47334289_316290695641536_3301818626284531167_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTkzMDA1MzY1NTgyNzA4MDUyMg%3D%3D.2 …
Of course now we get this:
14m14 minutes ago
Adam’s band for what????
Hana Frisons
6m6 minutes ago
for promo performances, concerts?
5m5 minutes ago
So it’s near?!?!? Maybe after the New Year Eeeeeeep!! I can’t handle it lol
Brian and his friend Tommy Iommi
This person collects Adams high notes. Fun to watch.
The best thing about the first one is those damned “never to be seen again” white pants. Are ya hearing me Mils.
Twickets US
Dec 4
buy and sell at face value only
I hear ya
I feel ya
I remember ya
I remember
How I remember
That Chicago show
Between the white pants
The fringes
And the couch
Chez lounge
Chez long
We lost our freaking minds…
Another coincidence from the past –
Published on May 7, 2015
Adam Lambert and Jimmy play a game of Question! Do you believe in life after love?
Gosh…he looked beautiful in that interview…
Hana Frisons
7m7 minutes ago
screecap of Ty Bailie’s instagram photo ‘Making same righteous noise with
@adamlambert and band, and pulling it all off with only one board (no tracks, no click, rocknroll, kids)Thank Yous to the Gods of Synthesis for @peterkeys88, the Gods of Patience for @KrisPooley … ‘
9m9 minutes ago
VIDEO @adamlambert in Manila Time For Miracles live Instagram gllnmry
27m27 minutes ago
MORE VIDEOS , 2 COMBINED @adamlambert in Manila
thank you again! https://twitter.com/_coma_berenices/status/1071780676771426304 …
1h1 hour ago
Private Event, that’s why fans in Manila didn’t know
12h12 hours ago
New @adamlambert IG story
https://scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/97c8c8df9af15f26a811595ac871a7c4/5C0F9F69/t50.12441-16/47567360_789267594758043_5813780796688502644_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com …
29m29 minutes ago
I uploaded on y/t 4 MINUTES VIDEO
@adamlambert singing If I Had You in Manila tonight
Listen to the screams!
Am confused. So “Adam’s band” went with him to Manila in the last couple of days to do a private event?
eta: Apparently so. What confused me was the date on one of the videos…December 9th which is today but Manila is 12 hours ahead.
49m49 minutes ago
2 VIDEOS COMBINED VIA laserbhim instagram stories
@adamlambert in Manila singing @QueenWillRock Somebody To Love! Killing it on stage!
VIDEO MORE THAN 1 MINUTE @adamlambert in Manila singing @rihanna STAY. SO PRETTY! via jimxrn live instagram
And Jason sky is in Manila at the exact same place where the event is happening! I saw his posts but I didn’t pay attention! Ohhhhhhhh omg!
3h3 hours ago
MANILA?????? https://www.facebook.com/joweldin/posts/10216413389118706?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDCXtQjpZk0NCcR6Y1_d0SGYg0JvW7F4KR5wzjIKzHfg8RxRCixGxA8GScIBgd1sae2f8X0BoJ8hmeAYEbYozPLBXKpHzArlov1J9Lcp4RgvJEE10WecwlUhjz2_qR5RIONU08wWICxCpo5_wTB0Lj68gzdjVIeiOUrOD30PstKqsu3M6etaP0tSMWqK4dKM-Lu4Sn5-xSZUJO09UZGDbsz6LdSIVCgvlH5QlcckBLaYJddFE0uWJYjtuClma0YIs6v_pt3EEA-hcBcPtFUU1eGZqfnYdrI&__tn__=-R …
AND https://www.facebook.com/joweldin/posts/10216410167158159 …
1m1 minute ago
4 PHOTOS @adamlambert performing in Manila tonight
via jimxrn instagram stories and https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLAqmvHbBK/
5h5 hours ago
Replying to @yagirlsof
I jwent only to see Brian & Roger…….I came home a big Adam Lambert fan. Then I took my husband, who’s a lifelong Queen fan. He said Adam would spoil it. Half way through the concert he turned to me & said ‘ that guy’s bloody fantastic!’. As for Brian & Roger … mesmerising!
It’s only 15 seconds
VIDEO @adamlambert singing Wicked Game in Manila tonight http://be.r.am instagram stories
13m13 minutes ago
5 CLIPS COMBINED via thedansir instagram stories @adamlambert in Manila, I Want To Break Free and We Are The Champions
6 CLIPS COMBINED from http://show.suzuki , natali.lebeda and gllnmry instagram stories @adamlambert in Manila performing WWFM, MAD WORLD AND WRTC!
11h11 hours ago
QUEEN NUMBER ONE “Artist 100 Chart” Week on 8th December 2018. https://www.billboard.com/charts/artist-100 … @QueenWillRock @Billboard @mercuryMOTG @DrBrianMay @officialRMT #JohnDeacon
7h7 hours ago
This video is finally available: Nile Rodgers and Chic funk up the Final | Final | The X Factor UK 2018 https://youtu.be/_HBuFyJqfI8 via @YouTube
Wow! Adam looked gorgeous in Manila! Love his outfit, and he gave them a really nice mixed set list from what we saw so far.
There have been so many “please come to the Philippines” comments on Instagram (as well as every other country on the planet) so this was nice, and probably lucrative.
I remember a few years ago an appearance there was canceled because the promoter was dodgy or bankrupt.
36s36 seconds ago
Private event, Adam made the set list
Still amazed how our Christmas Party able to invite Adam Lambert and I’ve got to see him free!! ❤️❤️❤️ #AdamLambet
9h9 hours ago
If you hear 9 positive and 1 negative thing about something it’s the 1 negative that tends to stick for some reason. ?Trying to fix that Found this in the comments of Queen + Adam Lambert IHeartRadio Music Festival 2013 on you tube❤️? This is a true fan of Queen and Freddie imo
Adam’s concert in Manila today: Mad World, If I had You, Whataya Want From Me, Stay, Time for Miracles, Ghost Town, Another Lonely Night, Wicked Game, I Want to Break Free, We Are the Champions, Somebody to Love
He did Let’s Dance too, a fave of mine!
Nice pic!
6m6 minutes ago
Wow the indoor beach club is spectacular. Steve Aoki was hosting an event there last yr this time. 4,500 audience capacity ? http://covemanila.com
OT right now but popping in to say congrats to those who got their QAL 2019 tickets. The duke and I did too but only for Charlotte and here we are in FLORIDA with 2 shows we don’t as yet have tickets for. Somehow my internet provider knows when we’re trying for QAL and causes disruption! 3 times now in 4 or 5 years. And the Ticketmaster “waiting room” with 2000+ in front of you…who knew???
Anyway, please let us know if you hear of any decent seats (and prices) for the Florida concerts and also Atlanta (en route to Charlotte!) Of course, we’ve got 8 months to get this sorted out!!! Thanks, guys.
I know Adam has said in the past he doesn’t want to do a covers album…but I would so love one…of all the songs hes covered over the years like Stay, Believe etc….it would be amazing to have them in great quality!!
Would love to know how much money is paid for a private event with the star having to travel 14 hours. Just in case we can start pooling our money.
My guess a quarter of a million. Maybe too low.
Supposedly that’s Adam Ross, lead guitarist for TOH tour on Adam’s left. He’s hard to see but when you get a glimpse you can see his hat and stance. TOH had a great back up band!