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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Gary Webster
Verified account @RealGaryWebster
4h4 hours ago
Replying to @deebee85david
I believe yes. It’s the interpretation & emotional truth. I think he has it. Sinatra was the King of interpretation of a song as was Nat King Cole you believe the story they told. Think @adamlambert is doing it now and this performance seems to have opened world’s eyes.??✌✌
2h2 hours ago
@adamlambert inside the After-Party at On The Record Speakeasy And Club for @ladygaga ‘s new Enigma residency in Vegas
https://news3lv.com/news/local/photos-after-party-celebrating-lady-gaga-residency-at-on-the-record-inside-park-mgm …
(Adam’s bodyguard to his left?)
Luke Easton
4h4 hours ago
I don’t know. Maybe Adams Talent needs a certain level of melody that challenges him. Same with Queen. Not just anyone can just do Queen. You need a massive voice and endurance.
11h11 hours ago
Lilybop Retweeted coma berenices
Adam Lambert: The American Idol alum kept the party going after the opening night of Lady Gaga’s Las Vegas residency, Enigma, at Park MGM’s Park Theater, as he and other celebs flocked to the official after-party at Houston Hospitality’s new speakeasy and club, On The Record.
Miss Know It All
Dec 28
The double standards in the music industry has been staggering to watch since 2009. It is a popularity contest, 99% of the popular artists today cannot sing live & their recordings are smothered in auto tune. I’m glad Adam Lambert is true to himself. There, I said it.
20h20 hours ago
My dad’s retired and he’s been a lifelong choir singer. I made him listen to @adamlambert’s rendition of Believe, told him first what the lyrics are about. He was thoroughly moved and said ’a pop singer with that kind of a voice and control, so rare’. Indeed.
(one reply)
Replying to @nanahs11 @dianik_bg @adamlambert
But we know he’s no ordinary pop singer…he’s an operatically trained theatrical virtuoso.
5h5 hours ago
But as out-of-this-world fantastic as Believe is, don’t for one second think that @adamlambert won’t ever outdo himself. That’s a rookie mistake. His entire professional career, theater included, is rife with mind-blowing performances. The passage of time only strengthens him.
In other words, @adamlambert is likely only gonna get better, folks. And that’s not just wishful fan thinking, that’s a projection of his future based on the years of stunning work he’s already gifted us with. He’s the real, legit deal.
Dec 29
.@adamlambert. Do you know what you’ve done? Your country is in dire need of something to believe in right now & you’ve given it an incredible gift. The stars have aligned & Americans are coming together around *you*. No controversy this time, just a halo of goodwill. #Believe
This rag got it wrong
World Weekly News
8h8 hours ago
Adam Lambert’s Quilt of “Think” Was So Honest, It Brought Cher to Tears – POPSUGAR https://www.worldweeklynews.com/2018/12/30/adam-lamberts-quilt-of-think-was-so-honest-it-brought-cher-to-tears-popsugar/ …
Private jet (ahhh the life!)
9h9 hours ago
jskystyle’s IG story #2: “jetsuitex is perfection! So convenient. So chic.”
https://scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/31ea1ac21ed8e69a7afbec155fe08dfe/5C2B1A6B/t51.12442-15/e35/47233021_2192515127657236_849510292242537710_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com …
Kιℓℓεr Quεεn
9h9 hours ago
Part of me gets pissed when we suddenly get attention on our idol.
I’ll tell you why
He is always been amazing
We are not surprised by the Cher Tribute because it’s our “usual” with him
The fact that people see him so great ONLY when he covers people’s stuff is fucking annoying
4h4 hours ago
Replying to @BeatsOfLambert
Not for me. I couldn’t be happier. Trying to establish himself as a mainstream artist has been a long and hard battle for him. Every time he gets in the public eye is a victory. And an opportunity to get more projects and find his space in the industry.
Almost 3 millions of views now for the performance of “Believe” by @adamlambert!!! Lots of comments running on media yet, 4 days after! The deep impression he left with this single act seems to have caught lots of attention, hearts, and minds in a remarkable way.
And there we go… ?.???.??? ????? for @adamlambert’s performance of “Believe”. ???
Cher s “Believe” by @adamlambert #KennedyCenterHonors
How can he sing so beautiful? ? Very true that
“once I m in I own your heart”
“Don’t Be Dumb at Brunch: Dropped Jaws for Adam Lambert, George Michael’s Lasting Impact”
“1. Yes, Adam, We Believe”
“We’ll keep this short. This week, The Kennedy Honors paid tribute to the incomparable Cher among a few others. Adam Lambert was there and the above video happened.”
From jennmazur IG…??
Ran into the very talented (& stylish) @adamlambert at #Gaga #Enigma residency opener. #TheParkMGM #Vegas
What a beautiful pic ..X x
shoshanna stone
1h1 hour ago
Yes I am still going on about this, so much so i am even boring the artist
“Believe” 3,138,539 views
Deborah Sampson
48m48 minutes ago
Having heard that Adam Lambert version of Cher’s ‘Believe’ at Kennedy Center Honors gave me idea. He should do a cover album of all horrible pop songs to make then listenable.
Hmm, I’m not one for wanting Believe released in any way or form. It’s still a cover of someone else’s song. My wish is for the momentum of viral video/articles it garnered to have renewed interest in Adam so that when HIS new single arrives, it smashes
Don’t know if I agree with this. It can be both. And it’s his so-called fans that end up hating his new music.
What a sight.
Where he belongs –
Side by side…Elvis/Adam & Pricilla
And others
??????? ????
1h1 hour ago
From jennmazur IG…??
Ran into the very talented (& stylish) @adamlambert at #Gaga #Enigma residency opener. #TheParkMGM #Vegas
I don’t remember this. Maybe some of you have
DJ DigiMark
2h2 hours ago
Upon request, I have re-posted my #AdamLambert vs #Prince mashup of Erotic City vs Cuckoo that I made a few years ago. Enjoy!
http://djdigimark.com/videos_list/adam-lambert-vs-prince-cuckoo-dj-digimarks-erotic-mixmash/ … #mashup
Looking at this, I wonder if Jason as stylist is responsible for the unflattering facial hair (almost exactly like his) on Adam…the pointy beard distorting his gorgeous face, the shaggy mustache covering the beautiful lips, too much heavy dark facial hair for such a great face. If so, he has no acknowledgement of that gorgeous face as part of Adam’s brand, the covers on his 3 albums. Grrrrrrr.
What is fine on Jason is not FINE on Adam.
My fave by Digimark, Adam and Freddie, Trespassing
Brian liked it.
Think you may be right about the facial hair, riskylady
1h1 hour ago
i know A LOT of people don’t like adam lambert but for those who DO, y’all are the epitome of taste. you will BEAT natural selection while the others die off. you ARE the dominant race. you WILL live a long and fulfilled life. thank you for your great contributions to this earth
8m8 minutes ago
You KNOW what to do ✨✨
“kennedycenter Time flies. What was your most memorable performance experience this year?” https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBR_qBnn69/
I absolutely hate raw celery too HKfan. I don’t like his current hair/beard look either and I am also not fond of Gucci either. Just gave away a Gucci perfume someone gave me.
I was still awake luval. You know me too well.
haha…you two and your hate of raw celery. I love it! Celery with cream cheese, celery with peanut butter, breaded and friend celery, chopped celery in potato salad, celery in tuna salad, celery in dips. To keep on topic, I think Adam likes celery too!

It would be interesting to see if Jason styles other men and gives them the same look. Wouldn’t be surprised. I used to go to a hairdresser who cut the same hair style on every woman who went in. It became so obvious after a while.
( I know this because 2 of my friends also went to this lady and noticed the same thing).
About Gucci. I will join you guys and say I don’t like it either.
People are trying to get Ghost Town to 100 million by the end of 2018. It’s getting there.
15m15 minutes ago
Thanks #Glamberts ???
NASA New Horizons
In less than 48 hours, New Horizons will make history! The team at @JHUAPL is preparing for the #NewYears flyby of #UltimaThule, the farthest object explored by a spacecraft ever – 4 billion miles from the Sun and ~1 billion miles from Pluto.
His hair and facial hair is perfect in this picture
Yes, sigh, beautiful.
I’m tempted to message Jason and plead with him to rescue Adam’s face (probably from Adam himself) for the good of the fandom and his brand…..but I fear Adam’s wrath lol. Remember he answered one girl on Instagram that “this is what I want to do with my face right now!”
This is the same guy who told Byron Cooke in Australia he couldn’t date him because Byron’s stubble would give his tender skin beard-burn.
This convo between Sia’s manager and Darren
Annie B ? ?♀️ ? ❤ ? ? ?♀️ ?
Replying to @14gelly
I love it when people with real gravity in the business talk about Adam? They know…….
INFO|@adamlambert liked a friend’s comment on his post:”Did Pharaoh (?) take this video?” – Thanks, Pharaoh! ?
Almost 3.4 Million views now.
Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul was sitting behind Nancy
and next to Cher’s sister so that was probably who she
was mouthing “Just wow” to.
Just saw picture of Adam & Katy on the Today show. They were talking about GaGa’ residency opening.
this pic:
Sounds like something Adam might say.
3h3 hours ago
Gelly Retweeted Hans Ebert Music
An amazing article about @adamlambert’s BRILLIANT interpretation of “Believe” honoring @Cher at #KennedyCenterHonors
” It’s a magnificent version. A brilliant tribute to Cher. He draws you into the song and holds you there.”
Terrance and his boyfriend flew to LA yesterday. Maybe an Adam NYE’s party?
David Michael
18h18 hours ago
The fact is, @AdamLambert’s TRESPASSING (2012) is one of the best pop records of the millennium. Absolutely top 20. I’m willing to write a thesis on this
Also when I met him at Here Lounge (RIP ?) I felt the need to tell him I love his song Naked Love ? it was quite a moment. Sweetest and most genuine famous person I ever met in LA
yup…Marla Maples
marla maples
Verified account @itsmarlamaples
Dec 26
@adamlambert for Cher #doyoubelieveinlifeafterlove speechless …all heart. What a gift of music & song. Emotion beyond…#KennedyCenterHonors
Verified account @Variety
16h16 hours ago
#BohemianRhapsody crossed $700 million worldwide http://bit.ly/2QVZlDh
He’s getting ready for Ulti mathule
ParkMGM replied to Adam.
Park MGM @parkmgm
We’re so happy you came!