- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
17h17 hours ago
Feelings, Adam Lambert you are doin it perfectly, Love you ???
Ready for the summer tour! I updated the spreadsheet in the Queen+AL – Concert Planning Thread (Site Members Only). You can go there and share your concert dates and arrange ALL-get-togethers. Good luck getting tickets tomorrow!
I never heard Adam say this
8m8 minutes ago
NEW PHOTO from @adamlambert instagram stories
Thnx @RyanTedder ! Shouldabeenasingle
“Sleepwalker ”
For Your Entertainment Album
Verified account @playbill
3m3 minutes ago
.@EdenEspinosa will celebrate her upcoming album release with a New York City concert in January: http://bit.ly/eden-espinosa-will-celebrate-album-release-with-new-york-city-concert …
5m5 minutes ago
New @adamlambert IG story
https://scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/db62df6a0feb66ec01a7876363e4967a/5C0AFDC0/t50.12441-16/47566987_268327783865006_5490430888421880900_n.mp4 …
New @adamlambert IG story #3 https://scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/98d6e4c3ccb2e17d98955762a171732d/5C0ACD72/t50.12441-16/47436262_128080821524796_135884792237626489_n.mp4 …
Any ideas yet on who us trying for what cities tomorrow?
I’m thinking Chicago and St Paul and Toronto
PattiHum @PattiHum
Should the fact that his last 3 video IG songs were, WWFM, Time For Miracles, and Mad World be of concern?
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
1m1 minute ago
A Red Special signing day ! In time for somebody’s Christmas stocking !! #Brianmayguitars Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBVvDDBGKD/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=8ogz9o9wz3n2 …
12m12 minutes ago
TALCvids Retweeted coma berenices
Adam Lambert joins On Air With Mario with the scoop on his upcoming Queen tour ?
mmm, while its great that its on tv….these presenters are certainly giving off the vibe that they are only touring because of the movie, and that its Adams first time…not that its been happening for 6 years!!
Adam’s on from about 8:00 to 12:15 on Lopez –
NPR’s Ask Me Another @NPRAskMeAnother
We are one (1) (☝?) (1⃣) week away from our ?San Diego, CA ☀️ roadshow @SDBalboa on December 12th!
With *very special guests* Grammy Award-nominated singer and songwriter @adamlambert ? AND skateboarding legend @tonyhawk ?!
Get tickets here: ✨ bit.ly/2DrEQWK ✨
6/24 December chibi#adamlambert #fanart
2h2 hours ago
Well, this is a pisser! Just talked to @Ticketmaster ( A day BEFORE presale) and Rep said most of the floor tickets are bought and the ones for sale are in the $800s! Vendors now selling floor seats for $1000s! #adamlambert #BohemianRhapsody @QueenWillRock
♥ Adam Lambert ALFC
8m8 minutes ago
Thanks to @joe_mazzello’s IG ~ The original #BoNap
You guys are going to have a field day with this.
https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambertFanClub/photos/a.321696614090/10156305946939091/?type=3&theater …
13m13 minutes ago
Important – these aren’t real, they’re speculative
Best of luck to people buying tickets tomorrow.
Which is your favourite chibi so far? /? December chibi
#adamlambert #fanart
“Believe” Adam Lambert Honors Cher Dec. 2, 2018 HD (1:54 min)
Beautiful orchestral arrangement – anyone know how that might have been done – any input from Adam – his voice and that glorious sound behind him – sublime –
Can someone please tell me the start time for the early ticket sales. I’m in Mountain Standard Time.
I just found the times.
Golden Globe nominations:
Ramii Malek: best actor in a Drama
Bohemian Rhapsody: Best drama
Not bad if you ask me!! But they are against Bradley Cooper & A Star is Born so…..
Hey Al…as you can see up top image is gone.
I believe Troye Sivan and co-writers got a nomination for best original music for Boy Erased.
Darren Criss nominated for Assassination of Gianni Versace
This is from the ticketmaster fan club site. Not 10:00 est.
Now I’m confused.
8h8 hours ago
New @adamlambert IG story
https://scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/07f1a66cd0d1422f364144ad2c006a63/5C0B54A2/t50.12441-16/47371008_2213309918924602_7730821263061980499_n.mp4 …
7m7 minutes ago
The waiting room says it will “randomly assign a place in line to shop for tickets”
2 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Susie Fierce
5m5 minutes ago
Is that Ticketmaster or another seller?
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
5m5 minutes ago
7m7 minutes ago
WAIT…ADAM LAMBERT was robbed! He DEF shoulda gotten a #GoldenGlobe nomination for #Best5Seconds in a motion picture! ??? #BohemianRhapsody #TruckDriver #BestCameo #GoldenGlobes
18h18 hours ago
Tired of seeing statement”no one can replace Freddie.” No shit! Agree! On the other hand, NO ONE CAN REPLACE ADAM LAMBERT either. Want proof? Google up, YouTube him, or ask what the legendary Brian May and Roger Taylor would say about him. Show some decencies! There, I Said It!
Adam’s good old friend Amber left a comment under his Strictly ig post
“Yes! Miss hearing this voice down the hall in LA and in our cabin on ships ❤️”
(these are photos from their cruise ship days)
He was singing everywhere ???❤️
Nice picture
Dec 5
“Yeah, I don’t think we’d want to work with anybody else after working with Adam…” – Roger Taylor #adamlambert #glamberts #queenberts
Yay! I bought my tickets for NYC, Philadelphia and DC through the fan site. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us for this tour!
What the crap! I’m an official member of the fan site. My password isn’t complying. I have to wait 24 hours.
Just purchased new membership this morning.
Trying to get pre-sale code word?
West coast Pre-sale
Murphy is on my back today!
ETA: There is always tomorrow?
Hadn’t noticed!

It seems that a few of the photos in the slide show were no longer available so the whole link was broken. I redid it and fortunately, the main photo was still free for non-commercial use!
16m16 minutes ago
I feel like I’ve been through a ticketing tornado lol! 2.5 hours ??this, ladies and gentleman, is the remains at msg!
I just bought tickets through Adam’s fan site, for Fort Lauderdale and Tampa. Easy peasy! Adam’s code only allows 8 seats, so I put in the Queen code and got 2 more without even changing sites. It allowed seat selection easily. Prices from $45 to $170, so not so bad, I thought. Not trying to be in first row or anything, so bought seats in first level facing stage for $120. Now to sell all my extremities in case Adam decides to tour before July. Extremely overused legs, arms, anyone???
4m4 minutes ago
Hey, @Ticketmaster which genius thought up your “waiting room” fiasco? http://Get.Rid.Of.It !
(I saw on twitter people saying the waiting room opened up 1/2 hour before the official sale time…who knew?)
How do you get the code, riskylady – haven’t gotten any emails with the code ?
Susie Fierce
12m12 minutes ago
Replying to @Lynneville @tinafeapf and
Almost all of L.A.’s VIP are already sold. There will be a demand!
This is my case as well! Tried to go to the Queen official website, and there are too many new ones, to find the right one.
Frustrated for sure!
3m3 minutes ago
Adam Lambert IG story photo
For Adam’s code, you have to log in as a member using the Adam Lambert Official Fanclub link on the upper right here, then click on Dashboard and scroll down, the code is personalized and is at the bottom.
For Queen, they emailed the code to the fanclub members.
Maybe you haven’t renewed? It’s hard to keep track, the Queen person is pretty disorganized and just sends out notices for everybody to renew at once.
Do you guys belong to the fan club? That’s where the codes come from. And they can’t be shared. If you do belong maybe it’s expired? You’d have to join or renew then you’d get the code from the site (dashboard).
Verified account @adamlambert
Pre-sale access for fan club members is now live!! Can’t wait to see you guys on #TheRhapsodyTour ✨ All tickets go onsale at 10am local time tomorrow!! @QueenWillRock http://adamlambertfans.com
1m1 minute ago
New @adamlambert FB post
https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambert/photos/a.453778728650/10156177333328651/?type=3&theater …
Oh, I forgot the rest.
DONT LOG OUT of the Fanclub site. Once you get your code from the Dashboard (link is in upper right corner) then go and click on EVENTS. The concert list comes up and just click on the one you want and it takes you right to the ticket page in TM. You just put in your code, click on the little lock, and it unlocks the available seats. Once you choose, then TM will ask you to log in to finish your purchase.
About those @ queen and Adam Lambert tickets for Los Angeles.. Mmmm no not happening yet. Will take sec. 124 /125 first two rows for less than a kidney.